1: Your gender and age and sexual orientation (straight, gay, lesbian/bi)
>SWF, not sayin', bi
2: Age of your first contact with porn?
3: How did you get in contact? (somebody showed me/by a book, magazine/by a movie, video, TV/by the internet, smartphone/ something else))
>Brenda Harkelrod and I hacked the porn filter at School. We were both nerdy girls and we were bored.
4: What was your first reaction to porn? (I was disgusted/(un)interested/ horny/something else)
>Brenda and I both burst out laughing.
5: Do you masturbate to porn? (Always, mostly. sometimes, never)
I masturbate, a lot, probably more than the average girl of my age, socioeconomic status, and esucational level, but no porn anywhere is even remotely close to the images I conjure up in my filthy, twisted, perverted little mind.
6: How often do you watch/read to porn now? (Several times a dy/daily/several times a week/weekly/several times a month/monthly/every now and then/it comes and goes/never)
>Almost never. I have no need to watch others on screen doing poorly what I can do much better myself in real life
7:Do you feel/know that you are addicted to porn? (sure/perhaps/no)
8: When you are in the mood to watch/read porn, what are your 5 favorite search terms? (can include names of porn actresses, actors, directors)?
>When I am in a porno mood I text one of my regular hookups and go for it.
9:Are you looking for "normal"/"vanilla" porn (fucking, oral sex) or "hard"/"rough" porn (bondage, SM, simulated rape) or "extreme"porn (torture, pissing, scat, animals)?
I don't use words like "normal. " "Normal" is Hate Speech. The word "normal" implies that there is. ought to be, or might be something or someone somewhere that is ABnormal, and it might make something or someone somewhere feel bad and we all know that's wrong.
10: How is your partner reacting to your porn habits? (I have no partner/he, she does not kow/he, she is disgusted/he, she says it's o-oukay but he, she is not intersted/we watch it together)
>Kristie? If either of us watched porn I'm sure we' d watch it together.
11: How has porn influenced your sex life? (No influence at all/ it's better now/it's worse now/I have no sexual life except of masturbation)
>Porn has nade my sex-life much. much worse. Guys watch WAY too much porn. Even some of my regular hook-ups start to think real-life girls are, or should be, just like porn stars. They think that real-life sex works just like in the pornos. Then, when it doesn't turn out like a pornvid, they get discouraged and... um, "deflated." You know how it is ( sigh).