I am turned on by a number of things that would be considered outside of the 'norm'
Rape/Forced sex fantasies are probably among my more approachable kinks I think. Many of my kinks run to extremes...
I am into Incest (how I wish I had a brother), Bestiality (actually more common a kink than most ppl realise I think) I am into some of the harder elements of edgeplay, have a big thing for knifeplay and my own personal obsession which is needleplay ...a huge fan of corsetting.
I am a big fan of bloodplay ...seriously, the crimson is the sexiest of bodily fluids.
I get a thrill from taking it to the extreme in my fantasies, pushing the level of violence and torture to well beyond the limits of endurance. To a place where being snuffed is a very really possibility, but not one that comes quickly …rather a long road of sexual depravity and degradation as well as enduring great heights of physical torture. Some of these fantasies are born from out of a very self destructive urge I have sometimes, and so I can have a craving for my body to be broken, shattered, carved up, dismembered …sometimes I have a desire to be fucked up so badly that it actually hurts inside. But, as strong as the urge can be to endure it, the beat to inflict it on another can be just as intense and need an outlet to slake this paticular thirst as to do so in reality carries with it 'drawbacks'
The very first proper online RP I did was a sadistic Dolcett RP in which I was subjected to a great many physical tortures as I was slowly prepared to be cooked carved and eaten, though this RP was written under a very real vein of fear rather than the ‘consensual’ niceties that are so often associated with Dolcett. It involved being fucked hard …whilst being cut and debreasted and experiencing the meticulous detailing of the preparation of a ‘cunt steak’, there were some elements of bestiality as well before I was slowly impaled on a spit and roasted slowly over an open pit ….I had a good death.
I could witter on but I wont. Suffice to say that in my story 'The Family that Slays Together...', the daughter 'Kelly' is sort of autobiographical.