Author Topic: Greta Van Fleet  (Read 438 times)

Offline vile8r

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Greta Van Fleet
« on: March 20, 2019, 09:47:04 PM »
Isn't it weird how you'll hear a new group on the radio and you'll develop this perception of what you THINK they look like.  Greta Van Fleet for example! LOL.  The first time I heard this song, I pictured some guy with long flowing blonde hair, bare-chested,  a young rock god-ling wailing away a la Robert Plant or Roger doubt because he does sound a LOT like a young Robert Plant! But when I looked them up on Youtube, I see a guy who looks like the teenage slacker you just hired to mow the lawn and he did a shitty job and broke two lawn ornaments! LOL! 
Now don't get me wrong! I still love these guys.....they're one of the best new groups to come out in a while and I love how they pay homage to the blues rock of the '70s. But I just chuckle to myself about the perception I FIRST had of these guys.

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Offline Grumpy

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Re: Greta Van Fleet
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2019, 07:37:12 AM »
But when I looked them up on Youtube, I see a guy who looks like the teenage slacker you just hired to mow the lawn and he did a shitty job and broke two lawn ornaments! LOL!

Well, that's what Robert Plant looked like to everyone in the 60s :)

Styles change, counter-culture doesn't.

I saw Greta van Fleet perform two years ago and they were pretty awesome. I definitely recommend going to a show if you have the opportunity.

Offline vile8r

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Re: Greta Van Fleet
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2019, 04:52:43 PM »
"Well, that's what Robert Plant looked like to everyone in the 60s :)"

You make a good point Grumpy!  Back in the '60s, everyone thought the same about the new generation that we think now about the millenials. Different times.......but the attitudes and perceptions change!

Yes, Greta Van Fleet was actually in concert not too far away from me just recently. The next time they come through, I will definitely try to make sure I catch them.
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