Author Topic: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky (interracial, pictures)  (Read 5655 times)

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I love consensual stories. I like the break from writing things related to my darkest fantasies. The consensual story allows me to write something much closer to the kind of relationship I actually love to have with women, a relationship where sex, empathy and love go hand in hand. However, me being me, my women of choice will always have a tendency to be dainty and raven haired.

It was September 1956. I had been living for six months in a shack at the border of a nondescript road in Ohio, working as a cook in a nondescript roadside diner. I had an old car and a roadmap, still sitting on a coffee table because I kept forgetting to put it away in a drawer.

Earlier that year, I had got in a jam in New York City. We hit a bank and got away with 75 grands. My partner got shot by the fuzz. I escaped thanks to being well prepared. I discarded my Stetson hat and my great coat and quietly walked down the street in a neat hazelnut suit and fine fedora hat, suitcase in hand – the dough was hidden in plain sight! I ran a calculated risk: Most of the time, you walk with a suitcase and nothing happens. It’s the bad crooks who are too nervous... they’re the ones who act strange and make mistakes, so they are promoted from crooks to cons. As for myself, I kept walking undisturbed as the police cruiser zoomed away.

Of course, do what you will, there's always the chance risk that a sidewalk policeman will stop you for a routine verification when you are a colored person. This was a calculated risk. I made good my escape. My partner made good his escape from this world as he laid in the morgue with one State-funded bullet in his heart. I figured it was better this way; he was the kind of guy who ends up making mistakes and who did too much guesswork for my peace of mind. I never guess; I measure the odds. With him dead and me having vanished, the fuzz were left with no lead to go on. This was my lucky break!

I had worked on trains as a cook, so I figured I would get hired as such and work in some diner in the middle of nowhere. Thus, I lived quiet and cozy somewhere in Ohio, cooking the food at a local diner who wouldn’t serve me ‘cause I’m colored, but the landlord is OK with my manning the kitchen, as the customers can’t see much of me. Yeah... Be nice and civil, and stay out of sight! But I’m not complaining. Complaining is for the little boys who still need their mother to hold their hand. Enough said.

My shack is tiny, but I’m proud of my tidying it and making it as liveable as can be. I’m fine! The job isn’t too hard, just tedious at times, but most jobs are more or less tedious. I read book and do some push ups and chin-ups. I did some amateur boxing, and I was quite a prospect once. Still, I prefer to use my head rather than having some other fellow hitting it.

With 75 grands stashed away safe, I could afford to lose my job, but I like it better that way and it keeps me busy. Besides, it makes me look much less suspicious, as people usually don't expect someone from my people to be loaded enough so they don't have to work; they would automatically think that I stole it somewhere. You gotta live with what you can't change. Later, I'll retire and get some place else, and I’ll do some painting or I’ll write a novel... Who knows?

I live about 200 yards from my nearest neighbor, a nice family of very nice people to put it like Arthur Godfrey of the Godfrey Show. There’s no Television set and no phone either. Very quiet!

At night, there’s one car passing about every five minutes.

On that famous night of September, it was rather cold. It was about 8 PM and I was listening to an episode of Dragnet on the radio. I love Dragnet, ‘cause it oftens feature some interesting cases, usually quite outlandish, but nonetheless interesting. When the criminal gets caught at the end, there's the trial result. Most of the time, it's a grand theft case or a second-degree murder, and the crook is bound for St. Quentin, but when it's first-degree murder without mitigating circumstances, the jailbird gets “the works” (i.e. the Lethal Gas Chamber).

The story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

The program was about to end, when I chanced to look at the window... Through the thin curtain, I noticed the headlights of a car stopping on the roadside. Probably some fellows who needed to consult their map... At any rate, it was very, very unlikely to be a copper looking for me.

I had started to make some coffee and I was about to sit ‘til 11 with my half-read novel (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes), when someone knocked at my door.


« Last Edit: April 21, 2021, 07:31:57 PM by Bruiser7 »

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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2020, 11:44:43 AM »
Interesting beginning, will keep my eye on this one for future reads! merit for posting!

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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2020, 02:09:18 AM »
In this story, I am giving myself a real treat. I cannot count the times I have seen a gorgeous actress in some old movie that I had wanted to see getting undressed and having sex... Now is the time to have some!

I went to answer the door. No need for a gun. Chances were, it was some stranded driver who needed to make a phone-call to get some help underway. I opened the door and gasped in surprise as I saw who had been knocking...

She was a superbly beautiful woman, of a pale complexion, wearing a fancy coat, dark blackberry wine in color, and her chocolate-colored hair was half-covered by a patterned headscarf, mostly lime-green with a touch of light red. The lime-green looked like it matched her delicate green eyes. Gee-whiz!

I was open-mouthed in astonishment as she said: "Hello Mister! Looks like I am stranded here for a while..." She was looking and smiling at me in a very friendly way, as if she had decided on the spot that she liked me. I answered: "Well... Ma'am, you are welcome in my humble abode!"
"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!..." She started laughing upon hearing my last word... "Your abode! Oooh, Mister... Mister is a well-read man, I see! ah! ah! ah! ah!... Ooooh, you're funny!!" (I knew that using bookish words is a great way to entertain a classy woman, especially when she doesn't expect it.)

I motioned her in and closed the door as she entered.

"I... I was making some coffee. Do you want some?"
She took some time to answer. It looked like she was sizing me up from the head down... She was looking at what I had seen in the mirror when I finished shaving this morning:

She was also looking around the place. Then her eyes returned to mine and she said "Oh... I'd like something stronger... Like brandy if you have some. I'll... I'll perhaps have some steaming dark coffee later on..." She said these last words while giving me some kind of a strange, lingering look as she kept smiling at me.

"Oh... By the way Ma'am, my name..." Before I could finish my sentence, she rushed at me and put her white-gloved hand on my mouth! I was utterly astonished as she said:
"No Mister! No names, please! Tonight, I am Ma'am to you, and you're Mister to me. Deal?"
"Deal!" I said.

There was a silence. I was grinning and looking at her in the eyes. She kept her gaze fixed on mine, and smiling too, and subtly elevated her delicate chin, as if she wanted to offer me a better view on her neck, except her headscarf was in the way...

"You like games, Mister?"
"Yes Ma'am. Especially with a special person!"
"You mean Especially with a mystery woman in white gloves! Do you like my driving gloves? Take a closer look..."

I instinctively took her dainty hand in mine and examined the delicate snow-white fabric.
"Yes, very beautiful! They become you well, Ma'am!... But now, if you will, let me help you take your coat off; I'll turn the heating on a little..."
"You've already done it, Mister!" she said playfully. Gee-whiz, she was quite a hottie!

I helped her out of her coat as she took off her headscarf. I laid both on a leather chair I had in my tiny living room, which was actually one half of the smallhouse's main room. She was wearing an eye-matching light green blouse with a black skirt, short enough to give me a look on her lower legs. She was wearing black stockings and low-heels black shoes.

Upon sensing my gaze on her, she smiled at me and quickly took off her shoes, revealing her incredibly dainty feet under the ultra-thin dark fabric. "I don't want to get your floor dirty, Mister! There's mud outside..."

I felt somewhat embarassed, as I had a sudden boner. I changed the subject:
"You said brandy, Ma'am? I have some Southern Comfort left."
"You have LOADS of southern comfort to offer, Mister!... ah! ah! ah! ah!... Yes, please, I'll have some!"

I nervously fetched the bottle and poured a glassfull of it. She silently asked if she could sit at the table. As she sat, I gave her the glass and sat right next to her; then she started laughing again...
"Ah! Ah! Ah! ah! ah! ah!... Mister! You're the last person I'd expect to have a pink tablecloth. Ah! ah! ah!... Ooooh, you're so full of surprises! I had no idea I was going to run into a guy like you! Ah! ah! ah! ah!"

"Well, Ma'am, to tell you the truth, this is the only clean tablecloth I have. And it's not exactly my favorite, except that pink is a color I like when..." (I was about to say "when I am missing the contact of a woman", but I was searching for something else to say.)

"... When you feel lonely, Mister? Is that it? It reminds you of some warm and precious memories?" She took a large sip of her Southern. "Hmmm... It's good! I like Southern Comfort! I like it a lot. It's a fancy of mine I guess!" Then she laughed nervously and played with her wonderful brown hair. I suddenly noticed she still had her white gloves on. Now I was positively turned on!
"Y... Yeah! We can say that Ma'am!... You're blouse... It's very becoming on you. Matches your eyes to a T."
"Thank you Sir! (she sipped some more Southern) ... You're used to complimenting women?"
"Not lately, Ma'am! I had no occasion for quite some time..."

She looked at me dreamily. Then her eyes fell on my novel...
"Oh! You're reading Arthur Conan Doyle!?"
"Yes, Ma'am. Why does that surprise you? I like a good crime story."
"Oh! And it's an illustrated edition, with the images that appeared in the Strand Magazine back in the day... Nice! You have quite good taste, Mister!"
"Yes, I worship books. I love them like women!"

She took a sip from her glass, and then her torso went somewhat more erect, as if she wanted me to have a good look "down south". I could tell she had firm, round breasts about average size. My erection was now granite-hard!

"What do you like most in these Sherlock Holmes short stories?"
"Hmm... Well Ma'am, I'd say I really like the Englishness of it all. It reminds me of the time I spent over there during the War."
"Oh... You were stationed in England? How did you like it over there? Did you find some cute lady to spend time with, ah! ah! ah! ah!"
She took a look at my broad shoulders and added "You look like a man who ain't gonna stay unnoticed for very long!"

"Well, Ma'am, I was quite busy. We had lots and lots to do. The training. Manning and tending to a thousand things, and helping out civilians after a bomber raid..."
"What did you do... In which kind of Unit were you?"
"I was a mechanic. But I was also entertaining the troops as a boxer. I took silver in the Golden Gloves at Chicago back in 1940. We arranged fights from time to time to keep the morale high. We also had some friendly bouts."

"Oh... You were also a boxer!? (she finished her glass and asked me for a second one) ... That reminds me of a guy I was seeing a couple of years ago. A most boring and predictable fellow, but let's just skip that part... He was working as a reporter just like me in Chicago. He was covering sports. Once... Thank you Mister (she took her second glass of Southern in her gloved hand) ... Once he took me to some boxing gymnasium. It was so... Wild! I could feel that all the men present were looking at me. There they were, all fit men, of many different heights, sizes... and colors! White men! Hispanic men! Black men! Even a Chinese one! At was soo... so (she took a large sip of her glass)... so wild! So... erotic!"

All of a sudden, I realized that her white-gloved hand had been on my forearm for a while. I was filled with explosive excitement as she added: "Can I tell you something... personal, Mister?"
"Yes, we're playing a fun game, remember?"

She finished her second glass, then she went "When I was in that boxing club, I could smell these men's sweat, I could feel all this adrenaline filling the entire place, I could feel the men's gaze on me, on my body, and I could really feel these men's lust for me... and ... and I was enjoying this! Every second of it! I felt... all funny inside!... I ... I wanted these men to take hold of me, and..."

"Go on, Ma'am! Don't be shy! You wanted these men to take hold of you and make love to you, one after the other, ain't that so?"
"YES!" Her hand took a firm hold on my forearm; she looked at me with wide-opened eyes filled with an overpowering sense of lust and anticipation.

I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed me back, and then held my face in her white-gloved hands as she kept kissing me, and frantically so. I felt her Southern-flavored lips against mine. Her small, delicate tongue gently stroked against mine. I kept kissing her and began to caress her wonderful hair. This was pure magic!

« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 01:22:36 AM by Bruiser7 »

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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2020, 01:34:20 PM »
Damn nice. Reads like an old pulp novel of the 30's -50's. Love the way the story is progressing and can't wait until the story is posted again! merit awarded!

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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2020, 02:53:23 AM »
Damn nice. Reads like an old pulp novel of the 30's -50's. Love the way the story is progressing and can't wait until the story is posted again! merit awarded!


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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2020, 04:12:47 AM »
I kissed her smoothly, and long, enjoying every damn second of it. I love kissing women! I kept gently stroking her chocolate brown hair as she kept caressing my cheeks, neck and shoulders with her white-gloved hands... We didn't want to stop, so we kept going. It was so SWEET and EROTIC! And her perfume brought a gentle fragrance from a forgotten dream. The radio was playing some soft jazzy doo-wop from a few years ago...

She gently pulled out and whispered... "Oooh Mister! ... Ooh, you're so tender-sweet!" I kissed her again, very gently and started to move my hands from her hair to her neck, and as we kept kissing, I moved down to her wonderfully round breasts. She moaned as I gently touched there with my right hand... She moaned "Oooooooh, Mister, you're so gentle!! It's so good! ... Oooh yes!... YES!"

I answered, half-whispering in my man's voice: "You're so gee-whiz beautiful, Ma'am! And I..."
She quickly put her gloved hand on my mouth...
"No more words, Mister. Now... Mhhh!... Now, Mister! TAKE ME! TAKE ME!"

She got up and then sat on my knees, facing me. My face was agaist her breasts, so I started to caress them with both hands...
"Oooooh! Mister!.... Oooh, keep going! ... Oooh yes! I love feeling a real man's touch on me!... Ooooh!... It's been soo God-damn long!... Ooooh!"

Caressing a beautiful woman's breasts through her clothes is one of life's priceless joys. I felt amazingly aroused upon the realization that I was going to fuck a white woman... For the first time since the War!

I stood up and took her in my arms like a stud.
"OOOOH MISTER! YOU'RE SO... STRONG! OOOH IT FEELS SO GOOD! (she kissed me) ... Now Mister, I want you to take me on this table! I had my period two days ago... It's the right time to be careless... Just... Just use me as you will Mister!"

What the hell was I waiting for? With one sweeping motion, I sent the empty glass and my novel flying on the carpeted floor, clearing the table for action. Then I lay her back against the table and went for her blouse buttons...
"Rip it off, Mister! It's an old blouse and I have spare ones in... AAAAAOOOOH!" SCHRRRRRRRRRR! I violently tore her blouse open and sent the buttons flying as she screamed with wild excitement; the music of the tearing fabric sent bliss to my ears, mind, and down to my loins and hardening cock. She was wearing a regular white bra on her creamwhite skin that seemed to lean closer to a peach hue against the wide open lime-green blouse. It was so exhilarating to be having such a beautiful woman like this! She no longer looked like the classy, composed woman that playfully flirted with me; her hair was now free-roaming in wild chocolate waves against the pink tablecloth and her lipstick was almost all gone from our prolonged kissing. I followed her along in her role-playing game:

"YES MILADY! I'M GONNA TAKE YOU! ... AND NOW I'LL HAVE THIS!" With a loud grunt, I yanked off her bra as she screamed in sheer ecstasy. Her perfectly round, white breasts were now there in their full glory under the main room's light; they had a vanilla light of their own. With unfathomable pleasure, I gently caressed her pleasure-inflated boobs, enjoying the sight and feel of her delicate pink nipples, now fully erect.

I caressed, sucked, licked and kissed her boobies for a while, enjoying, feeling, smelling and tasting them, taking my time and letting her feel my manly touch as she kept moaning in enjoyment. I absolutely loved doing this to a white woman!


Then, leaving her breasts alone, I went down and violently folded up her fancy black skirt all the way up against her hips. Then I took hold of her white panties and savagely yanked them off as I did with her bra... She had a small patch of dark hair all glorified by the pure whiteness of her pelvis and thighs.

Then I quickly got rid of my pants and boxers, vaguely remembering that I still had my polo shirt on (who cares? I leave it on!). Then I offered my large, veiny dark brown dick to the sight of my guest. I could see her eyes were filled with a wild sense of anticipation. She couldn't wait to feel my dick inside her!

I caressed her pussy... She moaned out loud. Just as I thought: it was dripping wet. She was fullblown ready! I took my hard wood and slowly worked my way inside her terra femina. An incredible feeling of ecstasy filled my whole being as I felt my cock making its way deeper and deeper inside her vagina... I took a firm hold of her thighs and placed her feet on my shoulders, feeling the delicate fabric of her stockinged feet against my skin, as I began to ram her forcefully! She was going to be some mighty good fucking!

I heard the soft jazz music mixed with her moaning, the creaking table and the smat! smat! smat! of her body striking my pelvis at each thrust, her delicious feet against my shoulders. I was banging her with utter glee. Seeing her "helpless" like this on the table, her boobs bouncing with every pounding thrust, my excitement reached new, unspeakable levels of delight. She was moaning all the time, she kept saying "They're raping me!... They're raping me!... A bunch of blacks!... And it's so GOOD!" .... "They're so big, so strong! AAAAAH! Mmmmmmh.... Mmmmmh!"

I slowed down a bit, as I didn't want to cum too quick. Gee-whiz, this was a mighty lucky break! As I kept pounding her, I went in my head and played one of my favorite fantasies. As a teen I had worked on a train, as a late-night hand in the diner-cart. I was serving sandwiches, cakes, coffee and other midnight refreshments to well-off travelers, some of which had pretty young women and/or girls with them. Most of these white folks never looked at me, or when they did so, it was with contempt. That hurt. Some girls and women, however, looked at me from the side and seemed fascinated. In my fantasy, I was part of a gangster gang -- all colored men -- who had the train stopped by an accomplice, in some remote parts of the country. We climbed aboard the diner-cart and found two rich newly-wed couples there. We then proceeded to beat the men up, tie them up on chairs and have them watch the scene as we mercilessly gang-raped their white wives and took mighty powerful enjoyment in doing so...

I was now positively grunting out loud as I pounded her harder and faster, holding her by the hips and ramming her like a stud. She was now making some strange high-pitched panting screams, and then she screamed out loud "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!..."

I was now pounding her frantically with unrestrained abandon. I was talking out loud, as if I were on that train raping one of these rich young wives: "NOW YOU LITTLE WHITE WHORE! TAKE THIS! THIS AND THIS! RRRRHHHAHRRR! NIGGER DICKS GALORE! RRHHHAHHH!"

I kept pounding her fiercely, as fast as I could go, all panting with my polo-shirt now soaked with sweat. I was wondering if I was ever going to climax and... All of a sudden, at long last, it came with a vengeance. I let out a loud, unrestrained scream as I burst inside her with a massive load of warm semen. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRR! ... Oooh Ma'am!"


« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 01:35:55 AM by Bruiser7 »

Offline vile8r

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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2020, 09:42:33 AM »
What a hot story!
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2020, 12:20:42 PM »
Geat admission of the music and gif, really made the story stand out even more! Only detraction was her crying to be raped willingly, defeated the concept of being raped! Still earns a merit when I'm able to!

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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2020, 03:53:11 AM »

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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2020, 03:53:37 AM »
Geat admission of the music and gif, really made the story stand out even more! Only detraction was her crying to be raped willingly, defeated the concept of being raped! Still earns a merit when I'm able to!

Thanks again!

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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2020, 05:31:35 AM »
I was panting as much as when I used to when I went through a round-long slugfest. People who never boxed have no idea how long and exhausting three minutes can be!

I closed my eyes and let the massive wave of after-cum bliss sweep my entire body. "OOOH! WHAT A GAL!"

"OOOH MISTER! YOU WENT THE DISTANCE* LIKE A STRONG SOLDIER-BOY! ... [*go the distance = have sexual intercourse]

I was still panting, but quickly recovering and wiping sweat from my eyebrows when she quickly got down the table...
"OK, NOW MISTER, IT'S CHOW-DOWN* TIME!" [to chow down = to give a blowjob]

In one swift motion, she got on her knees in front of me and I felt her white-gloved hands against my pelvis and then the wet warmth of her mouth as she kissed my dripping dick and started to lick it... "HMMMM! MISTER... I LOVE TO GIVE HEAD TO BIG BOYS LIKE YOU!!!"

Then my cock was engulfed by the warmth of her mouth and I felt her delicate tongue sliding along my shaft as she started to give me head. OH LORD JESUS!!! Even better: I felt her gloved hand take a firm hold of my nigger meat as her mouth was getting busy with pleasuring my cock. Feeling the snow-white fabric on my big brown shaft was sweet-sixteen amazing! GHEE-WHIZ SHE WAS EATING MY MEAT LIKE CANDY!

I let her do her job, enjoying the pure glee of being blowjobbed by a white lass wearing her white gloves. It got me back thinking about the gangster gang-rape on the train. Now their pretty ladies were forced to give head to all of us and give us some real sweet icing on the cake! The idea, one of us told them, was to get promoted from head chick to icing queen!

The effect of class-reversal was magnified ten-fold by her fancy white gloves and the fact she was still wearing her classy velvet-black dress and stockings. I still had yet to see her completely naked and I couldn't wait to enjoy the sight and touch of her ass and feel the satine softness of her feet under my hand.


My dick was hard wood again as she picked up speed... I was caressing her soft and shiny hair as she moved back and forth like finely oiled clockwork. I enjoyed the gentle sucking sound she made and the wonderful wet sweetness of her mouth and tongue on my sensitive skin. Her other hand was always on my left hip as some of her long hair gently stroked my thighs now and then, like a whiff of Spades-Queen magic. Icing Queen she was! And a topless queen too!

Sensing my pleasure mounting and knowing that she liked to feel dominated, I took hold of her head and imposed my own rhythm'n blues. She was now sucking a fully erect dick and she gave muffled moans of contentment. I began to move her head faster and faster as I felt a jolt of bliss from her gloved hand holding and gently twisting my saliva-wet shaft. She kept going. I kept imposing my rhythm to her avid sucking.

Now my thoughts were back on the train. Everything was racing in my head... Now these rich fellows have to watch their classy wives give head to a bunch of niggers and they suck and suck and suck and they're going to get dripping wet under our jizz when we'll shoot them our bolts and it's impossible for this to happen, but yes it does, and we are fucking their women and enjoying their asses and nice tits and beautiful creamwhite skin and their bourgeois-dainty feet and we're having-ramming-fucking-mounting them and all order is reversed upside dddd.....AAAAAAAH!

"... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" I let out a wild scream as I shot a massive bolt of jizz in Milady's mouth... I exited her and let the white rain fall on her face and her pure-white breasts as she opened her mouth out wide to swallow some more.

I stood there, panting in utter bliss, and she half sat, half knelt down on the floor, resting her head against and caressing my legs as we enjoyed in silence the improbable scene that just happened between us and how fast we had moved from complete strangers to unrestrained lovers.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 01:43:41 AM by Bruiser7 »

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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky (some illustrations)
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2020, 10:17:57 AM »
There hasn't been a scene with a blowjob better written or excitable than this part. Merit earned!

Offline vile8r

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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky (some illustrations)
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2020, 12:12:03 AM »
That was a very hot blowjob scene indeed!
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky (some illustrations)
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2021, 04:59:49 AM »
There hasn't been a scene with a blowjob better written or excitable than this part. Merit earned!

Thanks! Like I wrote to vile8r, the scene basically wrote itself from imagining myself in the man's place, with such a gorgeous woman giving me the very best blowjob I ever had. I may eventually write from a woman's perspective, but there are already so many things to learn in story writing... I keep it simpler and take my "vanilla" male focus!
« Last Edit: January 05, 2021, 05:12:11 AM by Bruiser7 »

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Re: My Lucky Break... And Let's Stay Out of Kentucky (some illustrations)
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2021, 05:08:25 AM »
That was a very hot blowjob scene indeed!

Glad you liked it. I just imagined how it would be if I travelled back in time and found myself with a pretty girlfriend in 1956 and she gave me the very best blowjob I ever had. The scene kind of wrote itself.

It is a story I very much enjoy writing. I've had for a long time the fantasy of sex with a woman from a film noir. These old films have so many actresses I wanted to see naked and performing sexual acts, possibly interracial.