Author Topic: 30 years for rape that he may not have done  (Read 3528 times)

Offline ynyn

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Re: 30 years for rape that he may not have done
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2007, 05:07:02 PM »
Yeah. You cannot understand how the loss of the simple freedom to come and go as you please truely hits you unless you have been through it. Like I said it was only 5 days for me, but it still hit hard. I should have said it could have been a cushy deal, but despite decent food and free cable it sucked. And of course The worst part was one other guy that was in there had beaten the hell out of his girlfriend and was very proud of it and the fact that she brought him in money for canteen.

You had cable?!

In city jail,we just had the four channels. And county jail is so crowded,the pod that was made for 15 inmates was filled with twice that amount when I was there.

I was there with some guys like the one you describe,too. Scumbags,anyone who lays a hand on a woman is one. It was a mix of DUIs,domestic abusers,and a host of other crimes.

I was so hungry after barely eating in there,that I actually ate at a burger place as soon as I got out! McD's never tasted so good!
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Re: 30 years for rape that he may not have done
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2007, 05:12:12 PM »
Yeah, we had basic cable (I didnt even have cable at home at the time), and the guys watched soap operas during the day and cop shows like cops and chips all night. Seemed odd to me. Having to live side by side with scum like that was the worst. I agree, I have never and will never hit a woman, unless you count slapping them on the ass.
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Re: 30 years for rape that he may not have done
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2007, 05:20:17 PM »
Yeah, we had basic cable (I didnt even have cable at home at the time), and the guys watched soap operas during the day and cop shows like cops and chips all night. Seemed odd to me.

The kid I was arrested with was actually HAPPY en route to jail! He had been kicked out by parents,and all the way down in squad car,he was "all right,3 squares a day,a roof overhead,sounds good".

Meanwhile,I was thinking about the call I would have to make to my Dad and saying to myself "Fuck that! I'm going home tonight!"

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Offline PRED8HER

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Re: 30 years for rape that he may not have done
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2007, 05:24:33 PM »
But closer to the original topic. There were also those kids that were put in prison for the central park "wilding" rape. The only evidence against them was that they were in the area harassing other people. I dont remember how many years they spent in prison until dna evidence pointed to a guy who was now in jail for several other rapes. Last I knew one of the boys wasnt released even after the dna evidence due to his sentence being extended for his behavior while in prison.
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Offline ynyn

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Re: 30 years for rape that he may not have done
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2007, 05:50:09 PM »
But closer to the original topic. There were also those kids that were put in prison for the central park "wilding" rape. The only evidence against them was that they were in the area harassing other people. I dont remember how many years they spent in prison until dna evidence pointed to a guy who was now in jail for several other rapes. Last I knew one of the boys wasnt released even after the dna evidence due to his sentence being extended for his behavior while in prison.

Well,that case is still a debated topic.

"The detailed report of the attack was provided by the boys themselves, who incriminated each other, and who knew things (e.g., the exact articles of the victim's clothing) that only the attackers would know. Kevin Richardson's underwear was soiled with grass stains. Save for Yusuf Salaam, all of the boys videotaped or signed detailed confessions in their parents' presence.

Investigators also got statements from over forty other people incriminating the five, who were ultimately convicted variously of assault and sexual abuse. However, police were always aware that they had not caught all of the attackers. Semen found on one of the victim's socks did not genetically match any of the five arrested attackers."

That last paragraph runs counter to what the media reported about the case.They claimed the dna that didn't match the 5 teens was a new finding 15 years later,when the ploice knew about it at the time.The belief was that they didn't catch ALL of the attackers.

I respectfully disagree with your POV on this one.

There was also this travesty case in NYC....
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