I'll repost my answers so my readers, lurkers and future members will know that Loki7 = HistBuff
1. Your gender and age? Male 52
2. Do you identify yourself most as Straight? Gay/Lesbian? Bisexual? Straight
3. Do you fantasize being the rapist or the victim? Rapist and usually one in a group of gang-rapists
4. Age when you first started having these kinds of fantasies? Thirteen
5. Do you still know what started it? (f.e. movie scene, book, story you heard etc. ...) 1. Novels where knights besieged and captured cities, then Saracens besieged some of those cities and captured them, with white European wives and daughters in it. No mention of rape, but I added two and two and knew those girls were most probably gang-raped when the city fell. 2. A scene in a western where Indians kill a rancher, then assault his 20-yo wife -- you just see the beginning where they rip her shirt open and her bare tits are seen between two "Indians". That got me really horny! 3. Return Of The Jedi, when I rewatched it on VHS in 1985 at 13 yo... In my mind = Once Jabba the Hutt is done with Princess Leia, he gives her to his Gammorrean guards and enjoys the show as those green humanoids take their turns doggystyle. I loved imagining Leia's ass banging against their huge laps!
6. Have you been molested or sexually abused as a child? No.
7. Have you ever raped someone or been raped in real life? No.
8. How often do you fantasize about rape? Daily.
9. Do you masturbate while you fantasize? Often.
10. Do you masturbate while you read rape stories or watch rape movies? No, but I will often do so right after with a clear scenario in my head.
11. Do rape fantasies help you to get a faster/better orgasm while you are masturbating? YES! and YES!
12. Are your masturbation fantasies always about rape or do you also have vanilla fanasies? They're usually about rape. Only yesterday, I masturbated to naked pictures of a cute brunette about 20 yo. She was outdoors and I pictured myself as one of several African rebels gang-raping the girl after beating up her boyfriend, somewhere in Congo Virunga Park. The ejaculation was amazing! I totally pictured myself with a big black cock exploding deep inside her!
13. Do you more often fantasize about stranger rape or rape with someone you know? It's usually stranger rape. At times, I experienced with rape of a coworker I find especially attractive and the result was successful. I pictured her on a trip in Burkina Faso where she gets gang-raped by five Burkinabé men, two of whom have enormous black cocks.
14. Do your fantasies more often involve one on one scenes or gangrape? It's almost exclusively gang-rape.
15.Do you always fantasize to be involved in the rape (as rapist or victim) or does it sometimes arouse you just to watch? I'm always involved and I play a main character. If the young lady is getting raped by soldiers, then I'll be an officer. Not always the highest-ranking officer, but an officer. In "Chinese Incursion", I role-play Captain Bhavin Chopra.
16. How important is the enjoyment of the rapist(s) for your fantasy (Absolutely important, very important, not so important) Absolutely important. All-important!
17. How important is the suffering of the victim for your fantasy (Absolutely important, very important, not so important) Not so important. I like it when she gets forced to climax and I tend to do this too often. I need to include more characters who experience only suffering and zero enjoyment, for the sake of realism.
18.What are the most common settings for your fantasies? (bedroom, outdoors, forest, a cabin, a dungeon, prison, military camp, etc.) Outdoors get my big fat stamp of approval! Military camp is a classic in my stories. A ship at sea is also fantastic. A train getting derailed by bandits is filled with possibilities. A spaceship. A castle (captured). A home invasion... A student dorm in a university...
19 What's your favorite typ of rapist (blacks, gangster, convicts, soldier, biker, pirat, KKK men, etc. ..) or victim (virgin, schoolgirl, housewife, middle aged woman, MILTF, business woman, nun, femal POW .....)? Virgin, female POW, housewife, nun, noble maiden (usually unmarried and virgin), white girls, Chinese girls. // Rapists... Soldiers, blacks, pirates, rebels, mutinied soldiers, bandits, brigands.
20. Are your fantasy scenes typically more "soft" (the victim being forced against her will/ overpowered/unable to resist without overt violence) or more brutal (include the victim being hit/slapped/punched by the rapist)? There may be some slapping and threats, but all in all, my rape scenes are on the softer side.
21. What's the center of your fantasy, the sex or the humiliation and degredation? The sex! I love the scenes where the girl gets undresses and my description is always centered on the sexual aspect rather than humiliation. The penetration is a key moment where I do my best to depict the rapist's satisfaction, and of course, the ejaculation is VERY intense! Humiliation still plays a big part from the victim's point of view, especially in stories where a white or Chinese girl gets raped by men seen as "inferior" (non-White, non-Chinese...).
22. Is it important that your fantasy scene has a convincing overpowering sequence including some struggling, slapping, screaming etc. It is capital! Extremely important that I have a sense of dread and brutal overpowering. The girls are reduced to sexual objects meant to entertain the rapists. Clothes get brutally torn off! Some of the girls will scream so loud that their voice will break and turn husky. When I masturbate, I'm sometimes shy to make those girls scream like they should, yes, I'm even shy in front of myself! But I really get horny when imagining those screams. Hopefully, some ladies out there imagine they're screaming and this arouses them!
23. Do your fantasy scenes typically include convincing resistance (kicking, biting etc.) by the victim? Yes. If I have three girls, one of them will be a fighter, but she'll soon get overwhelmed and then, they'll put a special effort in raping her very brutally.
24. Is it important that your fantasy victim is screaming, pleading, begging etc. YES! The louder she squeals, the better! You'll never find any story of mine where I don't quote her screams using capital letters.
25. Is it important that your fantasy rapist(s) is/are degrading the victim with words ( calling her a slut, whore etc.) ? It is important, but not essential. Sometimes, I explore the art of the silent, grunting rape. It can convey a high sense of urgency. Depends on the story and the rapists.
26. Do your scenes typically include a man's cum and if yes, where does it usually end up? Always! And the ejaculations are often massive. They fill up her vagina. They'll cum on her face, and also splatter her tit. They'll sometimes force her to swallow like a good girl. On occasion, I have an anal rape, although I'm not a fan of anal.
27. Do your scenes include anal rape? (Always, Often, Occasionally, Rarely, Never) Rarely, and I know I'd probably get more feedback and a bigger readership if I included more anal rape, but I just don't get off to anal. I masturbate and get amazing ejaculations just from picturing myself taking a girl doggy-style and filling up her vagina. No need for me to include anal. I'll even get a stronger result by picturing myself coming on her feet and lower legs. Lol!
28. Do your scenes include oral rape? (Always, Often, Occasionally, Rarely, Never) Often. I'd say Always unless the rapists are on a hurry and they must leave the crime scene and they can't take the victims with them. Usually, when they leave scene, they do take the victims with them, and then... the humiliation gets more complete... Oral and facial!
29. Do your scenes include vaginal rape? (Always, Often, Occasionally, Rarely, Never) Always. I know, I'm very vanilla! But I'll say it, I love women and love the feel of coming where nature intended me to.
30. Do your scenes typically include the victim having an orgasm? Nearly always and I think this hurts the realism in my stories. I take care of describing it as a physiological reaction that's just stuck deep down in the sludge of her terror, but still, forced climax come up a bit too often in my stories, but... I love to picture the way she moans and whimpers, especially when her husband or boyfriend is there to watch her sexual surrender.
31. How important is the size of the rapist(s) cock(s) cock in your fantasies? Very important. The rapists tend to be tall and strong men with at least average to above-average size. I'll typically include one or two rapists with enormous cocks that the victim can easily hold with both hands and she'll need to open her mouth really wide to accommodate the monster. I have a Supernatural story where the teenage witch gets raped by an Ogre.
32. How long does a typically rape fantasy (masturbating) session usually last? It is a lot better if I start slow and take my time... 15-20 minutes, half an hour at times. Sometimes I stop and start again, picturing myself watching as others rape the girl and mock her beaten-up boyfriend. Then I finish with a flourish and scream as I ejaculate! My erection will usually work in two halftimes. I'll go softer along the way, then I'll get harder than previously, and then I go to downtown and lose my sense of where I am! Women have no idea how great it feels to ejaculate inside them!
33. How do you feel after such a "session" I feel great!
34. Do you sometimes feel some kind of guilt for your fantasies? I did feel very guilty when I was in my teens, but now it's less and less.
35. Does someone in your real life know about your fantasy? My wife knows I have fantasies and she knows I write smut, but I've never told her that my fantasies usually involve gang rape. She's asexual and has no fantasies herself, so she'd have a difficult time trying to understand.
36. Do you know of someone in your real life having such fantasies? No.
37. Have you ever enacted a rape roleplay in real life? No, but I'd love to... ideally with a girl half my age.
38. Do you imagine yourselve or your victim to be tied up? I nearly always imagine her being restrained by other rapists. I've used bondage in "Chinese Incursion" = the girls were spread-eagled and had their four limbs bonded to tent stakes and it was fantastic to picture all those men rolling all over them in a long series of missionary rapes. So I'll use bondage a bit more often in the future.
39. Are kidnapping - captivity - repeated rape - sexual slavery scenarios part of your fantasies? Captivity and repeated rapes are "bread and butter" in my fantasies.
40. Is the possible pregnancy of the victim part of your fantasies? Yes, often. It gives a whole new dimension to her sense of debasement when a bourgeois white or Chinese woman is reminded that she could have a brown or black baby as a reminder of her ordeal. If you haven't read stories by Roxxon, then I can't recommend her loud enough. She's great at this! She's an amazing writer on all fronts and can say a lot with few words.
41. Are there any celebrities or pornstars playing a role in your fantasies (as rapists or victims)? I'll often include famous actresses of the past to portray victims.
42. Are there other key elements to your fantasies that I have missed with the questions above? If so, please describe them briefly. Yes. I gravitate toward young victims, and in any story, you'll usually see at least one of my victims who is still in her teens (18 or 19). I have an entire story involving the gang-rape of college-age students (Wrong semester in Uganda) and another story where college-age preppy girls get gang-raped in Australian back country (Kangaroo Land! I'll repair/rewrite this one eventually). Foot fetish = My rapists will often go out of their way to get the victims barefoot and see how lovely and tender their feet are. It highlights her vulnerability just the same as the delicateness of her bare tits, since girly feet are smaller.