Author Topic: "Attacker's apology revives a victim's nightmare"  (Read 1481 times)

Offline Gryphin_Rampant

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"Attacker's apology revives a victim's nightmare"
« on: February 26, 2007, 07:03:16 AM »
Very revealing article on an actual rape:
After that night in 1984, Seccuro was never the same. She reported the attack to university officials and campus police, she said, but immediately felt dismissed and disbelieved.

She became a loner. Her grades plummeted. At 22, she entered a tumultuous marriage that quickly unraveled.

Part of her felt dead. Panic attacks were frequent and frightening.

Reading this and the rest of the article has brought up pangs of conscience.  I am rethinking my approach to the intensity level I want.  I have tried to make them feel violated and experiance despair, humiliation and degradation.   I am in touch with my "victims" and know they are ok personaly, phsycaly, psychologicaly, and emotionaly from thier ravishments but I wonder if they are protecting me from feelling bad / guilty.
Second thoughts.
Related side note: An xLover and good friend recently told me the reason women like me is because I treat them with respect and they are not used to it.  She's right - I care about people and own my actions.  Damnit! Er, I mean I guess I'm very proud of that but I better check in with my victims again...
« Last Edit: February 26, 2007, 07:24:24 AM by Gryphin_Rampant »

Offline TakeMeGrl

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Re: "Attacker's apology revives a victim's nightmare"
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2007, 07:28:55 AM »

Hmm....I can't claim to know what motivates women who want that sort of intensity level, but if you're as attentive as you say to their emotional well being, it seems that you would be aware if they were the sort who would be traumatized by what you do.  Especially if you all have an open, honest dialogue before and after. 

This story...jeez.  I can't imagine being this woman and just getting contacted one day, by the guy who was never had to submit to any consequence for what he'd done.  Just...still out there, living his life.  Gah.


Not to mention the part where she'd never even been sure if she'd been gang raped or not, that night.  How horrible.
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Offline KissyFace

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Re: "Attacker's apology revives a victim's nightmare"
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2007, 11:30:00 AM »
I definitely agree with this woman   -  the apology was not for her  - it was for him.  Sad, to bring it all to the front for her again.