Author Topic: An Unexpected Night  (Read 1315 times)

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An Unexpected Night
« on: April 22, 2022, 04:16:15 PM »
It was the first Saturday night of May and the local orange hall was open for its Singles Social Dinner and Dance.  The local Orange Hall was designed just like the old halls found in the mid eighteen hundreds, one giant roof covered floor that had multiple uses for a small community.

Tonight it was separated into three zones. Along the two side walls, men and women gathered as if this was a high school dance, Mens on the left side, women on the right. The middle of the floor was saved for dancing couples. Up by the small stage were tables and chairs sat out around the door to the kitchen to make it easier to serve the meal of the evening.

Much like usual, I arrived late to the Social. Quite deliberate on my part, after all I knew I wasn’t considered the leading Hollywood man type, no more like the Lon Chaney type in the “Phantom Of The Opera” circa 1925.  Don’t know why I even bothered to come, there was no way in hell anyone was going to say anything to me, unless it was to tell me to get out of their way.

I was about to turn around and walk out when I happened to spied her, sitting on the wooden bench the people organizing the event used. She wasn’t a Hollywood beauty, more an average looking girl with something strange about her eyes. Like she had a dead look to her eyes. Something intrigued me about her  and since no one else seemed to want to approach her I did.

“Is this bench taken?” I know. really original. Now you know why I was single. Absolutely no saving social grace when it came to me.

“I’m not sure you want to get within a certain distance of me, sir!” All the time she spoke she never turned to look at me, just stared straight ahead at some imaginary spot on the wall opposite where we were sitting. “You might catch the disease I’m emitting."

The way the words came from her mouth, made me think that this wasn’t the first time she’s used them tonight. Almost like she didn’t want to be here but was forced to come only  to be abandoned to look after herself. A quick thought came to me that maybe If nothing else i could get her to open up to me about her situation.

“Why what’s the worst thing that can happen to me, I just end up staring straight ahead like a zombie?”

She didn’t respond, just felt around for something which turned out to be a tri fold white cane tipped with a white ball.  Flicking it out to a solid cane, she slowly stood up and started to step away from me, going further along the empty bench. Great, the ugliest asshole in the town just insulted the only person who wouldn’t judge me on my physical appearance. I began to feel like an asshole.

Without noticing before eyes were on me  and I felt like I was two inches high. Now someone with Social graces would have figured out that it was time to exit the place and never show my face ever again. But as i said early someone with social graces, so of course I got up and moved closer to her.

“I’m sorry I had no idea that you were blind, it’s just that this is the first time I’ve been to one of these Socials and never expected someone like you to be here!”

“She suddenly turned her head towards me “Why are we bling people only supposed to go to functions presented by the Society for the Blind and Visually Handicapped”

“Are there such things?” Once more Mister sensitive scores more points.

“What the fuck do you want from me?” Pausing before verbally slapping me down, something that I was very familiar with “Do you want the poor little blind girl to feel sorry for you? Well it’s not going to happen!”

“No, I know that I jumped over the line of decency!” Still that didn’t stop me from waving my right hand in front of her face. This was my first experience with a physically blind person. So how was I to know that they had different ways to determine what was going on around them!

“Will you stop waving your hand in front of my face, I can feel the air current as it passes by my face!

Shit!, I fucked up once more. Best thing to do would be to apologize and get the fuck out of there! “I’m sorry, you‘re the first blind person I have dealt with, so I don’t know the proper social graces when dealing with a blind person. Let alone a female to begin with!”  Turning sideways, “I’ll leave you alone now!” Taking a step away when she spoke.

“I might be the problem also, since I became blind, I’ve been feeling sorry for myself. You’re one of the few people to even try to talk with me.” Raising her left hand, holding it out away from her “Could we possibly start over, I’m Amiee Weston!”

I still felt it would be more appropriate to just leave but  the sincerity in her voice and words struck me. Reaching out my right hand to her left hand grasping it lightly but firm “Karl, Karl Lewis!” Then something that I never expected came out of my mouth “Would you care to leave this bench and go to a table and get something to drink?”

“I would like that!” Releasing my hand and standing up beside me. “Which way should I turn to go to a table?”

“Turn to your left and then walk straight ahead to get to a table!” Then as if I knew what to say. “If you would prefer, I could walk you to the nearest table and  make sure you’re seated before getting us drinks!”

I wasn’t going to do anything in case I stepped over the line of decency once more.

“Actually that would be nice, thank you Karl!” Then she gave me a lesson that would stay with me for the rest of my life, “If you could just put my hand on your elbow, I’ll go where you lead us!”

And that was the first correct thing I did all night. With Amiee touching my elbow I walked us to the closest table and pulled out a chair that faced towards the kitchen door. I took the chair with my back to the kitchen, after going to the kitchen only to return with two cups of coffee and packages of sugar, sugar substitute and creamer packets.

                                                                                                                   To Be Continued
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Offline JustJess_33

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Re: An Unexpected Night
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2022, 05:38:09 PM »
Intriguing start and knowing the author this could go anyway! It’s in this section though so that gives me some sort of hope that our male will behave lol
Great scene setter and descriptions place the reader there. Merit earned x

Online To-Get-Her

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Re: An Unexpected Night
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2022, 03:58:24 PM »
Glad you enjoy this, it's drawing a lot on the original neighbourhood I lived in after first moving to Mississauga back in May 1974.

                                                                                            Part Two

I sat her cup directly in front of her hand, with the handle towards her. The packets and creamers. I kept so there couldn’t be any mistake using them.  Placing my own cup down I pull out my chair and sit down, expecting at any moment  over something I did wrong.

“Did you by any chance…” Here it comes!, then something I wasn’t anticipating “Get any honey did you?”
Honey!  Who sweetens their coffee with honey? “Err.. no but I can go back to the kitchen to see if they have any!”

“Oh no don’t worry about it, I should have asked for some before you went to the kitchen!’  Reaching out for her cup “By any chance did you get any type of sweetener?

“Packets of sugar and both Equal and Splenda!”

“Oh how considerate, could you pass me a packet of Splenda please!”

I passed it over and as our hands touched, I felt a tingle from a bit of what had to be static electricity.  It was more a shock than a sting and as far as I could tell Aimee didn’t feel anything at all. I didn’t say anything at all as I took my seat across from her. As it was Aimee chose that moment to speak up.

“Isn’t it a bit silly that  the community would hold a dinner dance in such a small space. I remember the last time I attended one here, a couple accidentally swung themselves into the path of another couple and a fist fight started between the two females as the guys supposedly stepped back and egged them on!”

I don’t why but I was shocked at how casually she related the story and how attentive I was being considering that would do the exact thing the guys did. That was when I noticed that some couples were moving to the center of the floor now that volunteers cleared away some of the tables. Now I looked at Aimee, sipping her coffee and I had no idea what made me ask or even to think about asking her.

“I see they’re clearing the floor for dancing, care to dance?”

“Oh wouldn’t you be ashamed of being seen dancing with someone waving a white cane?”

“Oh no!, Not if you wouldn’t be ashamed of being seen with someone  who it’s a compliment if someone said they had two left feet!”

I don’t know if she laughed from that or if she thought the whole idea of dancing with me was funny. As it was the next thing out of her mouth would have knocked me out if there wasn’t a table between us .

“I don’t dance  and I don’t know if you’re willing to be in public with me but Karl, would you mind if we went for a walk?”

Hell, just the thought of her giving me any hint that she was willing to be seen with a recluse like me  brightened up my spirit. “ Oh trust me I should be the one saying that, not you” Then right back to Mister Graceless once more “If you could see me you would understand why mothers hide their babies when I’m out!”

“Well then it only seems right that two people who gives the rest of the population a reason to say Damn be seen in public together!”

Standing up then moving around to her side “Well then Miss Weston!” presenting my bent left arm at the elbow “Shall we blow this popsicle stand?”

“Oh my, I haven’t heard that expression in years!”

Slipping her right arm through my left arm, We made our way to the front door, a tapping of the ball of her cane preceding us the entire way. Outside the evening turned into a typical summer evening. The sun was just beginning to sink below the top floors of the apartment building to the north. Agnes Street was pretty well vacant so we had no problems walking towards Hurontario St, where cars were still moving with some frequency!

The air has a scent of ozone as if somewhere else had a thunderstorm and all we were getting was the wind from the low front passing through. Even before I could comment a growl came and I didn’t think it was me but I did apologize for my stomach. A little giggle then…

“No, I have to admit that that was my stomach, I didn’t feel right about eating at the Orange Hall!”

“Why did you say so, I only had a bite from a sandwich so I’m starving also.”

Right across Hurontario was what I considered the best pizza place in the city. “Say, would you like to get a slice or maybe even share a pizza?”

“Okay as long as there isn’t any anchovies on the pizza!”

Okay I’ll admit that I did get very indignant about the anchovies “Hey fish have no reason to be on a pizza, just pepperoni and green peppers!”

“Oh something we can agree on!” Smiling up at me  “Well lead the way to our feast!”

Now if I had been by myself I would have jaywalked Hurontario, but since I was with Aimee, T started down to the intersection of Hurontario and Dundas. As usual, a short wait came before the lights changed giving us the right to cross. Four minutes later we were in front of Pizza Nova where the front door was open and a heavenly smell of a pizza cooking came out on the fan blown breeze.

Going in. taking a seat at the only table inside, I recognized Jim who was manning the counter tonight. Raising my finger, Jim just nodded his head and went to work his magic. As per usual the inside was semi hot, thanks to the wood fire oven and lack of ventilation. Twenty Minutes later a piping hot pizza was on the table in front of us, along with two ice cold cans of Coke.

Maybe I was being a bit overprotective of Aimee, but at least I left the decision on opening the can of Coke to her, even if I worded it wrong,  “Can I pop your top Aimee?”

Her response left me red in the face, the only saving grace was by being blind Aimee wouldn’t see it. “It would take more than a few slices of pizza before I let anyone do that to me in public!” Then deftly as if it was an everyday occurrence, in which it might have been for all I knew, Aimee flick her first finger and had her can of Coke opened, then to prove it was no trick, she opened mine!

From there we ate in a semi silence, only comments on the pizza were heard from us. With only one slice left, we asked for it to be wrapped up and that we would take it with us. Stepping outside, the night was cooling off, we started to walk away when a pair of teens on bikes came alongside us.

“Christ, look at the sunglasses on that one!.” Then a comment that riled my temper.  “Forget then look at the face on the thing on her arm!”

I was going to say something when the air parted with a sound of a swish and quickly followed by a scream of pain. If I hadn’t seen it first hand I would have never believed it. Aimee flicked her wrist and sent her cane at the last teen who spoke, hitting him across the left arm with the ball of her cane. The teen yelped and fell off his bike, his friend just look at the cane then at Aimee and hollered out

“Get the fuck up you idiot who knows what she can do with that cane of her’s”

A scramble, then the bike returning onto its wheels, then the pair took off as if threatened by a gun wielding adversary. “I swear the current generation of kids have no manners!”

I was still shocked that Aimee could swing that cane so fast and accurately. As if nothing happened Aimee continued on to speak “Karl would I be too forward if I asked you to walk me home?”

Recovering my voice, “No not at all!” Then it dawned on me that I had no idea where Aimee lived. When Aimee did tell me her address I was shocked once more.

“Oh it close by, 3070 Cyrus Street”

“No fucking way, I never seen you there and I live right across the street at 3071”

“Well, if you have never seen me just imagine what it means when I say, I’ve never seen you across the street!”

Did she mean because she was blind or did she have no idea who lived across from her? I had to admit that I rarely ventured outside thanks to my looks. But the many times I would look out from the pulled curtains on the living room window I never saw even a hint of movement across the street. I’ve been under the impression that it was emptied.

Back to the corner of Hurontario and Dundas, back to Agnes Street, then the first left off Agnes and I was walking Aimee to her place, right across from mine. Even Heidi, the German Shepherd next door to me barking, caused us to slow down. Going across the street I help Aimee to climb the steps to her veranda. What she said then caused my blood to freeze in its veins

“Care to come in, Karl?”

                                                                                                     To Be Concluded
When I get around to it, I'll write

Online To-Get-Her

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Re: An Unexpected Night
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2022, 06:44:14 PM »
                                                                                                  The Conclusion

There was the question that I had been dreading the entire walk back from the pizzeria. Aimee hadn’t done anything to me that made me think that she was being anything but sincere. But could I be alone with such an innocent girl like her. After all what could she possibly see in an deformed guy like myself? Internally I debated with my conscious if I should go in and just let fate that things from that point.

Before I could finish my internal debate, out came “If you’re sure about this Aimee!”
That was when I first noticed the look of Aimee having an internal debate of her own. “I’m sure Karl!” Extending out her left hand, it was steady as a rock, whereas as I stood there at the bottom of the steps I was trembling like a leaf in the breeze.

Reaching out my left hand, I took hers and began walking up the stairs as she gently pulled me up towards her. I was on the veranda when Aimee made me stop and think about what she said, “Karl you’re acting like this is the first time you have ever been in a female’s house!”

Damn if only she knew, the only house I’ve been in was the one across the street from hers, where it was just my mother and me. Since mom passed away ten years ago and because of the reactions of people when they see my face, I’ve hidden in the house, basically rarely going out. Hell I even called in my grocery orders before the invention of online shopping.

Leading me inside, Aimee makes me go ahead of her after getting the door open “There’s a door to the living room twenty-five steps from the main doorway, just go inside and take a seat on the couch!”

Surprisingly, the interior of her house was almost identical to mine. Following her instructions, I made my way into the living room, found and took a seat on the couch and felt a little bit of my nervousness dissipate as I sat down. A quick look around the living room, it was decorated a little sparsely, a couch, a high back chair, a coffee table and a wall entertainment center. There was no TV, but there was a stereo and a stack of what I took to be Books on CD, by the titles on the closed side of the packaging.

Suddenly from further inside there came the sounds of a whistling kettle  followed by the rattling of ceramic on wood. I turned and was surprised when Aimee came in through what I took to be a dining room with a wooden tray with two cups, a kettle and the makings of both coffee and tea. “I’m not sure what you would prefer so I brought both!”

Setting the tray down on the coffee table then taking a seat in the high back chair. “On how rude of me, I would offer you something stronger but I don’t drink!” As if she was ashamed that she didn’t drink! I knew that I had to put her at ease about that!

“Oh god no coffee is fine, black with a teaspoon of sugar please!”

With manual dexterity that not even I possessed, Aimee poured the hot water into a cup that she put a spoonful of
coffee crystals into then the sugar before stirring the contents as I sat there, shocked at her efficiency. Within a few seconds of starting Aimee held out the cup of coffee to me, a few seconds later I sipped and I swear the coffee I make at home tasted more like pickle juice rather than the taste I was experiencing drinking what Aimee made for me!

Then Aimee started to make a cup of tea for herself and once more I was shocked at how she knew where everything was on the tray. As if this was nothing new for her. “The key Karl is to remember where you placed everything on the tray as if it’s a giant clock face!” then as if I might not understand, “That is what they teach you to make things easier for you when you’re blind.”

Of course I should have figured it out for myself. Then Aimee took the idea of conversation to a place that I rarely ever talked about. “So Karl, Have you been going to the Single Social Dinner and Dance long?”

She caught me flat footed with that and for some reason I came right out with the truth. “No, usually I would chicken out when I saw the amount of cars parked outside the hall. Something inside my head told me to take a chance on tonight’s dinner and dance, but I hesitated long enough that I mostly missed both!”

“Then our meeting was a bonus for you then?” Keeping quiet as if expecting an answer then, “I’ll bet you never expected to meet a blind girl with a chip on her shoulders, did you Karl?”

“No Aimee, rarely do I have the chance to meet anyone!’ Again telling her more than I ever imagined I would tell anyone “See I rarely ever venture outside of my house and I never venture off my property at all, but something told me that tonight would be different from all the other times I’ve ever considered doing so!”

Then Aimee took over talking. “Same here ever since I lost my eyesight at age ten, I’ve pretty well been alone in my own private world. Mom and dad did their best to get me out into the world but people could be unintentionally cruel around someone blind. And then five years ago mom and dad died in a car accident and I was left alone in this house, so I rarely ventured out. Oh sure i go out to get the mail, if I ever got any, out when the local kids would pelt stones at my front door, but was surprised when they all ran away in horror!”

Her next words made me almost confess to her right there and then “I always did and still do think that I must look an awful sight to make kids run away.”

I opened my mouth to tell her that the kids ran because they saw me on my porch, holding something square in my left hand, as if I was phoning the police to report them. All this time I never realized that my neighbour across the street was blind or that I had never even said a word in kindness to her. Even now with the perfect chance to say something, my facial disfigurement kept me quiet!

Aimee continued “But tonight my friend Jane said the she saw in the cards that tonight was going to be different, so I should go to the Orange Hall and well you know the rest!”

In my mind,* I know and I know how this will end in you screaming when you evidently find out about what I look like, being blind or not!* Then Aimee brought things to the front faster than I imagined they would occur.

“Karl, I know we just met  only a short time ago but would you be offended if I asked to touch your face, so I can get a sense about what you look like?”

Shit here it was, the moment when the only female in the city to ever treat me as if I was normal was about to start screaming over my facial disfigurement. Even expecting that for some unconscionable reason I told her “Of course, but I have to tell you I’m no Hollywood leading man!’ Keeping to myself , *That is unless it’s a horror movie then I would fit right in.

Aimee got up, moved to my right side, reached out with both hands and started moving then all over my head and face. The words she spoke while doing so were so far from what I was expecting.

“Oh Karl, you have such a strong face, with powerful bone structure and an aristocratic brow!”   She stopped for a second then opened her mouth. I thought that this was when she was going to start screaming but her next action figuratively floored me. Aimee held my head in her hands, leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips.

Not since my mother had I ever felt anything like that. I was stunned and never wanted this feeling to stop! But I knew that it was going to stop and I would be racing out of the house as Aimee shook in horror at what he had just found out about me.

Her lips left mine and I slowly inhaled a lung full of air, in expectation of the scream to come! Instead what came made me exhale not only every ounce of air I took in but every shred of shame I had ever had about my looks.

“Karl, I’m so sorry for kissing you, I don’t want you to think that was usual actions for me!” She let go of the sides of my head. “I’m sorry if I gave you any false hopes about everything!”

I couldn’t speak, hell I could barely inhale air to inflate my lungs. Minutes passed by before I was sufficiently recovered enough to speak. “Aimee, that was the first kiss I ever got from a female who wasn’t related to me!” That brought a smile to Aimee’s face that lit the fires in my heart. Right then and there I swore that I would do anything to see that smile again! Then I tried my luck “ Getting up, moving so that I was standing directly in front of Aimee, “May I kiss you?”

Aimee didn’t say anything, just nodded her head and moved her head to give me a better angle to kiss her. As I lowered my head down towards hers, I was trembling more than ever. As our lips met I could feel a tiny jolt of energy traverse between us. Something that I wanted to feel more of.  I lost all sense of reality as our lips were together.

As if one we started to breathe together. Then our lips parted and as if one  we just stood there drinking in the other’s presence. No words were said, no motion of anything at all passed between us, just  movement of one leading the other. Aimee in front, her right hand grasping mine, led us to the stairs, then up them.

Even after getting to the top floor, no words came from either of us. Even when Aimee led me into her bedroom, we stayed quiet. Our hands parted then started exploring each other. Before long our clothing came off and for once started outright shaking as naked, I was led to the bed in the middle of the wall. From being erect on the floor, Aimee and i was horizontal on the bed, me on top of Aimee.

That was the first time that I realized that Aimee was shaking just as hard as I was. Somehow she found her voice “Karl, it’s been a long time since I’ve been with a male!” I kissed her to close her mouth then reassured her that It’s probably been even longer for me.

More kissing, our hands exploring the other touching parts that I for one had only seen on an electronic screen. While I was feeling her breasts, she had my ball sac in her left hand, her right hand cupping my right ass cheek. Many times things changed,  Aimee running her fingers through the hair on my chest, through the thinning hair on my head. meanwhile I caressed all the skin I could touch.

Aimee’s nipples were standing as erect as my cock was, so as the guys in porn that I saw either in magazines or on various electronic screens, so I positioned myself so that the tip of my cock was grazing her outer pussy lips. I never felt anything so soft against the tip of my cock. But unlike the porn I’ve seen I slowly moved forward until my cock was between her outer pussy lips.

I proved just how green I was at intercourse by stopping to let her adjust to the size of my cock. I have no idea how much time passed before Aimee moved under me, causing my cock to penetrate further in her pussy. From there I hit up against something like elastic inside her, that was when my animal instincts took over me. I reared back and forged forwards forcing my way through what was trying to block me. Aimee let out a slight scream  before giving a sigh that made my heart beat a little faster.

For the next few strokes of my cock in and out of her, I concentrated on giving Aimee pleasure that she was giving me. I had no idea how much time passed or who was making more noise as Aimee and I copulated for the first time. All I knew for sure was that i felt a feeling that i had never experienced with such clarity before I came in Aimee after crying out, “Oh godddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd!”

Aimee matched my cry a few seconds after I felt the feeling was lessening. I lost control of my body, collapsing on top of Aimee who was  crushed into the mattress but didn’t seem to mind for she, like me, was trying to adjust to feelings that were new. Evidentially, I regained enough strength to roll off Aimee.  Still neither of us tried to get up, instead we laid there, Aimee’s head on my chest, her body on it’s side so her breasts were pressed into my left side.  Neither of us spoke, just tried to steady our breathing. Somehow we fell asleep.

When we did wake we kissed tenderly and as one we made the other ready to couple again. Just like the first time, we gave as much as we got. After cumming once more. Another sleep together we awoke when  the alarm clock beside the bed on a nightstand started playing the six AM newscast.

“Police in Mississauga are reporting that there was trouble at the Single Social Dinner and Dance last night where four males were arrested for disorderly conduct and assault”

“Oh god Karl, I didn’t mean to make you spend the night with me” Sitting up in bed so that the cover was under her breasts “I’m sure you would rather be at home than here with me!”

“No Aimee, I can go across the street anytime, it’s not like I have to go to work. Normally I work from home, so no one will miss me, but what about you? Don’t you have a job to get to?”

“No, when my parents died, I inherited everything, so I’m comfortably well off!” Then it hit her what I said. “Wait!, you live across the street from me. Then why haven’t I seen you before last night?”

“Beside me hiding inside, could it be that you’re blind?”

Aimee  hit me on the chest. “That isn’t what I mean by see, I could still have heard you when you went for mail or when you answered your door?”

“Oh rarely do I get mail these days and even rarely do I get people dropping by!”

“Oh my god you’re a male version of me!’ Then something i never even thought would ever occur “Guess this will be the last time that I’ll ‘see’ you then?”

“Not unless you don’t want to see me!”


That was months ago, since then Aimee and I have spent time at each of our houses. For some reason Aimee could overlook my facial disfigurement and of course her blindness was nothing to me. I rearranged my house to be a carbon copy of hers only in reverse. Everything in my place was set to the right where hers was all to the left.

Aimee and I had been intimate with each other multiple times. Still giving the other more pleasure than sexual pain!. We have even taken to going for walks to enjoy eating at Pizza Nova at least once a week.

The kids have stopped throwing rock at Aimee’s house so we still spent more time there than at my house. Tonight just happened to be a night that we were at my house where I was more nervous than the night we first met. The small package in my left front pocket was burning a hole through my pocket and leg. Taking it out I placed it on the small plate I put in front of Aimee.

Aimee felt the plate, a strange look on her face when she found the velvety cube on the center of the plate.. Picking it up, holding it as if it might explode, slowly turning it around until she felt the box separating. Then her fingers felt the object within, Without even taking it out Aimee looked up at me standing across from her.

“Yes Karl! Yes” Getting up and meeting me halfway around the table “Yes Karl, I will marry you!”

                                                                                                                  The End
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Re: An Unexpected Night
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2023, 06:21:49 PM »
Really enjoyed this and it was good bed time reading.

Offline vile8r

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Re: An Unexpected Night
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2023, 02:50:28 PM »
What a sweet story! A bit different from your usual offerings but very well done!
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

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Re: An Unexpected Night
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2023, 03:16:46 PM »
Tank you Vile8r! When I find my mind going dark, it's time to write something light, to reset my mind! Only to pervert the story later ( The Hyde Brothers
When I get around to it, I'll write