Author Topic: Dentist Chair (Mf, Mf, inc, drugged, rape)  (Read 9358 times)

Offline LtBroccoli

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Dentist Chair (Mf, Mf, inc, drugged, rape)
« on: September 30, 2020, 03:55:33 PM »
Lt. Broccoli

Author's Note:  All characters in this story are fictional and at least of legal age in your residence, if not older.  For much of the world, this is 18.  The actions in this story are fantasy and doing most of them are illegal.  The author holds no responsibility if the reader thinks that characters in this story are younger than 18, that is solely up to the imagination of the reader.


A door opens to a medical waiting room.  In walk two people, an adult male in his 40’s and a teenage girl.  The man wears a pair of khakis and a dark polo shirt.  The girl wears a pink t-shirt and jeans.  She has long, dark hair pulled into a ponytail.  They walk to a reception window.  The glass slides back, an older woman wearing scrubs talks.


Phil Reynolds, here for an appointment for Sophie.

The Receptionist looks at a computer screen, then at a nearby appointment book.

Have a seat, someone will be out shortly.

Phil turns from the window and walks to series of chairs.  Sophie follows, looking at a phone screen while walking.  They sit down in two chairs against the left wall.

There are three other people in the waiting room. Another man in 40’s who looks like he just left an office job and a teenage girl dressed in a Catholic schoolgirl outfit sit directly across from them.  Another adult male sits off by himself, looking at something on his phone.

The man sitting by himself looks over his phone surreptitiously at Sophie.  He’s checking her out, as best as he can without drawing attention.  He notices Sophie’s cute little butt and budding breasts.  He sees her tanned skin complexion.

Phil scans the room.  When he does, the man with the phone averts his gaze.

A door opens.

Mr. Jenkins?


The man with the phone stands up.  Mr. Jenkins is a little on the heavy side and going bald, looking to be in his late 40’s to early 50’s.  He walks through the door, and the Receptionist closes it behind them.

Phil looks around the room.  Sophie is playing on her phone, as well as the other girl.  The other man sits hunched over, elbows on knees.  He looks as though he can’t wait for something to happen.  He catches Phil’s gaze and they nod at each other.

Hey.  I’m Phil.  You?


The two men shake hands.

So, what brings you here?

Hannah here is getting her braces adjusted.  You?

Same.  Sophie here’s due for the same.

Phil took a quick look at Hannah.  She wore a khaki skirt, knee socks, flats, and a green polo shirt.  Phil could tell that Hannah was athletic, and her breasts were very noticeable under her shirt.  Her face was very cute, and her long dark hair was held back in a French braid.

Barry gave a quick once over of Sophie, focusing on her cute face with her brown eyes.

Sophie, what grade are you in?

Sophie didn’t respond at first.  Phil cleared his throat, grabbing Sophie’s attention.

I’m a Freshman this year.

Do anything for fun?


Sophie kept playing on her phone, insta-chatting or snapfacing, whatever they do.  Phil turned to Hannah.

What grade are you in, Hannah?

Hannah looked up from her phone.


That’s real exciting.  Do any activities, or play any sports?


Come on honey, don’t be modest.  Hannah is the Co-Captain of the cheerleading and softball teams this year.


What, I’m not allowed to be a little proud of my girl?

Hannah shook her head.  The door opened and the Receptionist walked out.


Hannah stood up.  Barry stood and gave her a quick hug.

See you in a bit, honey.

Hannah walked over to the door, and it closed behind her.  Phil took a long, hard look at her ass as she walked.  He turned back to Barry who didn’t act like he just caught him checking out his daughter.  Barry pulled out his cell phone.  Phil did the same.  Every few moments, Barry would steal a look at Sophie.

A beat.

The door opened again.



Sophie leaned over and gave her dad Phil a quick peck on the cheek.

See you in a bit.  Bye.

Love you, I’ll be here when you get done.

Love you, too.

Sophie went to the door and walked with the Receptionist.  The door closed.  The two men looked at each other, then their phones.

A beat.

The door opens.  The Receptionist walks out.

Mr. Lacaria?

That’s me.

Barry nearly jumps out of his seat and walks to open door.

Another minute or so passes.  Phil looks at his watch, then his phone, then his watch again.

The door opens again.

Mr. Reynolds?

Phil stands up and walks to the door.  He walks past the Receptionist and into a hallway.


Phil walks down the hallway, passing a couple open rooms with dental chairs, most of them unoccupied.  He walks past a couple closed doors with ‘OCCUPIED’ signs on them.  One of them sounds like a dentist is drilling a tooth.  Another room sounds like...something different.

The Receptionist taps Phil on the shoulder.

Dr. Hunley wanted to ask you something.  He’s in Room 10.


Phil walked down the hallway to the last room on the right, Room 10.  The door was closed.  He knocked, and an older gentleman with sparse gray hair and glasses opened the door.  He was dressed in light blue scrubs and a white short sleeved coat.

Come in, Mr. Reynolds.


Phil entered the room.  Unlike most dentist offices, this room looked more like a break room with chairs and a table.  Sitting in one of the chairs was Barry.  Phil closed the door behind him.

Phil, have you met Barry?

Yeah, we met out in the lobby.

He’s part of the same group you belong to, and he was wondering if you’d be open to a trade or a time split?

Phil’s eyes went wide.

A trade?

Yep.  Or we could split time if you’d prefer.  Half with Sophie, half with Hannah.  What do you think?

Phil stroked his chin.

Anything off limits?

Barry thought for a moment.

Nope.  Ready to go across the board.  What about Sophie?

I want to be there for her first time around the back.  Other than that, she’s good to go.

Cool.  So Doc, what’s the plan?

Dr. Hunley walked over to the table between the two other men.

I have to take care of the young woman in Room 6 shortly, she’s getting a root canal after she’s properly numbed up.  Each of you start off with your daughters for 15 to 20 minutes, then swap for the rest of the hour.  After that, we’ll clean up and I’ll do my work.

Okay.  What was with that guy out there earlier, Jenkins?

Jerry Jenkins.  Him and his daughter Melissa are new to this operation and the area.  He’s very protective of her so far, but he’s slowly beginning to expand his horizons.  I hope to have her as part of the main group within the year.

Well, with the way he was looking at Sophie’s ass, we might have an in.  But only if that Melissa is good looking.

Oh, she is an absolute beauty.  Blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, ample bosom, firm stomach and legs, and about the same age as your daughter.  Now, let’s get started.  Phil, please go to Room 7, Barry to Room 8.  Once I call for you in 20 minutes, just go across the hallway.

Dr. Hunley left the room but left the door open.  Barry stood up and walked up to Phil.

You won’t regret this.  You’re gonna have great time with Hannah.

Barry left Room 10 for Room 8.  Phil left, for Room 7.


Phil walked the 15 or so feet to the door with a 7 on it.  He looked over his shoulder and saw a quick glance of Barry closing the door to Room 8.  In that room, Phil briefly saw Hannah.

Phil opened the door to Room 7, ignoring the ‘OCCUPIED’ sign.


Phil entered Room 7, then closed and locked the door behind him.  He turned and saw his daughter Sophie.

Sophie lay unconscious on a dentist chair, her head leaning to the right and her mouth hung wide open.  A dentist bib was hooked around her neck.

Phil double checked that the door was locked before advancing to the chair.  He stopped next to her and stroked her face before kissing her on her open mouth.  He checked for a response from her before continuing.  Nothing from her end.

He found the controls for the chair and raised it to a comfortable height.  Once in position, Phil removed Sophie’s shoes, pulling off her sneakers.  He reached up and undid the button and zipper on her jeans, opening them and partly exposing her pink floral panties. 

Phil placed his hands in her waistband and pulled her jeans down.  He lifted her butt just a bit to get them over her tushy, then pulled them down her slim legs.  Once over her legs, he put her jeans to the side and grabbed her underwear, repeating the process.  As he pulled her panties down, he exposed her lightly covered pussy.  Her pubic hair had been coming in for a little bit, but was finally starting to thicken.  After pulling off her panties, he leaned down and gave her pussy a kiss and a lick.  A slight breath escaped her lips.

He put her clothes down on the countertop next to the sink.  Phil opened the cabinet under the sink and pulled out a pair of metal legs. 

With the legs in hand, Phil returned to the chair where Sophie lay, naked from the waist down.  He reached under the chair and pulled out a metal connecting bar.  After removing the bar, the bottom section of the dental chair folded down, exposing two holes.

In them, he attached the legs and adjusted them.  The legs had stirrups on them and turned the dental chair into a makeshift gynecological chair.  A moment later and Phil placed Sophie’s legs in the legs and stirrups of the chair.  One last adjustment and he slid her hips, now splayed open, closer to the edge of the chair.

Hey Pumpkin, I know we usually spend more time together, but you’re going to make a new friend today.  I’m going to have some fun with someone else, but I wanted a little time for the two of us first.  And there’s something I’ve really, really wanted to give you.

Phil reached down over Sophie’s stomach and pushed her shirt up, exposing her bra.  It was floral pink, matching her panties.  He pulled the cups to the side, exposing her growing boobs.  Phil grabbed them with his hands, then kneaded them before leaning over and licking on her nipples.

Sophie breathed a little harder but did not move.  Phil checked and doublechecked that the IV was still secured to her arm and working.  She shouldn’t wake up for anything, but he was still nervous.

After licking and lightly sucking on her titties, Phil rubbed Sophie’s pussy, paying close attention to her clit.  His actions caused her to moisten on its own.  Still, to be safe, Phil grabbed a jar of Vaseline that was sitting nearby and smeared some on and in her pussy.

Phil pulled his shirt up over his head and unbuckled his pants.  With a quick move, he pushed his underwear down and exposed his erect penis.  He stroked his dick with his left hand while playing with Sophie’s pussy with his right.  He guided himself into her, slowly.

Oh, fuck.  You feel so good baby.  So fucking good.

Phil fucked Sophie slow, holding her hips in place to keep her in the best position.  He noticed her body reacting to the violation and picked up the pace on his thrusting while he also played with her clit.

Sophie’s breathing grew fast and shallow, and he felt her pussy contract around his dick.  If it weren’t for the drugs keeping her unconscious, she’d be screaming her head off.  Phil felt her have a small orgasm.

He stopped fucking Sophie and leaned over to kiss her sleeping form.

You’re so good baby.  I wanna cum so bad, but I’ve got something special for you today.

Phil pulled out of his daughter’s pussy, enjoying how tight she felt.  Once he was out of her twat, he reached behind him to grab the jar of Vaseline.

He smeared an extra generous helping of the petroleum jelly on his dick before rubbing it on Sophie’s anus.  As he stroked himself with his left hand, Phil used his right to push as much of the jelly into her ass as possible.

We’re gonna do something really special sweetheart.

Phil lined up his cock with Sophie’s ass and started to push in.  Gently, but firmly.  The tightness of her ass was almost too much for him to bear, but after a moment he succeeded in getting the head of his cock into her butt.

He took a couple long, hard breaths as he acclimated himself to Sophie’s ass.  After a moment, he began pushing in, a little bit at a time.  After a minute, he was about halfway in when he felt comfortable enough to pick up a good rhythm.

The feeling and thought of buttfucking his daughter was enough to push him over the edge.  He grabbed onto her developing hips and steadied himself as he came.

Oh, oh, oh shit.

Phil shook hard as he came inside of Sophie’s ass.  It took most of his strength to keep standing.

He pulled out of her ass with a plop when there was a KNOCK on the door.

Ready in there?

One second.

Phil grabbed a couple wet wipes and cleaned himself just enough to pull his pants and underwear back up.  He repositioned his shirt.

He made his way to the door, unlocking it and opening it for Barry, who was also half-dressed as he entered.

Barry took a look around the room and saw Sophie.  He whistled.

God damn, she is a beauty.

Yep.  By the way, I just took her backdoor cherry, so if you try it out, be very gentle.

Cool.  Is she safe to cum in?

Yeah, she’s on the ring, part of Doc’s services.  Same for Hannah?

Yep.  Have fun.

Barry slapped Phil on the back as Phil left the room.


Phil, slightly disheveled, makes his way across the hallway to Room 8.  As he’s about to open the door, the room next to it, Room 6, opens.

Jerry Jenkins walks out.  He’s straightening his clothes and fixing his hair.

The two men look at each other.  They nod.  Jerry walks past Phil as he heads to Room 10.  Phil enters Room 8.


Phil enters Room 8 and locks the door behind him.  He looks around the room before his gaze lands on Hannah.

Hannah is out, head slumped over her left shoulder.  The IV is secured in her left arm.  The chairback is elevated higher up, leaving her in an almost upright position.  She has a dentist bib on over top of her polo shirt, which is pushed up over her large tits.  Her bra has been pushed down a little bit, allowing her tits to escape.  They are much bigger than Sophie’s, with large, dark nipples.  Her skirt is unzipped on the side and pushed up over her hips.  Her panties are off, sitting on the sink next to her flat shoes.  Her knee socks are still on, and her legs are secured in the stirrups, exposing a cleanly shaved pussy.

Hot damn.

Phil wastes little time making sure that Hannah is unconscious.  He strokes her face, grabs her tit, then pets her pussy.  Nothing but reflexive movements.

You are so beautiful, Hannah.  And so grown and developed.  Daddy must love you.

Phil kisses the girl, then nibbles on her neck for a moment.  He moves down to her exposed tits and lightly licks, sucks, and bites her nipples.  Her breathing stays the same.

Yeah, that’s a good girl.

He moves in front of her spread pussy and kneels down, licking and sucking on her cunt.  She tastes delicious.  Phil eats her out for quite a bit, causing Hannah’s pussy to get drenched and covering his face in her juices.

You taste so great, Hannah.  I’d love to see your face as I eat you.  But I think it’s time to get to the main event.

Phil stands up and takes off his pants and underwear again.  He doesn’t even need the Vaseline as he slips into her moist quim in one smooth motion.

Phil fucks Hannah slowly for a moment to get his rhythm, but soon he starts fucking her with abandon.  The way her body is propped up in the chair, along with how gorgeous she looks in her schoolgirl uniform makes Phil want to fuck her harder and harder.

He goes at her hard and fast for a few minutes when he feels his orgasm coming.  He kisses her on the mouth as he plants his dick into her fully, releasing his seed into her womb.

Fuck, you are so fucking amazing.  I wonder if you and Sophie could become friends.  Then we could see each other more.

Hannah groaned slightly, but made no movements.  Phil stood there, hugging her for another minute while he regained his energy.

He checked his watch.  It was getting late, but he figured he had just enough time for one more thing.

Phil pulled his dick out of Hannah’s pussy, a dribble of cum following along.  He walked around the chair and leaned Hannah back until her torso and head were almost parallel with the ground.  He turned her head to the side, facing him.

Yeah baby, let me give you something to suck on.

Phil stroked his dick as he pushed it into her open mouth.  It began to get hard as he rubbed it back and forth on Hannah’s tongue.  Soon, he was erect again.

He looked at his watch, then at the beauty in the chair. He stroked her hair and caressed her tits before making his way back between her legs.

Phil grabbed the Vaseline off of the tool tray and applied a liberal coating to his dick and to her ass.  He smeared it on the outside of her pucker and pushed some inside.

You’ve got such an amazing ass, Hannah.  When I saw it when you stood up, I wanted to just grab it and hold it.  Now, I get to do a little more than that.

Phil pushed the tip of his penis into Hannah’s ass.  It was very tight, but not nearly as tight as Sophie’s.  It didn’t take long for Phil to get his dick completely in her plump, delectable ass.  Once he was in her fully, he pumped away, loosening her up a little as he went.

He fucked her ass with long strokes, mesmerized by the way her body moved.  Her tits bounced back and forth, her asscheeks clapped against his thighs, and her tight tummy showed just the slightest amount of movement.  He kept this pace up as long as he could, but he couldn’t take it anymore.

Phil unleashed his third load of cum in the last hour inside of Hannah’s bowels.  He shook as he climaxed inside of her, almost losing his balance.

He pulled out of her and tried to walk on wobbly legs.  Phil almost fell over, catching himself on a chair and sitting down.  He sat for a moment, enjoying the view of Hannah’s mostly naked body.  He grabbed her arm.

I always wanted to fuck a Catholic schoolgirl.  Thanks baby.

Phil grabbed some wet wipes and started cleaning himself.  Same as last time, just enough to make sure that he was clean enough to walk across the hall.
There was a KNOCK on the door.

You almost done in there?

Phil got up and opened the door.  Barry walked in, also disheveled.  Phil closed the door behind him.

We gotta wrap up soon, get the girls cleaned up.  See you in Room 10 afterwards?

Sure.  We’ll trade notes then.

Barry and Phil smiled.  Barry patted Phil on the back again as he left Room 8.


Back in Room 7, Phil walked in and closed the door behind him.  He checked on his not-so-little girl Sophie.  She was in mostly the same position as before, no bites or bruises anywhere.  Upon closer inspection, he saw some cum dripping out of her pussy.  That had to be Barry’s work.

Phil grabbed some wet wipes and cleaning supplies and went to work cleaning Sophie.  He wiped down her tits, her legs, her stomach, her pussy, and her ass.  He paid extra close attention to her ass and pussy, cleaning up the messes left by him and Barry.

After cleaning Sophie, Phil redressed her, making sure everything went back the exact same way as before.  He pulled her bra back into place, put her underwear on just the right way, pulled her jeans on and put her shoes on.  After finally pulling her shirt down to cover her tight little tummy, he was set.

He then returned the chair to its normal settings and put the legs back under the sink.

Phil took a last look around the room and made his way to Room 10.


Barry was already in Room 10, along with Jerry Jenkins.  Barry sat at the table, drinking a cup of coffee.  Phil walked in past the two men and went to the bathroom to clean himself up.

A beat.

Phil returned from the bathroom looking much neater.  Barry sipped his coffee.  He had his phone out on the table.  So did Jerry.

Hey!  Have fun?

Phil poured himself a cup of coffee and prepared it.

Yep.  You?

Hell yeah.  Sophie is fucking hot.  Have you met Jerry yet?

Phil turned to the table, coffee in hand.  Jerry stood up, extending his hand.  Phil and Jerry shook hands.

Jerry Jenkins.

Phil Reynolds.

The men sat down.

Jerry and I were talking, looks like he’s new around here.  Moved here last year and just joined the Doctor’s little group a few months back.  I was filling him in a little about how everything works.

Yeah.  It gets a little overwhelming, but I like what I’m hearing so far.

Mind getting me up to speed?

Sure.  The doc runs this club of his for people with specific tastes.  No one from the outside joins without giving in, but once you’re in, you’re in.  So if you had a kid that aged out, you could still book an open session.

Open session?

Barry took a sip of coffee.

Yeah.  There’s like 4 or 5 tiers.  The first is private use.  That’s where you guys are at.  Relatively new, it’s just you and your kids.  Second is sharing.  Scheduling trades, like Phil just did today.  Next is the open bookings.  This is when you put your kid in the open pool for others in the group to enjoy.  Then you have the Aged Out and the Not Involveds.  The Aged Outs are parents who had their kids age out of the group, they no longer come here for dental work, but the parents can still book a session with anyone in the open pool.  However, it usually costs them a pretty penny.  The Not Involveds are the last group.  Their parents aren’t involved at all.  Either they don’t know about what’s going on, or they do know but don’t want to partake.

Wait, what?

Yeah.  Some of these services get really expensive.  Know how much braces cost without insurance?  What the doc will do is approach the parents and offer them a few different ways to pay for the services.  The doc is good at seeing who is desperate enough and corrupt enough to go along with this.  He’ll give them a ton of reassurances that their kids won’t be harmed, but will cover more and more if the parents consent to more and more.  Every so often he’ll invite the parents to have fun and join in sometime, but for the most part the less they know, the better.  Sometimes the parents just want to be there and make sure their kids are safe, others just want to watch little Emma or Mason get fucked.

There’re boys here, too?

Barry took another sip of coffee.

A few.  It’s not a huge club, but there are some.  Each of the parents get to decide how far things go with their kid.  Take Phil.  When we met, he said no backdoor stuff with Sophie till he went there first.  Fortunately for me, he went there.  But if he said ‘blowjobs only’, then that’s all I can do.  We got some strict rules around here.  Need to protect ourselves, the kids, and the operation.

How does birth control and that stuff work?  I know that I had to get tested for diseases before doing anything, but Dr. Hunley didn’t go into detail on that one. As much as I’d like to fuck Melissa, the last thing I want to do is knock her up.  That leads to a world of hurt.

I know.  Last thing we want to do is have to explain to their mother’s how they got pregnant at the dentist office.  The Doctor has a side deal going with a local Gyno office that is similarly corrupt.  They make sure the girls having sex have an IUD or something installed.  Just have to make sure that you go to that doctor for her checkups at least once or twice.  After that, it’s just part of the regular service.  When they’re here, that’s where the Receptionist comes in.

The receptionist?

Yeah.  I think she’s the go-between for the offices.  Rumor has it she used to be a gynecologist until she lost her license for some crazy ethics thing.  Now, she works with Dr. Hunley and does a full checkup on all of the girls coming into the system.

Hmm... So, if I wanted to...

Fuck your daughter?

Yeah.  If I wanted to fuck her, should I talk to Dr. Hunley first?

I’d recommend it.  They’ll make sure everything is safe and ready to go.

Okay.  Another question, and I don’t want this to sound too sick, but what’s the age range?

Phil and Barry looked at each other.  Phil shrugged.

I don’t think there is a limit.  Either direction.  They still have to be patients here, and as they get older they’ll notice something’s off each time they come home from the dentist and their ass hurts like they got fucked in it, but I don’t think there’s a limit.  We try to stay away from anyone too young, but some people are into that shit.  I think the youngest in the pool is like third or fourth grade, but she’s restricted to nothing more than light petting and molesting, maybe a little oral.  Most parents tend to shy away from that, but there are few out there that are either that desperate or into that.  Got something in mind?

It’s just, it’s just that Missy’s younger sister is gonna need braces, and she’s growing up so fast.  Megan's turns 12 in a few months, and she’s really gonna be a looker.

Talk to the doc about that.

Phil took a sip of his coffee.

I saw you checking out Sophie earlier.

Jerry looked down for a bit, ashamed.

Yeah.  She’s really cute.

She’s fucking hot.

What you got?

Jerry picks up his phone and shows Phil a picture of his daughter Melissa.  She’s blonde, with blue eyes and a very cute face.  He shows another pic of her standing with another blonde girl who looks just like her, but younger and less developed.

Phil nods his head.

Think I might be willing to make a deal.  You fuck her yet?

Nope, not yet.

Did you want to fuck her first?  If you do, I’d suggest to you get to it.  Otherwise, I wouldn’t mind breaking her in.

Jerry sits for a moment.  He takes a sip of coffee, not saying anything.  Just thinking.

Let me get back to you on that.  I don’t know the logistics of this whole operation well enough to say either way.  I want to fuck them both, but I’m hung up on the whole ‘Do I want to be her first or not?’ question.  What did you guys do?

Today?  We split time.  Half with our kids, half with the others.  But the first time will require a little longer to set up.  If you go for a longer appointment, you could both fuck Melissa.


Yeah.  Talk to the doc and see what she needs.  Come in earlier for a longer appointment, we’ll work something out, then after you pay Sophie a visit down the hall.  I get to spend some time with Melissa, and we all get a little something out of this.  Or, you come in before for a visit and we meet up another time.

Jerry sat for a moment.

Gimme your numbers, I need to think about this for a bit.

Sure.  Nothing explicit in the texts.


Jerry, Phil, and Barry exchanged numbers.


The three men sit in the waiting room, each ostensibly playing on their phones.  They created a group chat and were talking to each other about stuff like sports, beer, and not fucking their daughters.  They talked about hanging out with them, having fun with them, spending time with them, but were careful to use euphemisms.

One by one, each of the girls was escorted out of the surgical area by the Receptionist.  First came Hannah, dressed in her schoolgirl uniform.  Next came Sophie, in her pink shirt and jeans.  Last came Melissa, Jerry’s daughter.  She wore a tank top that showed off her luscious breasts and a pair of dark blue jeans that showed off her legs and ass.  Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail held in place with a scrunchee.

The Receptionist helped each of the girls to a chair and helped them sit down.  Each girl was groggy, recovering from being knocked out for so long.

Barry took some pics of the girls in the waiting room and shared them in the group chat.

Jerry walked to the window and knocked on the window.  She opened it.

Could I talk to Dr. Hunley for a minute?

Go back to Room 10, I’ll send him back.

Jerry walked to the back of the office.

A beat.

The girls are starting to wake up.  Jerry returns with Dr. Hunley.  They walk over to Melissa, who is just starting to wake up.  Jerry sits down next to Melissa on one side while Dr.

Hunley takes position on the other.

Hello, Melissa.  I have some great news and some other news.  The great news is that I was able to fix your root canal.  The bad news is that it looks like you will have to get braces.  Do you understand?

Melissa tried to shake her head.

I’ll explain it to her later.

We have to do some preliminary work next week, then I’ll want to see you come in a couple weeks after that.  Okay?

Melissa weakly nodded.

We understand.

Good, I’ll see you next week then.  As for you two young ladies...

Dr. Hunley moved to a position between Hannah and Sophie.

I’ll want to see each of you in a few weeks for another adjustment on those braces.

The girls didn’t respond.  Phil and Barry each nodded.

Dr. Hunley returned to the back.

- The men schedule their next appointments, one at a time.
- Each father helps his daughter up.
- They exit the office.
- The men load their kids in their cars.
- The girls wake up a little more.
- The men drive off.


Phil sat in the driver’s seat of his truck.  Sophie sat in the front seat, still pretty zonked out but more aware.  Phil’s cell phone BUZZES with a group chat message.  When he gets to a stop light, he checks it out.

Thought about it and liked your one idea.  Coming in next week to take care of that one thing, but looking forward to our meeting in a few weeks.  Give Sophie my best.  I’ll let Melissa know you’re thinking of her.

Phil closed the phone and kept driving.  He looked over at Sophie, who was sleeping soundly.  He patted her on the leg and smiled.


« Last Edit: December 12, 2021, 09:37:27 PM by LtBroccoli »
Always close the program you were running before exiting the holodeck

Offline chef64

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Re: Dentist Chair (Mf, Mf, inc, drugged, rape)
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2020, 08:49:18 PM »
 8) Nice story. keep writing.

Offline bobbyjoecrossdresser

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Re: Dentist Chair (Mf, Mf, inc, drugged, rape)
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2020, 08:45:32 PM »
Wicked story, LtBroccoli, loved it.
Boys make the best Girls

Offline papajohn
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Re: Dentist Chair (Mf, Mf, inc, drugged, rape)
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2020, 07:20:05 AM »
Super hot story. Love stories about dads doing their daughters filling them full of cum. :emot_happy.gif:

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Dentist Chair (Mf, Mf, inc, drugged, rape)
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2020, 10:43:47 AM »
Thanks.  I think we might see some more adventures from Dr. Hunley's office in the future.   >:D

Did anyone have any requests?
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Re: Dentist Chair (Mf, Mf, inc, drugged, rape)
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2020, 10:25:36 AM »
I find your story very charming, I have very exciting mental cinema with it.
I would also like to have cute Megan on the treatment chair one day, but not just for petting.  :angel:

Offline shannyfries

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Re: Dentist Chair (Mf, Mf, inc, drugged, rape)
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2020, 02:08:39 PM »
That was super hot! Love the story line. Please keep it going!

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Re: Dentist Chair (Mf, Mf, inc, drugged, rape)
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2020, 07:46:45 PM »
You already know my stance on the age issue (mental aged to suit my qualms!) past that it's a fantastic scenario the legitimately lends itself so well to a rape story. Would love to see a day where the females were all of age. paying the good doctor's fees by the service of their bodies against their wills! Merit issued for I read so far and can't wait to read more!

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: Dentist Chair (Mf, Mf, inc, drugged, rape)
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2020, 09:31:03 AM »
You already know my stance on the age issue (mental aged to suit my qualms!) past that it's a fantastic scenario the legitimately lends itself so well to a rape story. Would love to see a day where the females were all of age. paying the good doctor's fees by the service of their bodies against their wills! Merit issued for I read so far and can't wait to read more!

I got one planned just for you.   >:D  Might take a little bit to get to it, but I think you'll like it.
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Offline rexmundi

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Re: Dentist Chair (Mf, Mf, inc, drugged, rape)
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2020, 04:07:12 PM »
I absolutely love this story. It is so good that you deserve to be promoted to Captain, Lt.Broccoli. Moreof this story would be a great thing.
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