Right! I would have no problem with an actual rapist being raped in prison, but for the unjustly accused that is horrible.
Ynyn, I only spent 5 days in county jail, but my friends were actually pretty cool in that case. They came and visited on the one day they could and brought me stuff. Overall it was a pretty nice set up, 3 meals a day (actually pretty good food where I was) and no rapes. Just the simple act of having your freedom taken away though was enough to keep me from ever going back.
I was only there few days,but was never comfortable.Where I used to live,for the last few days of sentences,ppl were sent to the city jail (a smaller old jail that still had bars instead of automatic sliding doors) and the guys there were mellow. But the first couple days were spent in county jail,where we would interact with the guys who were there for long time,or just finishing sentences from overcrowded prisons.
In city jail,I just called my little brother every day and told him to NEVER end up behind bars,ever.(My big brother duty,I suppose)
Worst part was initial sentencing when judge threw out my plea bargain and sent me to jail.
His quote: "I see here by this plea agreement,that you will not spend any time in jail...I disagree." THAT SUCKED.
You are right about loss of freedom being horrible.It's also impossible to describe to ppl.
(damn,did I hijack my own thread???)