"Wakey wakey!"
Candace's eyes slowly fluttered open, to the sound of a recurring nasal voice.
"Wakey wakey!"
She managed to push her torso off the floor, refraining from moving her pelvis which felt very sore and tender. The ground felt like it was moving, swaying ever so slowly.
"Was this some sort of cargo truck?," she wondered.
The faint click-clack sounds suddenly registered that this must have been a train boxcar. The scale of the dark interior dimensions seemed just about right. On one end, the far door was guarded with a set of bars like a jail cell. The other end had an accessible door, with an odd looking machine with computer monitor atop.
Candace realized now that the siamese twins were nowhere to be found, adding to this mystery.
"Wakey wakey!"
That voice again! She looked up and screamed. That clown again was looming over her in the darkness, it's dark pool of eyes searing into her body.
"Ahh! Finally awake! The twins must have given you quite the workout!"
A gasp and panic set in, as Candace blushed from the reminder of what transpired. She trembled covering her nakedness, as the clown's eyes continued to travel up and down her body.
"W-why am I here!? Let me out!!!," she shrieked.
"My my, why leave so soon? The twins were quite captivated by you. It's not often... well, never... that they manage to cum..."
"What!?!" Candace couldn't comprehend any of this. Nothing made any sense to her abject terror.
"And if you think the twins were interesting, just wait to you see Polymorphic Phil, Cottonmouth Jake, Cooter..."
She had no idea what any of that could possibly mean, adding to her panic.
"Let me out NOW!!!"
"Hmm, you desire the key... tsk tsk. Okay, here's what to do. See that beaker on the machine, fetch it for the way out."
Candace froze, not knowing what to do. A beaker? What would that have to do with anything? It deepened the confusion and eeriness of everything.
Eventually, she made her way over to this odd looking machine, keeping her distance from this freakshow of a clown. This thing looked shiny and new, like a modern laboratory appliance sitting incongruently within rusty walls. She gingerly removed the beaker, her sense on high alert, almost flinching as if something afoul would get triggered.
"Good good... you've taken that critical first step! Now collect for us a fresh semen sample from the twins!"

Did she hear right? She looked at the beaker with incredulous eyes. It seemed all unfathomable.
"Hurry up now, don't waste a single drop! The way out requires a certain volume," he instructed.
Again, Candace wasn't sure what to do. Collect? Was she supposed to... oh god. She already felt the twins' slimy aftermath oozing out. Would it be too late? She reluctantly swallowed her pride and reluctantly did as she was told.

The slow drizzle of jizz seemed insignificant in the clear glass volume. Despite pooling at the bottom, the pearly white mess barely registered a few drops.
"You're going to have to do better than that! I know the twins' had a lot to offer!," he chided.
She flinched at the mere suggestion of it all. Sighing, Candace relented and dipped a slim finger in her tender opening. Swirling it about let loose some copious dollops of hot cum to spill out. For good measure, she clenched the walls of her pussy, squeezing out more of this vile seed.

"Hmmm... that might be a little low, you should get more!"
Her anus was still gaped from the furious pounding delivered by Twin One. His deeply embedded sticky sperm was beginning to drool out now too, adding to the sample. Candice's skin along her cheeks and chest flashed bright red, burnished with shame and humiliation at her plight. All of this was unbelievable. Who could ever conceive of such a scenario, submitting her to such a perverse act!
"Ah! So you know, shit, spit, and cunt juice doesn't count. But I think I see enough in the jar, go ahead and put it back on the machine. And press that red button!"
The confused look on her face said it all. Submissively, she gingerly placed that beaker on the machine like she was told and gingerly pressed the button.
A light flashed into the top of the beaker from a stalk, and the machine's screen booted up to life. A myriad of information could have all been in Greek for all that she could comprehend. It seemed to be analyzing.

The lab apparatus continued to whir, whizzing in staccato notes as it scanned the sample. It's sophisticated sensors pored through the liquid, disregarding contaminants like her vaginal secretions. Instead, it focused on genetic information supplied by the Twins. Their comingled loads were essentially one and the same, providing a satisfactory dataset for this machine.
With a beep, the screen flashed green, and suddenly the door slid open.
Candace stood, dumbstruck, not entirely sure what to do. Was this freedom? It all struck her like some sort of escape room, except with a decidedly degrading task. She looked out the door, seeing the next boxcar, and heard the sound of wind.
"You've done it! Go on now, on to the next!"
The next?! It felt like her stomach suddenly dropped, nearly causing her to faint. There was going to be more wasn't there? Now it registered, when that clown rattled off those names, like polysomething Phil or whatever? And what was the purpose of the machine? What was it analyzing? Why were the Twins asking for help? Was this a mad science experiment? So many scary questions...
She looked at the door, deciding that anything was better than being around a scary clown.
She nervously stepped out, stepping onto a floor grate that mechanically connected the boxcars. The train was indeed moving at a brisk pace, essentially barring any thoughts of jumping off. Not that it was even possible, not with the secured strands of coiled barbed wire covering the gaps.

Candace shivered as the cold night air whipped across skin and hair. Where were they taking her? How far has this train gone?
Her nipples felt as hard as rocks as it was freezing cold, so she knew what she had to do. Another step triggered open the next boxcar door, as she strode into the musty warmth of uncertainty.
The door slid shut behind her, enveloping her in the darkness of what was next to come.