You are into no-weight-class combat! Aren't you?
With some compensating rules, depending on the Discipline. MMA? Yeah, they already have a Leaderboard. Right? You have to defeat X number of Y ranked Fighters to work your way up into Title Fights? This might be a getting a little non-sequitor for much detail (Rules Lawering) in a discussion about enjoying Women's Real Rape experiences, but yeah.
I think women should fight men, publically. Even Title Fights, if Rhonda can climb the Scrotum Pole to take on, let's say Kimbo, then let her have her shot. He's not going to rape her in the octagon, right in front of the cameras, and referees.
One of the most powerful tools in Rape Culture is reinforcing the idea that women CAN'T fight back. Can't possibly beat a man, in a fight (There's no fair in a streetfight, or a back seat. Anger Retaliators attack strangers from behind, preferably in the dark) A small part of that is the myth that men are bigger, and stronger, ∴ no woman can fight any man, and win, so they might as well give up. So they won't get hurt. This enables rapists.