Author Topic: Turned on by women's real rape experiences - Good? Bad?  (Read 16550 times)

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Re: Turned on by women's real rape experiences - Good? Bad?
« Reply #90 on: November 15, 2017, 06:28:29 PM »
I know what I mean.  I grew up Transgender, in Raleigh NC.  So, when I say Traumatic?  No, I don't mean "A broken nose, or something."

So, if you're planning on Humiliating me, I guess you should study up. 

So? What you mean?

You are into no-weight-class combat! Aren't you?
I am!
And I did take you literally!

If it is poor taste FOR YOU, then ... Forget about it!

If not, I want detail!

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Re: Turned on by women's real rape experiences - Good? Bad?
« Reply #91 on: November 15, 2017, 08:29:13 PM »
You are into no-weight-class combat! Aren't you?

With some compensating rules, depending on the Discipline.  MMA?  Yeah, they already have a Leaderboard.  Right?  You have to defeat X number of Y ranked Fighters to work your way up into Title Fights?  This might be a getting a little non-sequitor for much detail (Rules Lawering) in a discussion about enjoying Women's Real Rape experiences, but yeah.

I think women should fight men, publically.  Even Title Fights, if Rhonda can climb the Scrotum Pole to take on, let's say Kimbo, then let her have her shot.  He's not going to rape her in the octagon, right in front of the cameras, and referees.

One of the most powerful tools in Rape Culture is reinforcing the idea that women CAN'T fight back.  Can't possibly beat a man, in a fight (There's no fair in a streetfight, or a back seat.  Anger Retaliators attack strangers from behind, preferably in the dark)  A small part of that is the myth that men are bigger, and stronger, ∴ no woman can fight any man, and win, so they might as well give up.  So they won't get hurt.  This enables rapists.

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Re: Turned on by women's real rape experiences - Good? Bad?
« Reply #92 on: November 15, 2017, 09:25:12 PM »
You are into no-weight-class combat! Aren't you?

With some compensating rules, depending on the Discipline.  MMA?  

MMA is bullshit!

All combat have rules!
Boxing is for punching!
Kickbox is for kicking!
Lawsuits ARE for victims!

The weak cannot fight by the stronger's rule book!

Men are supposed to feel ashamed for having a working penis! Aren't we?
That is why we wear clothes, to hide our shame!
There are no well known laws about burning money!                     For who wants to burn money? ...
There are      well known laws about hugging attractive people!    For who DOES NOT want to hug an attractive woman/man/person? ...

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Re: Turned on by women's real rape experiences - Good? Bad? (UPDATE: Oops)
« Reply #93 on: September 22, 2021, 03:59:41 PM »
Hey if rape fantasies turn you on and you're a member here, then of course real rape stories will turn you on.  I recall hearing a news story about a 12 year old boy stalking and raping a 33 year old woman (TWICE in one month) I was sooo turned on by that story that I jacked and came 5x within 3 hours!  Did I feel guilty?  I felt bad for the woman of course...

One of the reasons why I think stories about real rape turn us on so much is that it is one of the few situations where a very specific act of sexual intercourse is discussed in public. Rarely, if ever, does the news cover specific acts of sexual intercourse. If it is mentioned in the news that a couple had a baby, yeah we tend to assume that they had sex about nine months earlier. But the exact time and circumstances when that sex occurred are usually left vague. If we hear that a couple have gotten married, or are now living together, we tend to assume they are having sex--but rarely are the specifics as to that sex given.

By contrast with rape a specific act of intercourse is described--sometimes in considerable detail that would be unthinkable were we discussing an act of consensual intercourse (as opposed to nonconsensual intercourse--ie rape). Rape exposes certain biological processes that are usually kept private not just to the victim and the rapist but often to the general public as well. Yes, often the names, especially that of the victim, are kept anonymous, but stories about real rape do involve a public discussion about very specific biological acts that are usually kept much more private. To me it isn't surprising that this biologically turns a lot of people on.

Whenever a given act of rape is reported in the news, I wonder how many other orgasms it inspires. These particular two rapes of this 33 year old woman by a 12 year old boy seems to have inspired you to masturbate five times within a few hours. Hearing about it was a turn on for me as well, and no doubt for many others who read about it in the news or on here.
"Four to five days every month before my period I would just basically be kind of a crazy person.  I would suddenly be extremely moody.  I would get into fights with people."--Angela describing her PMS

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Re: Turned on by women's real rape experiences - Good? Bad?
« Reply #94 on: January 02, 2024, 01:34:45 AM »
I can't speak for anyone but myself and I have to say that I may feel bad for someone but that part of me that is into this fantasy gets turned on hearing about and/or reading about these real life experiences. I don't wish it on anyone but for whatever reason it makes me wet and I'd be a liar to deny it.

I used to feel guilty about having these feelings but over time that part of me has pretty much given up. And no I don't believe that it should happen and I'd be happy if no one ever had to go through it irl. But it does happen and I can't help but feel that way.

I always get who and what I want