Author Topic: Online rape play  (Read 525 times)

Offline RapistRyan

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Online rape play
« on: August 26, 2024, 12:43:51 PM »
A few years ago, when I was immature, at another website, I engaged in a long exchange of PM role-play with a much older woman. She had rape fantasies I had rape fantasies, we were the perfect fit. We exchanged emails, phone numbers, and did a very long (four months) of exchanging daily fantasies.

I wrote her a story of a rape from the rapist point of view. Hoping she'd enjoy reading what (may or may not) be going on in a rapist head.

Long story short, she got the idea I confessed to a real rape. She reported me to the site admin and of course I was banned. I tried to call and text her, to explain it was a story, but she'd blocked me. I made an appeal to have the ban removed, and they did. I sent her an onsite message and explained what happened and that it was a fantasy. The woman sent me back a message and said she wasn't convinced but would take me at my word. I then closed my account, blocked her numbers, and email address.

I don't know if handled it right now.

Has anyone had anything similar?
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Offline mellowmajor
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Re: Online rape play
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2024, 05:44:45 AM »
you handled it wrong. if someone do not reply or block you, leave them alone. do not haunt them.

Offline subgirl

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Re: Online rape play
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2024, 05:10:31 PM »
sorry That happen my friend.  but should left it alone pead cast to mods not her she red story gave flash back to  a true rape story.  we come her esape.
nerd milf of 3