Author Topic: Sad Rape Case In Kansas  (Read 2771 times)

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Re: Sad Rape Case In Kansas
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2007, 01:43:13 PM »
I met a girl in college who claimed she first sex at the age of 10 with an 8 year old boy.  And honestly, there are no laws on the books (that I am aware of) prohibiting children from having sex with each other.  The only laws I know of prohibits adults from having sex with kids.

I also think LuckyTom has some very good points.  If one of the parents took her to the doctor for an abortion at age 11, and told the doctor she got pregnant by a boyfriend, how could he know there was child abuse to report?  How does anyone know if the Doctor knew who really got her pregnant?  Did the girl tell him?

If the doctor did not know the father got the girl pregnant, the doctor would then not have seen it as a child abuse matter, but a family matter, and not reporting it was to protect the privacy of the family and the girl.

However, it is the perfect case for the anti-abortionists to go after as they wish to attack abortionists (the Doctor) and the patient-doctor privilege, the privacy of which is one of the main underpinnings of Roe v. Wade.

On the downside for all: if privacy between doctor and patient is determined to be null and void, all parents may expect to be investigated, and possibly loose custody of their children, whenever a child in their care becomes pregnant.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2007, 03:18:27 AM by Emily »
So much oppression in our culture is based on shame about sex: the oppression of women, of cultural minorities, oppression in the name of the (presumably asexual) family, oppression of sexual minorities. We are all oppressed. We have all been taught, one way or another, that our desires, our bodies, our sexualities, are shameful. What better way to defeat oppression than to get together in communities and celebrate the wonders of sex?
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Offline ynyn

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Re: Sad Rape Case In Kansas
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2007, 01:57:03 PM »
I met a girl in college who claimed she first sex at the age of 10 with an 8 year old boy.  And honestly, there are no laws on the books (that I am aware of) prohibiting children from having sex with each other.  The only laws I know of prohibits adults from having sex with kids.

I also think LuckyTom has some very good points.  If one of the parents took her to the doctor for an abortion at age 11, and told the doctor she got pregnant by a boyfriend, how could he know there was child abuse to report?  How does anyone know if the Doctor knew who really got her pregnant?  Did the girl tell him?

If the doctor did not know the father got the girl pregnant, the doctor would then not have seen it as a child abuse matter, but a family matter, and not reporting it was to protect the privacy of the family and the girl.

However, it is the perfect case for the anti-abortionists to go after as they wish to attack abortionists (the Doctor) and the patient-doctor privilege, the privacy of which is one of the main underpinnings of Roe v. Wade.

On the downside for all: if privacy between doctor and patient is determined to be null and void, all parents may expect to be investigated, and possibly loose custody of their children, whenever a child in their care becomes pregnant.

IMO,taking this case to state opposition against the anti-abortion lobby is the wrong way to go.That is different issue.I have no issue with abortion.The non-violent ppl who protest are just another group of protestors...the violent ones are domestic terrorists IMO,just like those who blow up and burn things in the name of animals,or environmental issues.ANYONE who uses violence to make their alleged point is a criminal,plain and simple.The murderers who killed abortion doctors are just that,murderers.

For THIS case...the doctor still could have/should have called authorities (and should call parents) about an 11 yo being pregnant IMO. I have no issue with the abortion,but Jesus Christ,kids can't go to see certain movies,or rent video games if they aren't a certain age,couldn't there at least be some looking into a pregant 11 yo?I mean,sure,even 8 year olds could probably have some kind of sex,it doesn't mean that it should be dismissed as no big deal.Again,I am not talking about banning the abortion (actually,I would be upset if they DIDN'T get the abortion for a girl that young)

Just a simple call to authorities so they could have someone trained talk to girl,MAYBE she would've told them what happened,maybe not.But there would be very little downside to talking to the girl before/after abortion.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2007, 03:20:00 AM by Emily »
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Re: Sad Rape Case In Kansas
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2007, 03:25:19 AM »
Yes, I agree the Doctor should have reported the pregnancy to the authorities.  There might have been a pile of mounting evidence that needed a bit more "oomph" to get child protective services involved.

Given that the abuser/molester was a "step-father", it goes that there was likely a real father out there who had a right to know and might have begun inquiries on his daughter's behalf.

Did you know that allowing a child in your care to get pregnant can be a reason to have your child custody revoked?
So much oppression in our culture is based on shame about sex: the oppression of women, of cultural minorities, oppression in the name of the (presumably asexual) family, oppression of sexual minorities. We are all oppressed. We have all been taught, one way or another, that our desires, our bodies, our sexualities, are shameful. What better way to defeat oppression than to get together in communities and celebrate the wonders of sex?
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Re: Sad Rape Case In Kansas
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2007, 03:30:01 AM »

Did you know that allowing a child in your care to get pregnant can be a reason to have your child custody revoked?

One of the many flaws of the INjustice system. They don't intervene when a kid is really in danger,yet do stick their big government snout in when it is not warranted.
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Re: Sad Rape Case In Kansas
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2007, 04:55:56 AM »
A little afraid to open my mouth, but...I'm thinking surely there are lots of kids in danger that *do* get helped, but that not everyone is because it's not a perfect system?

But...if a parent clearly isn't properly taking care of / minding / monitoring their child, doesn't something need to be done about it? 

To *not* have some sort of failsafe to step in and assess the situation just doesn't make sense unless you assume all parents are good ones.  And that is just woefully not the case.  Every wretched piece of scum on the planet is just as capable of having children as the ones who'd make good parents, and for the sake of the children who are unlucky enough to be born to those, they need a monitoring system.
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Re: Sad Rape Case In Kansas
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2007, 02:07:57 AM »
I agree TMG, when children are concerned it is better to be safe than sorry.
So much oppression in our culture is based on shame about sex: the oppression of women, of cultural minorities, oppression in the name of the (presumably asexual) family, oppression of sexual minorities. We are all oppressed. We have all been taught, one way or another, that our desires, our bodies, our sexualities, are shameful. What better way to defeat oppression than to get together in communities and celebrate the wonders of sex?
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Re: Sad Rape Case In Kansas
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2007, 01:28:57 AM »
In the end, if the Doctor suspected any kind of abuse he was OBLIGATED to tell Child Services or the Police.

Sadly it will be used by anti-aboritionists to pound on Roe V Wade again.

Understand: I do not support abortion. I support free choice. Anti- abortion groups are also anti- sex education and against is a sad cycle that the zelots refuse to recongnize...

Before you sic Ann Coulter on me to question my sexuality: my Mom was a Public Health Nurse for twenty years. She was a oppponet of abortion because she saw it as last chance birth control. She wanted to spread out as much contreceptives that she was too late to stop kids from having least she could stop them from having unwanted pregancies...

My Mom was a bright woman...
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Offline ynyn

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Re: Sad Rape Case In Kansas
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2007, 03:13:27 AM »
In the end, if the Doctor suspected any kind of abuse he was OBLIGATED to tell Child Services or the Police.

Sadly it will be used by anti-aboritionists to pound on Roe V Wade again.

Understand: I do not support abortion. I support free choice. Anti- abortion groups are also anti- sex education and against is a sad cycle that the zelots refuse to recongnize...

Before you sic Ann Coulter on me to question my sexuality: my Mom was a Public Health Nurse for twenty years. She was a oppponet of abortion because she saw it as last chance birth control. She wanted to spread out as much contreceptives that she was too late to stop kids from having least she could stop them from having unwanted pregancies...

My Mom was a bright woman...

One of my worries about posting this article was that it would sidetrack into abortion debate.(Not accusing you of starting one,Binder)
I just found it disturbing that a pregnant 11 yo girl (in Kansas no less) didn't cause this doctor to even bat an eye.Very stunning IMO.

Looking at news everyday,too many ppl are NOT having abortions IMHO.Too many degenerate "parents" around that believe kids are accessories,or paychecks.

And so ends my rant.
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