January 2021 Writing Competition
Yes, I'm putting this up early. I intend to start putting the competition up a bit before the end of the month.
Write a story between 2500 and 6000 words. Enter between the 1st day and the last day of January. It should be a complete story, you know, a beginning, middle, and end. Place make this the first posting of the story. It may be part of a larger story, as long as the tale has a beginning, middle, and end. Post the story in its proper category and post a link and a short description in this thread.
You can use any, all, or none of the following to stir your imagination. They are only prompts, not items that must be included in the contest entry.
1. A girl or boy and her/his single father decides to camp out in the woods, sharing a small tent together. One cold night, she notices that her father has a different kind of tent for her.
2. A girl or guy has a crush on her college psychology professor. He or she asked her or him to meet in their office to discuss recommending her or him for an important scholarship
3. After divorcing her high school sweetheart and husband of 15 years, the woman decides she's ready to have some fun. She dresses in her sexiest outfit and heads out to a local dive bar, where she attracts the attention of sexy strangers vying for her affections.
4. College professor accidentally locks herself out of her townhouse and ask the bad-boy biker next door for help.
Let your imagination run wild and give us the best piece you can.