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Author Topic: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her {One}  (Read 2233 times)

Online The Claire

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Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her {One}
« on: November 13, 2024, 05:30:25 PM »
Hey guys, this story is a tribute to Ravishu's most prolific writer, the one and only To-Get-Her. The story is a bit tongue in cheek here and there and if you find myself being a bit mean to the man during some parts of the story, I'd urge you to continue reading till the end. I've written the story with great affection for its protagonist and I hope you show the man some love. ;)

Also, please participate in the poll after you've finished the story. I hope to put some pressure on TGH to actually do it!  ;D And now please have fun with Self-Defense.

This story is a work of fiction meant for entertainment purposes only. It is in no way meant to be understood as an endorsement of rape in the real world.



Work was over and he could have driven home immediately if he wanted to. But there was this nice cafe just next to the place where he worked. He often worked the night shift and it just so happened that the cafe would open when he finished work in the early morning. Usually, he went there once or twice a week to relax for half an hour or so before he went home. But over the course of the last month, he had been there almost every work day. The reason was her.

He liked being the first customer of the day. Most often he was alone at the place and it was quiet. He would sit down, drink a cup of coffee and log into the Ravishu forum. He did the same thing today, just looking whether there were any new stories. Claire had posted a new story. He didn’t have the time to read it all right now, her stories were just too long for that. But he would skim through it.

   “I see… cryptic misleading title, lengthy descriptions of character’s thoughts, a novel length buildup before anything happens, a thousand words to paint a picture for two seconds of penetration and a surprisingly friendly rapist, yep, typical Claire.”

He liked her, but man, she needed to branch out! What else was new? Crazycris54 had posted part 11 of his ‘Blackmailed step daughter’ series.

   “I really like his stories. But why can’t he post all parts of his story in one thread like everybody else?”

He was about to look whether there was anything new in the German section of the forum, when she brought him his coffee.

   “Here, your coffee.”

She was his newest obsession. A petite woman, 18, 19, maybe 20 years old, short black hair, pale skin, freckles, wearing a blue strapless top and hot pants today, nice perky ass, but no tits to speak of. The cuteness of a girl blessed with only a hint of adult femininity. Not his type of woman in his real life, but he liked her type for his stories. However, he wasn’t obsessed with her because he wanted to do anything with her in real life. He wasn’t even obsessing over her as one of the victim’s of his stories. He was obsessing over the fact that she should inspire him to write some new stories, but she simply didn’t. He had decided that he would come back to this place until he could come up with some scenario involving this girl. That was nearly a month ago. Instead of being a well of inspiration for him, he was suffering from writer’s block!

Sure, he could write some generic story involving a fictionalized version of her. Evil rapist captures frail, delicate girl and steals her virginity, a tragic tale of innocence lost, bla bla bla. If some new writer in the forum wanted to write something like that, he would support it, probably even enjoy reading it. But after having written so many stories himself, this type of story just wasn’t doing it for him anymore.

The girl sat down at the table instead of returning to the counter. They were alone, no other customers in sight. She had started to do that on most days he was here. Normally, he would have to get his coffee at the counter, but after having reached the ripe age of 60 recently, he was apparently old enough now that sweet young women started to treat him like some nice older man.

   “What are you looking at?”

He could hardly tell her the truth that he was browsing a rape fantasy forum while thinking about how he could use her in one of his stories.

   “Nothing really, just the news.”

He put the phone in his pocket. He didn’t want to be rude to the girl.

   “So, Caroline, I was wondering, why are you always working the early shift? When I was your age, I was getting home from parties this early in the morning.”

He took a sip of his coffee. He was just going for some small talk. Maybe she would say something that would finally give him an idea for his next story.

   “Would you believe me if I told you that I like to work early because it’s my only chance to see my favorite customer?”

She showed him her cutest smile. He almost choked on his coffee. What the fuck?

   “Just kidding, I just like to get a shift in before my classes start, that’s all.”

That made more sense. He smiled back at her. She was sweet, a little weird, but sweet.

   “By the way, I’ve seen you with this shirt multiple times now. What does that stand for?”

She pointed at the letters on his chest. He was wearing his favorite t-shirt that his girlfriend had gotten him. It was a simple black shirt, but there were three large colorful letters printed on it. A pale blue or cyan T, a yellow-greenish G and a pink H. TGH, To-Get-Her, the user name that he went by these days. He had written so many rape fantasies under this pseudonym online that he wondered whether he would ever run into someone who would recognize him by his shirt. It was very reminiscent of his avatar in the forum. So far, this hadn’t happened, or if somebody did recognize him, they hadn’t brought it up.

   “Oh, this? It’s just a shirt my girlfriend got me. I don’t think it means anything.”

He felt that she wanted to say something, but then another customer entered the cafe. She got up from the table to do her job. He looked after her. Seeing a small girl like her, he could think only one thing. It would be so easy. Raping her, he meant. She was smaller and weaker than him and he outweighed her by god knows how many pounds. Even without some elaborate plan, he could easily pin down both her arms with just one hand and then ravage her youthful body. He liked to fantasize like this. But he’d never do it, for two reasons.

First, his sense of morality. Fantasies are just that, fantasies. Actually hurting someone was something else and it didn’t bring him any satisfaction. And second, he had a weakness that would make him a terrible real rapist: A woman’s tears. Being affected by tears wasn’t a bad thing, nothing wrong with a little empathy, but he was easy to manipulate if he saw a woman cry. He was all too aware of that. How would he ever be able to really rape a woman if he couldn’t see her crying? But still, the mental image of her squirming underneath his body while he snuggled his cock into her wet virgin hole was something he enjoyed very much.

When he finished his coffee, he got up from the table and was ready to go to his car. Before he could leave, Caroline came running to him.

   “Here, for you, for your way home!”

She handed him another cup of coffee.

   “Uhm, I didn’t order this?”

He was a little confused.

   “It’s on me.”

She beamed at him. What was wrong with this girl? She couldn’t be seriously hitting on him, could she?

   “Just kidding, the manager told me to be nice to our regulars.”

He cautiously took the coffee. This was weird, but who was he to say no to free coffee.


Caroline gave him a cute wave goodbye and then walked away. He checked out her cute little ass and left the cafe shaking his head. It would be so easy, he thought. If only he knew how wrong he was.
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 07:33:59 AM by The Claire »

Online The Claire

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2024, 05:31:19 PM »
Chapter 1

He was driving home listening to some Shania Twain. He was tired. Work hadn’t been easy, but still, he was more tired than usual. He took a sip of Caroline’s coffee while humming along to the music. The girl had put a lot of sugar into it. She remembered that he liked his coffee sweet, what an attentive girl. In return, he could put some protein in her sometime. Oh god, he really was getting old, making dark dad jokes like that in his mind. He had hoped that the caffeine would help, but no matter how much of the coffee he drank, he kept yawning. He was glad when he arrived home, he didn’t like to drive being tired like this.

His girlfriend wasn’t home today so it wouldn’t bother her if he took a quick nap. Normally, he wasn’t one to come home and lie down immediately, but today was different. He went straight to his bedroom and wanted to just fall onto the bed. But he should take his shoes of first, he thought. He sat down on a chair, bent over... to... open... his shoes… and…

The next thing he remembered was waking up unable to move, and feeling an unfamiliar weight on his chest. Still half asleep, he looked around the room. Yes, that was definitely his bedroom and he was lying on his bed, so far so good. The clock said that he had been asleep for about six hours. He wanted only to take a nap, but given how tired he felt, it wasn’t to surprising that he slept longer than planned. But what truly bothered him was this: Why the fuck was there a girl in nothing but her underwear lying on top of him, peacefully sleeping with her head resting on his shoulder? She was just lying there, without a care in the world apparently. She was drooling a little, he could feel her saliva drip onto his shoulder. In her sleep, she had put her hand on his cheek. Her crotch was lying over his. If he got hard in this situation, she would definitely feel that. If someone found them like this, this wouldn’t be a good look.

And who had bound his arms and legs to the bed posts and undressed him down to his underwear? Was that her doing? He didn’t remember any plans for bondage play with his girlfriend, for fucks sake, she was out of town! He took another look at the girl on top of him. A petite woman, 18, 19, maybe 20 years old, short black hair, pale skin, freckles, wearing a pink bra and panties, nice perky ass, but no tits to speak off. The cuteness of a girl blessed with only a hint of adult femininity. That was her, Caroline! Nothing made sense. If somebody found them like this, it would be hard to accuse him of rape since he was the one chained to the bed and she free to go whenever she wanted. But still, he wanted to get out of this situation as fast as possible.


He did his best to speak loudly, but to suppress his nervousness at the same time. He didn’t want to seem scared, nor did he want to scare her.


She moaned a little as she woke up. When she saw him, she smiled. She lifted herself up and sat on his stomach, putting her hands on his chest.

   “Did you sleep well?”

She asked him as if it was the most natural thing in the world that she was in his bedroom. He didn’t want to play games. He simply didn’t care how well his sleep had been.

   “Caroline, what is all of this? What are you doing here?”

Despite being in a helpless position, he tried to project authority over the situation.

   “I put you on the bed, undressed you and bound you to the bed. Do you have any idea how difficult it was to get you from that chair to here? I expected you to fall asleep on the bed…”

He saw her look at the chair where he had tried to take his shoes off with a look of exhaustion on her face. He could only imagine how a small girl like her would have pushed him out of that chair, dragged him over the floor and then pushed or pulled him onto the bed. It would at least explain why his back hurt.

   “Caroline, did you drug me?”

At this point, it was clear to him that reasoning with her as you would with a normal person would be difficult. He was only trying to figure out which level of crazy he was dealing with here.

   “Yeah, that second coffee I gave you knocked you out just like I had planned. But don’t worry, it won’t cause any lasting damage.”

She looked sorry for what she had done.

   “What do you want from me?”

He had no idea what he could possibly offer her other than money. And if it was money she wanted, she could have easily found a more lucrative target than him. He felt her lean over him, lowering her head next to his ear. The fabric of her panties rubbed against his stomach as she huddled her body against his. It felt damp on his skin. Was she wet? Then he heard her whisper in a breathy voice.

   “I want you to rape me.”

Okay, the girl was off the charts crazy, this much was clear. But, he could work with that. He would just pretend to give her what she wants and get her to release him.

   “You mean, you want to do some rape roleplay with me?”

She shook her head.

   “No, no, no! I don’t want to pretend. I want you to take me in whatever way you want and not to stop whatever I say! No safe word, nothing!”

Did she not realize that she made no sense? How often does a rape start with the victim asking for it? It didn’t matter, he’d play along until he got her to release him.

   “I’ve read so many of your stories on Ravishu! I want you to rape me like the girls in your stories and then write about it! I’ve had my first orgasm masturbating while reading 'Preventing Her' and I wish you could hypnotize me like that police officer in one of your latest stories. Your stories were my sexual awakening and I want nothing more than you forcefully taking my virginity from me! I saved myself for you!”

She was rubbing her body excitedly against his as she talked herself into a frenzy. Under different circumstances, he might have found this scene very arousing. A female fan throwing herself at his feet, begging him to act out some fantasy with her and then write a story about it? Great, he’d be all in! But this chick was just nuts. Some virgin girl that reads a few dark stories and thinks she wants to be raped? She had no idea what she was talking about. The pain she would have to endure if he inflicted only half of what his average story contained on her body… She’d never come to like that, no matter how much she might like reading his stories.

   “Okay, let’s do this! But you surely do know that even I can’t rape someone without my arms and legs, right?”

She stared at him with a disappointed look on her face.

   “You think I’m stupid, don’t you?”

Well, in a way, sure, he thought. There were many ways to be stupid in this world and she just might have found a new one. But he couldn’t say that to her face.

   “No, no! You are just… young and… a bit confused. But that’s nothing that a good rape can’t fix. So the earlier we start, the better!”

He had no idea what he was saying anymore. He just wanted her to free his arms and legs, and everything else he’d be able to work out somehow.

   “I followed you for a while, you know. I wanted to see how you come up with all your stories. And then I realized: you write a lot about rape, but you do very little actual raping.”

And little meant none to be precise. It was hard for him to fathom how disappointed she sounded. Had this girl really romanticized the idea of rape so much? For the first time in his long career as a rape fantasy author, he had an idea who he was writing these disclaimers for that preceded every single one of his stories. On some level, he understood that he was in danger, that she was a dangerous stalker. For all intents and purposes, he could have fallen asleep at the wheel, crashed and died if he had drunken that drugged coffee a little faster. But some part of him also saw just a very confused, very damaged girl on the brink of tears sitting on top of him. She kept rambling.

   “But okay, I thought, raping people isn’t easy. So if I just gave you an easy opportunity to take me, you wouldn’t be able to resist! I walked alone on the street at night, when you got to work. I waited in front of your house when you got home while it was still dark outside. But you did nothing! You either didn’t care or you didn’t even notice me! I just wanted you to grab me then and there and let me feel your cock! Am I not good enough for one of your fantasies?!”

She started crying as she screamed at him. He couldn’t help himself but feel sorry for her. All he wanted right now was to dry those tears. He had no idea what trauma was hidden underneath that crying face, but that girl needed help!

   “But when I started working at that cafe, you finally noticed me! It was only a matter of time now, or so I thought. Every morning, you and me were alone and I gave you all these signals that I was an easy target. Three weeks did I wait for you to do something. But you did nothing but drink coffee and eat bacon sandwiches! I’ve had enough, I decided that I would make you rape me!”

She wiped her tears away and got off him. She was looking for something in the room but he didn’t know what. Instead of trying to fool her, he decided to reach out to her with kindness.

   “Listen, Caroline. How about you let me go and we talk? Tell me why you like my stories so much. You know that I love to hear what my readers think. And then, I promise, I’ll write a story just for you, exactly how you like them.”

She walked towards a small bag that didn’t belong to him. She must have brought it with her. She crouched in front of it and grabbed a pair of scissors from inside of it. She came back to the bed. He was afraid for a moment that she was about to cut him with the scissors because he wasn’t the man she thought he was. He was kind of relieved when all she did was cut off his underwear.

   “No, I don’t need your stories anymore! I want the real thing and I’ll get it! I’ve got the perfect plan. I will tease you, hurt you and edge you for so long until you can’t take it anymore. And then you will use all your strength to break these binds and take me! To punish me! To release the pressure in your balls!”

Oh fuck, now it got really dangerous. He looked at these cuffs around his ankles and wrists, how they connected to the bed posts. It wouldn’t be easy to break them but if, for example, she left him here alone and he would just die of thirst, if he did nothing, then he could see himself break out of these with effort and time. But he would probably have to considerably hurt his wrists in the process. There had to be a way to reach this girl before it came to that.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2024, 05:24:47 AM by the_claire »

Online The Claire

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2024, 05:32:21 PM »
Chapter 2

On some level, he understood that Caroline had no interest in seriously hurting him. She needed him to be physically able to act out her fantasy. But when she started cutting off his underwear, he was scared after all. Those scissors were very close to his dick and balls and the feeling of the cold metal blades touching his skin reminded him of the potential danger. He was just a man after all.

When she was done cutting, she ripped the cut up fabric from his body, revealing his soft dick in the process. She looked at it, curious and unafraid. He was glad to see her put the scissors away. Then he felt her poke his dick. She was just nudging it with one of her small fingers like she was trying to see whether it’s alive.

   “It’s so soft…”

She murmured to herself. The next thing he felt was her palm just resting on his cock.

   “Caroline, this isn’t right. This is not a story, this is real. A girl like you won’t have any problems to find a guy your own age to explore all kinds of fantasies and kinks with her, trust me!”

He had no idea what he could possibly say to reach her, but saying just nothing wasn’t an option. She gave him an angry look.

   “Stop treating me like a child!”

She grabbed his balls and… squeezed. She didn’t exert a terrible amount of force, but it was enough to hurt and to fuel his imagination what a stronger grip of her tiny hands on his balls might feel like.

   “Okay, I got it! You’re not a child, I’m sorry!”

She released the pressure and started stroking his shaft. He sighed in relief as the pain faded away. It took a while, but ultimately his body yielded to her probing of his dick and he started to get hard. She tried to stay composed, but he could see her eyes widen the first time his cock made a little jump in her hand. Maybe he could get on her good side.

   “Hey, you’re better at this than I thought!”

She looked at him with a skeptical expression on her face.


If he was honest, she was doing okay, but it was nothing special. Basically what you’d expect from a virgin girl. Feeling good from getting your cock rubbed by a pretty girl wasn’t exactly rocket science.

   “Yeah, I mean, you’ve read many of our stories in the forum, not just mine, right? You know what we like to write: the body doesn’t lie. That’s as true for men as for women!”

Of course he knew that a body reacting to a stimulus didn’t necessarily imply pleasure.  Especially as a teenager, he had gotten hard so many times without even knowing what caused it. But she didn’t need to know that right now. She seemed to relax, he would go so far as to say that she even looked a little proud. While she kept stroking him with one hand, she unclasped her bra with the other. The girl’s tits were really not worth mentioning, but they looked good on her.

   “It’s funny. It is all hard now, but the tip is still kinda squishy!”

She put the head of his cock between her thumb and index finger and gave it several small squeezes as she said that. He didn’t dislike the feeling, but it was weird. Here she was, claiming she wanted to be raped, but she treated his cock like it was this harmless and cute plaything. Then, he saw her come closer with her mouth. He could feel her breath on his cock. She opened her mouth just a little. She gently pushed her lips against his tip. She gave his cock the sweetest little kiss, tasting a drop of precum in the process. His cock twitched in response, seeking to explore the inside of her mouth, but she backed away.

He couldn’t deny that this felt good. If he wasn’t literally bound to this bed against his will, this display of innocent eroticism would have made him crazy. He could see one of the rapists in his stories gently caress her hair while she kissed him like that only to plunge his cock into her mouth in response, telling her that this childish peck wasn’t enough to satisfy him. She returned to slowly stroking him, looking him in the eye.

   “In many of your stories, you describe yourself getting hurt. You’re a bit of a masochist, aren’t you?

He couldn’t tell whether she was genuinely curious or had made up her mind already.

   “Not really,… these are just stories. I think that rapists deserve to get their comeuppance, that’s all.”

She was suddenly angry and slapped him across his face.

   “Don’t lie to me! I know you better than anyone!”

How could such a small woman be this scary? He saw her press the nail of her index finger against her thumb. He had an idea of what she was about to do as her hand hovered over his erect cock. He braced himself for impact when she flicked her finger against the head of his cock.

   “Hng! You little…!”

She gave him barely anytime to recover when she flicked her finger again.

   “I thought it were the balls that hurt a guy so much when he gets hit between his legs.”

She was starting to make him really angry.

   “You fucking… How would you like it if flicked my fingers against your clit?!”

She flicked him again.

   “I don’t know. Why don’t you teach me all about it? I think I’ve been a bad girl.”

And again.

   “I like how it sways back and forth after every hit, like a sexually frustrated pendulum!”

She giggled a little while he groaned in pain.

   “No, don’t get soft just because it hurts a little. You only get to get soft after coming inside me!”

She returned to slowly stroking his cock. Is this what this was going to be? Her getting him hard until he was close to coming and then torture?

This went on for about half an hour. He needed this to end. He tried to rip himself free from his constraints, but so far this had only added to his pain. His wrists and ankles were already sore.

   “You see, girl? I’m really trying to rape you, these cuffs are just too durable!”

He tried to sound unfaced, but he couldn’t hide the desperation in his voice.

   “Don’t be silly. Your wrists aren’t even bleeding yet!”

She stopped stroking his cock.

   “But we should move on to the next stage.”

She slapped his balls as if she was saying goodbye for a while. He flinched and groaned in response. Then she pulled her panties off and threw them onto his face. He could smell her arousal. Her panties were so wet, there was no doubt that she was really getting off on all this. He felt her climb on top of him. At this point, he really wanted to feel that virgin hole wrap around his shaft. Instead, she pressed her labia against his shaft and let his cock slide back and forth between her drenched lips. She lowered her body onto his, making him feel the warmth of her teenage body. He was starting to thoroughly enjoy this when she suddenly bit into his left nipple.


He cried out in pain. He was shaking his body as much he could, trying to throw her off. She got back into an upright position, still sitting on his cock, coating it with her fluids. She proceeded to twist the other nipple with one hand while she gagged him with her panties using the other hand. He started another attempt to break free. By now, he really wanted to show this little bitch who was in charge, but he could still control himself. He couldn’t give her the satisfaction that this stupid plan of hers actually worked.

   “I think you deserve a drink! Alcohol lowers our inhibitions, right? I’m still looking for the beast buried underneath the nice guy you’re trying to present yourself as.”

Oh god, what would she force him to drink, he wondered. Caroline got off his body and ran out of the room.

   “I think I saw something nice in the living room while you were asleep…”

He could hear her talk from a distance. And he had a suspicion what she was talking about. Fuck this cunt, she wouldn’t dare to use that for her sick, twisted plan! She came back with a fancy bottle in hand.

   “So, I don’t know a lot about this whiskey… but this looks expensive.”

She held in her hands a 21 years old Hibiki limited edition whiskey from the House of Santory distillery in Japan. He had bought this for almost a thousand dollars, Canadian dollars, but still! On his 60th birthday, he and his girlfriend had opened the bottle and it hasn’t been touched since.

   “HMM! Hmpf! Unngh!”

The panties in his mouth made it impossible for him to speak. He could only watch in utter despair as she opened the bottle. She took the panties out of his mouth.

   “Do you like how I taste?”

He was close to done with this girl.

   “Listen, this isn’t fun anymore. Put that down! RIGHT N…!”

She closed his nose with her fingers, forcing him to breath through his mouth. Next, he felt her gently pushing the bottle against his lips. He didn’t want to drink this whiskey, not like this. But at some point, he had to breath and she was relentless, forcing the whiskey down his throat, just a few sips.

   “I got something else for you that you might like.”

She walked back to the bag she brought with her while he coughed. He had to remind himself that she was just a traumatized, sick girl. She didn’t know what she was doing or asking for. He returned with a pill in her hand.

   “What is that?”

He had enough of getting drugged by her.

   “Just some Viagra.”

Again, she forced him to breathe through his mouth and gave him the pill when he was unable to hold his breath any longer. He tried not to swallow, but she washed it down his throat when she force fed him even more whiskey. Immediately after, she resumed her torture of his poor dick. He wanted so desperately to come and his erection started to hurt.

He was struggling hard against his constraints. His wrists hurt like hell but he thought that he was making progress. By now, she had flicked his dick, squeezed his balls, slapped his face, spanked his ass, bit and twisted his nipples, wasted his precious whiskey and made him swallow Viagra. He wanted to come, he didn’t care where or how anymore, but she didn’t let him. She wasn’t experienced enough to know when he was about to come exactly, but she decided to err on the side of caution and usually stopped a little earlier teasing him than she had to. Besides the harm she inflicted directly, he also started to hurt from simply being erect for too long. All of his good will to her was gone by this point and he just wanted her to stop.

   “Please, just let me come and then go away. I can’t do this anymore.”

She was slowly licking his cock and squeezed his balls whenever she thought that he was close to coming.

   “I did not expect you to resist for that long. I got one more trump card that I am sure will motivate you.”

Once more, she got up and walked towards that bag of hell she had prepared for him. What more could she possibly do? And then he saw her grab it: a dildo. And after everything he’d been through, he knew that she wasn’t joking. She would absolutely go through with this. That was it. He was done. He would not be anally raped by some teenage girl half his weight, oh hell fucking no! Once more he struggled against his binds. It hurt. It hurt a lot. At first, his wrists had become sore. By now they were heavily bruised, taking on a dark blue shade. And by the time he was done, he’d be bleeding, of that he was sure. But so be it. He’d rip his hands off if he had to!


He screamed through the pain, forcing his body to resist the impulse to lie down quietly. And finally, with blood dripping from his wrists onto his bed, he tore himself free. Immediately, he lunged his body into an upright position and grabbed the surprised girl kneeling between his legs before she could even think of getting away. He’d teach her that getting raped wasn’t fun.

Online The Claire

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2024, 05:33:09 PM »
Chapter 3

He grabbed her by her arms and was determined to not let her go. He was still bound at his ankles but before he’d force her to unlock him, he had something to do. He spun her around like she weighed nothing and pressed her face into the mattress, having her present her naked ass for him. He didn’t need to think twice about what he would do next. He rammed his cock into her drenched cunt and just came.

She screamed. Whether it was out of fear or surprise over how fast this turning of the table had happened, he didn’t know and more so he didn’t care. But he didn’t want to hear her. Thus, he decided to suffocate her scream by putting one of his hands over her mouth and nose. She likely couldn’t breath and therefore kept screaming into his hand, but her muffled groans and shouts weren’t able to disturb this moment of tranquility. He closed his eyes, tilted his head back and simply focused on the only thing that mattered.

He had penetrated her balls deep with a single thrust and he came immediately. He didn’t even try to delay his orgasm. He knew that he wouldn’t grow soft after coming just once, not after all that teasing, no torture, and with that Viagra in his system. That first filling for her virgin cunt, that was just a desperately needed release of tension and lube for the real fucking that was about to follow. With the sound of her muffled screams in the background, he just focused on the sensations of his cock: how it kept pumping, how her vagina grabbed him, how the tip tingled as he spurt his cum inside her. Nothing else existed in this moment, he was in an almost meditative state in which neither he nor she existed, only his dick, her pussy and his cum flowing into her.

As his orgasm subsided, other sensations returned to his mind: The pain on his wrists and the feeling of his blood dripping from his arms. The pain he felt on his cock because of the tightness of her canal and the abuse he had to grow through earlier. Her hand clawing at his, begging him to let her breathe. He waited deliberately until his cock stopped twitching, then he let her breathe.

   “You happy now?”

He asked her. She just gasped for air. His mind started to clear up and he was confident that he could endure the pain. He didn’t pull out of her. He wanted her to get used to the feeling and he liked how her vaginal walls clamped down on his cock. When she didn’t answer, he didn’t bother waiting any longer for a response.

   “Where is the key for the cuffs on my ankles? And don’t fuck with me anymore.”

She was breathing heavily, but she didn’t seem completely broken yet.

   “In my bag…”

She suddenly sounded so timid.

   “Good. I’ll grab onto one of your ankles with my hand. You should be able to crawl to your bag like this and stay within reach of my hands. Don’t try anything funny.”

She nodded and then crawled off the bed to her bag while he stretched his arm as far as he could, giving her more reach like a dog on a leash. It worked as he had planned.

   “Remove my cuffs.”

He spoke in an emotionless voice with her. She did as she was told. She seemed a bit shook from his initial assault and she knew that with his hands free, he would be able to free himself even without her help eventually. The key just made things easier.

He was finally completely free again and he didn’t waste a second. The moment that his legs were released, he slapped her face so hard that she fell onto the bed. She shrieked. He grabbed her legs, pulled her towards him and spread her legs wide. Before, he had cum inside her doggy style. Now he wanted to fuck her missionary as she wasn’t crying yet. Once she started crying - and he was sure she would - he didn’t want to see her face anymore. He saw that his cum was about to leak out of her. The perfect opportunity to use his cock to push it back into her.

He pushed his cock slowly into her. This time, he wanted her to feel it, slowly but surely, every single inch. He looked her in the eye as he pushed into her, facing no resistance at all from her drenched and cum filled cunt. She tried to put on a brave face, but he could see her flinch. Then, the real fucking began.

He started clapping her cheeks at full speed, no mercy for this first timer. He tried to read her face, but it was difficult.

   “Is it like you imagined, you stupid cunt?”

She was still defiant.

   “Ung… Yes…. Hmpf”

That was the only word she said between her pained moans. He couldn’t even hear a hint of pleasure from her voice. Good, he thought. He would mold her holes in the shape of his cock and teach her to never provoke somebody to rape her again. He was doing her a favor!

He had written so many stories about young girls like her, but when was the last time that he actually fucked one? He would savor this encounter until he felt that she had repayed him for all the pain he had to endure. He didn’t think that he could thrust into her any faster than he already did, but he kept accelerating. She was having a harder and harder time suppressing the pain she felt. He loved to see her squirm underneath him, how he held both her arms down over her head with just one hand. Too bad that her tits were so small. If they were even a little bigger, seeing them jump with every of his thrusts would have been a feast for the eyes.

   “Anything you want to say, Caroline?”

He taunted her now. What was going through her head, he wondered. For how long he could keep going like this? He didn’t know himself. If he would use her other holes as well? Oh most definitely! If she could get pregnant? She must have been prepared for that possibility. None of it mattered to him for as long as her tight cunt kept grabbing him like this. But she was about to answer his question.

   “Hmpf…. Ahhh… When…. When does it… start to feel good?”

For a moment, he was baffled. Then he felt motivated to keep fucking her like never before. He let her feel the entire weight of his body on hers as kept plowing her. He whispered the answer to her question directly into her ear.

   “You really think we’re in one of my stories, don’t you? Well sweety, I’ve got some bad news for you. We’re in one of Claire’s stories. And in Claire’s stories, virgin cunts like yourself don’t get to enjoy it when big cocks rip their untouched pussy apart.”

As he sped up his thrusts one last time for the sprint before the finish line, he was convinced that Caroline finally admitted to herself that she had made a mistake.

   “Please..., it really hurts!”

There it was, the simple truth dawned on her.

   “Good, but don’t worry. I’ll come soon and then your pussy will get a break. But you won’t know what pain is until I fuck your ass!”

She was so desperately trying to endure the abuse of her cunt now. When he saw her bite down on her lower lip and close her eyes in pain, she sent him over the edge.

   “AAAHH!! Mmmhhhmmm….”

Moaning in unimaginable pleasure, he flooded her teenage cunt for the second time with his seed.

Looking at her naked body, his cock impaling her between her legs, the cum flowing out of her between her lips and his shaft, he could only wonder: How did so much cock and cum actually fit into such a small delicate body? As he withdrew from her battered hole, he could see blood on his cock. Virgin or not, she had been so wet that under normal circumstances there wouldn’t have been any blood. He had simply fucked her so hard that she got hurt. And he could feel the pain on his own cock too. He was determined to fuck her ass, but he and his cock needed a short rest.

She began to sob. For the first time, she might have fully understood what she had asked for. But he was determined to not let it affect him. He didn’t look at her and leaned back into a comfortable position.

   “Get here and lick my cock clean. I don’t want it lubed up with your juices later when I fuck your ass.”

She didn’t move at all as if his command hadn’t registered with her brain. He grabbed her by her arm and pulled her face to his crotch.

   “Start licking. You’re not getting anywhere without getting the full rape treatment that you’ve ordered. So start licking.”

She hesitated briefly, then she started licking. Earlier, when she had been in control, her licking had been playful. Now she looked like she was completing an arduous task. Maybe it was licking up her own blood from his cock that disgusted her, maybe it was the lingering pain in her crotch that distracted her, either way, he didn’t know. Far from finished, she stopped and looked him in the eye, tears streaming down her face.

   “Please, I’m so sorry. I get it now. I’ll never do it again! This isn’t fun!”

Dismissively, he clucked his tongue once. That licking was taking too long anyway and he could feel those tears tug at his heartstrings. So, he grabbed her by her hair and pushed her face down his cock.

   “No girl, I’m not playing that game. If I let you go now and a few days from now your cunt stops hurting, you might lie awake one night and come to the fucked up conclusion: ‘Hey, it didn’t feel as good as I thought, but maybe it feels nicer up my ass!’ You’re deranged enough to believe that kind of shit. I don’t want another visit from you two weeks from now. So I’ll fuck this bullshit out of you once and for all! And now clean up that cock, I don’t have all day!”

He watched her clean his cock. The girl didn’t have any experience giving a good blow job, but it was enough to get him hard again. As he looked at her head rocking up and down between his legs guided by his hand on her head, he finally had the idea for a new story. He would be in court accused of rape by Caroline. Everything would happen in the story just like it had in the real world. And then, during his hearing, they’d go through all the evidence, all the graphic details of their encounter, his and her testimony, photos, video recordings, maybe he’d add a few witnesses into the mix to spice things up. Basically, tell the story of her rape as a nice court room drama with very detailed retellings of the events. And the story would end with him convincing the jury that raping Caroline was self defense, setting a legal precedent that would change rape court cases forever. Perfect, what a delight.

His cock was both clean and hard by now. He let his free hand feel up her tiny tits and pinch her nipples, just as a reminder of what she had done to him.

   “Alright, stop. Don’t look at me, I don’t want to see your face, and lie down on your stomach.”

She did as she was told, but she was shaking like a leaf. She must have had an idea what was about to happen next. He positioned himself behind her and spread her legs once more, stroking his cock while doing so. There was still cum trickling out of her cunt. Well, he had fired two big loads into her before the first one had even begun to flow out of her. So, her leaking for a while was to be expected.

   “Spread your cheeks for me.”

Again, she followed his order, understanding the position she was in, but she tried to plead with him once more.

   “My… my pussy still hurts. I don’t want to hurt more. I can finish you with my mouth, please!”

He put one hand on her neck while the other guided his cock to her asshole. Without even considering her offer, he started to push into her, engaging in a battle with her defiant sphincter.

   “I wouldn’t take you up on that offer even if you knew how to give a decent blowjob.”

There was an unmistakable strain in his voice as he tried to force his way into her bowls. Then, the tip slipped in. He groaned in relief and she screamed in pain. He could see from her hands alone how much she was hurting. She kept following his order to spread her cheeks for him, but her fingers were digging into her own butt as she was trying to endure the pain.

Her ass was so tight and so unwilling that it hurt his cock. Especially after she had tortured his cock this much, this level of tightness and friction wasn’t fun. But he wasn’t fucking her for the physical sensation, at least not only for that. No, he wanted revenge and he wanted to teach her a lesson. The pleasure he got from that compensated him more than enough for the struggles that came with penetrating her ass.

He started moving inside of her, but this time it was impossible to start immediately at full speed. No, he had to properly stake that ass on his cock before he could pick up the pace. And so he did. The girl started to scream. He was sure that she was crying buckets of tears by now, but he made sure that he didn’t have to see her face as he fucked her from behind. Moving inside of her became easier and easier as her ass submitted to his cock.

   “Keep those cheeks spread until I come, Caroline. Be a good girl and help me rape your ass!”

The girl was struggling hard, muffling her own screams by biting into a pillow. She pressed her hips into the mattress in a desperate attempt to escape the invading cock, but to no avail, his cock just followed her hips without ever coming close to slipping out of her abused ass. With every thrust, he entered her with his full length, his balls slapping against her pussy. And all the while, she kept those cheeks spread for him like a good little girl, just wanting it to be over.

He wanted to spank that ass so bad while fucking her, but he restraint himself. He’d spank her later. Now he was focused on the increasing pleasure as it became easier and easier to fuck her. He could have drawn out his orgasm further, but why bother? Instead, he wanted to know how fast he could thrust into her and tried to increase his pace as much as she could.

   “HMMM! Hmpf!…. AAHHH!”

Even her muffled screams were now clearly audible in the room, drowning out the sound of her cheeks getting clapped. He neither could nor wanted to delay the inevitable any longer and let his third load of the day spurt into her bowels.

They were both breathing heavily as he slowly pulled out of her.

   “Stay here. You’ll regret it if you try to run.”

He left the crying girl sobbing on his bed as he went into the living room to get himself a whiskey glass. When he returned, she was still lying where he had left her, but she had stopped crying. He grabbed the whiskey bottle and sat down on the edge of the bed.

   “Get over her and lie down over my lap.”

She lifted herself up slowly, just enough so that she could crawl over his lap. She was clearly out of energy. He thought about making her drink some whiskey like she had made him do it. But he didn’t want the alcohol to numb the experience for her.

   “You will get spanked now and then you can go. But you have to prove to me that you know what you’re getting spanked for. So tell me, why do I have to spank you?”

Then his hand struck her bottom for the first time.

   “I… I’ve been a bad girl…”

He started spanking her with slow but constant rhythm.

   “Yes, go on.”

These first few slaps were easy for her to endure.

   “I drugged and kidnapped you…”

The sound of his hand making contact with her butt cheeks reverberated throughout the room.

   “I bound you to your bed…”

He used his free hand to open the whiskey bottle while keeping up his slaps.

   “I hurt your penis and squeezed your balls…”

Then he poured himself a glass between two slaps.

   “I bit your nipples…”

He took a sip from his whiskey while admiring how red her cheeks had become.

   “Ah… sniffle… I wasted your precious whiskey…”

As his hands connected with her slowly bruising ass over and over again, he got another erection.

   “AH,… hmpf,… I threatened to rape you with a dildo…”

He could feel his cock press against her stomach.

   “HHMmm, ungh… Ah! … I forced you to rape me…”

He kept spanking her further as she completed the list of her wrongdoings. Then it was time to ask her some questions.

   “Good, do you still think getting raped is fun or romantic?”

It was getting harder and harder for her to speak as the slaps became more and more painful.

   “AHHH!! Hnnngg…  No,… there is nothing fun about getting raped…”

He nodded approvingly, but he wasn’t done yet.

   “What do we say if we’ve wronged someone?”

With every further slap, she made a little jump on his lap.

   “I’m… AAAHHH!…. sorry!”

Her cheeks had turned from white, to red, to crimson and were now starting to shift to blue.

   “And what do we say if somebody taught us a valuable lesson?”

As he felt his cock trying to lift her body from his lap, he wanted to fuck her just one more time.

   “Thank… HMM!… you…”

His last slap landed on her butt and his hand came to a rest. He was now gently caressing her beaten ass.

   “Good girl.”

For a moment, he just enjoyed feeling of her ass on his hand. She was a beautiful woman after all. A little girlish for his taste, but he couldn’t deny that she had a nice firm ass.

   “Can… Can I go now?”

She sounded somewhat hopeful as she asked the question.

   “No, your spanking isn’t over yet.”

He heard her whimper a little.

   “Don’t cry, it’s almost over. Stand up!”

She got off his lap. Looking at his erect cock with worry in her eyes, she got on her wobbly feet. She rubbed her hurting bum.

   “But you said I…”

He shook his head.

   “I know what I said and you can go after your spanking is over. Now go over there, turn your back to me and face the wall.”

Defeated, she did as she was told.

   “Spread your legs and bent over. Use one of your hands to spread your ass cheeks and your cunt’s lips. Spank yourself with the other. And make sure that each slap produces a nice sound or I’ll help you!”

She was close to panicking, but she bent over as she was told. As she got ready, she asked.

   “For… for how long… do I have to do this?”

He smirked a little.

   “Until all of my remaining cum has dripped out of your pussy and ass. Please say you’re sorry after each slap. Oh, and the harder you slap yourself, the quicker my juice will ooze out of you.”

He had no idea whether that last part was actually true. But if it worked for ketchup bottles, then why not for women?

He leaned back on the bed and poured himself another glass of whiskey. Then, he just enjoyed the show. What a view. A beautiful young girl bent over in front of him, spreading her pussy and ass for him. She spanks herself, apologizing for her misbehavior with each slap. Every now and then, one of her slaps squeezes some of his cum out of her abused holes and he watches it drip to the floor or run down her thighs. How could he not masturbate to this? Stroking his cock with one hand, he drank his favorite whiskey with the other.

He probably watched her spank herself longer than necessary. But how was he supposed to know if there was still cum inside of her or not?

   “Okay, you can stop. Stand upright but don’t move.”

He emptied the glass, then he got up from the bed and moved behind her. She flinched when she felt his hand on her ass.

   “Don’t worry, I’m just here to check.”

He let one finger first slide into her ass, then he wandered a little further and checked her pussy for cum. To be honest, he was about to let her go no matter how much cum he’d find on his finger after checking her holes. He just wanted to feel one more time how her pussy’s lips parted for his invading finger. She simply endured the humiliation. What was slowly getting penetrated by one finger against what she had experienced earlier?

   “You can get dressed now, but do as I tell you. Start with your bra and your top.”

She didn’t seem to care in which order she put her clothes back on. She only wanted to get out of this place. The top half of her body was covered by clothes again.

   “Good, now continue with your panties and then with your hot pants.”

She walked like a lifeless shell to her clothes. She put her panties back on and then stepped into her hot pants. Suddenly, he sprinted towards her as if somebody had fired the starting pistol for a 100m dash. He grabbed her and pushed her delicate body against the wall. Her ass pressed into his crotch and the hot pants around her ankles restricted the movement of her legs.

   “What… what are you doing?”

Standing behind her, he pulled her panties to the side and plunged his cock into her cunt. He had one last thing to do.

   “Here, for you.”

He thrusted into her with maximum force. He wouldn’t last long after masturbating to her spanking herself earlier, and he didn’t mean to.

   “For your way home!”

He repeated her earlier words to her and as he finished inside her, he said:

   “It’s on me.”

And he felt finally satisfied.

   “Now we’re even, you can go now. And first thing tomorrow, you’ll send me those panties via mail.”

He pulled out of her and readjusted her panties. When his cum would drip out of her on her way home, he wanted it to leak into her panties and stick to her pussy’s lips, just as a memento of their time together.

She was crying now and he no longer looked away from her tears. He felt sorry for her. But she never would have stopped. She needed to learn this the hard way. He let go of her. Sobbing, she pulled up her hot pants. She walked towards the door of his bedroom and the last thing she had to say was:

   “I’m… sorry… sniffle… Thank you….”

He watched after her to make sure that she actually left the house. She looked the same as this morning when she had brought him his first coffee, a bit more disheveled maybe. She was his newest obsession. A petite woman, 18, 19, maybe 20 years old, short black hair, pale skin, freckles, wearing a blue strapless top and hot pants today, nice perky ass, but no tits to speak of. The cuteness of a girl blessed with only a hint of adult femininity. And now she leaked his cum as she walked.

He smirked. It was time to start writing. He sat down in front of his PC, poured himself another whiskey and opened up a new document for his new story. Title: The Courtroom.


Hey, thank you for reading Self-Defense to the very end! A short comment with some feedback or participating in the poll would be greatly appreciated. Let's get TGH to actually write that story. ;)
« Last Edit: November 13, 2024, 06:33:07 PM by the_claire »

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2024, 05:49:09 PM »
Well what can I say but Thank You!

The whole story was logically present to the reader. maybe it should have been posted over a few days  instead of all at once.
The characters were very well written and present their own moral sense in ways that I feel most here can identify with. Okay that said Caroline is presented a little delusional if not outright "Bat shit crazy!" who shows that it's not only a male who can think so far outside the box that the reader wonders if she brain damaged  and if not then what the hell is she thinking!

As for: should TGH write "The Courtroom", take it from me I have so much on the go right now that adding a new multi-part story would just be asking for it to be started then forgotten. Maybe some else (Say the_claire) should consider writing it with him  ;)
« Last Edit: November 20, 2024, 02:18:38 PM by To-Get-Her »
When I get around to it, I'll write

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2024, 12:26:49 AM »

As for: should TGH write "The Courtroom", take it from me I have so much on the go right now that adding a new multi-part story would just be asking for it to be started then forgotten. Maybe some else (Say the_claire) should consider writing it with him  ;)

Ok, TGH, it looks like there is at least a moderate interest in you wrting that story. That one "No"-vote is from you, right? I've never written anything together with somebody else. What do you suggest how we do this?

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2024, 10:45:28 AM »
So we discount your 'yes' vote and my 'no' vote, that leaves use with two individuals who only voted but never commented on the actual story itself. For all we know they ignored the story and voted, not giving a damn about the scenario or how it would unfold further!

To me we would have to agree where the trial is before sitting down to try to write it out. Obvious, I would write Graham's testimony, leaving you to write Caroline's. Thus the first issue, is Caroline's testimony to defend herself or done in cross examination? Is she to be made to look sexually immature or someone who knew what she wanted  but not able to identify the immoral issues involved!

Either way before we attempt to write things need to be clear between us!
When I get around to it, I'll write

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2024, 01:37:12 PM »
A brilliant story and an absolutely new idea. Never heard about a girl who forced a man to rape her. I think I will visit cafés more often. Perhaps I meet a young waitress like Caroline.

And I'm a bit jealous of TGH because he has such a great fan.

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2024, 02:46:04 PM »

And I'm a bit jealous of TGH because he has such a great fan.

Ok, I have to ask... do you mean me or Caroline? If you're talking about Caroline, I think you might need to read the story again.  :emot_laughing.gif:

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2024, 01:02:48 AM »

Ok, I have to ask... do you mean me or Caroline? If you're talking about Caroline, I think you might need to read the story again.  :emot_laughing.gif:

I meant you.

But Caroline ist a fan of him too, isn't she? Perhaps a bit exaggerated

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2024, 03:21:51 AM »

But Caroline ist a fan of him too, isn't she? Perhaps a bit exaggerated

Oh, she is a fan indeed. I just wouldn't be jealous of anyone who has a fan like her. :P But maybe TGH thinks that she is the kind of fangirl he always wished for? ;)

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2024, 11:51:17 AM »
This was a magnificent story and I really enjoyed reading it so well done for creating a scenario and situation that is unique and different and hopefully can be given a continuation by someone who is more than capable of creating riveting stories. The description of Caroline was so good and I loved the little details you included of RU life to give this story a realistic approach especially the opening few lines where Mr. TGH is reading the latest offerings of the day!
I have read, I have voted in the resounding yes and hopefully something will happen and I would like to read more about Caroline as she has potential to be a focal point of other stories.
I apologise for not reading this earlier, have been facing serious medical issues so been away from all forms of communication but this had to be commented on. Accept a merit to your collection and well done.

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2024, 12:38:57 PM »
Oh, she is a fan indeed. I just wouldn't be jealous of anyone who has a fan like her. :P But maybe TGH thinks that she is the kind of fangirl he always wished for? ;)

I can not speak for TGH, I do not know what fans he wants to have.
But if any real woman here likes my storys and wants to meet me - just send me a PM. You even don't have to break into my house, I will open the door for you.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2024, 06:22:07 AM by Mister X »

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2024, 01:20:20 PM »
This was a magnificent story and I really enjoyed reading it so well done for creating a scenario and situation that is unique and different and hopefully can be given a continuation by someone who is more than capable of creating riveting stories. The description of Caroline was so good and I loved the little details you included of RU life to give this story a realistic approach especially the opening few lines where Mr. TGH is reading the latest offerings of the day!
I have read, I have voted in the resounding yes and hopefully something will happen and I would like to read more about Caroline as she has potential to be a focal point of other stories.
I apologise for not reading this earlier, have been facing serious medical issues so been away from all forms of communication but this had to be commented on. Accept a merit to your collection and well done.

I really hope you're getting better soon! And, medical issues or not, please never apologize for taking your time to read one of my stories. Your kind and very detailled feedback is as much appreciated now as it would have been on the first day that I posted this story. I'm so happy that you appreciate that bit of Ravishu lore that I added to the introduction. I really wanted TGH to feel connected to the story. I even looked up who Shania Twain is in the Canadian music thread that he likes to post in just so that I could include some Canadian musician he listens to while he is driving home from work. ;)

Quote from: Mister X
But if any real woman here like my storys and wants to meet me - just send me a PM. You even don't have to break into my house, I will open the door for you.

Right, who cares that she might chain you to your bed and torture you as long as she shares your interest in rape fantasies? Men can be such simple creatures.  ;)

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Re: Self-Defense - A Tribute to To-Get-Her
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2024, 08:16:03 PM »
Wow!  What a tribute with such a creative plot.  The entire story setup immediately gave me "Misery" vibes with the "fan".  I'm so impressed with the little nuances of the dialogue and the pace of the story.  I had no problems reading it from start to end so quickly because the entirety of it is just so riveting.

I also had to chuckle at all the little jokes directed at RavishU.  The self deprecating humor is a fun touch, lol, "Didn't have time to read it... novel length setup..." hahaha