Author Topic: Woman ordered to trial on false rape report  (Read 704 times)

Offline zokah

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Woman ordered to trial on false rape report
« on: June 19, 2013, 01:24:16 AM »
A Michigan woman accused of faking a sexual assault was ordered to stand trial on charges of making a false report of rape and tampering with evidence Tuesday after a doctor said her purported bruises faded after he wiped them with gauze.

Sara Ylen accused two men of sexual assault at her Lexington home last September, saying she was taking a nap when she was bound and raped. But authorities say the attack didn't happen.

Ylen is also accused of lying about having cancer in a separate case in Sanilac County. She's charged with fraud for allegedly tricking an insurance company and sympathetic supporters. A probable cause hearing is set for July 9

In the rape case in neighboring St. Clair County, Prosecutor Suzette Samuels presented five witnesses but said she could have summoned 30 more to buttress her allegations, the Port Huron Times Herald reported (

Ylen, 38, went to police eight days after the purported attack and was subsequently examined by Dr. William Starbird. He testified that he cleaned what appeared to be lacerations and bruises on her face with gauze.

"The bruising started to disappear," Starbird testified.

He said he later found a discarded makeup compact in the exam room.

District Court Judge John Monaghan said there was enough evidence to send the case to trial in St. Clair County Circuit Court.

Ylen's credibility has been questioned before. James Grissom, convicted in 2003 of raping her, was released last fall after nearly 10 years in prison. He was granted a new trial after authorities learned that Ylen had made false allegations of rape in California, information that wasn't shared with Grissom's trial attorney.

The most disturbing aspect of this is that some guy has spent 10 years in jail partly because of the false claims but also by the DAs withholding evidence.
She will probably be convicted but what of the prosecutors that have stolen 10 years of a mans life? Were they hiding facts trying to get him to accept a plea deal?
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Offline SeanJulian

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Re: Woman ordered to trial on false rape report
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2013, 04:45:48 AM »
I have read in quite a few publications that this is the reason why there is no capital punishment or castration for Rape. I don't know if its a valid reason but cases such as these don't really help.

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Re: Woman ordered to trial on false rape report
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2013, 06:14:52 AM »
I'm no expert in the law, but I thought there was supposed to be full disclosure of the evidence to both sides? If the prosecutors failed in their legal duty, they should be charged and punished accordingly. Don't hold your breath though. >:(

Maybe one of the lawyers on here can comment on this point.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 06:29:41 AM by LastExit »
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Re: Woman ordered to trial on false rape report
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2013, 03:48:21 PM »
I don't think there should be castration or death penalty for rape unless there is video or eye witnesses because as I understand it rape looks a lot like extremely rough sex during an examination so at that point a lot of cases boil down to he said, she said which should never be enough for the death penalty. There is also the double standard on alcohol consumption please explain how you can be drunk and be charged with drunk driving (held responsible) but be drunk and not be coherent enough to consent to sex I fail to see how the laws can claim on one hand that you are coherent enough to know you should not be driving and act accordingly but not coherent enough to know whether or not you really want to have sex with someone.

Offline blonde26

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Re: Woman ordered to trial on false rape report
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2013, 04:58:16 AM »
Thats terrible! My husband has doubts when it comes on the news, with yet another woman accusing some footballer on rape, it could be true but then wheres the proof it wasn't rough sex? and she was doing it to sell a story?
I have to agree that the death penalty is too extreme, a life for a life on proof of murder yes. Im not saying real Rape isn't a terrible crime, its destroying at its best. But like its been said "he said she said" isn't enough to execute someone.
Men (and womens) lives can be ruined based on somones accusations after a one night stand that got a bit much and they now feel guilty, on the other side a real victim could be dismissed when the crime was actually committed.

I think Rape is one of those things that will always be around, since its been here from the begining, what can they do to prevent it? really?  :(