I'll try to answer these from my perspective with the caveat that for me both the rapist and I orgasming is equally important, though my orgasm is one I fight and eventually scumb to anyway.
A) no there is no assumption that a man can have anything he wants, it is that it is wrong but he can have it anyway that is arousing.
B) there is no assumption that men shouldn't care for a woman's sexual feelings, it's that a man could know how best to please a woman without her realizing or accepting it.
C) a sensitive guy and the fantasy rapist are apples and oranges, i may orgasm more and harder with the rapist, but both are very pleasurable in different ways.
D)the underlying assumption for me is that wa oman will achieve pleasure being forced to serve a man and he knows this.
Just my thoughts
I find these responses very interesting - and enlightening, because they may go a long way towards explaining the puzzling (to me) prevalence of the rape fantasy among women. (But I know from your profile of course, amber, that you're speaking from experience here, since you tell us you've actually been raped.)
... there is no assumption that a man can have anything he wants, it is that it is wrong but he can have it anyway that is arousing.... a man could know how best to please a woman without her realizing or accepting it.... a woman will achieve pleasure being forced to serve a man and he knows this.So being forced - i.e. being fucked entirely against your will - results in your getting 'more and harder' orgasms from the rapist. Being forced to do what you don't
want to do results in pleasure for you - or something a long way beyond mere pleasure, perhaps? Rape sex may be utterly loveless and filled with conflicting emotions on your part (including your own anger?) but, nevertheless, it takes you to a peak of sexual arousal - and is therefore ultimately satisfying too? (Sorry to ramble. I'm just trying, as a man, to imagine what the female experience of rape is like.)
As a man who's never attempted rape or even fantasized about raping, I have two personal responses to what you wrote: one is intellectual; the other is erotic.
a) My intellectual response is that your answers are fascinating because they lift the lid on the way modern ideas of femininity have been constructed. Feminism emphasizes women's autonomy, of course - and I really do subscribe to that autonomy, for both sexes. However, the desire to be forced in sex - whether in fact or fantasy - contradicts the feminist ideal. That doesn't, in my view, make feminism 'wrong' but it may indicate that the construct of femininity it promotes is necessarily artificial. Is it really part of women's essential nature to desire forced sex - to be raped? - or am I going much too far there? (I may be - and generalizations are always dangerous, of course.)
b) My erotic response is much simpler: "This is fucking hot!" That probably says more about male sexuality (mine anyway) than it does about women. I don't think I'd want to
watch you being forced - I'm not a fan of rape porn even though I love porn in general - but I'm intensely aroused by the thought of a woman 'going over the top' - i.e. becoming completely abandoned in sex. The extremes of women's sexuality have always been a mystery to me, but the idea that you might enjoy sex intensely even though - and perhaps
because - it's wrong is extremely exciting for me.
Although your answers seem paradoxical on the surface - e.g.
it is that it is wrong but he can have it anyway that is arousing - it looks as if my responses are paradoxical as well.
OK, apologies for the ramble. But I think you'll have got the general idea: I was fascinated by your post.