The Club of Chester County – Bubbles Has Entered the Chat
Chapter 4: Party Time (MF, MMF, FF, MF, drugged, bond, rape, oral, anal, ws, racism, homophobia, humil)
Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction. All characters and locations are made up. The acts portrayed are also fictional. Rape is wrong, racism is wrong, violence is wrong, homophobia is wrong.
Author’s Second Note: This is a sequel to the previous sections of The Club of Chester County, and happens directly after Teagan and Aly. They aren’t required reading to enjoy this story, but it helps to set up some background. All chapters are available under my page in the Author’s section.
Author’s Third Note: This story is based off of a request from [Bubbles] where she asked people to write stories about her. This is Part 1 of that story.
Sam placed the smelling salt under Brittany’s nose with his right hand while he filmed her face with his left, his hips keeping up with a slow fucking motion.
Brittany took a small whiff of the smelling salt, then another, deeper whiff. On the second whiff she tried to move away from it and her eyes shot open.
The last thing Brittany remembered was sitting in the back seat of the Porsche SUV, her bubbly little Kim going to town on her on their way to celebrate her passing the bar, when for some reason after she came she felt really sleepy. She must have dozed off and woke up...
‘Oh God. Oh, No. OH, NO! NOOOOOOO!!!’
That’s what she tried to say, but couldn’t. Panic overwhelmed her. Brittany’s eyes flashed open, her head trying to get away from that awful smell that seemed to follow her, and her mouth.
Loud, unintelligible screams flowed from her mouth. There was something in it, something different. She couldn’t bite down, and her mouth was held open far enough that her jaw was sore and couldn’t open any further. She felt around with her tongue, there was a piece of metal in her mouth. A metal ring. A hollow metal ring.
‘Oh no, this can’t be happening.’ Brittany tried to scream, but no discernible words came out. Instead, only yells.
That smell followed her. She looked down at her nose. Whatever was there, someone was holding it under her nose. ‘It was a hand. Attached to an arm. Attached to a, a man. A fat man, wearing a ski mask? AND ONLY A SKI MASK, BETWEEN MY LEGS?’
That’s when her brain turned on enough to feel something else, something inside of her. It didn’t take her long to realize that what she was seeing with the naked man and the feeling of something, someone inside her were one and the same.
Brittany’s eyes flew open in fear as she began to realize what was happening. ‘I’m being raped by this fat man wearing a ski mask and holding a, what is that? Is that a phone? OHMYGOD, OHNOOHONOOHNO, HE’SFILMINGMEISN’THEOHGODNO!’
Once the realization hit her, she tried to move. That’s when Brit discovered her next predicament. Her arms where tied. When she tried to move them, she couldn’t. They were tied in place above her head.
‘No, not tied, this is hard and metal. OH MY GOD, I’M STUCK HERE.’
She felt the hard bracelet-like things on her wrists and realized that she wasn’t tied there, but someone, this fat man who was raping and filming her, had handcuffed her, too. She struggled and pulled, but her arms only moved a couple inches. She was stuck.
‘Kick, dammit, kick.’ Brittany’s instinct was to fight off. If she couldn’t punch, she’d try to kick. But when she tried to move her legs, she discovered two new problems and two new fears.
First, her body was groggy. Whatever happened, she wasn’t awake enough yet to command her legs to do any of the training moves that she’d learned in Tae-Kwon-Do those years ago.
Second, once she got her legs to move, she felt something on her ankle that kept her from moving her feet. They were stuck in place, cuffed just like her hands. Except her legs were cuffed, spread far apart.
Far enough apart for this man to get between her legs and rape her.
Brittany was trapped. She was afraid. But, where was she?
‘OKOKOKOKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKWHEREAMI?’ She muttered this through her gag, but only a loud grumble came out. Brittany raised her head up to look around. It was a plain looking room with cheap looking furniture. She saw a TV off to her left with a door that had locks on it and curtains over a window. To her right was a short hallway and a couple other people. Wait, is that...
“NOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOO”. That yell could be made out through her gag. What she saw when she looked to her left simultaneously frightened and disgusted her.
Kim. Her precious Kim, her sweet, bubbly Kimmy, was naked. But not completely. She had something in her mouth, and on her wrists. She was handcuffed and gagged, too. Her head was pulled back so far she was almost looking up to the ceiling, and there was a man behind her. A fit, in-shape man, also wearing a ski mask. Not just behind her, but fucking her. No, not fucking her. Raping her, too. And not being at all gentle about it.
It was then that the situation crystalized for her.
At some point after she fell asleep, her and Kim were kidnapped and moved here, to this hotel room. They were stripped and bound. Since she was the bigger and stronger of the two, she was chained to the bed while Kimmy was bent over the edge of the bed and taken against her will.
Brittany panicked. Their dream date had turned into a nightmare. Were they going to make it through the night?
Sam kept the camera focused on Brittany’s face the whole time he was fucking her, getting her reaction to realizing that everything had gone horribly, horribly wrong. He kept fucking her, watching her realize the dangerous situation she was in.
“This is some nice fucking pussy here. Like it’s barely been used.” Sam said, as he kept fucking the panicked woman. He loved the scared shitless look on her face as she realized what was going on, fighting through the grogginess of the drug she ingested earlier as she woke. Her face went from sleepy to confused to panicked in a few moments, and he caught all of it on video. Now, he had something else he wanted to record.
Sam spoke between thrusts into Brittany’s pussy.
“You know... what’s better... than fucking... a lesbian?”
He paused to make sure he had her full, undivided attention. He did.
“Cumming in one! OHHHH YEEAAAHHH!!!!” Sam screamed as he slammed into Brittany’s pussy with one final thrust and came inside of her. He shuddered a few times, but kept his left hand steady as he filmed the look on Brittany’s face as she felt her rapists’ semen spurt into her. That’s when the crying started. Sam stayed in her, making sure that he caught all of her crying on video.
When the sobs died down a little, Sam pulled his softening penis out of her pussy and wiped it off in the little tuft of trimmed brown hair right above her entrance.
He climbed off of the bed, taking the phone camera with him. As he sat down in a chair at the foot of the bed, he zoomed in on Steve and Bubbles.
Steve held Bubbles’s hair tight, like her silver locks were the reigns on a horse. He bent her over the edge of the bed, abs pushed down with his left hand while her head and chest were pulled up by his right hand. He slammed his cock into her with authority on each stroke, pulling out nearly the whole way before slamming all 8 inches back into her.
Steve raised his left hand off of her back and slapped down as hard as he could on her ass, leaving a large handprint.
Bubbles’s eyes went wide with the pain of the slap, but this helped push her to the edge. A mixture of moans and screams came from her gagged mouth as Steve kept fucking her as hard as he could. Her body shook, and Steve could feel her pussy quiver around his cock.
“I KNEW YOU FUCKING LOVED THIS, THIS IS WHY YOU NEED A FUCKING MAN, HUH, FUUUCCCCKKK!!!!” Steve yelled as he came in Bubbles, shooting one of the largest loads of his life inside of her womb. He collapsed on top of her, pulling her head into the mattress since her hair was still wrapped around her hand. He laid on her, breathing heavy to catch his breath.
No one said anything for a minute. Sam recorded all he could with the phone, getting a close-up of Bubbles’s face, showing a mix of shame, pain, and pleasure. The only sounds in the room were Brittany’s sobbing.
“Hey...” Steve eventually said, still breathing hard and laying on Bubbles. “You want a piece of this one now?”
“Gimme a moment. Someone’s gotta get me hard first.”
Sam stood up and walked over to Brittany, stopping by her head. She turned her head away from him.
“Turn this way, bitch.” Sam said. Brittany kept her head facing away from him.
“I said...” Sam grabbed a handful of Brittany’s brown hair and yanked, eliciting a scream from the woman and forcing her to turn her head towards his naked body.
“Turn this way, you fucking bitch. Are you gonna listen, or do I have to hurt you?” Sam let his words hang there, not sure how much she heard. The fear and adrenaline could only work so far with the remains of the roofies in her system. A brief moment later, though, and she stopped fighting him.
“You gonna be good, or do I hurt you? Gonna be good? Nod your head.”
Brittany nodded.
“Good. Now, you’re probably wondering about a lot of things. The least of which is ‘what the hell is this thing in my mouth?’ Well, it’s called a ring gag. Know what that is? No. Let me show you.”
Sam let go of her hair and grabbed his dick, which was starting to come back to life.
“See, a big bull dyke like you, you probably see a piece of meat like this and think ‘dinner’ and wanna bite down. But no, you can’t. Not with this little toy in your mouth. You can try, but it’s gonna hurt like a mother fucker.”
Sam stroked his cock with his right hand while filming her face with the phone in his left.
“I’m gonna fuck your girlfriend, and you’re gonna help me. You’re gonna get me hard, or I’ll hurt her real fucking bad. You gonna help me fuck her, or do I start cutting a bitch? It’s your choice.”
The fear on Brittany’s face was palpable. She cried some more, causing her mascara to run a little.
“You gonna help?”
Brittany nodded, afraid of what he’d do if she didn’t cooperate.
“Good girl. I’ve always wanted a blowjob from a dyke. Just to see what it’s like.”
Sam angled his cock to the ring gag.
“Open up. Oh, wait.”
Sam laughed at his own joke. Steve chuckled a bit from the other side of the bed, still laying on Bubbles but now mindlessly molesting her underneath him.
Brittany wanted to pull back as the cock made its way into her mouth via the ring gag. She wanted to bite down. She wanted to puke all over him. But she couldn’t do any of that, out of fear. His cock was now fully through the gag, and it was hitting her tongue and cheeks. She hated this part. She didn’t like dicks, and now she had one in her mouth, and it was sliding over her tongue and getting harder in her mouth.
“Yeah, use your tongue, slobber on it. Get it hard and wet for your little girlfriend. The harder and wetter it is, the easier it’ll be on her.”
Brittany’s heart sank on that comment as she paused what she was doing. That appeared to piss this man off as he started moving back and forth through the gag, eventually getting his dick hard and big enough to momentarily choke her.
Sam loved the look on Brittany’s face as he pushed his dick in so far that she struggled to breath. The panicked look caused her to cry, which caused her makeup to run completely down her face, giving her a mask of black tears. This excited him more and he kept this cycle going. The more she panicked, the more he loved it, and the more he loved it, the more she panicked.
And he was getting all of this in a close-up, too.
Sam was more than ready to fuck Bubbles but had to give up throat-fucking Brittany to do it. Then he had an idea.
“Hey Buddy, you doing the big girl soon? I got an idea.”
“Probably in a few minutes, what’re you thinking?” Steve replied, absently playing with Bubbles’s pussy.
“Bring the little one over here. I want them to see each other as we fuck’em.” Sam said while holding his dick in the back of Brittany’s mouth for a few seconds longer than before. When he pulled back, she coughed and spit up some slobber. With nowhere to go, it landed on her chin and cheeks, mixing with her black makeup tears.
“Yeah, I like that.” Steve stood up and grabbed Bubbles by the hair.
“Get up.”
She stood up, and let Steve walk her around the bed to next to Sam. Steve let go of Bubbles as Sam pulled his dick out of Brittany’s mouth and ring gag. Brittany coughed, trying to clear her throat. Sam grabbed Bubbles’s breasts with his free hand while getting an extreme close-up of her face. She tried to stand still, but flinched away as he moved his hand down her body to her pussy.
“I just want to say, you are super fucking hot, and that on behalf of all men that would love to fuck you but can’t because you’re on Team Muffdiver, I’m glad that I’m in the right place, at the right time. Now get on the bed, lay down, and look at your girlfriend.”
Bubbles hesitated for a moment. Sam used that as an excuse to push her down onto the bed, face first. She landed with a plop, barely getting her bound hands up in time to protect her face. Sam reached down around her waist and spun her around so she was now laying on her back. Before she could get her bearings, Sam shimmied onto the bed and pulled her legs apart.
Sam leaned down and grabbed Bubbles’s hair and used it to turn her head to the left, so she could look Brittany directly in the face. He held his face next to hers.
Sam asked Steve. Steve had just climbed onto the bed between Brittany’s tied and spread-open legs. He lined his cock up with her pussy, kneeling in position.
“Ok, on 3. 1, 2, 3!”
On 3, both men pushed themselves into the women. Sam slid his cock into Bubbles’s slick pussy while Steve pushed his into Brittany’s. Sam held Bubbles’s head in place as he began fucking her, slowly at first until he built up a rhythm. Steve, on the other hand, only took a few thrusts to get himself inside of the bound woman before he started pounding away at her. Sam put his elbow on her head, forcing it to the side to look right at Brittany.
“Say hi to your girlfriend!” Sam shouted at Bubbles as he picked up the pace and fucked her harder and faster.
Steve, meanwhile, was fucking Brittany and slapping her tits, turning her dark olive skin a shade of pink. She cried through her ring gag.
“Fucking dyke fucking whore fucking take that!” Steve yelled between thrusts and slaps. When Brittany tried to turn her head away from Steve and Bubbles, he slapped her tit harder.
Brittany reluctantly turned to face Bubbles and damn near broke down. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Through the tears in her eyes, she saw her girlfriend in a mix of agony and ... pleasure? Brittany was confused. She didn’t know how to rate what she was seeing, but she could almost swear that her little Bubbles was almost enjoying this.
She couldn’t hear Bubbles moan over the masked man’s yelling, and her attention was pulled back to between her legs as he pounded faster and grabbed her tits and squeezed.
“YEAH FUCKING YEAH FUCK YEAH I’M CUMMING I’M CUMMING!!!” Steve yelled as his cock jerked spewed stream after stream of cum deep inside of Brittany. As he sat there, catching his breath, all he could hear were Brittany’s sobs and Bubbles’s moans.
Sam found the right rhythm to fuck Bubbles, and kept it up until he heard her get close. He wanted this so bad, to make her cum while fucking her next to her girlfriend who was being raped, he wanted this so, so bad. The moaning gave way to a grunting, then a cacophony of screams and yells as her back arched and legs stiffened as she came.
The look on Brittany’s face said it all. Here they were, being raped, and Kim, her little Bubbly Kim, just had a vicious orgasm at their hands. They forced this on her. She was heartbroken at the scene.
She didn’t have long to think about it, though. The chubby man fucking Bubbles pulled out and stroked his dick. He crawled on up the bed a little until he was right over top of both Bubbles and Brittany.
“Open wide, bitches!” Sam stroked himself to orgasm, spewing ropes of cum all over both of the good-looking women beneath him. He sprayed his cum mostly at Brittany’s face and gag, but got some on Bubbles’s cheek and hair, too. After catching his breath, he wiped his dick on Brittany’s leg before climbing off of the bed.
Bubbles saw that Steve had withdrawn himself from Brittany and was now standing near the foot of the bed. She felt that she needed to do something to distract Brittany from thinking too much. She moved her face out of Brittany’s view, caught Steve’s eye, and winked at him. He wasn’t sure what that meant until he saw Bubbles clumsily try to get off of the bed.
Bubbles got to her feet and made it maybe three steps before Steve grabbed her by her long silver mane.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Steve grabbed her hair and pulled her back to him.
“Hey, looks like we got a runner. Know what we do with runners? We fuck them in the ass and make their girlfriends watch.” Steve manhandled Bubbles and threw her down on top of Brittany.
“Grab me another pair, will ya?” Steve said to Sam, who was already rummaging through Bubbles’s bag. He pulled out another pair of handcuffs and tossed them to Steve. Steve moved over the bed and hooked Bubbles’s handcuffs to the ones keeping Brittany in place, effectively binding the two together.
Sam grabbed a bottle of lube from one of the bags. He stood and sat in one of the chairs by the bed. Steve sat down right after. They both could use a break. They needed a few minutes to rest. Steve reached over to the table and grabbed Sam a beer, passing it to him. After a few long sips, Sam spoke.
“So what’s the plan?”
“We sit here for a minute, then fuck the little one in the ass for trying to run. Then make them do some shit.”
“Like what?”
“Not sure, any ideas?”
Sam acted like he was thinking for a minute.
“Oooh, I got it.” Sam took a big swig of beer than put it down and walked to the bags. He acted like he was digging through them for something, until he stood up and said “Ah ha.”
Sam held up the strap-on dildo.
“Where the fuck you get that?” Steve asked, putting on a show for Brittany.
“Remember last time when we fucked those little high school sluts and we said it’d would’ve been cool to make them fuck each other? Well, last time I swung by the porn store, I picked this up. Just in case the opportunity ever arose.”
“My mother fucking boy scout, always prepared. If you were a midget, there’d be a stepladder in that bag.”
Steve put his beer down and joined Sam climbing on the bed. Bubbles tried to shimmy away from them, but Steve slapped her ass something fierce, causing her to stop and cry out through her gag. He used this moment to grab her around the hips. Sam took advantage of this to slip the strap-on’s harness around her waist and secure it. A little work with the leg straps, and it was in place. Steve let go of her hips and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back.
“Now you listen up here. You’re gonna fuck your girlfriend here, and you’re gonna fuck her good. If you don’t, we’re gonna fuck the both of you up. Got it?”
Bubbles nodded in Steve’s grasp.
“Good. Now, we’ll help you get to work. The rest is on your own.”
Sam spread Brittany’s labia open and grabbed the dildo in the harness. He guided the tip to the entrance of her cunt, making sure it was inserted in her. He stood up off of the bed, slapping Bubbles’s ass as he got up.
“Ride that bitch!”
Bubbles jumped, nearly slipping out of Brittany. It was a tight fit, and Brittany wasn’t getting any excitement out of this. Bubbles looked at her girlfriend crying beneath her, and did her best to hide her excitement. She slowly started humping into Brittany, trying to get a rhythm going with this awkward strap-on. It took her a couple minutes to get a good pace and pattern going. She wasn’t used to this strap-on. It’s like trying to dance in someone else’s shoes. Awkward until they break in.
Steve and Sam sat down, watching Bubbles fuck Brittany.
“So who gets her ass first?” Steve asked Sam, who sipped his beer.
“You want it, go ahead.”
“No, you go.”
“No, you can go first.”
“No, you go. I can wait.”
“Rock Paper Scissors?” Sam asked, putting his beer down. Steve followed suit.
“On 3. 1, 2, 3, SHOOT!” Steve and Sam both chose paper on the first go.
“1, 2, 3, SHOOT!” Steve shot rock, Sam shot paper.
“Paper covers rock. I get that ass first. Probably for the best, I can open her up a little for ya.” Sam said.
“Makes sense. Let’s enjoy this show first. AND IT BETTER BE A GOOD ONE!” Steve said, putting some emphasis on the last part so Bubbles could hear them.
She had picked up a good rhythm, fucking Brittany with the strap-on. The plastic phallus was located a little higher up on her hips than the last one, but she was still able to go to work on her girlfriend. Through no willful choice, Brittany’s body reacted to the intrusion by getting wet, wet enough to let Bubbles fuck her faster.
Sam enjoyed the show in front of him so much he was now sporting a hard-on and was ready to fuck Bubbles in the ass. He stood up, climbed onto the bed behind her, and squirted a generous amount of lube on his dick and on her ass. He spread the lube around and inside her puckered asshole, eliciting a gasp from her around her bar gag. Sam stroked himself, ready to violate her ass when he stopped.
“Wait, one sec!” Sam hopped off of the bed and moved to the bags. He dug through them for a moment before he found what he was looking for.
A vibrator.
He grabbed it, jumped back up on the bed, and pushed the vibrator into Bubbles’s pussy. He didn’t wait for her reaction, just timed it with her fucking of Brittany’s twat. Once in, her turned it on.
Bubbles’s breathing changed and she stopped for a moment. This gave Sam enough time to get back in position and grab her by the hips. He lined his lube-covered cock up with her sphincter and pushed. Bubbles groaned at the intrusion, and Sam kept pushing until he was balls deep in her ass. He held steady in her tight little ass for a moment before working into a steady pace. It didn’t take him long to speed things up.
Bubbles’s head was spinning. Beneath her, Brittany was creeping from crying to moaning, her body giving in to the violation. Her pussy was filled with a vibrator that was exciting her in just the right way, and her ass was filled with Sam fucking her with the enthusiasm Charlie had when he won the golden ticket. Everything at once was just too much for her. After a couple more thrusts from Sam and into Brittany, Bubbles collapsed in a shattering orgasm, stiffening and shaking, screaming through her gag.
It didn’t take Sam long to cum as well. He grabbed onto her hips and buried himself completely in her ass.
“FUU FUCCK FUUUCCCKKK!!!!” He screamed as he shot another load of semen into her ass. This time, he collapsed on top of her, pinning Bubbles between Sam and Brittany. After a minute, he pulled out of her ass and got off of her, much to her relief.
That relief was short lived as Steve tagged himself in, high fiving Sam as he climbed off of the bed and went to the bathroom to clean up.
“That’s my ass now you little fucking whore.” Steve applied a generous coating of lube to his dick and a little more to her asshole. He then grabbed her hips and shoved his thicker, longer cock into her in one sharp stroke.
It hurt like hell. Bubbles’s eyes went wide with pain from the intrusion and Steve grabbing her hair and pulling her head back. Since her hands were cuffed to the bed, the quick jerk put a lot of pressure on her wrists.
“I’M GONNA MAKE YOU FUCKING CRY ON MY DICK YOU FUCKING WHORE!” Steve took no prisoners with his assault. He fucked her like she owed him money. Long, hard, fast, and brutal. It was a small miracle that he didn’t rip her apart, but the pounding into her ass, the hair pulling, and the left on vibrator reminded her that she was definitely not dead. The degrading yelling and loud slaps as his legs slammed into her filled the room, followed by her tears.
Sam grabbed the phone again and decided to get some close-up shots of this. He got some great shots of Steve’s dick pounding away at Bubbles’s ass. He grabbed a close-up of Bubbles’s crying, her mascara running down her cheeks creating streaks of black tears. He zoomed in on Brittany, who was almost shellshocked by the whole event. Then he filmed his dick entering Brittany’s mouth through her ring gag, forcing her to give him a blowjob while he filmed.
“Suck it. Suck it real good.” Sam said, thrusting his dick in and out of her mouth, causing him to get erect once again.
“CRY FOR ME YOU FUCKING SLUT! CRY!” Steve yelled at Bubbles, slapping her ass hard enough that she buckled. Bubbles cried harder, while suppressing a moan.
One thing with Steve’s ferocious fucking, what he puts into effort he loses in stamina. While it might have felt like forever for her, it was only a few minutes. His pace started to waver, and he knew he was about to cum.
Instead of speeding up to cum, Steve slowed for a bit and reached behind Bubbles’s head. He grabbed the buckle securing her gag in place and unfastened it and let it fall out of her mouth. Bubbles coughed for a moment.
“STOP, PLEASE STOP!” She yelled, once her mouth was free.
“FUCK HER MOUTH!” Steve yelled to Sam. He didn’t need to be told twice. Sam pulled his dick out of Brittany’s mouth and climbed up on the bed, kneeling over Brittany’s head with his dick right in front of Bubbles’s mouth. He grabbed her by the hair and slapped her a couple times.
“Bitch, you bite me and I’ll knock your fucking teeth out. Got it?”
Bubbles nodded and opened her mouth. Sam pushed his dick in. She started to lick and suck on it like a pro, but she wouldn’t let Brit know that.
A dick in her mouth. A dick in her ass. A vibrator in her pussy. Her girlfriend under her crying, and pain mixed with pleasure. Bubbles could feel another orgasm coming any moment now. That’s when she felt Steve in her ass grab her hips and push into her for one final thrust as he came.
“OOHHH SHIT!” Steve yelled, busting a nut in her tight little ass.
That did it. Bubbles moaned on Sam’s cock as she came. That pushed him closer to the edge. If it was earlier in the night, he would have busted right then and there. Instead, Sam pulled out of Bubbles’ mouth and angled his cock back into Brittany’s through her ring gag. He wanted to cum there instead. Which he did.
Sam shot his load into Brittany’s mouth, deep in her mouth. She had no choice but to swallow it or choke to death.
After cumming, Sam grabbed Bubbles by the hair and looked her right in the eye.
“Are you gonna be a good girl and stay quiet, or do I have to put that gag back in your mouth?”
“I’ll be good, I’ll be good.” Bubbles said between tears.
“Good. No funny business, or we take it out on your lover.” Sam let go of Bubbles and stood up. She collapsed on top of Brittany. The only sounds were the sobbing and the vibrator still in her pussy.
“Oh, almost forgot.” Sam grabbed the vibrator from Bubbles pussy and removed it. Instead of turning it off, he squeezed it into Brittany, barely getting it to fit with the strap-on dildo already in her twat. He angled it so the vibrator would be closer to her clit and g-spot.
“Keep that in place. You can’t remove it until she cums.” Sam said, putting a little extra bass in his voice. He patted her ass for good measure, then sat down next to Steve and drank some of his beer.
Sam checked his watch. 10:27 PM. Damn, they’d been fucking for almost two and a half hours. No wonder his legs felt like Jello. He’d cum four times so far tonight.
He sipped his beer and had a slice of cold pizza. Steve did the same. They watched the women in front of them as they relaxed. Brittany tried to suppress her moans and cries, but the vibrator in her cunt was pushing her to the brink of orgasm. Bubbles lay on top of her, whispering something to her. Sam didn’t hear all of it, but it sounded something like “Come on, cum so I can pull out.”
“What’ya wanna do next?” Sam asked Steve. He took another swig of his beer, thinking long and hard about it.
“I really want to fuck Brittany’s ass for a bit. Think we can tag team her where she’s at?”
Sam thought about that for a moment.
“It’ll be a tight fit. I can throatfuck her again but you might not fit in the ring. I think we can angle something. Cuff the little one to the chair and table, then we both fuck Brit for a few minutes. After that, nail the little one.”
“That works. When you want to go?” Steve asked.
“In a few. I want to see the big one cum first.” Sam said, sipping his beer.
They wouldn’t have to wait long. It was inevitable with the way the vibrator was working on Brittany that she would be forced to orgasm. Once it came over her, she had no choice but to let go. She moaned through her gag, shaking and pulling against her bonds. It was only after she came down that the crying started again in earnest.
Sam stood up and uncuffed Bubbles from the bed.
“Come on. Up.” He grabbed her by the arm and sat her down in the chair he was using. Steve came over and produced two more sets of handcuffs. He cuffed one end around the cuffs on her wrists and the other around the arm of the chair. The other set he used to cuff the chair to the table.
“You’re not going anywhere until I tell you to.” Steve said, glaring at Bubbles.
Sam climbed on the bed first and pulled the vibrator out of Brittany. She sighed when it was removed, but that relief was short lived. She felt something weird being slathered on her pussy and ass. It was some kind of liquid.
It took only a moment to realize what was going to happen. The chubby man was sliding into position under her leg and along her flank, lining his cock up with her asshole. The other man had crawled onto the bed and put his dick against her pussy. She tried to get away but there was nowhere to go.
Brittany felt the pressure as both men pushed into her. The chubby man pushed his cock into her ass while the other man shoved his cock into her twat.
The chubby man was squeezing, licking, and biting her tit while he fucked her ass.
Brittany screamed through her gag. That only seemed to excite them more.
After a moment, both men moved back and forth, fucking the respective holes. It was a hard few minutes for Brittany, and the pain in her ass was unbearable. She’d never felt anything like this before. She was relieved when the chubby man pulled out.
“Hey, ready to switch?” Sam said.
Brittany screamed some more and cried some more, not sure she could handle it.
Sam shimmied out from underneath Brittany and made room for Steve. Once there, Steve wasted no time in raping her ass and mauling her tits. Sam had to wait for Steve to pause so he could start fucking her pussy.
Brittany cried and groaned. This wasn’t how the night was supposed to go. It was supposed to be a nice, romantic dinner. Now, here she is being raped by two men in some random hotel room.
“FUCK YEAH, FUCK YEAH. I’M FUCKING THAT DYKE ASS REAL GOOD.” Steve picked up the pace and tried to fuck her as fast as he could from this awkward position. He slapped a tit with one hand and once her nipple was in range of his mouth, he bit down on it hard. Brittany screamed again.
Steve’s frenetic pace was wearing on him, and seemed like he was getting tired and sore. That pace was also wearing on Sam, as it was throwing his rhythm off, too.
“Hey. I’ve got. An idea.” Sam said, getting Steve’s attention.
“What’s that?” Steve said between grunts.
“Let’s fuck the little chink together.”
“Is she a chink or a gook?”
“I don’t know, they all look alike. Which hole you want?”
Steve bottomed out in Brittany’s ass with another hard thrust. Brittany yelled through her gag.
“I want her ass.” Steve started to pull himself out of Brittany’s abused asshole. Sam pulled out her pussy and walked to Bubbles, still cuffed to the chair. She had nowhere to move as he grabbed a key and undid the handcuffs keeping her in the chair. He released the bindings from the chair and table, and grabbed her roughly under the arm.
“Up, now.” Bubbles stood. Steve slid off of the bed and grabbed the chair Bubbles was in. He slid it over to the head of the bed.
“Let’s fuck her in front of her girl.” Steve said. Sam nodded.
Steve sat down and squeezed some more lube on his dick. Sam pushed Bubbles over to Steve, who rubbed a little of the lube on her ass before grabbing her by the hips.
“I hope this fucking hurts. Both of you.” Steve said to Bubbles but loud enough for Brittany to hear. Steve lined his dick up with her ass crack and searched for her bruised anal opening. Once he found it, he pushed himself in.
Bubbles cried a little as Steve forced himself into her. She was so focused on Steve in her ass, she didn’t notice Sam standing in front of her with an evil look on his face and stroking his cock. He looked at her, then spit in her mouth. Before she could react, he slapped her twat. Then again, then again.
Bubbles screamed in pain, not even making any words. Sam took this time to slam his dick into her pussy in one go. She wasn’t that wet and he didn’t care. He knew her well enough by this point that she’d solve that problem herself.
Steve and Sam fucked Bubbles in unison, thrusting into her for all they had left. Bubbles’s cries turned into soft moans, which grew louder and more obvious as they fucked her.
Steve looked over at the bed and saw Brittany try to look away. He grabbed her hair with one hand and yanked her head towards him.
“Hey, look at me while I’m fucking your little gook dyke whore. Watching this? Watching me fuck her little dyke ass? Which you like more, me fucking your ass or fucking her ass?”
Brittany was sobbing. Bubbles was moaning. Sam was grunting. Steve was yelling and pulling.
“FUUUCCKK!” Steve yelled as blasted another load of semen deep inside of Bubbles’s ass. He held her in place as he finished cumming. After a moment he grabbed Bubbles’s hands and put them on her twat.
“Rub your fucking clit. You better cum before we pull out, or I’ll cut that fucker off.”
Bubbles complied. She rubbed her clit like she was DJ Diddles spinning some records at the dance club.
Sam kept fucking her. He wanted to nut soon, but held out until Bubbles came. He looked at Brittany who stared at the men raping her girlfriend again, and listened as Bubbles’s breathing picked up in intensity. He felt the way her hands moved down on her crotch, and listened to her moans become cries as came one more time, this time with his dick in her. The pulsating was enough to push him over the edge one more time.
“HERE IT COMES!!!” Sam yelled as he blasted another load of semen into her. He shook a few times as he came before collapsing on the small Asian woman with two dicks in her.
Sam eventually got off and out of Bubbles, standing on wobbly legs.
“Cuff her up with the other one.” He said to Steve, still in the chair, just now pulling his dick out of her ass. Sam walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. Just before opened it, he saw it said “BRIT” on it. That would be bad. He put it back and grabbed another one and drank that down.
Steve, meanwhile, had picked Bubbles up and laid her on top of Brittany. He cuffed her back to the bed. Bubbles laid on top of Brittany, exhausted. Brittany was shocked to her core, fearing that more was yet to come.
Sam chugged the bottle, then grabbed another one. Steve got a bottle and sat down. He put the cold bottle of water against his penis and let out a sigh.
“You okay?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, just a little sore. Feels like my dick is raw. What about you?”
“I think I’m done for the night. Just got one more thing I want to do.”
“Dude, I can’t cum anymore. My dick is done, my balls are hurting.”
Sam cut him off before he continued.
“No, no, not that. Drink up.”
Steve was confused for a moment, until he realized that Sam had already finished one bottle of water, was crushing a second, and about to get a beer next. Steve finished a bottle of water quickly.
It took a little longer than expected to get the urge, but once he did, Sam grabbed the phone he’d used throughout the night and turned on the video recorder. He climbed onto the bed and stood over top of the two women.
“Okay bitches, look at me!” Sam said, holding the phone in one hand and his dick in the other. Brittany was already facing him, eyes wide. Bubbles turned her head up to Sam just as he started pissing on them.
He got a great shot of their faces as let out a long, healthy stream, like he’d just broken the seal on a long night of drinking. He aimed for Brittany’s face, her open mouth, Bubbles’s face, her hair, he got it EVERYWHERE.
“Take that, take that! Drink it up you fucking dyke cow. Drink it!”
Brittany coughed and gagged, trying her hardest to get the taste of piss out of her mouth. Bubbles tried to turn, but couldn’t. Just as Sam stopped and the women thought their troubles were over, Steve climbed on the bed and joined in.
Steve blasted a long stream of piss, coating their heads and bodies with his foul-smelling urine. He took extra special care to aim his piss for Brittany’s mouth and eyes, then finished pissing all over their bodies.
Good thing for rubber sheets.
As he climbed off, the women coughed and cried. Brittany did her best to spit up as much of the piss as she could before she choked on it or swallowed it. But she couldn’t. She had to swallow some of the piss or choke, she didn’t have a choice.
It was the most disgusting, foulest thing she’d ever done in her life. She was sick to her stomach. Her stomach, where their piss was now residing.
The only thing keeping her from vomiting right then and there was the conscious decision not to. If she puked right now, in this position, she could easily choke and die. Instead, she just cried, and cried. Maybe the tears could wash some of the piss out of her eyes.
Sam and Steve tapped their beers together, watching the women cry and sob on the bed. Not a bad night.