Author Topic: American Psychiatric Association article  (Read 1863 times)

Offline AlexisAmor
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Offline Tinkerbell

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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2016, 07:13:56 AM »
I have noted before that, as the definition of "normal" expands,
the definition of "ABnormal" contracts, until it vanishes.



PS Don't worry! Be happy!

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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2016, 07:18:38 AM »
So the author herself was deemed "probably false" by snopes?   Who can believe anything then.

Offline AlexisAmor
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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2016, 02:13:22 PM »
I have noted before that, as the definition of "normal" expands,
the definition of "ABnormal" contracts, until it vanishes.



PS Don't worry! Be happy!

I think it is opposite, every decade or so, our perception of normal changes. So when we are 10 years in the future, what we do now will be abnormal and there will be plenty of people who will still be doing the abnormal so it won't vanish.  ;)

So the author herself was deemed "probably false" by snopes?   Who can believe anything then.

You can believe in God (*giggles*) and yourself :)

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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2016, 07:51:16 PM »
"You can believe in God (*giggles*) and yourself :)"

Ha ha. God, I believe in. Myself..not so much :)

Offline AlexisAmor
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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2016, 08:48:28 PM »
But God is full of controversy ... he brings the best and the worst out of people. If you were to take control of yourself, you can control what you put out.


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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2016, 09:42:13 PM »
No, humans are full of controversy, especially when they ignore God. :P
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Offline AlexisAmor
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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2016, 09:50:19 PM »
and God loves ignoring the pleas of children when they pray to Him


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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2016, 09:58:05 PM »
God's not a genie, he doesn't grant Wishes. He answers some prayers, especially unselfish ones. But there are things he can't or won't do right now, and without getting any more religious i'll say some people who know their Bible will have an idea of what I mean.
"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant

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Offline Tinkerbell

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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2016, 12:12:54 AM »
You know the thing about god? Okay, okay, those of
you who know me even a little know I am a devout
agnostic. A theist BELIEVES there is a god. The
atheist BELIEVES there ISN'T a god. The agnostic
doesn't BELIEVE anything. She doesn't know WHAT
the fuck is going on, but thinks it might be good
to find out!

Me? I'm a Lapsed Catholic. That's the Worst Kind.
I've been through it all. I was first in my catechism
class at Scared Heart. I know the Seven Deadly
Sins and have done six of them. Never could
master the "gluttony" thing, I eat like a pig but
I STILL weigh 95 lbs. Anyway, a  Lapsed Catholic
KNOWS there is a god. She just doesn't CARE!

"Father, forgive me, for I have sinned. It has been
6,384 days since my last confession..."

When I was in fifth grade, Brenda told me that in
the confessional, there was a trap door, and if you
confessed something really really bad, the trap door
sprung and the DEVIL was waiting down below to
CATCH you!

So I confessed about taking Benny's pencil and
keeping it even though I knew it was his, but I
thought it was better if I didn't mention masturbating
to the "Princess Leiah and Jabba the Hut" scene. So
the trap door never sprung, and I lived to earn the street
name "Penis Beath."

So after mom had a kid with her boss while still married
to dad, we weren't Catholic any more, and All Bets Were
Off. Anyway, when dad left after The Divorce he left me
his illustrated copy of William Blake, which I internalized
in a bizarre way, probably because I was a little girl who
missed her dad and was too "smart" for her own good.

Maybe I went a little overboard, or, maybe not. Maybe I
was just hypersexed like my mom. I came by it honestly,
it's in my jeans. Wait! I mean, my GENES. No, actually...

So I learned St. Augustine's prayer. He was Bishop of
Hippo about the time the Roman Empire was breathing
its last. We think WE have it bad, with everything being
Trumped, but Rome was overrun by VisiGoths and 4,000
virgins were deflowered in one wild night!

Anyway, St. Augustine of Hippo, Blessed Be He, he
prayed, "God? Grant me chastity. But not just yet!"

So that's me in a nutshell. Everybody eventually gives
up fucking. We all plunge into The Abyss. Some of us go
head first. Some of us go some other way.



« Last Edit: May 11, 2016, 12:26:49 AM by mcevin »

Offline zokah

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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2016, 09:04:43 PM »
I am always amused when anyone, but especially a supposed scientific article refers to a "normal person"
we will be restoring normality just as soon as we are sure what is normal anyway

Is it normal to believe in anything without proof?
Or is it normal to imagine Jamie in her catholic schoolgirls uniform, without panties?
I'm not sure about much but I am sure I glad I am not normal if it isn't :D
If you choose to put your penis into a hornets nest be prepared to accept the consequences
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget

Offline Tinkerbell

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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2016, 03:10:23 PM »
I am always amused when anyone, but especially a supposed scientific article refers to a "normal person"
we will be restoring normality just as soon as we are sure what is normal anyway

Is it normal to believe in anything without proof?
Or is it normal to imagine Jamie in her catholic schoolgirls uniform, without panties?
I'm not sure about much but I am sure I glad I am not normal if it isn't :D

 Actually, the absence of "proof" is a necessary
condition to "belief." If a proposition is
"proved," then "believing" is irrelevant. Pascal
wrote that we know too much to be sceptics, but
not enough to be dogmatists. Whether we realize
it or not, what we "know" always contains
elements of belief.

I left Scared Heart in Fifth grade, just before
I got kicked out for asking questions like:

"Sister Grace? The Gospel of Matthew has this
huge great genealogy tracing Jesus through Joseph
back to Adam. But since God was Jesus' dad, why
does Matthew go through all that stuff about

"Shut up, Jamie," explained Sister Grace.

So in Fifth grade I was TEN, and a TOTAL TOMBOY.
I was small, but I could out run, out climb, out
throw, out hit, and out fight any boy my age. I
had short hair and long legs. These daze I would
have been scheduled for sex change therapy and
today I'd be a trannie BOY.

I wore the plaid skirt (WITH panties), knee sox
and saddle shoes, and the long sleeved white
blouse. I HATED dressing like that. As soon as I
got home I put on my jeans and T-shirt and went
out to play baseball with the boys.

So if you like to imagine a ten year old tomboy
in her school uniform without panties… that might
have fallen a little shy of the "normal" category
back then. These daze? I don't know.

By the time I had breasts it was after The
Divorce and mom had taken up drinking
professionally and I was going to Roseville
Middle School. Most of my wardrobe came from
dumpsters. I had a certain style though.

Some days I didn't even make it to the metal
detector at school. I'd get sent home for
Dress Code violations:

"Too short. Too tight. Tummy showing."

By then I knew I was a "girl." My street name
was "P.B." for "Penis Breath." I never hooked up
with grownups, but I would have, especially if
they fed me. More than cock, I mean.

I'm GLAD I'm not normal. In fact, even to claim
you are "normal" is Hate Speech, because it
implies that there is, or might be, an "Other"
who is NOT normal. It's better if we are all
abnormal together.

In other words, "abnormal" is the "new normal"


« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 01:03:05 AM by mcevin »

Offline AlexisAmor
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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2016, 03:48:41 AM »
1) I should follow my own posts more often, many times I forget what I even wrote down and where.

2) I usually don't like reading walls of texts but I can easily read Jamie's because it is so unique in comparison to the same old, same plain style, that I read all the time. Maybe that is why Jamie's posts are so much more fun to read.

3) I also went through private school teachings as a kid, Catholic schools from Preschool to 8th. God, Bible, Sins, Gold Ruler(rule, stick?), anyways. I had to learn of God every year, go to school Church once a month or so, sometimes within weeks.
Definitely got sick and tired of it. My family is Buddhist, so God never stuck with me and never fully let myself be embraced by God's light or arms or faith or title. Sure I got the easter ash cross on my forehead, had the priest bless me for whatever reason, and even participated in a sketch for the birth of Jesus.
I still think religion is BS.
I guess I am Atheist then.

4) So Jamie, when did you start not wearing panties with skirts?

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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2016, 09:43:53 PM »
God's not a genie, he doesn't grant Wishes. He answers some prayers, especially unselfish ones. But there are things he can't or won't do right now, and without getting any more religious i'll say some people who know their Bible will have an idea of what I mean.

Even if you believe that a god exists, it should be beyond anyone to honestly believe that he performs miracles or answers prayers of any kind.  The simple fact that millions of unselfish prayers go unanswered everyday as infants without sin die of leukemia and AIDS, and truly good and pious individuals suffer immeasurably all around the world, is proof positive that there is no higher power approving or denying prayers.  But of course people will always credit a miracle or the "hand of god" for surviving a car crash or gunshot by dumb luck, as if god himself reached down to intervene and save the life of a twice divorced middle aged accountant from New Jersey, while ignoring the bus  full of nuns and schoolchildren that blows a tire and goes off a bridge to their deaths.  There is no logic in that belief whatsoever.


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Re: American Psychiatric Association article
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2016, 12:48:37 AM »
This is another example of you being an asshole.
The shit we go through today is our own fault. And God doesn't intervene in things that we fucked up at. Humans as a group told said Fuck You to Theocratic rule and wanted to rule themselves. God said All right, I'll let you rule yourselves to prove I'm right.
Humans don't know what the fuck they're doing but pretend "everything is all right". They won't admit they can't hack it because then they'll have to give up their power. As long as they want to do things their way God won't intervene in the problem WE caused ourselves.
"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant

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