i can not speak for all women... nor can i speak for anyone else at all... but this is one womans' thoughts and opinions....
I am {by the way} well past 'starting a family' stage.
in my experience, it was all disguised as flirting, early in the beginning.... you know- the kind of flirting where you are in a group of friends...
and the conversation turns to either an insinuated or blatant sex act...
and i would often ask something like "OH- was she willing??" or "YOU took the cuffs on the date, HUH?" in a playful tone ..... but of course, sometimes it was just a {{MUSTER ALL MY COURAGE}} "ya gonna tie me up?"
but in reality... i have TALKED about it WAY more than i have experience.... funny- i can talk about almost anything......
but one other point i wanted to make....
often the word 'rape' means one thing to one person, and another thing to another.... when i read about someone else getting raped- i find it is a different visual than what i visualize when i think of rape in my fantasies.....
i dont know if that helps anyone at all.....