Thanks CMG.
Chapter 7: Round Table Meeting. (Mf, ff, oral, rom, drug use, descriptions of violence and rape)
Author's Note: This chapter is LOOONG, and fleshes out a lot of the remaining story.
The next week was a little different for Bob. Thanks to his pager and code system, he was able to talk to Angie a couple times. He didn’t know how to describe what he was feeling, but he was starting to feel something for Angie. Call it lust, beginnings of love, a feeling of protection, being really horny, but whatever it was, he was feeling something.
Angie told Bob of Natalie’s moves, what she did, and how she was making her and Stacy’s lives miserable. Jen was left alone for the most part, but only because Stacy refused to implicate her. Angie even offered to pretend to be Stacy’s girlfriend if it helped keep the heat off of Jen. Stacy didn’t want to get Angie in even more trouble. Besides, she had no problem getting herself in trouble. Somehow, she got caught smoking, and her punishment was stay up at the camp for the weekend while everyone else received a weekend pass. Jen was accused with her and supposedly swore in front of the little campers, and for some reason Stacy called the one counselor Eric a “stupid mother fucker” and pushed him. She says she didn’t say anything, but the counselor insisted that she be grounded for the weekend. Bob told Angie to play along, look at who was punished to stay behind, and who was leaving. He also told her that he’d be up at the camp Friday night.
The week was pretty quiet. Paul and Gary returned to work after word came around that Travis would live but wouldn’t press charges. The cops were more interested in what he was doing at the park than who shot him, and since that boy was nuts, they couldn’t get a solid story or description. One minute the guy looked like Gary, the next it was Chuck Norris, the next John Travolta. Fucker would never walk again, but he wasn’t going to prison. Neither were Gary and Paul. But Vinny did get a citation in the mail for littering on the river. Harbor City River Patrol didn’t see what was thrown overboard, but they saw something and assumed it was trash. Paul gave them Vinny’s name since he owned the boat, but he left his ID at home. The ticket was sent to Vinny’s house. He made Paul pay the fine.
Every so often Bob looked over his shoulder. Now that he knew that the Daniels clan was out looking for them, he kept his eyes open a little wider. The lily-white rich church types almost never came to Veneto, so it was easy to spot them, and since the crew worked construction, they couldn’t be hunted down at work. Still, Bob would feel better when they stopped tracking him and his boys down, or he took a couple pounds of flesh with him.
Friday came quickly that week, but dragged on forever. The house job took three times as long as it should have because Chuckie was learning how to drive the earth mover. A 2-hour job turned into a 6-hour job, and rain in the afternoon brought an early wrap to things. But on the bright side, he didn’t kill anyone or cause more damage. A quick beer at an early happy hour, a stop at Vinny’s for a shit, shower, and shave, and he was on his way to the camp.
While he was driving up to the camp, he passed a couple school buses coming the other way. It was too early for any school trips, so he guessed it was the campers on their way down to First Union Holy Trinity Church. He doubted anyone got a good look at him or his truck, but just to be on the safe side he took a detour through a local town and stopped at a gas station to fill up. No one came past or stopped by looking for him.
Bob arrived at his camp by 8PM on Friday night. That was the earliest he’d arrived after leaving a day of work all summer. He wasn’t sure what was going on or what to expect, but he wouldn’t have to wait long, just until after the sun came down.
There was a knock at the door. Bob rose from his couch and opened it. It was Angie, looking as beautiful as ever. She rushed to him and hugged him tighter than ever before. After a moment of hugging, they embraced in a kiss. A long, passionate kiss. One that seemed to last forever.
“Come on, get a room.” Jen yelled from the doorway. Angie laughed, wiping tears away.
Jen entered the cabin, followed closely by Stacy. They walked hand in hand, looking happy. Eric followed, walking past Bob and the girls and going straight to the fridge. He grabbed a few beers.
“Thanks. I heard the rules about drinking your beer, I volunteer Angie to pay for them. Got my smokes?”
“Grab a pack out of the freezer.” Bob yelled to Eric in the kitchen. Eric opened the freezer and pulled out a pack of Marlboro Menthols. He took that and the three beers with him.
“Did I say you...”
Eric cut off Bob.
“Nope. You didn’t. Therefore, I’m taking them anyway. There’s only 4 counselors here this weekend, and these three girls are the only high school kids in the camp. All the rest finished their sentence or are on that little trip down to the church. They’ll be back up here on Sunday evening. Here’s the schedule. Girls, try to be back before 2AM. If that isn’t possible, you HAVE to be in your bunks before sunrise. No questions on that. There are still some younger children and a handful of junior high kids at the camp, so we need to at least pretend to be responsible. We have the van this weekend, though Tyler is taking it right now for a, what do you call it?”
“Beer run?” Bob said.
“Refreshment refill. After breakfast we’re taking the younger campers to the movies, shopping, and just screwing around all day. Not like that. Doing non-camp stuff throughout the day. If you girls don’t come, you’ll have to stay near the lake the whole day. You’ll have to fend for yourselves for lunch, maybe dinner too. Would that be a problem?”
“I think we can manage.” Bob said, looking at Angie.
“Stay near the camp. You can hear that van coming from a mile away. If you do hear it, come back. Bob will get a page around 3PM letting him know whether or not the girls will need to get dinner or not. Assuming they don’t come to the movies. After that, everyone will gather for a little bit before bedtime. Sunday will be a little more structured, so no running off throughout the day until after lunch. It’ll be a lazy day with some swimming and hiking for the older campers while the younger campers do other stuff. Do I need to repeat myself?”
The girls looked at Eric, who rattled off instructions like some kind of drill instructor.
“Nope. Back in bed before the sun, hang around the camp tomorrow if we don’t go out, don’t be idiots.” Stacy responded.
“Good. Have a good one, see you tomorrow, if I have to hunt you down, your ass is grass and I’m the lawnmower. Night y’all.” Eric made his way to the door.
“What, you don’t wanna party with us?” Bob asked Eric before he left.
“That’s very tempting, but I’ve got a thing I’m working on. Plus, my number one rule as a camp counselor is don’t fuck the campers.”
“That thing you’re working on, is it Leah or Tyler?” Stacy asked.
“Why not both?” Eric shrugged and smiled before leaving and closing the door behind him.
Bob looked confused for a moment, but that only lasted until Angie kissed him again.
“I’ve missed so much.” Angie said between kisses.
“You too.” Bob replied, holding her tight. “So, whatchya wanna do?”
“You got a new bed we haven’t broken in yet.”
Angie started walking to Bob’s bed, pulling him with her. He looked over his shoulder briefly to make sure that Jen and Stacy were okay, but the two young women were making out and stripping each other like they hadn’t seen each other in a very long time. Stacy’s shirt was already on the floor, and Jen laid on the couch, pulling her shorts off.
Angie pulled Bob further to his bed, and his head turned to catch her ass moving in those little blue shorts. Damn, what an ass. Bob pulled on her hand, dragging her back to him. When she came to him, he lifted her off of the ground and held her in the air. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso. He carried her the last few steps to his bed, where they fell down.
They stripped each other like possessed lovers. In a flash, she had his pants down around his ankles and he pulled her shirt, shorts, and panties off, leaving only her bra in place. A brief moment later, and that was gone, too. He snaked his pants and underwear off. A momentary pause to slip a rubber on, and he slid into her already wet pussy with ease.
It didn’t take either of them long. They had so much sexual energy built up that they fucked for a few minutes at best. He grunted long and loud as he came inside of her, the condom being the only thing keeping his seed from flowing through her womb.
He collapsed on top of her, were they lay for a while, still entwined in each other’s arms. Eventually he pulled out, removed the used rubber and threw it in the trash, and laid down, Angie cuddling on top of him.
“Oh shit, I’ve missed you.” Bob said, kissing Angie.
“You too. Gonna be ready to go again soon?” Angie asked, sliding her hand down to his cock. Bob looked over at the couch.
Stacy and Jen were completely naked and in a 69 position, with Stacy on top of Jen. Both young women were eating each other out, with sounds of slurping and moaning heard from across the small cabin.
Bob’s cock began to grow in Angie’s hand.
“I think I’ll be able to go again soon.” Bob said with a big grin. Angie playfully smacked his shoulder with her free hand, then kissed him.
“That gives me an idea.” Angie said, stroking Bob’s dick. She moved into a 69 position, climbing on top of Bob. She lined her pussy up with his mouth and put her mouth on top of his cock. They went to town on each other, licking and sucking for all they were worth. Bob ate Angie to orgasm three times in this position before he was ready to cum down her throat.
“Ahh shit babe, ahh shiiiit!!!” Bob yelled as he came in Angie’s mouth. She tried to catch as much as she could, but some dropped out. She looked for something to spit it out on to, and settled for an old, dirty shirt. She crawled back up and kissed him. They lay together for a moment before Bob got up and headed to the fridge.
“Y’all want a beer, wine cooler, or something else? I got wine, vodka, and orange juice.”
“I’ll go with a cooler.” Bob grabbed Angie a cooler and himself a beer. The girls on the couch were wrapping up their love-making session and just cuddling and tenderly making out. He got them drinks as well.
They all sat around the living room drinking, smoking weed, and talking for the next hour. The girls, aside from Stacy, each had a couple drinks and multiple tokes on the bowl. Stacy took her time with her drink and only had a couple hits.
They described what happened at the camp after the 4th of July party. Natalie a.k.a. Thundercunt ratted out everyone that disappeared to have fun. Her cries fell mostly on deaf ears since the entire camp went out, but she targeted a couple kids she didn’t like to make an example of them. She also made up the bullshit story about Vinny and Chuckie beating the shit out of Jacob Daniels to make it look like the heathens in the crowd started everything. That lasted all of six seconds until Stacy spoke out against Jacob and told everyone what he did and what he said to get his ass kicked. This pissed off Natalie because now she was losing face with the church. Natalie knew about Stacy’s past and also heard rumors about Stacy being gay, and tried to get Stacy to admit she made it up. When Stacy wouldn’t, she threatened to beat ‘her whore dyke ass to death’ unless she told her who she was sneaking off with. Stacy didn’t crack, even when it meant being outed and embarrassed in front of the entire camp. Most everyone either stayed neutral or joined up with Thundercunt in the tormenting, except for a handful of counselors, Angie, and Jen. Angie made it clear how she felt about Natalie when she tried to rip her hair out in a fight right then and there. The way she reacted, most of the camp thought Angie was Stacy’s girlfriend, and neither said Jen’s name to protect her.
From how Jen described things, she was on the other side of the chow hall when Natalie claimed that Stacy tried to make the moves on her, and that she was an ‘incestuous lesbian whore’. Angie was closest and lunged for Natalie. Jen grabbed the first thing she could and was marching over to Natalie to fuck her up. One of the counselors, Eric, stepped in her way and wouldn’t let her pass. Jen was ready to hurt someone when he told her “Look at your hand. It’s a fucking butter knife. What are you gonna do, slather her with jelly to death? Come on, come with me.” Eric took her outside and calmed Jen down a bit. He also told her that she “needed a fucking plan” if she was going to get back at Natalie for what she did.
The girls told Bob how much things sucked now that Natalie had wrested control of the biggest cliques in the camp. Most of the kids just want to be left alone, but a few do her bidding. All of them are big in the church world, so there’s no getting away from them. Three of Natalie’s followers that relished being evil were Michelle, Melissa, and Chad.
Michelle Bartlett was the daughter of one of the parishioners that loved to brag about how much they donated to the church, and tried to use that to exercise some authority. It hasn’t worked so far, but the Daniels’s family keeps them close. She likes being mean and getting her way, and any time she ever gets caught, Daddy’s money is right there to bail her out.
Melissa Crawford was a pain in the ass, holier-than-thou goody-two-shoes who strived to succeed at everything. She viewed ‘hard work as its own reward’ and bragged about how much time she spent volunteering in those ‘tough parts of town like Heartland or Veneto.’ Bob laughed at that comment. Bitch didn’t know rough.
Chad Swanson was, as Stacy put it, “Gayer than a unicorn buttfucking a rainbow, he just doesn’t know it yet.” Everyone else was confused by that, but she explained that she got this feeling from him that he was gay. Like really, really gay. Stacy identified at least a dozen different points and tells that led her to think that Chad was gay, from the way he walked, the way he groomed himself, the way he had a slight lisp, and the way he’d get excited around the other guys when swimming. Oh, and the fact that she saw him making out with one of the other guy campers once, but kept it a secret. “He’s so deep in the closet he found Narnia.”
“Ok, but if he’s so gay that rainbows shoot out of his ass when he farts, why is he such a dick?” Bob asked, passing the bowl around the circle.
“Because the church hates gays, and he’s afraid of his parents disowning him. They’re assholes, but wealthy assholes that keep up appearances in the church. He has to play along to divert attention, but lays on the gay hate because he hates himself over what the church tells him. He just wants to be himself, but as long as he has parents telling him that gays will burn in Hell, he won’t admit that he loves the cock.” Stacy took a drink.
Bob told the girls about the Daniels’s family following him back to Veneto, where he lived. Their eyes went wide when he told them that. “It ain’t a bad neighborhood. Just stay out of the projects unless you’re looking for something, stay east of 43rd unless you’re looking for trouble, and don’t be a dick. We don’t want to cause trouble, but we’ll fuck someone up if needed.”
“Would that include these bitches?”
Bob didn’t think too much of Jen’s question at the time. Years later, he asked himself if he’d have given a different answer, how different things would have gone.
“Yeah, maybe. Depends on a few things.”
“Like what?” Jen asked, her tone changing just a bit more serious.
“Like who’s got the weed? Puff puff pass.” Bob didn’t catch the change in Jen’s tone. Not that night.
After another round of smoking, Bob set an alarm for very early in the morning, before the sun rose. They talked a little while longer, about how the campers were split into groups, how everyone went down to Harbor City for the weekend except them and a few other kids whose parents didn’t want them home. The session was breaking up, and many of the campers were going home, but a few were coming back up like Natalie. The girls weren’t sure of the other three they talked about. They also described how they each were ‘suspended from a free weekend’ for various offenses this past week, which according to the camp guidelines meant they had to stay behind. Each of them were supposedly caught by the counselors doing something against the rules. Angie was caught with a cigarette, Jen swore in front of the campers, and Stacy was accused of pushing one of the counselors. All of them were set up, and none of them knew why they were punished until the one counselor Eric told Angie that he needed her help in making sure that Stacy and Jen were to look miserable and alone until after the bus left. Once the coast was clear and all of the zealots left, he talked to each of them in private about what happened and why. That led them to Bob’s cabin.
They joked for a bit before retiring to bed. Bob and Angie fooled around and screwed again before passing out. Stacy and Jen cuddled and fondled each other before falling asleep. At some point in the night Jen and Stacy fell off of the couch and crawled into the bed with Angie and Bob.
The alarm went off shortly after 4AM. Bob woke the girls up, lit up another bowl to celebrate 4:20, then watched them head on their way back to the camp before sunrise. After they left, he went back to sleep.
It was a little after 9AM when Bob woke up. After a quick shower and bite to eat, he sat around the camp, just thinking. He did a lot of that during his trips to the cabin in the summer. It wasn’t like he could go hunting at this time of year so close to Camp Biblethumper.
He thought about whether or not he could stay up here all the time, instead of just the weekends. He didn’t have a home anymore down in Harbor City. He lived with his grandma until her stroke and she had to go into the home, and they lost the house to pay for her to stay there. His parents were out of the picture and he had no siblings, none that he spoke to, anyway. His only family to speak of was his crew. He lived with Vinny and Chuckie, helping take care of their grandma but he was only there during the week now. He had no desire to settle down and had no clue about any of that domestic shit. They worked construction jobs mostly as a cover for other schemes, but they got pretty damn good at it. Last summer him and the crew made more money from building houses than from slinging drugs. And those sentences get longer as you get older. 5 years for an 18-year-old is nothing compared to 5 years for a 30-year-old.
Bob felt like the game was passing him by. It meant nothing to be a little teen thug in the 80’s, and Veneto was still about half white back then. Now, most of the younger white people left for the ‘nicer’ suburbs. Funny how that always meant ‘no coloreds.’ He made most of his money selling drugs to kids from the suburbs during the school year. They’d come down to Veneto to party, or he’d meet them out and about somewhere. But shit was getting too risky, and because of how stupid the gangs were back in the day, it all became racial. Italians, Irish, Hungarians, Czeck, Germans, Polish, they all had their own little gangs. It wasn’t until the Blacks and the Mexicans both came that they realized they needed to work together, and by then it was too late.
The Mexicans took over west of 43rd Street and the blacks ran the projects down by 16th for the most part. The old white people stayed mostly between 20th and 40th, but those houses were becoming fewer and fewer. An old family would move out or die, and the house would get bought by some scumbag looking to rent it out cheap since no one wants to buy there between the Blacks and Mexicans. What was left of the white gangs disappeared.
But Bob’s crew would help keep the peace. They worked with both the Blacks (16 South) and the Mexicans (43SK, or 43rd Street Krew) to keep a low profile. They helped keep the violence to a minimum, and served as go-betweens when shit went sideways. They learned to play fair, and worked with the other gangs to protect their own. The main rules they enforced was no violence towards kids or old people. That shit always brought the fucking cops down.
They didn’t have some cool ass name. Only the number 2236. People thought that was their territory, but no. That’s Vinny’s house.
The crew ain’t the same as it used to be. 10 years ago, there were a couple dozen of them. Even 5 years ago they were a force. Now, they’re down to 5. Everyone else either got old or got cold.
And if Bob doesn’t do something else, that’ll be him.
Aside from his crew, it’s been a long time since he’s had someone to care about. Now, he’s got a smoking hot girl who’s down to fuck at any time, and her hot ass friends. What started as getting laid for beer is taking on a different flavor and feel.
Bob was lost in thought when he heard them walking over. The three girls had walked over from the camp, but they looked different. For the first time since he met them, they weren’t wearing camp clothes.
Angie wore a pair of cut-off jeans that barely covered her ass and a white t-shirt. Underneath that he could see that she was wearing a red and white bikini. Jen was similarly dressed with cut-offs, a white t-shirt, and a black bikini. Stacy looked different only because she wore a white tank top and Daisy Duke jean shorts, and her black and gold bikini stood out.
Bob liked what he saw, and motioned the girls over. Angie climbed into his lap and the two made out for a bit. Jen and Stacy sat in chairs on the other side of the fire pit, and looked at the lake for a bit.
They talked for a bit before deciding on some lunch at a nearby diner. It was the first time the girls had left the lake since arriving to camp in June. They all climbed into Bob’s truck, though it was a bit of a tight fit getting all four of them on the bench seat. Angie sat next to Bob, then Stacy then Jen by the door. One thing that made driving a little awkward was that this was a manual, and the gear shift was on the floor, between Angie’s legs. Not that either minded his hand there, but it made the drive more interesting.
Harry’s was a little roadside diner that Bob has stopped at a few times since getting the cabin. It was a clean place, trying to go with that retro 50’s look that was popular back in the 90’s. The food was good, but nothing to write home about. Harry’s served comfort food for people who had spent the whole week roughing it out in the woods. Plus, Bob felt it was pretty safe taking the girls there. No one at Harry’s cared much for the staff at the camp. “Shitty tippers” the one waitress told him. “They’ll come in, 6 to 20 at a time, be all condescending and bossy, and we’re lucky if we get $10 from the large parties. They act like praying for me will pay my mortgage.”
Bob and Angie sat on one side of a booth, Stacy and Jen on the other. He told them to order whatever they wanted. Angie ordered a club sandwich, Jen a meat loaf platter, and Bob got himself a plate of pasta. Stacy only ordered a steak salad, hold the steak.
“I’m a vegetarian when I can be. I don’t like eating meat, but that’s all that’s served up here. I can’t even get a side salad at the camp without them throwing bacon bits on it.” Stacy said, as she poured light dressing on her salad. Bob just ate his spaghetti and meatballs as the girls talked and enjoyed their first real meal in long time.
After lunch, they did a little grocery shopping and just hung around the town for a while before returning to the camp. They picked up some pizzas, wings, and salads for dinner. Bob had no plans on being sober enough to drive around later. While out and about, he snuck off to a pay phone and gave Vinny a quick call. Bob asked Vinny if he could get some eyes on the church, preferably Paul and Gary since they didn’t have any run-ins with the Daniels family. He asked them to also dig up whatever they could on the three bullies the girls told him about. Vinny told him they’d get on it right away.
Stacy volunteered to ride in the back of the truck on the way back to the camp. Once she climbed in, she took off her tank top and enjoyed the ride, getting some sun and letting her hair flow in the wind. The honks from a couple cars seeing a gorgeous 15-year-old in a bikini top were both flattering and distracting, but she sat back and lost herself in the peace of the moment.
Back at the camp, they unpacked everything and just relaxed for a bit. Stacy and Jen snuck off into the woods for some private time while Bob and Angie took advantage of a private dock and went for a swim, sans clothing. Well, they started in their swimsuits but that soon gave way to fucking in the water. Jen and Stacy found them at the lake shortly after and joined for a quick swim. After, they all lounged around the lake. Bob dragged some beach chairs that he had down to the water’s edge. He almost fell asleep when Jen started talking to him.
“Hey. Remember last night when you talked about fucking them bitches up?”
“Well, how serious is that?” Jen asked Bob, who turned to her and took off his sunglasses.
“Whatdaya mean?”
Jen fidgeted for a moment, trying to think of how to phrase what she was thinking.
“How do you determine who gets their ass kicked? And is it just an ass whooping, or worse? Like, do you charge for this kind of thing or just do it for kicks? Do you start shit or only act in self-defense?”
Bob leaned up.
“Are we talking about what I think we’re talking about? Cause if we’re talking about what I think we’re talking about, we need to be real fucking careful.”
Jen thought for a long moment before saying anything. She stared straight ahead as she talked, almost afraid to look at Bob.
“The Daniels Family, these are bad fucking people. They are fucking evil, and worse yet abuse their power and authority to get away with the most fucked up evils imaginable. You see what they did to Stacy, the Hell they put her through for nearly half her life. She didn’t asked to be raped or be forced to star in child porn, her own fucking family did that to her. Her cousins and uncles raped and abused her for years, and that cunt Natalie knew something about it. That whole family lies, and steals, and cheats, all in the name of religion. I told you about that ‘mission trip’ my so-called family went on. The whole thing is a front for money laundering. The Reverend lives in a 12-bedroom mansion in a gated community, yet takes money from the poor to save their souls? Every charity they run is a scam, and even their outreach programs are more of a money grab than an attempt at helping people. They’re looking at starting their own television show, so they can ‘reach the masses’, meanwhile they brag about going to Veneto and Heartland like it’s fucking Iraq or Somalia. These people don’t care about anyone but themselves. Fuck them.”
Bob looked around for a moment. Angie and Stacy were likely sleeping while sunbathing.
“Listen. You just met me, and you met me at my nicest and calmest point in life. I’m not a nice person, and neither are my friends. We’ve done some shit, we’ve seen some shit. You ask me ten years ago about going to war with a bunch of assholes, no problem. Now, it’s me and 4 guys. We’re starting to be legitimate. Life’s catching up to us. We’re no longer the same hardasses we once were.”
Jen looked at Bob quizzically.
“What are you saying?”
Bob grabbed a beer and took a sip.
“I’m not sure what I’m saying. I’m not crazy enough to go to war with a whole church at once. And it can’t be a full-scale war, either. It’s not like some random gang shootings in Heartland, police pay attention when rich white people start getting capped. A couple small things here and there, fine, that can be written off as random violence or some shit like that, but we won’t survive a full-scale war. But on the other hand, they’re bringing the war to me, my crew, and my girls.”
“Your girls?” Jen asked.
“Yeah, my girls. I care about y’all. A lot. I don’t want to see bad shit happen to you. But if, and this is a big if, IF we do shit, we can’t just react. We need a plan. We need to know who we’re dealing with, how to hurt them, and where to go from there. Let’s start small and wargame this shit out.”
Bob sat up in his chair.
“One of my old crew kept his nose clean just enough to join the Army, and once there did really well. He’s now a Captain, like Hawkeye on MASH, but not as funny. He does code breaking and shit like that. He sent me some books over the years, like one called the Art of War. It was some cool shit about how to win a fight before fighting. He sent me another book on some shit called asymmetric warfare. Like, if you can’t win a fair fight, don’t fight a fair fight. Fight them on your terms, not theirs. Know your enemy better than they know themselves. Don’t be afraid to do worse shit than them when death is on the line. Shit like that. I’d talk with him and he’d say ‘Let’s wargame this’ and we’d talk out the upcoming battle, looking for every possible move. It’s saved my ass a few times. So, let’s wargame this shit out. Who is your primary enemy?”
Jen thought for a moment, like she was trying to justify someone else, but immediately landed on one name.
“She’s making Stacy’s life a living hell, and will do a lot worse to her over the next couple years if she isn’t stopped. And she won’t stop with Stacy, but will go after the rest of us and anyone else she sees as an obstacle.”
“Good. Who are her allies? What are her resources? What’s her personality? Who are her enemies?”
Jen thought about that for a moment.
“She doesn’t have friends, only pawns. Right now her biggest allies are her family and her minions. Her family is rich, but dirty. She’s bought into the whole ‘saving face’ shit that her family tries to keep up. I’ve never seen her hang out with her school friends after school, and her church friends are a fickle bunch. She holds power over others in the church by her position in her family. Because she’s the Reverend’s Daughter, she gets away with a lot but at the same time has pissed off a lot of people. She attracts followers, not friends.”
Bob took all that in.
“What does she value, prize? What motivates her? What’s she afraid of?”
“I don’t know. She can’t stand looking bad, and has to keep up the image of the perfect Christian girl. She’s so far deep in the image that she genuinely believes part of it. If she didn’t do everything just perfect for the family, her whole world would probably collapse. Maybe explains why she’s still a virgin while her cousin was raped and abused for the last 7 years. The daughter is more important to them than the niece.”
Bob thought about that last part for a bit.
“So, you think she’s afraid of being exposed?”
“What about her minions? What do you know about them?”
“Just what we said last night. Rich girl, Goody-Two-Shoes, and Closet boy.”
“Okay. What would hurt Natalie more, an attack against her or something she cares about?”
Jen didn’t even hesitate with her answer.
“Herself. I don’t think she cares about anyone, except seeing her minions abandoning her after they get hurt. They care more about Thundercunt than Thundercunt does about them.”
“Ok. So, in this little wargame we figured out that we have to attack Natalie directly, but also take out her reinforcements so she’s left alone after the battle. How do you hurt her?”
Jen thought for a moment.
“Say it out loud, that’s how this works. All ideas.” Bob said, taking another sip of beer.
“Beating the shit out of her will bring pity to her and punishment to us. Killing her is too risky. Stealing from her won’t make a difference because she’s rich enough to replace anything that gets stolen. Getting someone else to beat the shit out of her won’t work because she might just leave them alone and double down on Stacy. Embarrassing her will only go so far before she lunges back for an attack.”
Jen paused for a moment mid thought, and looked frightened at what she was about to say.
“Ok, this next part is really fucked up, but she needs to be humiliated, beaten, broken, and blackmailed. She needs to be treated so badly that she will not only take back what she said, but she would never do it again. The best way I can think of doing that is rape the bitch.”
Bob looked a little shocked at what Jen said.
“That’s what you came up with?”
Jen nodded.
“Like I said, it’s pretty fucked up, but it’s the only thing I can think of that will stop her without killing her. But it can’t just be any old rape. There has to be evidence of her doing shit that would get her kicked out of her home and her church. She could talk her way out as the victim of some simple rape, but get video of her being fucked by a black guy or eating some pussy, and she’s through. She’s done, gone and buried in this church if that got out. Her own family would disown her if they saw her doing some depraved shit, even if she says she’s the victim.”
“What about the minions?”
“Same shit. They have to be hurt, humiliated, and blackmailed the same way. Maybe worse. They could have walked away from helping her at any time. Instead, they gleefully signed up and took part. They need to be made examples of. They’re one step away from the evil that hurt Stacy for all those years.”
Jen was getting pretty worked up over what she was thinking, let alone saying. Bob gave her his beer and she finished it in quick order.
“Like you said, it’s pretty fucked up. How would you do it? Where?”
Jen tried for another sip, but there was nothing left in the beer. Bob pulled two more out of his cooler and opened them, giving one to Jen and keeping the other. She took a long drink.
“Don’t know where, or who, or how, but when would have to be before camp ends and the schoolyear begins. She might not survive being outed at school. There’s some crazy fucks out there who might try to kill her. To protect her, this would have to go down before the end of camp. Also, these girls are gated community, wealthy suburb kids. Natalie will be completely protected once camp ends, and the minions will spread around. Melissa and Chad go to Stacy’s school, but Natalie and Michelle go to mine. We might be able to get to them early enough to stop them, but there’s no guarantees on that. As far as where...”
Jen took another sip of beer.
“That depends on who comes back for the next session of camp. I assume Natalie is coming, but don’t know about the other three. Their attack will have to take place at about the same time, within a few days of each other. Destroy all of them at once. When Natalie calls for reinforcements, they’ll be too busy licking their own wounds.”
Jen paused to take a sip. Bob spoke up.
“Your plan is half a plan at best, and crazy, but could work. Need to work out the details, but it’s the kind of crazy shit that’ll make’em think twice about ever coming after you again. It’s either that or get a real good alibi set up for when four rich white kids disappear and are found in the lake.”
Jen wasn’t sure if Bob was joking or not. He continued.
“So, assume Natalie stays here. How do we get her alone and what do you need to rape her?”
Jen’s eyes went wide.
“Us. Probably all of us here. I rape her by myself, she doesn’t get humiliated into pussy eating. If we’re gonna force her to eat pussy, know what we need? Pussy. Know what I ain’t got? A pussy. At least one of you three need to be there. Seeing as how Stacy and Natalie are cousins, and Angie’s never done that before, that leaves you. But if one of you are involved, all of you should be involved.”
“Know the difference between a witness and conspirator? The witness can walk away and tell the pigs what happened. A conspirator’s in the shit with you. The witness doesn’t have to live with what happens to snitches. The conspirator does, until they don’t live no more. But what’s the fallout?”
Jen looked at him confused,
“Yeah. Let’s assume for a moment this plan works, but not completely. Thundercunt and her crew decide that they want revenge for us raping them. We’ve scared them, but not enough. Who is there to go after?”
“I’ve got my family, but they don’t care about me. They’d sell me just to get rid of me if that were still legal. Stacy’s an only child and her parents barely pay attention to her. They care more about how they look in the church. If they even tried to pay attention, they’d have to acknowledge what their family did to her. Angie is also an only child, similar shit with her parents. The only family she likes is her cousin George, who’s the black sheep. He doesn’t buy in to the religious bullshit so the church can’t touch him. They might be able to hurt the family standing in the church, but fuck’em if they put that shit above their own kids.”
Jen leaned back in her chair and took a sip. She then smiled and laughed.
“I’m drinking your beer. This means I owe you a fuck, huh?”
Bob laughed, sitting back in his own chair.
“Ask Angie about that. I’ll ask Stacy while we’re at it.”
“Are we in love with them?” Jen asked. Bob sat for a moment, not sure how to respond.
“I don’t know. You’re asking a guy about emotions.”
Jen laughed.
“You gave a lesbian advice on pussy eating. Can’t give another girl advice on emotions?”
“Pussy eating I know. I don’t know shit about emotions. There are like 4 emotions. Happy, horny, hungry, brick on the foot. We don’t know how any of that works. Any boy that cries is a homo or fag or queer, and any boy that’s too happy is also a homo. Crying gets a beating followed by more crying and more beatings until you stop crying altogether. My parents are out of the picture, have been since I was a kid. Granny raised me for the most part since my teens, but that was kinda fucked.”
Bob took a sip before continuing.
“I can read you and Stacy, though. She cares for you a lot, and you for her. Would I call it love? Maybe. There’s definitely a lot of lust and protection, and the seeds of love. Don’t fuck it up too bad, you could have something special here. It’s scary the first time you say it out loud, get all nervous and shit that’ll hang out there forever and that you scare her off. Meanwhile, she’s just as nervous as you are. I’m not saying you should tell her, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s how she feels.”
Jen sipped her beer.
“Wow. And you said you don’t know emotions. Angie’s afraid to say it first because she doesn’t want to come off like some stalker girlfriend, but she’s also afraid of you saying it too soon, but you two have been fucking for more than a month now, but she’s not sure when too soon becomes just right, and doesn’t want to say it until she knows she’ll hear it back. That’s what she told me.”
“Well damn. Something to think about, huh?” Bob raised his beer for a toast. “To being fucking confused.”
Jen leaned her beer forward and tapped his. The two drank and relaxed, bullshitting until the girls woke up.
Around 3PM Bob received a weird page. He handed it to Angie who tried to decipher it. It wasn’t a phone number, but after a moment she figured it must’ve come from Eric and meant that they wouldn’t be back in time for dinner. They decided to have the pizza and stuff they bought a few hours earlier inside of the cabin.
Bob’s little microwave didn’t use a lot of electricity, so they could reheat the slices quickly, instead of making a fire outside. As dinner wound down, Jen laid out the plan that her and Bob talked about while Angie and Stacy were sleeping. Angie was shocked by the idea. Stacy was strangely comfortable with it.
“Why should that stuck up bitch get to save herself for her wedding night to some dweeb that she’s probably never even kissed before? She wants to threaten us, we take away something she cares about, and the only thing she cares about is her image. $20 says we could rape her little sister and she wouldn’t even bat an eyelash. But fuck with her image, put that in jeopardy, then Thundercunt is ours. Besides, we don’t need her permanently silenced, we just need a few years at most to escape. They’re entering their senior year, I’m going into my junior year. We need two years at least, but more is better.”
Bob sat there for a second and did the math, pointing around the table.
“16, 16, 15, but going into senior year and junior years?”
Angie spoke up.
“Jen and I both have August birthdays. Born just before the cut-off.”
“I skipped a year. Might skip another if I pile on the coursework like I do. If I’m not trapped up here next summer, I can take enough credits to graduate early.”
“Damn. I would have been a freshman at 16 if I stayed in school. Didn’t, but would’ve.”
“You dropped out?” Angie asked with a hint of surprise.
“Kicked out. Skipped a lot of school, stopped showing up, then the last day I did go I got into a fight. Busted the teacher’s nose, spent some time in juvi, when I got out I found out I was no longer a student. By that time I was making more doing thug shit than the teachers were teaching, and I spent a lot less time doing my thug shit. At least at first. Few years back I started working construction, mostly as a way to have a legit paycheck so the cops wouldn’t ask where my money came from. After a while I started making more building houses than I did slinging weed.”
“But yet you drive that beaten up truck?” Jen asked in between bites of pizza.
“Nursing homes and medical bills are expensive. Besides, know how most bangers get caught by the cops? They get flashy shit like cars and clothes. Pig sees a guy my age driving a Mercedes, he thinks drug dealer. I’m white, so he might also think Doogie Howser, but generally it’s drug dealer. Pig sees a guy my age in an old pickup truck filled with tools, I’m going to the jobsite. Plus my truck runs and it’s paid for. It ain’t getting repo’ed any time soon.”
Angie still had a look of apprehension on her face.
“Are we doing this? Like, we’re talking about kidnapping and raping a bunch of people. There’s a thousand things that can go wrong, and if we screw this up, we’re going to jail. All of us. Not just Bob.”
Everyone sat for a moment around Bob’s round kitchen table, letting her words sink in. Jen spoke up first.
“That’s why we gotta do this right. We can’t get cold feet when she’s tied to the bed. And we all have to take part. Difference between a witness and a conspirator is the witness can walk away and tell the cops. No witnesses here. Everyone is either in or we take our chances on the next couple years that she doesn’t get Stacy killed. I’m in.”
“Me too. She’ll find a way to ruin my life, but at least this will give us some leverage.” Stacy said, not skipping a beat.
“Your call, Babe. Me and the boys will help, but only if everyone’s in.”
All eyes turned to Angie. She sat there for what felt like an eternity. In reality, it was maybe a minute at most. Then, in the quietest voice she had, she mustered the words everyone was waiting to hear.
“I’m in.”
“Okay. I’ll talk to Vinny when I get home. I called him earlier, asked him to get eyes on the church and find out what he can about Natalie and the minions. Intel gathering only. We need all the info we can get on them. If y’all can get some pics of them, find out where they live and what they do. A plan is good, the less violent the better. Snatching white girls off of the street in an unmarked van in a fancy neighborhood will draw a lot of attention, so we need a plan. We’ll also need equipment, resources, locations, the whole works. I need to come up with a list of things to get, including ways for you to play along, and ways to get proof and to spread it around in case she doesn’t play along.”
“Wait, you already talked to Vinny?” Jen asked, surprised. “We only talked about this on the beach. Do you have a satellite or something?”
“I called him when we were in town. I asked him to do some scouting, but I had no idea we’d go in this direction. Paul and Gary are scouting the place, doing some research, finding out what they can. Hopefully, it’ll turn up something else. Otherwise, it’s this mission.”
Bob stopped talking. He wanted their attention before continuing.
“This is where it goes from an ‘if’ to a ‘when’. We gotta figure out when this will happen. That depends on how many are coming back. If it’s just Natalie, that’ll be easy. We pick a night on a weekend, tell her that I want to talk about Jesus, then she’ll traipse her ass over here, and we nail her. If one or more of the minions comes up, that’ll make it hard. It can’t be this weekend, but has to be before the end of the summer for camp. How many more weeks are left?”
“Three, counting this one.” Angie chipped in. Bob followed up.
“So, either the next to last or last weekend. We’ll spend this week planning and getting the stuff we need, as well as coming up with a plan for the minions at home. I’ll get the equipment, y’all see what you can find out. Any chance you can get info from the office up here?”
Stacy spoke up.
“Don’t see why not. No one’s here right now, and the counselors will be busy with the kids when they get back. I saw where they hid the keys to the filing cabinets, all we need is a little time, get what we need, and make copies, which they got that big Xerox over there. Can also check the bunks, too. If they’re stuff is gone, good sign they aren’t coming back.”
“Good idea. When y’all want to do that?” Bob asked.
“Let’s go now. We’re done with dinner and have some time before the campers return. I’ll search the office, Jen checks the bunks, and Angie stands guard, keeping an eye out for the bus. I can run through the office and make copies, Jen can find out what she can in the bunks and get pics or make copies of pics, and Angie will keep an eye out for the van. It’s a little before 5PM, so we should have enough time to do our work and cover our tracks before they get back. Ready.”
Stacy hopped up, excited at the prospect to do something. Jen stood up, followed by Angie. Stacy was halfway to the door before she said anything else.
“We’ll be back later on, after the campers go to sleep. See you then.” Stacy was half out the door already. Jen gave Bob a quick hug, and Angie stood nervously.
“I’m still not sure.”
Bob grabbed her and held her close.
“Just walk around and listen for any noises. When you hear something, run over to where the girls are at and tell them that someone is coming. It’s okay, you got this. I believe in you.”
That last part picked up Angie’s spirits. She smiled a bit, the first time since they started talking about Jen’s plan. He leaned down and kissed her.
“Go, watch their backs. I’ll see you tonight.” They kissed again, and she left. She hesitated at the door like she was going to say something, but kept going.
Bob spent the rest of the evening by himself, coming up with ideas and plans on how to do this, and what he would need. He was coming up with a pretty weird shopping list. He knew where he could get everything, and the money wasn’t that big of an issue, he knew he would get some weird looks at the porn store buying 3 sets of strap-on dildos, cuffs, masks, and chains. He could pick up a couple cameras, and he had a Polaroid lying around but developing the film could be a problem. He’d have to find a photo nerd that would both be willing to develop this kind of shit and not turn them in to the cops. That was a pretty small list of photo nerds.
What really made things hard was not knowing where the minions would be. Their location changed everything. If they were all up at the camp, he’d have to have the crew come up and take care of things here, but would also need some way to get them here. If one or two stayed up, that would make things difficult, but not impossible. Bob realized the best case scenario is that all of the minions stayed down in Harbor City. That way he and the girls could take care of Natalie here while the crew handled the minions. He wasn’t sure how to handle Chad, but he could come up with something.
Once it was getting dark, Bob built a fire outside and sat around it, just thinking. He felt a little guilty thinking about fucking Natalie, but this was to teach the bitch a lesson. Plus, the girls would be there. It’s not cheating if the girlfriend is there helping you rape a bitch.
It was close to 11PM when the girls arrived. They still wore the clothes they had on earlier. The counselors were being pretty lax with the rules this weekend, but they still had to wait until the coast was clear. Especially since they brought some stuff with them. Stacy and Jen walked into the cabin while Angie came down to the fire with Bob. They kissed and she sat in his lap.
“How’d it go?” Bob asked, hugging Angie.
“Pretty good. Think we got what we needed. Stacy’s got everything inside. She’s getting real into this. Jen had a lot of fun snooping around.”
“What ‘bout you, Babe?”
Angie shrugged.
“I’ve never done anything like this before, so the whole thing is quite new. I’m nervous. Part of me wants to know how it’ll go down, but then again that raises too many questions. I’m scared.”
Bob held her closer.
“It’s okay. This is some crazy shit. We’ll get through this. Let’s see what they got.”
They stood up and walked hand-in-hand back to the cabin. When they arrived, Stacy had already taken a seat at the table and spread out the contents of a folder she collected. Jen sat next to Stacy, looking over the stuff her lover made.
“What’s this?” Bob asked.
“Intel, like you asked. I have the information split for all four of them, and as much as I could find on their families as well. Plus, a little extra for a rainy day. Where you wanna start?”
Bob and Angie sat down. There were 4 opened folders, each of them pretty thick, and filled with copies of paperwork including cancelled checks, receipts, contact info, pictures, medical records, everything they could get their hands on. There was a fifth unopened folder in the middle. They started thumbing through the open folders.
“Holy shit, you’ve got everything. What did you do, copy the entire office?” Bob asked, completely shocked.
“Pretty much. Started with Thundercunt, then copied the minions and the a few other people that have been supporting them, some family members, anything I could get my hands on. Everything is done on paper, so there were no computers to mess with. Just grab a folder, copy, move on. I spent most of my time working on the other family members and what they’re up to. That’s the middle folder. That’s for a rainy day.”
“Wow. Just, wow. This is amazing. It’ll take a month just to get the basics. Thank you.” Bob was flabbergasted as he flipped through the folder of Michelle Bartlett.
Stacy nodded in accomplishment.
“That’s not all. Jen, wanna fill him in on what you found?”
Stacy motioned to Jen, who was so excited she could barely sit still.
“I went through the bunkhouses for both the older boys and girls. The boys took a bit since I’ve never been there, so I didn’t know which one was Chad’s. Turns out, his bunk is empty. I found the kid he was making out with, they were sending letters back and forth to each other. The kid is staying up here, some early high school kid named Brandon from Angie and mine’s school. Same situation, deep in the closet because of fear from his parents. In these letters Chad tells Brandon that the only reason he’s helping Natalie is that Natalie has dirt on them, and that if he doesn’t go hardcore against Stacy, she’ll out them both too. And get this, Chad’s family is loaded. Like, millionaire loaded. Crazy loaded. He has three trust funds available to him, his wife, and his child. The ones to him and his wife are payable upon the birth of a child in wedlock. Each fund is worth $5 million.”
“No Bob, that’s real. Stacy has the documents to prove it. Chad’s dad is some high-priced lawyer that works for some real sleazy people, and the church. The money is payable as soon as the kid is born and can’t be revoked. They could get divorced 10 minutes after, they still get the money. But even with that, he still doesn’t want to get married.”
“That’s nuts. Hell, I’d let him knock me up for that much. If he could.” Bob said. The girls looked at him funny.
“It gives me an idea. What else did you find, Jen?”
Jen pulled out a small book. It was pink, covered in hearts, and had a simple lock on it.
“I found this under Natalie’s bed. I think it’s her diary.” Jen tossed it to Bob. He looked at the lock for a second, then grabbed a paperclip off of the table. By the time Jen could finish saying “If you know how to pick a lock”, he’d already picked the lock. He passed the diary to Stacy to read. She sped read through it while Jen was talking.
“Like I was saying, Natalie’s stuff is still here. But Michelle and Melissa, their stuff is gone. Even their trash and their supplies are gone. There was nothing left. From what Stacy found, they were only paid up to this weekend. That sounds like they aren’t coming back. Same thing with Chad. They’re staying down at Harbor City. Which means...”
Bob finished her sentence.
“Which means we only have to deal with Natalie up here. That’s some good news. I had no clue how we’d pull off dealing with them, too. Anything good in there Stace?”
Stacy was reading through Natalie’s journal at breakneck speed. Suddenly, about halfway through, she stopped.
Stacy’s yell caught everyone by surprise.
“What’d you find?” Angie asked.
“She was going to try to frame us for attacking her, and have her family try to kidnap and rape us. Then she was going to pick a new camper or two for her family to ‘play with’ once I was ‘no longer of use.’ Then, she was going to try to get Bob arrested for trying to rape her, and pay for him to have an accident in prison if he didn’t find Jesus soon. What a sick fuck. She’s also only using the girls because she can and laughs at how stupid they are to think she cares about them, telling them that she’s the only one that loves them. She also knows about Chad and Brandon, and how she wants Chad’s money. Says here she’ll sleep with him once, tell him she was pregnant, then find a real man to have his baby. She would then disgrace him about being gay and drive him to kill himself, so she could inherit his money, too.”
Stacy closed the journal.
“This bitch is a fucking psychopath. Assuming this is real and not some crazy joke, which she’s crazy enough to try.”
Stacy looked around for a pen and paper.
“Quick, we need to copy this. It’s too late to go to the office.” Stacy looked frantically for a pen.
“Wait.” Bob stood up and grabbed a disposable camera out of one of the shopping bags. He handed it to Stacy, who took pictures of all of the important pages. She shot through them in a hurry, nearly finishing up the whole roll. With the last of the pics, Bob took a pic of the girls and one of Angie. When he went to take more, it ran out of film.
“I’ll get these developed tomorrow. The drug store has one of those 1-hour photo machines.”
Finding out that someone you were planning on attacking was thinking of doing the same to you tends to put a damper on festivities. Still, they had a lot to celebrate. They knew a ton about all of the targets, they had a basic plan, and they knew for certain that they weren’t wrong about how evil Natalie was. It kind of made the decision a little easier. It goes from aggravated assault to preemptive self-defense.
Bob set an alarm for early in the AM, before the sun rose. They drank and smoked until everyone snuck away for some private time. Jen and Stacy fooled around on the couch before having sex and falling asleep in each other’s arms. Bob and Angie had sex again before falling asleep. As they were falling asleep, he thought he heard Angie say something, but he wasn’t sure. He said “love you too” as he dozed off. He felt her hug him tighter than ever before.
When the alarm went off at 0-Too-Fucking-Early, he woke up to Angie, still naked from the night before, still hugging him from the night before. He didn’t want to ruin this moment, but he had to. He woke the girls up, had a smoke, then said goodbye. They would try to stop by in the late morning after scheduled church services. He hugged Jen and Stacy as they left, and made out with Angie. Before she left, she whispered something in his ear.
“I heard what you said last night. I love you, too. I’m kinda new at this, too.”
His eyes went wide for a moment, then relaxed when he saw her smile. They embraced again before she left back for the camp.
Fuck, this was gonna complicate things.