The Club of Chester County
Chapter 2. Sam’s first logon. (MF, Msolo, rape, anal, viol, bond)
Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction. All characters and locations are made up. The acts portrayed are also fictional. Rape is wrong, racism is wrong, violence is wrong.
Author’s Second Note: The chapter numbers represent the order of the section and how I would publish the combined works as a complete novel.
It was dark outside. Sam sat at his desk in the studio apartment he was using looking at his laptop screen.
It took Sam a few days to get a meeting with Pedro. By then he had already decided that his first offering to the club would be his ex-girlfriend’s sister Naomi.
Sam had her Facebook profile open and was looking at her pictures. At least those that were still publicly available. She had unfriended him shortly after Tracy dumped him. Naomi was an attractive woman with pale skin and straight, light brown hair. Her profile pic showed off her blue eyes and impish smile. She carried her age well as she was easily pushing 40. Sam scrolled through some of her other pics trying to find a couple that showed her in a swimsuit or bikini. She had a bit of a belly, but what woman her age with kids doesn’t carry a little extra around the middle?
“Dammit. Not here. Really wish I’d have saved them.” Sam couldn’t find what he was looking for. She didn’t share pics like that, showing off that much skin. Well, not on purpose. Naomi was proud of her body, but refused to show too much or take too much pride in it. She loved those compliments-that-aren’t-compliments that acknowledged the work she put in, but would bitch about anyone calling her ‘hot’ or ‘sexy’. Sam tried complimenting her once at a barbecue. That ended with Naomi telling Tracy that Sam hit on her and was trying to fuck her. Tracy chewed out Sam for a week and a half after that.
Sam wanted to see her suffer. He must have jerked off a dozen times since meeting with Joe thinking about how she would look getting raped by some stranger. The screaming, the tears, listening to her plead for mercy, or beg for her intruder to not cum inside of her. Sam imagined that it was him breaking into her bedroom, tying her up, and holding a knife to her throat telling her if she made a noise he’d kill her and her kids. He wondered how tight her pussy was, how hairy it was. Did she shave completely, or just trim it up? How big were her nipples? Has she ever had a dick up her ass before? She’s always had a stick up there, now it was time for his stick. He must have imagined raping her in a dozen different sets of underwear and outfits. What would she be wearing that day? Would it be the office attire that she wears for her secretary job during the weekdays, or the waitress clothes she wears in the evenings? Would he be fucking her on her rag, or is she on the shot or something to keep her from getting periods? Is she even on birth control? With as much of a stuck up Christian as she is, she may not even use any. If she gets knocked up, would she try to keep it like a good Christian whore or terminate it like the hypocritical cunt she is? What’s her throat like? Can she swallow...
“Fuck.” Sam was getting hard again. He better get his mind back on track before he has to jerk off again. He hasn’t jerked off this much in such a short time since Junior High.
Sam took a look around his apartment. His small, lonely studio apartment. How does a man who owns several apartment buildings and various businesses end up living in a studio apartment in his mid 40’s? He had a great condo for the last few years that was mostly paid off, but then he sold that when Tracy wanted him to move in with her and her family. He wanted them to move in with him, but she didn’t want to uproot the kids from school. They talked about getting a new house together, but she wasn’t comfortable with that unless they got married. After a few arguments, mutual acrimony, and Tracy finding his porn stash full of what she called ‘crazy shit’, it was over. He stayed for a little while searching for a nice place to call his own, but it just got weirder and weirder living there. Eventually he bit the bullet and moved into one of his buildings that had some units that weren’t moving. He couldn’t rent this place for the life of him. No one wanted a studio apartment in West Oakville. Not anymore since the hospital closed. He could easily rent this place to some immigrant doctor who wanted to walk to work, but now no one wanted to move in to a studio apartment in the run-down part of West Oakville. He tried slashing the rent by a couple hundred dollars, but still no takers. All of the 2 and 3-bedroom units filled up quickly, but the noise from the families, lack of bus access, and noise from the construction work where the hospital was scared off a lot of tenants. Even the out of town college students didn’t want to deal with it. Sam hated living here, but he told himself it’s only temporary.
Sam breathed a heavy sigh to clear his head, then took another look around. Everything was locked up and the curtains drawn closed. The only furniture in this place was a twin-sized bed, a cheap dining table with three chairs, a desk along one wall and the fourth chair from the kitchen set at the desk that he sat in. Sam opened the drawer in his desk and pulled out a legal pad and a pen. He flipped a few pages deep and found the instructions he got from Pedro earlier in the day. Pedro made sure that Sam took explicit instructions on how to get to and access The Club’s website. Sam mumbled as he read them.
“Step 1. Connect VPN. Click the icon that looks like a dog punching a turtle. Enter user name and password below.” Sam didn’t think the icon looked like that, but whatever, he wasn’t going to argue with Pedro. Sam clicked the icon for the VPN and entered the user name and password he had written down.
“Step 2. When prompted, change password to something you’ll remember, like a phrase. Don’t write this shit down!” Sam changed his password to ‘Stupidfuckingcuntface43!’. He always kept Tracy in a close spot.
“Step 3. Jesus fucking Christ are you actually writing down everything I’m saying? For fuck’s sake you’re like my Boomer grandparents. You know what, keep writing, but after you do this a couple times, destroy this thing.” Well, he was just starting.
“Step 4. Go to your new email and sign in. It will have a link to it and a user ID and password. This is random and is a pain in the ass to change.” Sam got to his new mail, something like neutron mail or some shit like that. He logged in to this new mail account that had 5 new messages. A couple welcoming him to Neutron Mail, one test mail from Pedro, and two he didn’t recognize. One was from some randomized number also in Neutron Mail, and the other was a welcome mail to the VIP section of some website he never heard of. The words looked French in the title, but didn’t make sense. Something about roadkill gourmet? What the fuck?
“Step 5. Go to the website address from the email I’m giving you. After it loads, go to recipes and search for ‘Lizard Streusel’. No, it’s not a real dish.” It took Sam a moment to click on the address. Who would have thought to hide a rape club in a blog about cooking animals found on the side of the road in a non-ironic manner? Once it was loaded, he typed ‘Lizard Streusel’. Sam was glad that it didn’t come up with a recipe on how to make that oh-so-disgusting sounding course. There was a weird error screen that had a “Click Here” link in big letters and a “I Want Out” link that was barely visible. The second link was the same color as the background.
“Step 6. Find ‘I want out’ and click it. It’ll launch a script that will check to see if you’re on a VPN connection then take you to the login page for The Club. Enter the two codes from the email I’ll send you later today. The first one is your ID, the second is current password. I change those every month or so and will send an update when I do, as long as you don’t do something stupid.” Sam opened the mail he had and saw the numbers. 62539501 and 21627975. He waited a moment for the script to finish running, then typed them in to the respective fields. “This was a lot of security” he said to himself. He was starting to think this was some kind of prank until the login prompt came up and he entered the numbers. Forget prank, Sam was half-expecting Chris Hansen and a news crew to knock on his door and ask him to have a seat, followed by some of Chester County’s finest coming in to arrest him.
Then it happened. The screen loaded a new website that didn’t have big banners or fancy graphics. It looked plain, in almost black and white text, looking like just any basic web forum. There were headings for ‘Current Topics’, ‘Archives’, ‘Welcome’, ‘Rules & Guidelines’, ‘Stories’, ‘Movies’, ‘Lost & Found’, ‘News’, ‘Messages’, and ‘Gifts & Offerings’. Sam was in.
Where to begin? He clicked on the Welcome section and it had a couple posts that he read quickly. Basic shit like ‘No doxing members, no backing out of a deal, observe the rules, newbies have to wait to have fun,’ shit like that. He checked out the ‘Rules & Guidelines’ section next. It was pretty much everything Joe said earlier, but also included a section on not describing what other members looked like, especially Pedro. “Well, he doesn’t look like any Pedro I’ve met before.” Sam took a few minutes browsing there before checking out the other sections. ‘Stories’ contained a bunch of text and web stories about rape. Some were original works, but he recognized a few of the stories from other sites he visited. He wasn’t surprised, some of them were great stories. The ‘News’ section was news stories about rapes and other crimes, along with questions like “Ok, who fucked this tart?” or people bragging about a job well done. ‘Movies’ was similar to the ‘Stories’ section with rape movies he’d seen before, but some of them seemed a little too real. At least, more real than the Russian shit he jerked off to last week. Still professional looking, but more real. Sam checked out ‘Messages’ real quick but everything seemed to be quiet here. Looked like an IRC or AOL chat room. No one else was in right now. He was curious about ‘Lost & Found’ so he checked that out next. This was straight up weird. Here was a post featuring women from who knows where, each with a little info and chats about them. Some women had a name, others just “Little bitch from the 7-11” or “Babysitter cocktease”. These women ranged for all ages and sizes. One in particular caught his eye, this little brunette with nice sized tits. She looked like she was maybe 20, probably Latina. He checked out the texts underneath.
8305: Yo, check out dis hottie! Saw her down by Bio building in Oakville. Think she’s a student.
6540: I’ll make her a student of my cock.
8305: Anyone got the deets?
9278: Her name’s Alana Martinez. A guy I know used to roll with her back in the day. Said she had a kid and was all worn out.
8305: Worn out?
6540: Don’t listen, if it’s his friend that I’m thinking of, he’s got a tiny pecker. Any real sized man would make that whore scream “Aye Papi”
8305: LOL. Definitely wanna party with her. And if she’s got a kid, means she’s DTF.
Sam was getting hard reading this, the swelling in his pants becoming difficult to ignore. He unzipped his fly to give himself room and whipped his dick out, stroking it with his left hand. He checked a few more pics in the ‘Lost & Found’ section, a lot of them really hot. He then decided to take a quick look at ‘Current Topics’.
“Jackpot.” Here’s where the effort on the site went. There were threads upon threads of women’s names. Hell, even a few guys it looked like were in there. Each thread that he clicked on had a few pictures of a woman, a short description of her, what her living situation was like, a chat history, and a video. Sometimes more videos, but each one had at least one video. He clicked on one link named “Stephanie Taylor”. Here was a gorgeous woman with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and an innocent smile that melted Sam’s heart and hardened his cock. He looked through her details.
‘From 4278: Stephanie Taylor works at a local fast-food place. Her ass is to die for, with more junk in the trunk than most white women her size. She has a tramp stamp of a butterfly a couple other tats, one she said I’ll never see. I work with her and would love to fuck her silly, but she knows me. I’ve got her door code for her apartment and a copy of her key. Don’t ask. Looking to trade for equal value.’
The chat logs show 4278 and 1996 talking back and forth about a deal, the best time, and how to approach her. They discussed details a little later, then after a pause of a couple days, an ominous message.
1996: Paid little Stephanie a visit last night. Enjoy the video.
Sam thought he was ready for the video, but no, not at all. Sam pressed the play button.
The video opens with a wide shot of the interior of the living room of an apartment. An older, beaten up couch is in view, as well as the doorway from the hall. There’s a table with what looks like an open toolbag on it. A decently built white man wearing a ski mask, a dark t-shirt, dark pants and boots waits behind the door, holding a stun gun in his right hand.
The video fast forwards a bit then cuts out. From the timecode in the corner, it looks like 20 minutes were cut. Suddenly the video is back to normal as the man reaches into his left rear pocket and pulls out a bandana or handkerchief. He tenses up as he hears the door open. He’s in the ready position.
The door opens and in walks a beautiful petite blonde wearing a white tank top, black work cargo pants, and nondescript tennis shoes. Her long, curly hair is tied up in a bun on top of her head. It’s Stephanie Taylor.
She walks in to the room and takes three steps, closing the door behind her with her foot. Stephanie doesn’t look behind the door and doesn’t notice the man until he’s on top of her. His left hand is over her mouth and the right hand with the stun gun is in the small of her back. She screams in panic for a brief moment before agony overtakes her as the man pulls the trigger on the stun gun. She crumples to the floor. The man drops the stun gun and grabs both of her arms behind her back. He pulls a pair of handcuffs from his right rear pocket and deftly secures them around the woman’s wrists. The bandana is still lodged in her mouth. With a half step he moves to his bag and pulls out a roll of clear packing tape. With the skill of a professional, he takes the tape and wraps it around her mouth and head a couple times, insuring that the cloth gag stays in place.
Stephanie tries to scream again, but her cries are cut off by the gag. Her limbs are still not responding following the stun gun attack, and her hands are behind her. She still hasn’t wrapped her mind around the situation.
The man picks her up off of the floor by her hair and throws her over the back of the couch, flipping in midair and landing on her back. He walks over to her on the couch, pulling a boxcutter out of his leg pocket.
Stephanie’s cries grow from fearful to panicked as she sees the utility knife. The man straddles her as she lays on the couch. He leans in and says something, though it is hard to make out what he says. He puts the knife closer to her face and he says something again. She nods her head nervously.
The man cuts the top of the tank top right above the cleavage. He grabs a side in each hand and pulls. A little at first to start the shirt tearing, then more to expose her bra covered tits. One final pull and the tank top is torn all the way to the bottom seam. He cuts it to remove it.
Stephanie is in shock for a moment, only wearing a navy-blue bra. The man grabs her tits through her bra. Squeezing them, kneading them like they were dough. He stops playing with them long enough to grab between the cups and pull hard. The back-clasp snaps as her bra is only on by the shoulder straps. Instead of cutting it off, the man forces the remains of bra up over her head and shoulders. They weren’t huge tits, but looked good on her frame. Maybe 32B, 32C? Those nipples, damn. The areolas are the size of silver dollars and the nipples point up almost half an inch. “Is someone enjoying this?” The man asks. Stephanie shakes her head vigorously. “Lying bitch.” The man grabs her tits, then bends over and takes her left nipple in his mouth, biting down. Stephanie screams into her gag.
“Ahhhh, ohhhh yeah.” Sam is jerking off furiously watching this. He can’t hold back anymore and busts a nut all over his chest. He’s breathing heavily watching the man suck and bite on Stephanie’s tits. Sam pauses the video, then looks at the mess on his shirt and stomach. “Looks like I’ve got laundry to do.” After catching his breath, he checks to see how long is left on the video. “Holy fuck, another hour to go?” Sam slipped off his pants and shoes and hit play.
The man was sucking and biting on Stephanie’s tits. She tried shaking him off, but didn’t have any leverage from her position. Eventually her squirming got under the man’s skin. He rose up and slapped her across her face, leaving a red mark on her left cheek. “Keep it up and I get the knife again.” She laid in shock for a moment. The man slid down her body to where he was sitting on her thighs, just above the knees. He ran his hands slowly down her stomach, past a script tattoo on her left ribs, until his hands landed on her pants. He undid the button her black slacks and lowered the zipper. He parted the top of the pants then slid his hands to her hips and pulled. It took a couple tugs but he got the pants over her shapely hips. After getting them halfway down her thighs, the man stood up and slid them down to her feet, where he kept them bundled around her shoes.
Stephanie laid there with a look of desperation and fear, her eyes both wide and filled with tears. Her mascara ran a little in the corners. Her pants were down around her ankles and she was otherwise naked, save for a pair of floral bikini cut panties. The man reached for her panties, but she raised her knees to protect herself. The man grabbed her hair with his right hand and yanked her up into a sitting position. With his left hand, he pimped slapped her hard across her left cheek. “What did I fucking tell you? That was bad, Stephie. Real, real bad.” Her eyes grew even wider, like some anime chick. This was the first time he said her name. He knew who she was. Before she could react though he was slapping her tits as hard as he could with his left hand while pulling her head back with his right. “Stupid fucking slut.” He kept slapping, causing her tits to turn pink then red. “I was gonna be nice and make sure you had your fun, not hurt you too much. Now, fuck you. You better be fucking soaked in your pussy cause I’m coming in hot. And I’m gonna fuck your ass dry, too. Unless you’re such a fucking whore that this gets you off.” He finished slapping and threw her head down on the couch. She was bawling her eyes out and crying into her gag. He grabbed her panties and with one good tug had them down around her ankles. He left them there, along with the shoes.
“God damn.” Sam muttered to himself when he saw her pussy. A perfect blonde landing strip to match her blonde hair. Neatly trimmed and oh so delicious looking. He was stroking himself again, once again harder than Chinese arithmetic. Maybe that’s what that Chinese character located under her panty line meant? He didn’t read Chinese, but he found the hidden tattoo.
The man stood up and unbuttoned his pants. They were military pants with no zipper. He let them drop to the middle of his thighs. His dick was fully erect, standing at around 6 inches and thicker than average. Stephanie cried and cried as he took off his shirt, revealing a tanned barrel-chested figure with a moderate amount of chest hair. “Let’s have some fun Stephie,” he said as he grabbed her feet and pushed them toward her head, bending her nearly in half and creating enough space between her legs to get between them. He slid in, using her trapped feet as a means of keeping him in place. He grabbed his cock with his left hand and her labia with his right. He spread her pussy lips as far as he could with one hand, making a hole large enough to get his dickhead into her quim. He paused for a moment, enjoying the feeling of having just the tip in, just for a moment.
Then, he pushed forward. All the fight that was left in Stephanie drained away as he thrust into her. First, only a little, maybe an inch or two, and slow. Low and slow. After about a dozen small strokes, he went deeper, and deeper. He went faster, and faster. Deeper, and faster, until he was slamming into her with his full weight. The man kept this pace up for a couple minutes, until he started breathing faster, and faster, then started talking. “Where should I cum, baby? Want me cum inside you? Want a going away present, bitch. Want my baby, baby?” Stephanie was freaking out, shaking her head violently back and forth and screaming what could only be ‘NO’ into her gag. “Cum inside you? Got it you fucking dirty cumslut.” With that, the man pumped a few more times and shuddered, ejaculating deep into young Stephanie Taylor. As he collapsed on top of her, all fight that was left in her drained out, replaced by wracking sobs and the semen of her rapist.
“Oh fuck...” Sam came again, depositing another load on his shirt. “Holy shit.” Sam waited a moment as he caught his breath to clean himself up again. This time he let the video play.
The man lay on top of Stephanie for a solid minute or two, waiting until he had his strength back. He pushed himself up off of her and slid out from between her legs. His flaccid penis was covered in her unwilling juices and his forcefully given seed. He stood up from the couch that he just raped her on and walked to his bag. He pulled out a water bottle, opened it, and drank nearly half of it in one go. He then returned to Stephanie on the couch, who had tried to curl up into the fetal position. Well, as well as one could with their hands cuffed behind their back. He grabbed her by the hair and wiped his cock off with it. Her tear stained face was now streaked with runny makeup. He looked at her, admiring his handiwork for moment, then slapped his penis across her face to get himself hard again. “Smell that on my dick? That’s you, you fucking cunt. That’s your cunt on my dick. And when I’m hard again, I’m gonna fuck you again. And I’m gonna fuck that sweet ass of yours, too. I’m gonna use your pussy to get me ready to fuck your ass. Ever had a dick up your ass, Stephie?” She didn’t respond. He slapped her with his hand this time. “Bitch, ever been fucked up your ass?” Stephanie nodded meekly in embarrassment. “Good. I don’t have to be gentle.”
The man pulled on her hair, standing her up. He dragged her around the couch, neither taking full steps with their pants down around their ankles. Once to the rear of the couch, he threw her head down so it was in the couch cushions and she was bent over, her purple and pink butterfly lower back tattoo in full view. The man got in position behind her, rubbing his cock along her pussy and asscrack. He grabbed his erect penis and thrust into her pussy, fully embedding himself in one thrust. He fucked her twat for a solid five minutes, enjoying the pleasure he took from her and the agony he caused her. He leaned over and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back so that she was looking right at the camera.
Her face was a mess of streaked makeup, tears, and slap marks. Her blonde hair was coming out of its bun, after being used as a handle and a cumrag. Her eyes were bloodshot from all of the tears she cried. The man stopped thrusting into her and leaned close, still holding her hair. He pointed to the camera.
“Stephie, you see that right there, between the two speakers on the bookshelf there?” He pulled his dick out of her pussy. “That’s my camera. I’m recording this so I can show the world how big of a slut you are.” Her eyes focused on the camera, and a look of dread flashed across her face. He lined his cock up with her asshole. “Say hi to the camera Stephie!” He pushed into her ass as far as he could go and held it there. From the camera angle, he was maybe two inches in her ass. The look on her face said it all. Nausea mixed with pain mixed with panic mixed with resignation, all coalescing on Stephanie Taylor’s beautiful face.
Sam couldn’t help himself and started jerking off again. This time he winced a little as he did so. If he kept this up, he’d rub his dick raw.
The man kept fucking her ass a little at a time with slow strokes. He switched her hair from his right hand to his left and kept her facing the camera. While he stroked into her ass, he reached down with his right hand and found her clit. He rubbed her little button around and around, stimulating her against her will. He kept up the pace in her ass, quickening as he increased the speed of her clit rubbing. Faster and faster he went, fucking her ass and rubbing her clit, forcing her to the brink of an orgasm she didn’t want to have. He kept going and going and going, working on her clit like an autistic kid with a fidget spinner, not giving up until he was ready.
Stephanie’s cries of pain turned to moans through the gag as the man continued to rub her clit. The moans quickened and quickened, until suddenly her entire body shook and stiffened intermittently, her vaginal reflexes able to be felt in her rectum. The man couldn’t hold out any longer and pulled out of her ass. He yanked back on her hair and pulled her head towards him. He held her head with his left hand and her body fell over the back of the couch and landed mostly on it again.
“Oh fuck.” He grabbed his cock with his right hand stroked off a few more times right in her face. He came. Hard. The man bust a nut all over Stephanie’s face. He blasted her in the right eye with a rope of cum that looked like it was shot out of a cannon. Another blast got in her hair, and the last several spurts landed on her forehead, cheeks and nose. The man walked over to the camera and grabbed it off of the bookshelf. He zoomed in on her face, showing the beautiful woman in all her glory. Mouth taped and gagged, makeup a mess, bruises starting to show on her cheeks and covered in her rapist’s cum.
“Wow, you look like a total fucking slut. Because you are Stephie. Who else but a slut gets off by being fucked in the ass like that?” Stephanie burst into tears again as her rapist’s cum dripped off her face.
“Holy shit.” Sam came again on his chest. That was the third time in the last hour, just from this video. Sam cleaned himself yet again while catching his breath. The video had another 30 minutes, but he looked at the time and saw it was getting late. He’ll have to come back and finish it again someday, but not until he fast forwarded through it.
Sam fast forwarded through the video. The man fucked Stephanie two more times in the pussy and once more in the ass before it was all said and done. By the time the video was over, Stephanie was completely naked except for the gag and thick layer of cum on her face, chest, and back. How this guy had the recovery to keep going amazed Sam. The camera position changed a couple times to get closeups of his dick in her pussy and ass, and the last scene was a point of view scene of fucking her in a missionary position. The last scene had the man uncuff the woman, then immediately zip tie her arms and legs together and then zip tied that to the base of her couch. The man dressed then told her that if she ever told anyone then this video would be sent to her friends and family and posted online for the world to see how much of a slut she was. He took her cell phone and hid it somewhere in her apartment. He then left a pair of scissors within reach of the bound woman and told her to count to 100 before trying to free herself. If she tried anything, he’d be back for more and wouldn’t be so gentle next time. He packed up his stuff and stopped the video.
“Holy shit” muttered Sam. “I didn’t even get to the good stuff yet.”