Wow! And you're right, Army, this is by NO means, a purely Australian problem. I'm sure it is pervasive in other countries, in fact, I shouldn't say it that way. It IS pervasive in other places too!
Reading that article, I always remember that Australian movie from the 1990s, Black Rock. It starred a young Heath Ledger before he became big in Hollywood, and was apparently based on a real-life incident. The movie also created a bit of controversy in that it portrayed, rather graphically too, the gangrape of a 15 year-old girl on a beach, and who was later found murdered. Heath played the character of a teenage boy, who was not involved in the gangrape, but managed to secretly witness the entire thing, unknown to the gang of boys who perpetrated it. He would not go to the police for fear they would think he was the one who murdered her, since he was actually the last person to see her alive.
It was a great movie, I thought, but at the time created some uproar over the filming of the rape scene, as the 15 year old victim was actually played by a teenage actress and so there was lots of talk about it being child pornography and all that kind of thing. But it did raise some concerns about teenage culture in Australia at the time with its graphic and disturbing portrayals of teenage drinking, drug use and sex.