The Club of Chester County – Teagan and Aly
Chapter 4: Back and Forth (nosex, setup, racism, drug use)
Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction. All characters and locations are made up. The acts portrayed are also fictional. Rape is wrong, racism is wrong, violence is wrong.
Author’s Second Note: This is also character introduction and setup, and will tie in to the rest of the story in the future.
Back and Forth (Teagan and Aly)
“Okay, see you then.” Sam hung up the phone. “Pizza and wings ordered, be ready in 20-30 minutes.” He said, taking a drink of Diet Coke from McDonald’s. Joe made excellent time getting from West Oakville to Westchester, but after driving for 20 minutes they decided to get some drive-thru before picking up B’s food. It was already a long day, and could be a very long night. There was a lot riding on this plan, so it wouldn’t make sense to risk it because everyone was hungry. The first place off the Beltway exit to Westchester was McDonald’s. The men each ordered a simple meal and ate quickly. Sam was especially hungry, considering he vomited from nerves before he left. He was the only man in the truck to order more than just a value meal, and he made quick work of that. Joe was following the GPS to Salvatore’s Pizza Shop in Westchester Heights, the glorified strip mall that called itself a borough. Sam sent a text to B, ‘Order made, be there soon.’
“Has anyone met B before?” Steve asked from the backseat. Joe and Sam shook their heads. Ray swallowed before talking.
“Not personally, but I was working with him on a trade for Aly, the short girl in the picture. I saw a couple of his previous videos. He did a real good job with this one little Italian looking chick. Not as good as you did with that little spic last winter, but still good.” Ray sipped his beverage.
“Is there some protocol to asking how we all know each other? I’ve got to admit it feels a little weird going into something like this and not knowing anything about who’s here.” Sam asked the other men in the truck.
“It’s not that there’s a rule against it, it’s just common courtesy to not ask too many questions until after. Never know who’s a cop these days.” Steve said, munching on some fries. “At least not until after the fact. That way, no one’s ratting us out without taking themselves down.”
“Yeah. We know each other through the work. I mean, it’s not like we can have Rape Picnic Day at Cedar Point.” Joe said while driving.
“That would be a fun picnic.” Ray laughed as he said that.
“Yeah. But if you’re worried, here’s the short version. I’ve worked with Steve on a previous project. Ray worked with Steve a while back, too. B was working with Ray, and Sam and I have known each other for a long time. I recommended Sam to The Club, and he was vetted by Pedro before the offer was made.” Joe said this as the GPS directed him to a strip mall surrounded by other strip malls and condos.
“So Sam, you’re really new?” Asked Steve.
“Is this your first rape, or your first time with The Club?”
Sam thought about the answer for a second. “Both, sort of. I’ve pressured a woman here or there for favors. And there was the occasional passed out drunk girl in my younger days, but nothing like this.”
“What kind of pressure?”
“Power and money, mostly. I’ve had sex with a couple women that fell behind on their rent and were trying to avoid eviction, but that usually turned out bad. Either the sex sucked or they would try it again the next month. Next thing you know, I’m out a lot of money from missing rent payments and some whore is saying I raped her when she gave it up for free. At least now I’ll have another option of getting rid of trouble tenants. Some bitch that’s two months behind on the lease will gladly waive their deposit to get out of where they were raped.”
“I think we’re going to be good friends going forward.” Ray chuckled.
“You have other apartments than the building you live in?” Steve asked. “Cause I’m not a fan of getting shot on the way out of a party.”
“No, he’s got some primo places.” Joe interjected. “Ever heard of Maple Gardens Management?”
“Those shitty apartments all over the city?”
“Yes Ray. Sam is Maple Gardens Management. And he has a lot of apartments in Collegetown.” Joe said, pointing to Sam. For his part, Sam didn’t brag or boast, just nodded.
“Wow. Out of all the places you could have lived at, you chose the death room in West Oakville? How bad did things go to end up there?” Ray asked.
“$20 says a woman is to blame.” Steve added.
“Pay the man.” Sam threw in.
“I didn’t agree to that. It’s always a woman’s fault when a grown man ends up in a studio apartment. That’s how I ended up in them.”
“Well, the short version is things were a little rocky with my ex. I moved in with her about 6 months earlier and we were talking about getting a house, but I didn’t want to do that unless we were married, because it’s a real pain in the ass to deal with. We’d fight here and there, but it really blew up when she found my porn stash. She flipped her shit, we fought, said some shit that couldn’t be unsaid, and split. I stuck around for a while since I’d sold my condo, but it was just too weird living there with her and her kids. Plus, her fucking cunt of a sister kept interfering and went out of her way to stop any chance at us getting back together. I left, put everything in storage, and now I live in the death room until I get a new place.”
“You really don’t like the sister, do you?” Steve asked, sipping on his drink.
“We were out scouting her earlier today. She is damn fine. I’d do her if she didn’t know me.” Joe said, coming to a stop light and turning right into an entirely different strip mall than the 4 they already passed.
“I’m not sure if that’s an endorsement or not, I’ve seen the shit you’ve done. Remember Aubrey?” Ray said.
“Hey, even the fatties need some loving too. Pro tip Sam, if you’re ever offered a 3 for 1 trade, be very suspect. Three 3’s do not equal a 9. Or a 7. Hell, barely a 5.”
“Why would you do that? Or even agree to it?” Sam asked, confused and astonished.
Joe pulled into the parking lot outside of Salvatore’s Pizza and drove the truck to a parking space.
“Because a deal is a deal is a deal. I agreed to a trade, and it was too late to renege. I could have just not done them, but then that would have kept me from pursuing another deal.” Said Joe, as he parked the truck.
“They changed the rules since to allow for a pass in crazy situations, but the reasons would be used in future negotiations.”
“So, if I agree to a deal and it turns out she moved or she is now a he, or the pics were from before they put on 500 pounds, I don’t have to participate?” Asked Sam, reaching for the seat buckle.
“Yep. Used to be that you had to do what you agreed to do. Now, if there’s some extenuating circumstances, they’ll let it slide. My little escapade started that, but a while later they made the rule change when some dude was coming in to do some crazy chick, found her in a bath tub ODing and with her wrists slit. Dude freaked out, got away from the building, and called 911 to do a welfare check on her. They got there in time to save her life, but that messed with his head. So now we’ve got the crazy shit rule. One of those rules that didn’t need to be written down till it happened.”
“Damn. Alright, I’m getting the food. Here.” Sam handed Joe back his phone and went inside to get B’s food. Joe checked the texts between him and B from earlier, then started typing.
Blaine took his time coming back to the theater room. His idea was that if he waited, the girls would smoke most of that joint and get a good buzz going. He didn’t need to stay completely sober, but didn’t want to get completely fucked up, either. The girls, well, things might be easier if they’re a little baked and drunk. He walked into the theater and was met with the pungent smell of weed. Blaine entered quickly and closed the door. The room was pretty warm, and the girls sat on the couch furthest from the door. Blaine approached them and saw that the joint was smoked pretty far down.
“Really? I’m gone for a few minutes, and you damn near crush the whole thing.” Teagan looked up at him, her eyes starting to become bloodshot. It contrasted with the pale blue color they are normally.
“Here.” Teagan passed the joint to Blaine and he took a hit. Then another, then one more and passed it to Aly.
“Oww. Getting short.” Aly said as she grabbed the joint. “Where’s your tweezers?”
“They’re up in my room. I’ll grab’em when the pizza gets here.”
“And a bowl?” Aly took a hit off the joint.
“Sure Al, a bowl too.”
“Why don’t you like bowls?” Teagan asked as Aly took another hit then passed the dwindling joint to her.
“Because I prefer joints. When you buy weed, you smoke it how you want. I bought this, and I like joints, so we’re smoking joints. Maybe we’ll switch later on or use that for the roaches, but right now it’s still joint time.”
“Tea, Carmella is a pain in the ass to clean, okay?”
“Carmella?” Teagan said, after hitting the joint.
“He named his bowl Carmella.” Aly said. Teagan took a long hit before passing what was left to Blaine.
“Wait, you named your bowl?”
“He named his car Sexy WReXy.”
“Doesn’t everyone name their favorite bowl?”
Teagan and Aly looked at each other, then Blaine, then back at each other. They busted out laughing. Blaine took a hit. After a moment, they collected themselves.
“Okay, why Carmella?” Teagan asked, still giggling.
“I made it out of the shift gear of my Evo 9 after I totaled it. I took that and a few parts that I could salvage. I sold some of them, but I kept the shifter. When I got Sexy WReXy, I didn’t need this anymore but realized it would make a great bowl. Or so I thought. It works, but it’s a pain in the ass to clean.”
Blaine felt a buzz in his pocket. He took a hit and passed the joint to Aly, then pulled out his phone and saw the text from Joe.
Joe: Picking up food from Salvatore’s. What streets are near you?
Blaine: Hummingbird and Cardinal Drives.
Joe: Thx. Don’t want to put your address in my GPS.
Blaine: Makes sense. You’re about 10-15 minutes away. Head down Henderson Road to the Birdland housing plan across from the hospital.
The girls looked up, seeing Blaine text away.
“What’s going on?” asked Aly.
“New driver from Salvatore’s. I think he’s old, asking for directions. Probably still uses a flip phone.”
“Fossil” Aly said. Teagan laughed, then Aly laughed too.
Joe: Looks like we’ll be there soon. Where should we park?
Blaine: Back up into my driveway. Text or call when you get here. I’ll meet you at the rear basement door and get food. After that, go upstairs to deck, I’ll meet you there and let you in. Girls are in the downstairs theater. They’ll stay here while I’m handling things.
Joe: Copy that, see you soon.
Blaine breathed a bit and sat back down on the large stadium style chair couch combo. Teagan made a faint move towards Blaine as if she was trying to pass the roach across the room. Blaine waved his hand, and Teagan passed it to Aly. Blaine had a sip of his beer. He looked at his phone. 6:05PM. No new texts from his parents saying that their flight was delayed or cancelled. They should be airborne by now. Less than 2 hours give or take before party time.
“You sure you want to watch Justice League?”
“Yeah, might as well.” Aly replied, giggling a little.
“Okay.” Blaine set up a quick playlist on the home theater of Batman Vs. Superman, Justice League, and Aquaman. He shook his head, looking regretful for a moment. Just then, his phone buzzed.
Joe: Is there a WRX in the driveway?
Blaine: Yeah.
Joe: Backing up now. Meet you at the back door.
Joe had a text conversation with B, trying to find streets near where he was going. Once he found Hummingbird Drive, it was easy to find Meadowlark. Down this street two lights, left on Pyrenees, right on Henderson, look for the hospital into the plan, then a couple lefts and there was Meadowlark. He ran these directions through his head as Sam came back to the truck with three pizzas and an order of wings. Ray opened the back door and Sam handed him the food.
“Damn, how much you expecting us to eat?” Ray asked Sam.
“Nothing, this was just his order. Hungry little fucker.”
“Check that shit for labels or stickers with the name and number.” Steve told Ray as Sam closed Ray’s door and climbed in the passenger seat.
“Just this receipt, no labels or anything else on the boxes.” Ray handed the receipt to Steve who proceeded to tear it into smaller and smaller pieces, until it looked like confetti.
“Left Pyrenees, Right Henderson, Hospital, Left, Left, 148 Meadowlark.” Joe muttered this to himself over and over as he pulled out of the parking lot and drove. It became like a holy mantra to him.
“Left Pyrenees, Right Henderson, Hospital, Left, Left, 148 Meadowlark.” Joe repeated until he reached his first marker and made a left on Pyrenees.
“Right Henderson, Hospital, Left, Left, 148 Meadowlark.” After another minute or two, they stopped at a red light. Henderson Road.
“Hospital, Left, Left, 148 Meadowlark.” Joe continued.
“Is this how you used to drive before GPS?”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP STEVE, I’M TRYING TO CONCENTRATE!” Joe screamed at Steve. Ray and Sam busted out laughing, seeing how this teased Joe.
“We all know the fucking directions now, no need to be a bitch about it.” Steve replied.
“Hospital, Left, Left, 148 Meadowlark.” Sam said, sounding like a medieval monk.
“Hospital, Left, Left, 148 Meadowlark.” Ray joined in, followed by Steve. They continued this chant, slowly pissing Joe off.
“Mother fucker.” Joe started laughing, then joined in on the chant.
“Hospital, Left, Left, 148 Meadowlark. Hospital, Left, Left, 148 Meadowlark. Hospital, Left, Left, 148 Meadowlark.” At this time, the hospital came into view. Across from that was a sign with a bird name. Eagle’s Nest Village. Joe turned the vehicle into the plan using Cardinal Drive.
“Left, Left, 148 Meadowlark.” The first left they came to was Hummingbird Drive. Joe turned left.
“Left, 148 Meadowlark.” About a quarter mile later, they came to the next left. Meadowlark drive. Joe turned left.
“Gimme numbers when you see them.” Joe asked, keeping the truck driving at a slow pace.
“318 on my side. 312. 306. My side, Joe.” Sam yelled out. They came to a stop sign. “242, Right side, next block most likely.” No one said any numbers until after the next stop sign. Sam picked up the job again. “166, 160, two more houses. 154, there 148.” Joe stopped the truck in front of a two-story house. A blue Subaru WRX sat in the driveway. Joe texted B.
Joe: Is there a WRX in the driveway?
Blaine: Yeah.
Joe: Backing up now. Meet you at the back door.
Joe put the truck into reverse and backed his F-150 into the driveway. He parked it and applied the parking brake.
It was 6:14PM and was still light outside.
“Okay guys, grab your stuff and get out. No masks until we’re inside. Steve, grab my stuff for me while I take the food. Walk around the rear of the house, close to the wall. I’ll make the food handoff. Close the doors softly. When I wave you on, go up the deck stairs and wait up there. B will let us in, then get us to a safe location in the house until called upon. Understood?”
The men nodded. No more words were needed. Joe exited the car and walked around to Ray’s door to get the food. Sam got out of the truck and grabbed his bag. Steve grabbed his and Joe’s. Ray waited till Steve had the food secured and did the same. The four men walked to the rear of the house.
Blaine saw the text, then looked at the time. “Damn, it took that long to set up and play the movie?” The girls paid him no mind. Blaine stood up, making sure he had their attention.
“Hey, pizza’s here. I need y’all to stay here for a minute.”
“Why?” Aly asked, a little confused.
“Cause we’re fucking hotboxing in the basement and I don’t need some old fuddy duddy calling the cops on us for smoking. I’ll get the food and the other stuff, then be back in a minute.”
“My drink’s empty, I need a refill.” Said Teagan.
“Me too.”
“Just a minute. I’ll get the pizza, then give you the all clear, then I’ll get my bowl. Okay? Just wait for me to knock.” The girls nodded. Blaine turned and grabbed the door, flipping the lock switch before closing it, just to be on the safe side. He didn’t expect them to come out, but with two girls drinking and getting high, he’s not taking any chances. “Yes, they can open it, but I’ll hear that across the basement.” Blaine said to himself as he walked to the back door.
Joe stood at the door and looked over his shoulder. The men were all standing close to the back wall and garage door. They would have to walk past the basement door to get to the steps, and he wanted this to be smooth. No sense taking extra risks unless absolutely necessary. He knocked on the door. Within a moment it opened. A tall, well-built light skinned black man with short hair, a wide nose, and light brown eyes opened the door. Joe guessed he was 6’1” or 6’2” and a solid 230 pounds. He wore a pair of tight jeans, Air Jordans, and a pink t-shirt that had some Asian characters on it that looked like it came from some anime. “Got a pizza here for...”
“Blaine? That’s me. You’re Joe?” Blaine asked the other man. He was eying him up one side and down the other. He was shorter than him, maybe 5’8” at the most. Joe had a full head of blonde hair, blue eyes, and was clean shaven. He wore black pants and a zip-up black hoodie. He guessed that that Joe was probably in his 40’s, give or take a few years. Joe handed the pizzas over to Blaine.
“How much I owe you?” Blaine asked, as he grabbed the pizzas and backed up, not completely trusting him.
“It’s taken care of. So...” Joe let the word hang in the air, almost like he was prompting him.
“If you need to use the bathroom, just head up the deck steps. I’ll be there in a minute.” Blaine motioned with his head towards the steps.
“Cool. See you shortly.” Joe walked towards the steps. Blaine put the pizzas down on the counter walked to the door, sticking his head out. Joe was on the steps halfway up the deck. Blaine turned his head to the right and saw three other men, all older than him. He gave a quick wave to them, motioning them to follow Joe. Blaine then closed the door and locked it.
“Holy shit.” Blaine said to himself. He walked to the theater and knocked on the door. “Pizza’s here! I’m going upstairs, I’ll be back down in a minute.”
“Okay!” He heard Aly yell from inside. Blaine walked up the steps and strode quickly to the dining room. There, he saw 4 white men dressed in black. “Like some bad fucking movie.” He opened the sliding glass door. “Come on in.” The four men walked in to the house, one by one each carrying a bag. Joe, the blonde guy. He was followed by a chubby white man in his mid 40’s with black hair and a bald spot, followed by a white-haired man with a short-trimmed beard and a muscular man that could pass for his late 20’s if not for the salt and pepper in his hair. Joe was the shortest and acted like the leader of the group. The chubby man was maybe an inch or two taller, around 5’9”. The old man was about the same height. Only the muscular man was close to Blaine’s height, and he might be 5’11”, maybe 6 feet tall on a good day. “Straight ahead, then up the stairs. Turn left, last door on the right.” Blaine followed the men to his room, looking over his shoulder the whole time. The last thing he needed was to be spotted by one of the girls before they could execute the plan. It took a moment to get up the stairs as the old man seemed to be having pain in his knees, but they eventually made it up. Each step felt like an eternity where they would get caught. They all turned to his room but waited for Blaine to open the door. He did, and ushered them in. Once all inside, he closed the door and locked it behind him.
Blaine sized up the men, just as they sized him up. If things got ugly, he knew he could take the old man, the fat man, and maybe the short man, but the big guy would be a challenge. The old man probably fights dirty, the fat man would try to out think him, and the short man would try to bullshit him into submission.
“I’m Blaine. You’re Joe. Ray?” Blaine pointed to Ray, who nodded. “Sam?” He pointed to the chubby guy, and Sam nodded. “So that makes you Steve?”
“Yep.” Replied Steve.
Joe spoke up, trying to keep his voice at an even keel. “This is the last chance to walk out. It’s not a traditional trade, so there’s no repercussions if we agree to back out. If anyone’s not feeling this, speak now.”
The room was silent for a solid minute. No one spoke, and each man looked at other, waiting to see if someone else would speak. It didn’t take long for Steve and Ray to lock eyes and nod in agreement. Sam was a bundle of nerves but more excited than he’s been in a long time. Joe was in from the moment he proposed the idea. The only one in the room that anyone was uncertain of was Blaine.
Blaine weighed out the cons. If this didn’t go just right, his step-sister and her best friend will know that he either tried to rape them or did rape them. Best case scenario, things will be very weird and he’ll have to leave. Worst case scenario, prison or he gets stabbed in his sleep. If this goes sideways, he’ll have to play along, knowing he had a role in this. But dammit, this was his original plan. He’s wanted to fuck Teagan for years, and he knew it would never happen under normal circumstances. He was ready to let Aly get raped just so he can fuck someone that looked like Teagan. Plus, Joe seems to know how to handle shit. He came up with a good plan on the fly, and rounded up everything.
“I’m in.” Blaine said, half in disbelief. “What’s the plan?”
“Your parents are in the air?” Joe asked him.
“Yeah. They should be landing around 6:45, 7 if there was a delay. Figure another hour to get a cab to the B&B, and they’ll be out of contact for the whole weekend.” Blaine said, checking his phone. It was 6:18.
“You’re supposed to be drug dealers or something else?” Blaine asked, trying to figure out how 4 old white guys were violent drug dealers.
“Starts as a deal but goes bad. We’re not your normal dealer, but someone else. You come upstairs, Steve handles you down and subdues you. He’ll rough you up a bit but he’ll pull his punches. Just go with the flow. I’m the voice, Ray and I bind the girls. Sam covers the door, then comes up here, flips over the room looking for cash but can’t find it. He comes down, tells me he can’t, then I say we have another way to make money. How much weed we selling you?” Asked Joe, trying to keep himself from fidgeting.
“I’ve got an ounce underneath the nightstand.”
“Anything else?”
“I’ve got a couple 8-Balls on me. Like 4 or 5.” Ray said.
Joe’s eyes went wide. He had just spent the last hour driving around with a felonious amount of cocaine in his truck. Joe bounced right back into the flow.
“That’s not what I expected, but we’ll use it. That should be in total a couple grand. Blaine, you text us when you’re ready to start. We’ll make our way to the front door and you come up and meet us and we’ll assume positions. Ray, if you’re ever in my truck again, tell me if you have enough coke to kill a horse. Or any coke for that matter. Sam and Steve, you’ll toss the room, make it look like a robbery. Just this room, don’t need to push our luck by trashing the sister’s or parents’ room. Anything that should be left untouched?”
“Don’t fuck with the computers, don’t cut shit open, and there’s a loose panel in the top of the closet. Don’t go there, that’s where my server lives, and it’s recording everything. Try not to break anything.” Blaine said to Joe.
“We’ll try not to. But your clothes are another matter. We might be able to get the pants off without destroying them, but the shirt is probably toast.” Joe said.
“Small price to pay.”
“Two last things. When we leave, we’re tying everyone up and hiding cell phones. Is there a place downstairs to put yours?”
“In the microwave or in the bathroom cabinet.”
“Good. We’ll hide the girl’s phones elsewhere. The plan is for you to get untied first and take over the situation, but just in case they get free before you. You’ll be zip tied at the wrists and ankles, and those zipped together. You should be able to get out of that easily, you look young and strong enough to break them. The girls will be tied together, hopefully in a very compromising and awkward position. It’ll be harder for them to get out, but who knows, we might have Harriet Houdini down there. Just keep them from going to the cops and be the hero after this, who knows what’ll happen.”
“Got that.”
“And the last thing,” Joe looked like he was trying to find a polite way of saying the impolite. “Are you black?”
“Yeah. My dad’s black, my mom’s white. My stepdad, Aly’s dad, is whiter than a mayonnaise sandwich.”
“Something that will help you keep your cover is if we’re racist assholes.”
“You want to call me a nigger?” Blaine’s voice took on a little sharper of a tone. He wasn’t expecting this, but it didn’t surprise him, either.
“With your permission. And a lot worse, too.” Sam said before Joe could react.
“Including some shit to them. We’ve got to play this up so they don’t ever suspect you. Especially if you’re so hard that you cut diamonds with your dick when watching us fuck Teagan. She might think you like it too much, but...”
Blaine cut off Joe before he could finish the sentence.
“But if I’m just some piece of shit nigger who just loves watching white girls get fucked, then I just can’t control it. I don’t like it, but you have my permission.” Blaine looked hurt, but accepted what was happening. Joe patted Blaine on the shoulder, almost turning it into a side hug.
“I will do everything in my power to make sure that your dick is in all of their holes tonight.”
Blaine looked at Joe with a look of mixed contempt and astonishment. “Whatever. We pull this off, I’ll get a tattoo in honor of you. A little troll looking mother fucker buttfucking a unicorn.” Blaine went to his desk and pulled out a special cigar box. In it was a pair of roach clips, tweezers, and Carmella, his bowl made out of...”
“Is that from an Evo 8?” Steve asked as soon as he saw it.
“9. Her name’s Carmella.”
“Sweet. I had an Evo in the land before kids and marriage. Don’t recommend either. Divorce isn’t bad.” Steve let that info slip, but as long as everyone did their job, it would be okay.
“No walking around until I call you down. Stay quiet. If you need to use the bathroom, text me. Even with as loud as the theater is, you can still hear the water run through the pipes. I can explain 1, maybe 2 random flushes as something faulty, but any more and they’ll suspect something. They’re smoking better shit now so they should be less paranoid than with skunk, but each person is different. Text if you need to go, and I’ll text back when someone goes, time it with that. If anyone leaves the theater, I’ll text right away. Should be just for them to get food, drinks, and bathroom breaks. Everything is downstairs, they shouldn’t need to come up. Any questions?”
“What are they watching?” Sam asked. Ray looked at him weirdly? “What?”
“Why does that matter?” Ray asked Sam.
“If they’re watching something stoned off their asses, they might act differently and scream more watching a scary movie than a funny movie.”
“They’re watching a Justice League marathon. Batman vs. Superman, Justice League, and Aquaman.” Blaine said.
“Ouch. I’m sorry.” Steve said with a touch of remorse. “I know we’re about to rape them, but to do that to them while they’re watching Zack Snyder rape the DC Universe is a crime against humanity.” Blaine laughed at that joke, breaking the tension.
“Stay here till I text you.” Blaine walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. Just as he rounded the corner to the stairs, he saw Aly at the bottom of the steps.
“You done jerking off yet? Food’s ready, and it shouldn’t take that long to find your bowl.”
“Fuck.” Blaine said a little too loud. Almost got caught by the nosy sister who should be eating, drinking and smoking. “Had to find Carmella. Took a moment.” He climbed down the steps.
“Bullshit. You took a few minutes to rub one out. You couldn’t stand it anymore and took a few minutes while we’re eating to...”
“I’m not gonna deny it.” Blaine said, thinking on his feet. What was he going to say, the truth? That he was upstairs planning her gang rape with a bunch of strangers he met online only recently? Blaine landed at the bottom of the steps. “What can I say, a guy needs a release every now and then. Let’s get some dinner.” He continued past her. She sat open jawed for a moment then followed him downstairs. “Too close.” He said to himself.
“Yeah, too close.” Aly responded, assuming he was talking about her almost catching him masturbating. She couldn’t be further from the truth.