Author Topic: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?  (Read 9693 times)

Offline vile8r

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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2016, 08:48:46 AM »
I always wanted to do Seven of Nine, but the black chick on Deep Space Nine was pretty sweet, I always thought. I can't remember her name. She wasn't a regular cast member but she had a recurring role as some starship captain that popped into Deep Space Nine every now and then, She'd have dinner with Captain Sisko, and I think he sorta had the hots for her. I know she wasn't an alien chick, but I liked her.
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Offline Algore

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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2016, 01:16:05 PM »
I always wanted to do Seven of Nine, but the black chick on Deep Space Nine was pretty sweet, I always thought. I can't remember her name. She wasn't a regular cast member but she had a recurring role as some starship captain that popped into Deep Space Nine every now and then, She'd have dinner with Captain Sisko, and I think he sorta had the hots for her. I know she wasn't an alien chick, but I liked her.

Cassidy Yates.

I'd like to do Jadzir Dax and Lita (the Bajoran chick that Rom hooked up with). Preferably both at the same time...

Jadzir's spots were HOT!
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Offline vile8r

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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2016, 03:37:37 PM »
Oh yeah, Cassidy Yates! I remember that now! Thanks algore!
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #33 on: May 24, 2016, 02:46:14 AM »
Oh, now this is a good question. Sort of a Trekkie, so yep, I've thought about this before.

Klingon's would be my first choice. Humanoid and with a fairly hostile temperament; sounds like a good date. Bajoran's are kind of cute, too. I don't know if there would be a specific character from either of these races. I suppose I'd say Lieutenant Worf, as the male alien hotties on board have always been kind of lacking.

I always had a crush on Commander Chakotay of Voyager, though. And Ensign Kim, of course.  :angel:

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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #34 on: May 24, 2016, 09:24:50 AM »
By show...

TOS: Remember the Orion greened-skinned chick? Yeah, her.

TNG: Counselor Troi telling me she can sense some strong emotions in me. (No kidding)

DS9: This is tough because Kira was pretty hot, as was Jadzia, but I have to give it to Ezri Dax. That hair and eyes. Wow.

VOY: B'Elanna Torres. No question

ENT: T'Pol. More T'Pol. Then even more T'Pol.

Tony V.
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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #35 on: July 25, 2019, 01:17:34 PM »
I'll have to admit to limited knowledge here......

I'd jump all over I' leeha from the first Star Trek movie. [ Pershis Khambatta ]

And I'd junp ALL over Commander Cleavage from The New Generation.T. V. show, [ Mirina Sirtis ]

And I'd HAVE to jump on Captain Janeway [ Kate Mulgrew ]

It goes without saying I'd follow Seven of Nine [ Jeri Ryan ] to the ends of the galaxy, just to peel that skintight Uniform off her.......

Tony V.                :police:

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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #36 on: August 14, 2019, 01:19:20 AM »

But seriously... Leeta from DS9, played by Chase Masterson would be good place to start.
Mirror universe Kira, the Intendant, would be amazing! Holographic Kira was also great as the Russian spy in the corny James Bond style story Julian had, AND she was hot as the Vegas lounge singer doing “fever” while crawling over the piano.
Ezri Dax was so damned cute! I always loved her.

It is hard to decide!

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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #37 on: August 14, 2019, 07:29:29 AM »
Kes, from Voyager


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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #38 on: August 14, 2019, 02:11:21 PM »
Kes, from Voyager

Great choice! Merit +1
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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #39 on: November 27, 2019, 04:51:02 AM »
To force - Bajoran (Thanks Leeta)
Be forced by - Klingon (the Duras sisters kinda did it for me back then. The aggressiveness the boob windows and the large tits)
Partner for life - Kriosian (like Kamala played by Famke Janssen.)
Was a great idea, a metamorph who could transform into the perfect partner both physically and mentally.


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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #40 on: November 27, 2019, 10:37:37 AM »
Was a great idea, a metamorph who could transform into the perfect partner both physically and mentally.

Merit +1!

That was my reason for posting "Blue-Thighed Girl" over on KB early on in my "internet writing career", since Mystique herself could become any woman I wanted. Though looking back at the story years after, I kick myself for not making it "canon" with my other X-Men stories. :P lol
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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #41 on: November 27, 2019, 10:48:17 AM »
A half-breed female Vulcan and Deltan. Oh, My, God, so SEXY!!
Just 90 lbs of Dynamite Big Bada Boom!!

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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #42 on: January 19, 2020, 06:30:56 AM »
Q... Who wouldn't want to fuck (essentially) a god?

Quark... Don't judge me. I like big ears.

Kes... I just wanted to squish her all over!

Saru... Ok...really I just want to make sweet love to Doug Jones, but if that's how I gotta do be it!

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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #43 on: January 19, 2020, 10:27:42 AM »
It goes against my usual age type, but her mental abilities, sustainable hotness, and mega-charged sexuality would make Lwaxanna Troi the ultimate partner. I get Picard's reluctance in a way, but, Jean-Luc, you must get that stick out of your butt someday.
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Re: Which Alien Would You Prefer To Fuck In The Star Trek Universe?
« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2020, 02:48:35 PM »
It goes against my usual age type, but her mental abilities, sustainable hotness, and mega-charged sexuality would make Lwaxanna Troi the ultimate partner. I get Picard's reluctance in a way, but, Jean-Luc, you must get that stick out of your butt someday.

I don't blame you, she's a Hell of a Betazoid!!!  :emot_thedrool.gif:
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