Author Topic: Trick And Treat (MF, non-con, oral, anal, bond, viol, FF, MFF in a montage)  (Read 4119 times)

Offline LtBroccoli

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Lt. Broccoli

Author’s Note:  This is a work of fiction.  All characters and locations are made up.  The acts portrayed are also fictional.  Rape is wrong, racism is wrong, violence is wrong.  Also, this is presented in a modified screenplay format.  I'm still working on making it look like a proper film script without spending as long formatting it with this markup tool.



A well-lit living room in a suburban house.  There are pictures of people and pets hanging on the wall.  The room is furnished with a nice sofa and chairs.  Several Halloween decorations adorns the walls.  The television plays a scary movie.  A table sits by the door with a bowl of candy on it. 

The doorbell RINGS.  RALPH, a middle-aged balding man stands up from the couch.  He wears a sweater over a dress shirt and a pair of khakis with loafers.  His wire-rimmed glasses make him look older than he is.

RALPH grabs the bowl of candy from the table and opens the door.  A bunch of TRICK OR TREATERS dressed in various costumes beam with excitement.

Trick or treat!

Ralph holds out the bowl of candy.

Here you go.

Each of the kids grab a handful of candy.

Thank you.

You’re welcome.

Ralph closes the door.

- Ralph hands out more candy.
- More Trick or Treaters show up.
- Ralph’s eyes linger on some of the older kids and younger women.
- A picture of a clock.
- More candy, more kids.
- Ralph’s eyes linger on some of the older kids and younger women again.
- More time passes.

Ralph is watching another movie on the television.  The doorbell RINGS.  The clock shows 7:58, just a couple minutes until the end of trick or treating.  He gets up, bowl of candy in hand.

Ralph opens the door.

A young woman stands on the porch.  JESSICA stands about 5’6” with long brown hair tied in two pigtail braids.  She wears a ‘Slutty Dorothy’ costume which shows off her legs.  A pair of blue and white stockings go to her knees while the skirt of the dress ends right at the bottom of her ass.  Her tits, which are a healthy C-cup, are pushed together in this costume.  She has big brown eyes and some makeup on, trying to make her look more like the character.  She carried a small purse with her.

Ralph holds the bowl.  Jessica doesn’t move.

Aren’t you a little old for trick or treating?

Could you help?  I’m on my way to a party and I got lost, and my phone died.  Could I charge my phone for a little bit so I can call for a ride?

Ralph looked around the porch.  Jessica was alone.

Sure, come on in.

Ralph held the door open for Jessica as she walked into his house.  He gave her a once over with his eyes, ending on her ass.  He closed the door behind them.

Where can I charge up at?

In the hallway, I have a charging station by the bathroom door.

Jessica looked around.  Ralph put the candy bowl down.

Which way?

Down that hall, between the first and second doors on the left.

Thanks.  Could I use the bathroom while I’m there?

Sure, go ahead.

Ralph watched as Jessica walked down the hallway.  He heard the door CLOSE and LOCK.

Ralph looked out the window once again.  No one on the porch, no one waiting outside.

Ralph smiled.  He locked the front door and turned off the outside lights.  He then walked to the edge of the hallway and flicked a light-switch off.


The charging station in the hallway powers off.  Jessica’s phone shows 1% charge.


Ralph opens a drawer in the table the candy bowl sat on and pulled out a small pistol.  He stuffed it inside of his pant waist.

He left the bedroom and made his way down the hallway.


Ralph entered his bedroom.  It was sparsely decorated with a dresser in front of his king-sized bed.  He jumped over to one of the two end tables and pulled out two pairs of handcuffs and a set of keys.

He connects one set of handcuffs to the headboard and puts the others in them, creating a pivot point.  He puts a pillow over top of the cuffs on the headboard.

Ralph grabs a sock out of his drawer and puts it in his pocket.  He leaves the bedroom.


Ralph sits on the couch, trying to look comfortable.  FLUSHING and SOUNDS OF WATER are heard from the bathroom, followed by the door opening.

Dammit!  Still dead.

Jessica enters the living room and sits down.

What’s up?

Phone’s still dead.  Taking it’s sweet time charging.  Might be a couple more minutes.  By the way, I’m Jessica.

Ralph.  Nice to meet you.

The two shake hands.  Jessica turns to the television.  Ralph checks out her legs out of the corner of his eye.

What’re you watching?

Not sure, some scary movie marathon.  Want something to eat or drink?  Got a bunch of candy still.

No thanks.

Jessica looks around the living room, trying to find something to talk about.

So, any family?

Yep.  Wife took the kids out trick or treating, then dropping them off at a party.  Should be back anytime.

Jessica’s shoulders loosened a bit at the mention of his wife.

A beat.

Jessica gets up and goes to the hallway to get her phone.  Ralph waits a few seconds and follows her.


Jessica is playing around with the phone and Ralph’s charging station.  For some reason she can’t get it to charge.

Ralph quietly flips the hallway switch, bringing power back to the charging station.


Ralph grabs the sock in left pocket and the gun in his right.  He’s on her in a flash, left hand over her mouth and right hand in her back.

Jessica SCREAMS, her eyes going wide open.

Feel that?

Ralph pokes her in the back with his gun.  Jessica nods.

Good.  Scream and you’re dead.  Don’t listen and I will fuck you up.  Got it?

Jessica cried, frozen in place with fear.


Jessica nodded.

Good.  Through that open door.  Slowly.

Ralph and Jessica walk slowly down the hallway to Ralph’s bedroom.

Jessica enters the room first, with Ralph’s hand around her mouth.  He walks her to the edge of the bed, then shoves the sock in her mouth and pushes her down on the bed. 

Before she can react, he jumps on top of her.

Ralph has the gun now pointed to the back of her head.

Arms up, toward the headboard.

Jessica moves her arms to the top of the bed.  Ralph moves the pillow, showing the handcuffs.  He snaps the cuffs around her slender wrists. 

Good, good.

Ralph kneels over Jessica, who is face down on the bed.  He shimmies back, planting his weight over the top of her legs.  He strokes her back and sides.  He puts the gun down on the nightstand.  Ralph strokes and rubs Jessica’s costume covered body as she cries into her gag.

I think it’s time we play a little.

Ralph shifted his weight so he could slide further down her body.  Jessica squirmed, hopelessly trying to get away from his touch.  As she did, Ralph slapped her ass hard.

That’s against the rules.  Time to get these out of the way.

Ralph slid his hands under her skirt and grabbed her blue and white matching panties.  He pulled at them a couple times until he was able to get them to slide off.

Once he exposed her ass, Ralph bit her left asscheek.  Jessica squealed.

What to do, what to do.  What should I fuck first?  Maybe this sweet little ass of yours, huh?

Ralph slapped her ass.  Jessica cried.

Maybe later.  Right now...

Ralph grabbed the top of her costume in the back and pulled the zipper down.  Pulling it opened exposed a strapless bra.  Ralph unclipped the bra.

He stood up and flipped her over so that she was laying on her back.  Jessica’s eyes were wide with fear and her tears started to cause her makeup to run.  Her ‘Slutty Dorothy’ costume was loosened, slightly exposing her tits.

Ralph sat back down on top of Jessica, rubbing his hands over her body.

Right now babe, I want to look you in those pretty eyes while I fuck you.

Jessica SCREAMS into her gag.  Ralph grabs her costume and tries to pull it up and over her body.  She fights back, squirming and trying to stop him.  He SLAPS her, hard across the face, leaving her cheek red.

The slap stuns Jessica, and lets Ralph pull the costume up her body and over her arms.  He bunches it at the headboard.  He grabs the bra and throws that to the side.

Ralph takes a moment to appreciate Jessica’s body.

He then unbuttons his sweater, followed by his dress shirt.

God, you are amazing.  I can’t even remember the last time I had sex with someone this good looking.

Ralph removed his dress shirt, then bends down to kiss Jessica.  She tries to move out of the way, but Ralph grabs her hair in holds her head in place.  He kisses her all over her face, then down her neck.  He makes his way down to her breasts, where he sucks on and bites her nipples, mauling her C-cup breasts with his hands.

Jessica cries into her gag, trying to scream but unable to form words.

Ralph spends a good bit of time playing and sucking on her titties.  He stops kissing them and slides down her body, kissing her belly down to her belly button.  She tries to get her foot free, but can’t.  Ralph slaps her hard in the stomach.  And again, and again, and again.

You need to behave yourself, or this’ll end really bad for you.

Ralph slides up and grabs the gun.  He puts it to her head.

Really, really bad.  Got it, bitch?

Jessica cries but nods her head.  Ralph puts the gun down again.  He undoes his belt and pants, pulling the belt out of the loops.  He puts it on the bed next to her.

Now, where was I?

Ralph looks down at Jessica and her clean-shaven pussy.  He pets it with his hand.

Now, now, who’s the little slut?

Ralph slapped the top of her mound.  Jessica yelped.

He stood up and pulled off his pants and boxers.  The only thing he wore was his white undershirt, and soon that came off, too.

Jessica was naked except for her white and blue knee socks and her ruby red slippers.

Ralph approached the bed, but Jessica pulled back, trying to protect herself by pulling her knees up to her chest.  Ralph grabbed the belt and started whipping her across her back and sides.

No, No, No, No, NO!

He whipped her with his belt after each time he said no.  Jessica was screaming bloody murder into her gag as welts started to form on her smooth skin.

Ralph grabbed her left foot and pulled her leg over to the side.  She flinched for a second.  He whipped her pussy with the belt.

Jessica let out an ear-piercing WAIL in her gag.  Snot and tears flowed from her face.

That looked like it hurt, let me make it feel better.

Ralph grabbed Jessica’s legs and spread them apart.  She didn’t fight this time.  He kneeled down and moved onto the bed, head in her crotch.  He started eating her pussy.

Ralph greedily licked her twat, finger fucking her as well.  Jessica’s breathing quickened as the crying continued.

After a few minutes, he stood up and climbed on the bed.  Ralph kissed her as best as he could, making sure she smelled her own pussy on his breath.

Looks like it’s time to go to Oz.

Laying on top of her, Ralph lined his dick up with Jessica’s pussy and pushed in.  He grunted as he felt her around him, felt how smooth she felt inside.

Ralph slowly thrusted in and out of Jessica, taking his time and enjoying the rape.

Jessica turned her head, trying to avoid eye contact.  She tried to pretend she was somewhere else, anywhere else, but it didn’t help.

When Ralph saw her head turned, he grabbed her hair and held her head up to his.

Look at me while I’m fucking you!

Ralph picked up the pace, fucking her faster and faster as Jessica cried more and more, her makeup turning into a mask of runny tears.

He pulled her legs up around his body, forcing her to wrap her nylon-covered calves around his torso.  He stroked her legs while doing so, loving the feel of the nylon knee-socks.

Ralph kept a steady pace for several minutes until his thrusts got more and more out of rhythm.  He was coming close to cumming.

Think long and hard about this.  You want me to cum in your pussy?  Do you?  Want me to cum in your little cunt, you little cunt?

Jessica shook her head wildly, indicating no.

You sure?

Jessica nodded frantically.

Okay, have it your way.

Ralph pulled out of Jessica’s pussy.  She sighed a quick breath of relief.  That relief was short lived as Ralph pushed her legs further back towards her head, exposing her ass.

Ralph held his dick with his free hand and lined it up with her sphincter.  He pushed into her shitter.  She squealed in agony.

You said don’t cum in your pussy, now you don’t want me in your ass?

Ralph pushed harder and harder, until his dick was all the way to the base in her ass.  Jessica was screaming in pain into her gag.

You don’t get any more choices.  You have to beg me to fuck your face or I’ll keep fucking your ass.

Jessica yelled into her gag, but it was hard to make out.  Ralph reached over in between thrusts and pulled the gag out.

What do you have to say?

Oww, oww, please stop, please stop.

Not what I want to hear.

Ralph went to push the gag back into her mouth

Wait, wait! Please fuck my face.  I’ll do anything, stop fucking my ass and please, please fuck my face!

If you insist.

Ralph pulled out of Jessica’s face, much to both of their relief.  He crawled up her body, grabbing both the belt off of the bed and the gun off of the headboard.

He slipped the belt over her head and around her neck.  He held the belt in his left hand and the gun in his right.  Ralph put the tip of the gun up against her head.

Remember, you bite, you die.  Open.

Jessica opened her mouth.  The smell of her ass and pussy mixed on Ralph’s dick caused her to recoil for an instant, but doing so caused the belt to tighten.  She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out.

Ralph ran his dick over her tongue for a minute, making sure that she got a good taste of everything.  Once he started getting a rhythm going and was convinced she wasn’t going to bite him, he started fucking her face.

Jessica coughed and gagged as Ralph fucked her face with abandon.  He grabbed her pigtails and held them like handles, fucking her mouth hard and fast.

She could barely keep up.  He raped her mouth just like he raped her pussy and ass.  As he got closer to cumming, he’d hold himself in place buried fully in her mouth, cutting off her air supply.  After a couple times of this her struggles and cries became less and less as she feared she would pass out.

Here it comes!

Ralph pulled both of Jessica’s pigtails as hard as he could, bottoming out in her mouth as he blasted his semen in her mouth and down her throat.  Jet after jet of cum splashed its way into and down her mouth.

Ralph held her in place, forcing her to swallow or suffocate.  Jessica kicked and bucked, nearly passing out from the lack of oxygen until Ralph felt her reflexively swallow.  He relaxed his grip just enough to let her breathe.

Ralph looked down at Jessica’s face.  It was a beautiful mess.  Runny makeup, tears, snot, slobber, and some semen covered her, while his dick remained buried in her mouth.

Off in the distance, he heard the familiar voice of his wife, Carol.

Ralph.  Ralph.  RALPH!!!


Ralph snaps to.  He’s in a Shenanigan’s Restaurant, that place with the cheese sticks and all the stupid shit on the walls.  He is holding a menu, and looks around to get his bearings.

Halloween decorations festoon the walls of the restaurant.  Several staff members are wearing costumes instead of their normal uniforms.

Sitting in the booth across from him is his wife Carol.  She’s a middle-aged woman with graying hair and a build that is thick from age and too many desserts.  She’s dressed conservatively.

Standing at the end of the table is Jessica, dressed in a ‘Slutty Dorothy’ costume and holding a paper notepad.  She looks at Ralph disinterestedly.

Ralph, you there?

Yeah, yeah.  I’ll have a Miller Lite to drink, tall.

And you ma’am?

Same thing.

Ready to order yet?  Maybe an appetizer?

A large order of cheese sticks.

Jessica writes down their order thus far and leaves.  Ralph takes a long, hard look at her ass as she leaves and goes to another table.

Carol catches him staring, and clears her throat.

Ralph looks at her, a little embarrassed.

I think our waitress is really nice.

Carol takes a look over at Jessica bending over to talk to another family giving their order.


- Carol hands out more candy.
- More Trick or Treaters show up.
- Jessica shows up at the door.
- Carol cuffs Jessica to the bed.
- Carol rips off Jessica’s clothes.
- She beats Jessica’s tits and ass.
- Carol fists Jessica.
- Carol eats out Jessica.
- Carol sits on Jessica’s face and forces the young woman to eat her out.
- Carol and Ralph spit roast Jessica, kissing each other over the crying young woman.


Carol comes back to the present day after looking at the pretty young Jessica.

Yes Ralph, very lovely.

Carol gives her husband an evil grin and reaches across the table.  They hold hands.


Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

  • Guest
What a merit worthy story and i'll hoping it will receive lots of votes in the contest. Good luck from me on that!

Offline rockie00

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I have to start questioning my preference for prose over script! Like your uber story, I totally felt the building anticipation and love how you spend time playing with readers. And lol, I don't know how my mind works but I appreciated how you kept track of Jessica's clothes...  sometimes little details like that knock me back out into real life but nothing like that here. I thought Carol found them before the transition - trying to keep away from spoiling for others but a fun ending.

Offline tierez

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That was great, but....

 ;) ;) ;) ;) :D :D :D :D

Offline LtBroccoli

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What a merit worthy story and i'll hoping it will receive lots of votes in the contest. Good luck from me on that!
Thanks Graham, once again it's good to see you around.

Thank you.

I have to start questioning my preference for prose over script! Like your uber story, I totally felt the building anticipation and love how you spend time playing with readers. And lol, I don't know how my mind works but I appreciated how you kept track of Jessica's clothes...  sometimes little details like that knock me back out into real life but nothing like that here. I thought Carol found them before the transition - trying to keep away from spoiling for others but a fun ending.
Thanks Sara.  The clothes thing always gets to me, too.  I spend a lot time tracking the details, because I'm that guy that will yell at the TV about continuity errors in editing or what I perceive to be glaring plotholes.  In big stories I've kept track of clothes and actions in separate files just to track things.

That was great, but....

 ;) ;) ;) ;) :D :D :D :D
That is funny as hell, where is that from?

Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline tierez

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Its from an X-Files episode "Jose Chung's From Outer Space"

Offline rexmundi

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I really loved this. It was quite the treat to read. I really do enjoy the script style you employ just like I saw in Dentist's Chair. For some reason, it actually helps me visualize the scene more. Def. shall merit this. I promise to check out Uber tomorrow. I anticipate enjoying it s well. Thank you for this story.
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