1: Your gender and age and sexual orientation (straight, gay, lesbian/bi)
female 34, Bi
2: Age of your first contact with porn?
Around 10,or11? i dont remember
3: How did you get in contact? (somebody showed me/by a book, magazine/by a movie, video, TV/by the internet, smartphone/ something else))
Found Dad's stash of porn
4: What was your first reaction to porn? (I was disgusted/(un)interested/ horny/something else)
Very ashamed, my face blushed hot, and then that night I felt very exciting
5: Do you masturbate to porn? (Always, mostly. sometimes, never)
Sometimes,depends on whether we can find the right taste
6: How often do you watch/read to porn now? (Several times a dy/daily/several times a week/weekly/several times a month/monthly/every now and then/it comes and goes/never)
Every two or three days, basically
7:Do you feel/know that you are addicted to porn? (sure/perhaps/no)
yes i guess so
8: When you are in the mood to watch/read porn, what are your 5 favorite search terms? (can include names of porn actresses, actors, directors)?
9:Are you looking for "normal"/"vanilla" porn (fucking, oral sex) or "hard"/"rough" porn (bondage, SM, simulated rape) or "extreme"porn (torture, pissing, scat, animals)?
Extreme,I really like the stuff that comes out about racism, which isn't much, especially WMAF,Being tortured in a situation like this is very exciting
10: How is your partner reacting to your porn habits? (I have no partner/he, she does not kow/he, she is disgusted/he, she says it's okay but he, she is not intersted/we watch it together)
I haven't told him this. He's Chinese so I'm sure he won't like it
11: How has porn influenced your sex life? (No influence at all/ it's better now/it's worse now/I have no sexual life except of masturbation)
It's better now of coursse