Author Topic: What I like  (Read 1371 times)

Offline AbsurdMonkey
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What I like
« on: May 20, 2017, 11:41:17 AM »
I stumbled on to a common theme in all of my sexual desires. The more I thought about it the more I realized that there is one thing in common with all of the stories I read and write, all of the porn videos I watch, and all of the fantasies I have. The woman has to be seen as worthless by society. I like stories about slavery because slaves are seen as disposable to a society. It can't just be the rapist in the story that sees her as worthless, but the society the rapist comes from that must see her this way. This is why I like stories where the women are used by many different people.  My favorite stories are always about young women being forced into prostitution, or forced to work in brothels, sometimes as slaves, in a society that legally has slaves.

All the stories I have written have had this element incorporated into them. I wrote a story about a young Jewish woman being sexually abused by a German official. I wrote a story about a slaver group capturing a village and herding them to distant slave markets. I wrote a story about the secret police capturing and processing a beautiful young dissident. I wrote a story about an enslaved woman trying to survive in a brothel. The victims are always people that are shunned or dehumanized by the society the rapists are from.

The porn videos I watch are all of prostitutes, the homeless, young runaways, prisoners, or slaves. It seems that taking advantage of the dregs of society arouses me.

I only recently was able to fully articulate this phenomenon to myself. But it has been present since I discovered my sexuality in my teens.

Is anyone else like this?

Offline SoftGameHunter

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Re: What I like
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2017, 01:06:57 PM »
I'm not strictly like this, but I fully get what you're saying. There's a completely different dynamic in the mind of a kidnapped privileged rich girl, for example, who knows that if she does get away she'll have the support of the law and society behind her while her captor(s) will be reviled and in deep shit, and the slave/outcast/etc who can't expect any help, sympathy, and who may be told when (if) it's over to just shut up and forget about it. It really messes differently with their minds.

I've written stories for myself in that genre, but I don't think many have made it on here. It's fun to write a scene where the girl can be paraded naked and in chains through the central market, knowing in her own mind that every single person there is happy to view her and would aid her captor if she tried to run.

Yes, I think I'll have to dig some of those tales out of memory and see what I can do with them now.
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Offline technodivinitas

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Re: What I like
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2017, 04:03:25 PM »
It's interesting that you refer to them as "the dregs of society", Monkey- and I hope you aren't offended by my speculation. I don't yet know you well enough to even know if you're a predator or prey. I too enjoy a woman being forced into the situations you describe, either by circumstance or design, but to me, this is a hallmark of the guiltlessness I so vocally prize. I noted that you referred to slaves, women forced into prostitution and brothels, but you stopped short of including drug addicts and derelicts. I don't think it's the dregs of society you're talking about so much as the truly victimized- which is an absolute essential key in my own fetish. 

So ^5, Monkey!  Nope!  You're not alone at all!
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Offline blondiecath

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Re: What I like
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2017, 02:23:11 AM »
I'm also into stories about forced prostitution, so you're not alone. Definitely not ;)

Btw AbsurdMonkey, your stories sounds rather interesting! Where do I get them?

Joe Takeher
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Re: What I like
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2017, 04:22:23 PM »
 I'm middle of the road on this one.I'd put a bullet between the eyes of some smart mouth,high society rich girl,would feel sorry for the slaves and would help them escape.What I like is the conservative,church going,everyday,soccer mom with 2.3 kids,golden retriever and a mini van.I used to work and go to church with a lot of these women and I say round them all up,take'em to a big warehouse,have them strip,put their clothes in a plastic bag (Never to be seen again) then make them perform sexually including prostitution.

       That's right Softgame I'm still on this kick and will be for life.So hows that story coming?haha

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Re: What I like
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2017, 09:49:14 PM »
There's a couple different ways I go on this. On the one hand, I love the idea of the conservative, professional woman who is taken somewhere in the middle of nowhere and taken repeatedly. I also go for the idea of the victim who is being blackmailed so the rape happens repeatedly and she's never totally sure when it's coming. But this way she's still going about her day, afraid of going to the authorities or anyone else because she's scared of what I have on her coming out to light (and the possibility this blackmail could destroy her credibility as to being raped).

And in one of my other favorite fantasies, after kidnapping my victim (or multiple victims), I rape them repeatedly and mess with their minds such that mentally they break and become slaves. They don't leave my home because they believe it is their duty to stay and please me. What they wear--or don't--is entirely up to me, and they accept it because it's what happens.

Offline SoftGameHunter

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Re: What I like
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2017, 02:50:37 AM »
I'm middle of the road on this one.I'd put a bullet between the eyes of some smart mouth,high society rich girl,would feel sorry for the slaves and would help them escape.What I like is the conservative,church going,everyday,soccer mom with 2.3 kids,golden retriever and a mini van.I used to work and go to church with a lot of these women and I say round them all up,take'em to a big warehouse,have them strip,put their clothes in a plastic bag (Never to be seen again) then make them perform sexually including prostitution.

       That's right Softgame I'm still on this kick and will be for life.So hows that story coming?haha

Are you trying to come across as hostile? Because that's what you're doing. I recall once suggesting you flesh out your ideas into a story for the site, and you may do so or not as you wish. I don't know why you think I'm going to write it for you.
The rumors about me are scurrilous, depraved rantings of a sick mind, and I categorically deny any sense of falsehood attributed to them.