Author Topic: Random Reminder about Harassment  (Read 6773 times)

Offline SoftGameHunter

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Random Reminder about Harassment
« on: August 16, 2018, 02:06:55 PM »
I'd have preferred to resurrect an old thread on this subject, but they're buried so here's a new one.

At RavishU we take harassment issues seriously. The smooth functioning of a board like this one requires that everyone is entitled to and receives a viewing experience free from sexual threats, harassment, unwanted attention, or any other kind of sexual misbehavior however you want to describe it.

So this is a completely random reminder to NOT DO THAT. And if you have been, knock it off before we identify you and ban your ass.
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Offline littlebluebird

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Re: Random Reminder about Harassment
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2018, 05:32:23 AM »
And just to add: if you are being harassed in any way, please come forward to either an Administrator/Moderator, even if you're someone like me who isn't bothered too much by it. That person may also be bothering other members who don't appreciate it and maybe aren't willing to come forward with it. If you experience any form of harassment, abuse, etc. then please, please, please do not hesitate to contact an Admin and try to keep their DMs, chat logs, or emails if possible. Hell, you can even DM me with your issues and I can forward them along to an Admin if you feel uncomfortable 'bothering' them, or that you are simply hesitant or nervous. My inbox is always open and I'm more than willing to lend a hand. ::):

That said, here's a handy list of (some) of the Admins for the site, just off the top of my head. You can click their names to be directed to their profile where they can be PMed directly with any issues you be may experiencing regarding another member:

1. Eljorn
2. Lois
3. SoftGameHunter
4. Brokenwing

Remember to stay safe out there everybody! This place should be fun and judgment-free. If you think someone may be harassing or threatening you, then please speak up and allow the Admins to deal with this person on your behalf. Don't keep contacting them and remember to trust your gut feeling above all else. If it feels like something is wrong or off then it probably is!
"I'm a little baby bird, being pushed out of it's nest. Climbing back up the trees, admitting I'm weaker than the rest. Little honey pie, I'm broken but I'll try. To fix you along with me tonight, I won't stop until we're fine."

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Re: Random Reminder about Harassment
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2018, 05:41:19 AM »
remember to trust your gut feeling above all else. If it feels like something is wrong or off then it probably is!

Just to expand this... Don't ever waste your time on someone who can't respect limits or your privacy! That's like the two most important things, especially in a place like this, so if they can't do that, then don't waste your time on them!

Offline Army of One

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Re: Random Reminder about Harassment
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2018, 07:31:13 AM »
While we're talking about harassment on the site, same deal goes in the chat. If you are being harassed in private chat or public, tell a chanop (a chat moderator); they're the guys with symbols in front of their names. To knowledge, they are:
  • Eljorn
  • Lois
  • pinkwarkitten14
  • Army of One (myself)
If none of us are available, don't be afraid to tell another member. Panthers70, littlebluebird and Gohel84 pretty much have us on speed dial (so to speak), and are on at some point during the day, but any member will take the call. Additionally, since all four of us span both RU and its sister site Kristen's Board, we can track down the member in question and inform the relevant board admins.
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Re: Random Reminder about Harassment
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2018, 03:14:18 PM »
Good stuff :)

Little Bug
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Re: Random Reminder about Harassment
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2019, 01:06:09 PM »
Thank you for this post; I am new and this is very comforting to know.  Not all harassment is of the welcome variety

Offline 90lbsofdynamite

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Re: Random Reminder about Harassment
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2021, 12:18:59 PM »
I have never been harassed here, not really. A few unwanted inquires but once I explain the situation of who I am, they stopped. Of course, I have never minded unwanted question by those I like. I kind of enjoy the attention. Which is not say I'd ever be unfaithful to my wedding vows, Jo would kill me if I was  ;D just kidding.
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Re: Random Reminder about Harassment
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2021, 07:09:52 PM »
I have never been harassed here, not really. A few unwanted inquires but once I explain the situation of who I am, they stopped. Of course, I have never minded unwanted question by those I like. I kind of enjoy the attention. Which is not say I'd ever be unfaithful to my wedding vows, Jo would kill me if I was  ;D just kidding.

Jo might like me too  :] :]

Offline 90lbsofdynamite

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Re: Random Reminder about Harassment
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2021, 07:18:29 PM »
As long as there are no dicks involved, she might. But we haven't had a threesome, with girl or guy, in a long time. I won't tell you how rough we are on the boys when we had the intersexual 3 way relationships. Ask bobbyjoecrossdresser if you really want to know ...  :emot_laughing.gif:
Just 90 lbs of Dynamite Big Bada Boom!!