Author Topic: Internet filters screening porn you may have to pay to remove. Free speech?  (Read 665 times)

Offline Brokenwing

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Just a moment to post a reply to an authors story makes it worth the hours of writing and editing the story.

Offline SoftGameHunter

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The porn industry survived the POS Bush administration, and he was way crazier on social issues than Trump. As for the specific filter idea, even conservative courts have struck down laws of similar severity, so I don't think it would pass muster even if it did pass. We're in for a rough few years, but I suspect we'll make it out okay.
The rumors about me are scurrilous, depraved rantings of a sick mind, and I categorically deny any sense of falsehood attributed to them.

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As much as I would not put anything past this administration, I would tend to agree with SGH.  Even if this passes how hard would it be for someone to simply invent a code to bypass the filters?  Then there is the definition of porn?  What would they consider porn and what would not be?   If everything labeled "adult" was included, you could not even watch some mainstream movies.  Sounds like a logistic nightmare.

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With regards to filters to screen porn, it's difficult to implement at a national level; a number of countries have tried to restrict social media (Turkey, China) and some try to prevent VPN to another country (e.g. Dubai, Saudi) and non are 100% successful.  I worked in Saudi for a short time and could VPN to my home country to stream movies - something they were trying to prevent.

What I thought interesting and see working was this:
"But these measures target an industry that's already marginalized in various ways—for instance, payment processors often discriminate against porn producers and distributors. "The more government interference in an industry... the more likely acquirers and banks will want to avoid transacting with it to avoid any reputation risk,"

My bank has blocked these types of payments previously leading to a embarrassing conversation!

Recently a number of NSA tools were released showing the increased level of national hacking activities and capabilities which sites like this need to guard against