Author Topic: Asimov's Second Foundation  (Read 359 times)

Offline BindandGagHer

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Asimov's Second Foundation
« on: August 11, 2020, 02:20:49 AM »
Spoilers here for the third book of Isaac Asimov's finest series.  The third book in the series, titled, "Second Foundation," (which makes everyone think it's the second book in the "Foundation" series) introduces a 14-year-old girl who is honestly a pain in the ass know-it-all who deserves to be raped by the first person she runs into in the book.  Instead, she stows away aboard her uncle's ship when he is essentially *forced* by her father to go to the most dangerous planet in the galaxy and break into the palace of the most dangerous person!  He discovers his niece almost immediately, and this is where my twisted mind takes over.

Why would he actually take this mission?  Would he not simply change course as soon as he is out of his home planet's flight control, and head to a small, habitable moon on the other side of the galaxy?  Heck, he'd probably have a holosuite with his brother's house and his brother's daughter programmed into it!  Tons of supplies, lots of CO2 scrubbers, lots of everything he needs!  After the course change, he finds his little niece.  Well, well, well...  Best of all, she doesn't even know that they are now on a 15-year trip to the other side of the galaxy, so when her uncle begins raping her, she still thinks she'll get to "tell on him" when they land.  Heh, heh, heh...

Ssshhhhhh...  Hush....  You're in good hands now, angel.