It seems like a good idea to have an easily-found public list of admins and moderators. So here it is.
Chief admin and site owner: Lois
Other admins (senior management): Eljorn, Jay, RopeFiend, Zokah
Moderators (junior management): [Bubbles], Blue, Nyx, SoftGameHunter, Tinkerbell, Brokenwing
If you have a question or problem with any aspect of your experience here, the distinction between moderator and admin is likely nil. You may contact any of us as you wish. You can also flag any post in the bottom right hand corner of said post by clicking 'Report to moderator'. You will be prompted to write a comment, and it will go to all admins and mods. You can flag any troublesome private messages you receive in a similar way by clicking 'Report to Admin', and a report will go to any or all of the admins. You can also choose to contact a moderator about PMs if that is your preference, but the system does it automatically to admins.
This thread will be stickied for easy reference.