Can someone explain what a "real" woman is? I thought real women had XX chromosomes and a vagina.
I think some get confused when dubbing others as real or not. Some may laugh at parking meter attendants or security guards for pretending to be REAL cops. So if someone PRETENDS to be a cop, they're not REAL!
So, this judgment about authenticity gets thrown around a lot. You see people say things like (on collarme often) there are so many "fake" Doms/Masters or "fake" submissives/slaves, etc
It permeates our culture, calling people out on not being authentic. People use the expression whenever they want; "real men wear pink" , "he's a real man", She's a real woman" and on and on.
I think it's used to make the speaker or writer feel better(about themselves) by putting someone else down.
After all, who doesn't want to feel as though they are the "real deal" and BETTER than others.
Well, I don't want to invalidate others. I'd rather get my self esteem from my own personal accomplishments.
Putting others down, invalidating them as "fake" is a shallow, negative way to be and I'm not interested.
So, to answer your question, a woman is a female member of the human race, whether we like the way she looks or agree with her beliefs, no matter what country she comes from, gay or straight, or whatever!