Author Topic: Great ideas, bad timing  (Read 560 times)

Offline Army of One

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Great ideas, bad timing
« on: November 01, 2020, 08:30:29 PM »
This is more roleplay-oriented, but I'm putting it here because of theplanning required, which does involve narration.

Now, I am kicking myself because, yesterday, I had a great idea for doing a fun little RP activity for the site...on what was, for me, the day after Halloween. And while I could try the idea again next year (and will tell it here so I don't forget), it still feels like I missed an opportunity.

Like I said, this was a roleplay idea, but more along the dice-based roleplay line (like D&D or its ilk, which I know some of us either play or have shown an interest in). It is based in a largely abandoned circus on an island, which is still populated by some clowns. Feel free to let your imagination go from there.

Now, I realised yesterday as well that this sounds similar to a story already on the site (can't remember the title, but I think it was a Yellow Knight tale), and as such I was hesitent to put this post up yesterday. But I think it would be something I would've loved to try this year, had I had the idea earlier.
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Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Great ideas, bad timing
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2020, 02:57:46 PM »
Well, look at the bright side.  You've got an idea for next year.
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline Army of One

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Re: Great ideas, bad timing
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2020, 04:42:04 PM »
Well, look at the bright side.  You've got an idea for next year.
That is true.
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

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Re: Great ideas, bad timing
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2020, 09:49:07 AM »
You're right Army of One, YellowKnight and Kylie created an incredibly vivid Carnival of Terror story. Recently, I've also read Jessica33's 'Vile Gamer' and her story sounds similar to your idea if I understand correctly. Of course, your own Drow Menzobaranzan (spelling?) story as well! I haven't read Forgotten Realms but know OF it. I just haven't had time to post my feedback to both excellent tales yet.

But you know.... you don't have to keep your idea to Halloween. What if there were several intrepid RU explorers who really wanted to expose Santa for who he is? 'He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows if you've been bad or good' after all... sounds kind of creepy...   With his army of elves (plus scary clowns who put on 'shows' for entertainment) and 1-in-6 chances, they will have long odds of getting out. Not to mention Mrs. Claus. That is....  if some of them really want to get out...  ehem Betrayal on Haunted Hill board game....  
« Last Edit: November 09, 2020, 07:04:16 PM by Petite99S »