I am always amused when anyone, but especially a supposed scientific article refers to a "normal person"
we will be restoring normality just as soon as we are sure what is normal anyway
Is it normal to believe in anything without proof?
Or is it normal to imagine Jamie in her catholic schoolgirls uniform, without panties?
I'm not sure about much but I am sure I glad I am not normal if it isn't
Actually, the absence of "proof" is a necessary
condition to "belief." If a proposition is
"proved," then "believing" is irrelevant. Pascal
wrote that we know too much to be sceptics, but
not enough to be dogmatists. Whether we realize
it or not, what we "know" always contains
elements of belief.
I left Scared Heart in Fifth grade, just before
I got kicked out for asking questions like:
"Sister Grace? The Gospel of Matthew has this
huge great genealogy tracing Jesus through Joseph
back to Adam. But since God was Jesus' dad, why
does Matthew go through all that stuff about
"Shut up, Jamie," explained Sister Grace.
So in Fifth grade I was TEN, and a TOTAL TOMBOY.
I was small, but I could out run, out climb, out
throw, out hit, and out fight any boy my age. I
had short hair and long legs. These daze I would
have been scheduled for sex change therapy and
today I'd be a trannie BOY.
I wore the plaid skirt (WITH panties), knee sox
and saddle shoes, and the long sleeved white
blouse. I HATED dressing like that. As soon as I
got home I put on my jeans and T-shirt and went
out to play baseball with the boys.
So if you like to imagine a ten year old tomboy
in her school uniform without panties… that might
have fallen a little shy of the "normal" category
back then. These daze? I don't know.
By the time I had breasts it was after The
Divorce and mom had taken up drinking
professionally and I was going to Roseville
Middle School. Most of my wardrobe came from
dumpsters. I had a certain style though.
Some days I didn't even make it to the metal
detector at school. I'd get sent home for
Dress Code violations:
"Too short. Too tight. Tummy showing."
By then I knew I was a "girl." My street name
was "P.B." for "Penis Breath." I never hooked up
with grownups, but I would have, especially if
they fed me. More than cock, I mean.
I'm GLAD I'm not normal. In fact, even to claim
you are "normal" is Hate Speech, because it
implies that there is, or might be, an "Other"
who is NOT normal. It's better if we are all
abnormal together.
In other words, "abnormal" is the "new normal"