Author Topic: A message to all new members, and those members unaware of our Monthly Contest  (Read 276 times)

Offline 90lbsofdynamite

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    • Official website for Millie Dynamite
On this site, we offer up stories for your perusal and enjoyment. There are many fine writers on RavishU. Their creativity and imagination is boundless, please avail yourself of the many fine tales that are written for you, our cherished members. Also, we have a contest each month, the authors create narratives that fit the boundaries of that months contest, and enter them in said competition.

Please go to the RavishU Monthly Story Contest section, inside this you will see threads for the entries of each monthly contest. At the top of section are two more sections, The Monthly Polls and Winners' Circle. On or about the first of each month we start a poll (in the monthly Polls section). Inside that poll you will see all the stories for the previous month entered in the contest with links to the stories. Please read and vote on your two favorites each month.

This month, September, we are voting on the August stories. Please support all our fine writers here by reading and voting.

All the best

Just 90 lbs of Dynamite Big Bada Boom!!