Since spammers use proxies, many of them are blocked by websites. I'm beginning to think VPNs are the way to go.
Using proxy servers / Tor is getting harder by the day. Almost any IP seems to be marked down as spam now and I don't know how a VPN is supposed to help here. It's just another IP to be abused and if the trend continues at this rate posting anonymously will be impossible by the end of the year. :-(
Getting this shit all the time now
- Not Acceptable!
An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.
- Access denied. Your IP address is blacklisted. If you feel this is in error please contact your hosting provider's abuse department.
- 403 Permission Denied FORBIDDEN
Sorry, we're blocking hack attempts, and that includes all access from 'server farms'
that don't follow up on internet abuse reports. If you're trying to come in through
a proxy hosted on one of these malicious 'server farms' then you'll have to choose a
different proxy on a server that DOES respect the rules.
P.S. I had to change my IP like two dozen times before I could even post that comment even though I had just posted in a different thread. Hard to believe you get that much spam.