Here's a short story for the 4th of July to distract me from another story I'm working on.
Bob missed the good ole days. The days back before everyone had a phone with a camera, GPS, and full computer in it and it was easy to get lost in the woods. Back when he could disappear up to his cabin for a month or two at a time and no one came looking for him. Back when he was a little less round and had a little more hair. Back when he could smooth talk some young piece of ass from one of the neighboring camps into partying with him for a few hours or a night. Back before rumors of him and his camp began to spread.
Bob missed those days. Back then, he wasn't an old man, but an older guy that the girls from the camp next door would want to hang out with. His tactics didn't change, he did and they did. Back then, the girls thought he was the coolest guy ever cause he could get them beer and weed and they'd party. He was in his twenties then. It's not as cool for teen girls drink and party with a man in his forties or fifties.
Bob missed the 90's in particular. He was young, good looking, and in his mid 20's when he got the cabin and property from his grandparents. It was his, all he had to do was pay the taxes every year and maintain the place, which was no problem. He loved having his cabin in the wood near the lake. He loved it even more when the large parcel next to his was bought out by some megachurch a hundred and fifty miles away and this became their getaway camp.
Holy shit, did he love it. A bunch of spoiled, pampered, semi-rich girls would spend a couple weeks up at the camp having Jesus and other shit pounded into their heads all day, and he'd spend the nights trying to pound his dick into some sweet sheltered ass. He wouldn't always succeed, but when he did, he did.
They'd stick around for a couple weeks at a time. One group would stay the whole summer, and the counselors would usually work the whole summer as well, but most of these girls would come up for a week or two at a time. It was usually enough time for a few of the braver ones to explore, get lost, and wander over to his place. If they were cute enough, Bob would invite them over after dark. Some would try to bring a friend along, and there were a few times that worked out well for him, but mostly the extra girl would cockblock him. He figured out a few ways around that, but his go-to was to get the friend passed out drunk then fuck the good looking one. If they ever came up by themselves, as long as some crazy shit didn't happen, he'd almost certainly get some action.
The weekends and holidays were always busy at the campgrounds on the other side. Bob's property was right next to the church camp, but the open campgrounds were to his right. Even when the weather was bad, there were still people coming up. Especially on the 4th of July.
The church would have a big fireworks show every year, and the camp grounds were filled with a fuckton of people. Because of the fireworks and festivities, a whole bunch of church higher-ups would show up. And they'd drag all of their kids. Inevitably, one of these kids would end up on his land. Several, usually, but he'd wait for one girl to get lost, separated from the group, or just left behind by the cool kids. He'd find her, offer some help, then ply his skills to get in her panties before the fireworks were over.
One year things didn't go as smoothly as they should have. It was 97 or 98, and Bob was enjoying himself walking around the lake. There was so much eye candy walking around, he could hardly focus. One girl really caught his eye. She was a cute little brunette with curly hair named Cathy. She wore a red and white striped bikini top, short jean shorts, and sandals. Her brown eyes were covered by sunglasses most of the day, and her hair was pulled up into a ponytail. Her face had just the smallest amount of fat in her cheeks, and her body was smoking with a flat stomach, a little butt, and tight legs. Her skin was turning from white to light red.
Bob chatted up Cathy and they hung out the rest of the day. Turned out she was the niece of one of the pastors at the church that owned the girls camp. Bob listened to her bitch about being dragged up to this camp when she should be with her boyfriend back home, how the other girls were sluts, and other bitching. Bob put up with her shit because she was turning him on like he hadn't been in a while. She said she was 18 but she looked younger. Not like he was carding her or anything.
They went towards his camp. They drank a couple beers and smoked a little weed. She sure as hell wasn't a rookie in those categories. As the night went on, he put a couple moves on her, but she blocked him each time. He'd put his arm around her, she'd push it off. He'd lean in for a hug, she'd push him away. It was dark and the fireworks were about to start. He had one last idea. The old massage trick.
Bob and Cathy were laying on the blanket he had spread out that overlooked the lake and where the fireworks would shoot over. He got up and mounted her, massaging her shoulders. He's used this move before. Start with the shoulders, get them relaxed, move the hands around, repeat until you're massaging their pussy with your dick. He never had a girl fight him off.
Until her.
Cathy wasn't having any of the massage. She kept squirming and pushing. By this point, Bob was getting rock hard and she felt his hard-on rub up against her ass. She pushed, she flailed, she tried to get away. Eventually, she hit him.
Something in Bob snapped. He went from 0 to 60 immediately. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back. He screamed at her, he called her a cocktease and a bitch. He pulled her bikini top off, exposing her tits. He put her in a chokehold with his left arm while he mauled her tits with his right. He changed position to undo the button on her jeans.
She tried fighting, but was struggling just to breathe. She wanted to push away, and when he raised her body to undo her jean shorts, she tried to use that to get away, but she couldn't. He was too big for her to fight off.
Bob undid her jean shorts and slid them down. Eventually, he got them off of her legs. He grabbed her swim bottoms and pulled them to the side. He rubbed her pussy then fingered her roughly. All the time she was crying.
The fireworks started. He could see the lights reflecting above the water. The loud noises startled Cathy, and he used that moment to undo his pants and free his dick.
Cathy felt Bob's dick press against her pussy entrance and began to scream. This turned Bob on even further, and he pushed into her. He pushed in an inch or two, then withdraw and inch, and repeat the process until he had his entire seven inch cock buried in her tight snatch.
The fireworks kept going. Boom, boom, crack, pop. Cathy kept screaming, but Bob didn't care. He could barely hear Cathy's screams, and he was in her. Even if anyone were nearby, they couldn't hear her over the explosions in the air.
Bob thrust into her slowly at first until she was just wet enough to fuck her with gusto. The fireworks kept going, building to the finale. Cathy had stopped yelling and was just crying now. Bob grabbed her hair and pulled on it like he was stopping a horse. He was ready to cum. He sped up his thrusting and bust a nut inside of her, just as the finale came.
Bob collapsed on top of Cathy, crushing her under his weight. She sobbed uncontrollably for a moment until he pulled with shrinking dick out of her cunt and dismounted her. Cathy curled up into the fetal position while Bob walked over to the cooler and grabbed a couple beers. He opened both cans of Bud Light and handed one to Cathy. When she hesitated accepting it, he grabbed her by the hair again and poured a little of it into her open mouth. He put his pants back on and drank his beer. She grabbed her shorts and left as fast as she could. He saw her outline stop about 50 feet away and fix her clothes.
Bob always insisted on having someone to spend the fireworks with from that point on. As for Cathy, he never saw her again. At least he didn't think he did. He could have sworn he saw a spitting image of her about fifteen or sixteen years later, but that's a story for a different time.
EDIT: Added story codes in subject