's news from Germany buries the fact that the gang rapists of a 13 year-old were likely Arab Muslim immigrants:
Shock in Berlin as Suspected Rapists Freed
Nowhere is the news reported that this is part of a gang rape epidemic sweeping areas with high Arab Muslim immigration.
As is the case with young Arab Muslims throughout the West, teenage girls are generally forbidden to go out, leaving separatist gangs of predatory Arab Muslim males with highly misogynist attitudes. Harassment of females has therefore exploded throughout the West, most shockingly demonstrated in the recent phenomenon of gang rape for sport. Listed below is the evidence.
While these cases are primarily not related to the core group of committed Islamists within Arab Muslim immigrant populations, there is some "trickle-down" of attitudes so it is also worth noting the rape aspects of Jihad ideology as well: The Rape Jihad.
Shock in Berlin as Suspected Rapists Freed
The youths, aged 13 to 15, allegedly attacked their victim as she walked home from school in the Charlottenburg district which is generally seen as safe area with low crime rates.
While allegedly gang-raping the girl, the youths are reported to have filmed the sexual attack with a mobile phone camera. Media reports say the four later boasted about the rape to other school children and sent copies of the video to friends.
Police who detained the four earlier this week have so far not found any film footage of the alleged rape. There is suspicion the video pictures may have been erased and mobile phones of the suspects are being analysed by experts in a bid to retrieve any pictures....
Adding to the potential explosiveness of the alleged rape is the fact that the four suspects are all the children of immigrant families, while the victim is German. The normally well-informed Bild tabloid said the suspects were two German-Turks, a German Russian and a German-Angolan.
Federal police statistics released on Monday show non-German youths under the age of 21 were twice as likely to be crime suspects last year than German nationals of the same age.
Officers in charge of the case are convinced the four youths carried out the gang rape and DNA tests are being carried out on sperm traces found on the victim.
Given the brutality of the attack, there has been anger over a decision by Berlin justice officials to order the youths be set free. The 13-year-old suspect is too young to be kept in detention under German law, but the other three could be held.
Berlin justice Senator Karin Schubert insists, however, that even youths suspected of violent crimes can only be kept locked up if there is danger they will flee justice.
Racial Gangrape: Another Diversity Disaster more cosmopolitan centers like Paris and Australia, the game is blossoming. It consists in the ritual gang rape of white women by non-white immigrants....The ritual is known as a ?tournante,? meaning ?Take your turn,? and it consists of a black male becoming ?friendly with? (seducing) a white female, preferably a teenager. Once they?ve become chums, the male lures the girl to a location where his buddies in the gang ?take their turns? with her. In the case on trial in Paris, it was no fewer than 14 buddies. Unlike many victims of such fun, this young lady lodged a complaint with the police. As a result, she was gangraped a second time?this time, allegedly, by the 11 who went on trial in April....
The incident is not isolated. Police investigations of similar rapes were underway in three other French cities, and one French magistrate says the game has been going on since at least the 1980s. ?Their technique was to pick up a young girl?a white girl?and once she had become the girlfriend of one of the members, he would allow his mates to make use of her?
France Takes on Plague of Sexual ?Rite? (scroll down to see)
Kidnap Accomplice of Ilan Halimi Was Herself a Victim of "Tournante"
In Nice, Gang Rape Video of a Female Student is Circulating Freely Among Muslim Immigrants
The Australian Sun-Herald reports that police data show that some 70 racially motivated rapes of young white girls, one as young as 13, by Middle Eastern immigrants have taken place in the last two years. ?Fifteen youths and men have so far been charged with more than 300 offenses relating to matters since mid-2000 alone. They are all of Middle Eastern extraction. None of those involved is presently before the courts....those in Australia don?t seem to be part of a gang initiation, but they are nonetheless clearly racially driven. ?Before being brutalized,? the Australian paper reports, ?other victims have reportedly been questioned about their Australian heritage or forced to endure taunts about their attackers? prowess.? But, like the rapes in France, those in Australia follow a similar pattern in which one non-white male becomes intimate with a white girl, whom he then delivers to his friends for sexual violation, beating and humiliation.
See also: Racial Gang-Rape: The Sequel
Immigrant Rape Wave in Sweden
Swedish girls Jenny and Linda were on their way to a party on New Year's Eve when they were assaulted, raped and beaten half to death by four Somali immigrants. Sweden's largest newspaper has presented the perpetrators as "two men from Sweden, one from Finland and one from Somalia", a testimony as to how bad the informal censorship is in stories related to immigration in Sweden. Similar incidents are reported with shocking frequency, to the point where some observers fear that law and order is completely breaking down in the country. The number of rape charges in Sweden has tripled in just above twenty years. Rape cases involving children under the age of 15 are six - 6 - times as common today as they were a generation ago....
According to a new study from the Crime Prevention Council, Br?, it is four times more likely that a known rapist is born abroad, compared to persons born in Sweden. Resident aliens from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia dominate the group of rape suspects. According to these statistics, almost half of all perpetrators are immigrants....
A group of Swedish teenage girls has designed a belt that requires two hands to remove and which they hope will deter would-be rapists. "It's like a reverse chastity belt," one of the creators, 19-year-old Nadja Bj?rk, told AFP, meaning that the wearer is in control, instead of being controlled. Bj?rk and one of her partners now plan to start a business to mass produce the belts....
In an online readers' poll from the newspaper Aftonbladet, 82% of the women expressed fear to go outside after dark. There are reports of rapes happening in broad daylight....
"It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl," says Hamid. "The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably ****** before, anyway. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family. For her, being raped is a source of shame. It is important that she retains her virginity until she marries." It was no coincidence that it was a Swedish girl that was gang raped in Rissne ? this becomes obvious from the discussion with Ali, Hamid, Abdallah and Richard. All four have disparaging views on Swedish girls, and think this attitude is common among young men with immigrant background. "It is far too easy to get a Swedish whore?? girl, I mean;" says Hamid, and laughs over his own choice of words. "Many immigrant boys have Swedish girlfriends when they are teenagers. But when they get married, they get a proper woman from their own culture who has never been with a boy. That?s what I am going to do. I don?t have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get ****** to pieces."
Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway
...doubling of the number of reported rapes by ambush in 2004, following what was already a decade of steadily increasing numbers of sexual crimes
the number of reported rapes against children is on the rise. The figures have nearly doubled in the last ten years: 467 rapes against children under the age of 15 were reported in 2004 compared with 258 in 1995. Legal proceedings continue this week in a case involving a 13 year old girl from Motala who was said to have been subjected to a group rape by four men. (Note: These four men were Kurdish Muslims, who raped the girl for hours and even took photos of doing so).