Author Topic: September 2022 Contest Winner  (Read 1607 times)

Offline Army of One

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September 2022 Contest Winner
« on: October 16, 2022, 08:13:03 AM »
With a close vote, at 2 to 1, RapeU's story The Eye of the Storm takes out this month's contest. Good luck to everyone going in for the current month's contest.
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

Offline VictoriaTimmons

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Re: September 2022 Contest Winner
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2022, 11:08:35 PM »
So, between both of our stories, there were 1,800+ reads. (500+ for RapeU, and 1,300+ for myself.)
Only 3 votes were cast. (And I happen to know that two of those votes came from the two authors themselves).
So actually, ONE vote.
Out of all of those reads.

My next story is going to be about a waitress who gets raped.
Not raped sexually, but monetarily.
See, she does a pretty good job, but still, only 0.05% of her customers bother to leave a tip.
And when one customer does finally leave a tip, it's for the other server!

Anyway, Congratulations, R.U.

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Re: September 2022 Contest Winner
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2022, 06:44:29 PM »
That's bizarre because more people replied to your story. I wonder if the story contest isn't promoted enough across the board?

Offline Army of One

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Re: September 2022 Contest Winner
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2022, 04:25:47 AM »
That's bizarre because more people replied to your story. I wonder if the story contest isn't promoted enough across the board?
I'm willing to agree with you there. I might have a chat with Lois about some kind of promotion for the contest.
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

Offline TheYellowKnight

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Re: September 2022 Contest Winner
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2022, 01:52:56 PM »
So, between both of our stories, there were 1,800+ reads. (500+ for RapeU, and 1,300+ for myself.)
Only 3 votes were cast. (And I happen to know that two of those votes came from the two authors themselves).
So actually, ONE vote.
Out of all of those reads.

Since I illustrate my stories, I'll tell you, the view count on my externally hosted images are much much lower than the views reported on this site.

Part of it may be that images are cached with repeat "viewers".
I sometimes wonder if a bot or script is also repeatedly scraping for updated content.
Also, lot of viewers are guests who can't vote anyway.

With all that, I think there are really very few registered readers, so 3 voters sounds about right.
Comments inspire more frequent story posts... just sayin'...

Offline VictoriaTimmons

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Re: September 2022 Contest Winner
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2022, 11:44:28 PM »
To YellowKnight:
Again, 2 of the votes came from the other author and myself (He voted for mine, and I voted for his).
So that leaves 1 vote.
And it's hard to explain away all 1,800 views with bots, spiders, and non-members.
The far more likely explanation is that people just don't appreciate writers around here!

Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: September 2022 Contest Winner
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2022, 09:10:00 PM »
So, between both of our stories, there were 1,800+ reads. (500+ for RapeU, and 1,300+ for myself.)
Only 3 votes were cast. (And I happen to know that two of those votes came from the two authors themselves).
So actually, ONE vote.
Out of all of those reads.

Since I illustrate my stories, I'll tell you, the view count on my externally hosted images are much much lower than the views reported on this site.

Part of it may be that images are cached with repeat "viewers".
I sometimes wonder if a bot or script is also repeatedly scraping for updated content.
Also, lot of viewers are guests who can't vote anyway.

With all that, I think there are really very few registered readers, so 3 voters sounds about right.

Each time a page is accessed, it increments the view count, even if it's just for a second.  It doesn't mean that each of the 1300+ times the page was accessed it was read from beginning to end, just that someone clicked on it.  That includes each time a person clicks on a story, gets a few sentences in, and leaves.  Or sees that someone replied to it so they click on it and scroll down to see the reply, or navigate to the back end.  Also, some areas get more traffic than others.  Gang Rape gets about twice to three times the traffic as the One on One section, and they both dwarf every other category.  Mixed Groupings for example, the most recent post is from a few weeks ago.  Second most recent is about a month ago.  In Gang Rape, the front page is less than a week old.

So in your case YK, you might have a story here with 10k views and dozens of replies, but only 1k hits on the pic host.  A lot of the hits here might be people seeing what the story's about but they've already cached the pics, or they don't want to click out, or they've read it and just want to see the comments, or it's not what they were looking for.

We need more people getting involved in these contests.  There were only 3 votes.  I was the third vote.  RapeU's story "Eye of the Storm" was, in my opinion, a better story.  It was better written, well-plotted, terrifying yet enticing at the same time, and played on a new tool about using a person with MPD as the assailant and did a good job of not making it seem cheesy.  Also, he made good use of content tags so I knew what I was getting into.  I clicked on his story between 2-4 times.  I clicked on VT's story at least a dozen times, and noped out of it each and every time.  I tried to get through it, but each time I would start at the beginning with the scene of girl in middle school, I couldn't bring myself to continue.  That skirting of the site's rules against underage content itself disqualified it in my eyes.  After a dozen attempts, I still couldn't get through it.

I would really like to see more people get involved in these story contests.  There are a lot of talented writers here, and seeing how each of them tackles a prompt or theme is fun.  But it's more fun when there are a half a dozen or more, not just 2 or 3.
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Offline VictoriaTimmons

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Re: September 2022 Contest Winner
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2022, 11:51:10 PM »
To Lt.Broccoli:

So you tried a dozen times, but couldn't "get past" the 1st chapter (barely a few hundred words)?
Which I deliberately sterilized to comply with the "no underage content" rule!
It's PG-13, if that! Could appear in any Young Adult novel.
No penetration! No "Dirty Words" even!
Furthermore, the sex act is not even eroticized.
Your characterization of it as being basically "kiddy porn" is offensive!
Are we to pretend that no schoolgirls have ever been pressured to go a little past 2nd base?

Also, even setting aside the click-aways and multi-views, out of 1,800 views, certainly a few hundred people read one story or the other from beginning to end. And yet it's fine with you that YOU were the only one that could be troubled to vote? (The other author and I don't count. I wouldn't have voted if he hadn't, and we canceled each other out.) 

0.05% appreciation.
Again, if I were a waitress, I'd have to live on table scraps scraped off the plates of all the non-tippers here, who accepted the service for free, and just walked away, without even lifting a finger (literally) to vote.


Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: September 2022 Contest Winner
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2022, 11:34:27 AM »
The rule on the site is no underage content.  Period.  We almost lost this entire site because a bunch of assholes decided to turn the Extreme section into  young kid central.  And when this site was shut down a second time, it was because of the slow creep and bending of the rules that led to an escalation.  I like this site, so I don't want to see it get shut down because someone took your story as a lesson of what they could get away with and jumped even further.  Then they point to the "Story of the Month" as an example of what they can do.

Also, you are an asshole.  Every time you open your mouth, you attack someone.  Whether it's here bitching about how few people voted in the contest or the countless ranting diatribes you go on over in Detention Hall, everything that comes out of your mouth is an attack, a gripe, or bitching trying to paint yourself as the victim.  Have you stopped to think for a second that people just don't like you?  I'm here trying to give constructive criticism AND YOU FUCKING ATTACK ME FOR IT.  Just like you did everyone on this site for not voting for your story.  Just like you do every time you decide to jump into a post in Detention Hall and spout your crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit. 

How many times have you heard any of us bitch about how few people voted in these contests?  NONE.  No one else is crying victim because only a handful of people voted for it.  But you lose a fucking bragging contest on a porn site and you immediately lash out, just like you do every other time.  You are a fucking asshole that sucks the joy out of everything you touch.  If I could block you and your content, I would gladly do so.  And so would a bunch of others. 
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Offline VictoriaTimmons

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Re: September 2022 Contest Winner
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2022, 11:18:07 PM »
To Lt.Broccoli:

My story definitely doesn't count as "young kid central".
No ages were mentioned, just a grade. So if it makes you feel better, you can just assume that the girl in the story is retarded, and was held back four times.

You say that I attack someone every time I open my mouth. So presumably, it should be easy for you to cite a few examples of people who I've attacked here, who haven't attacked me FIRST. And if I'm not mistaken, that does make me the victim! You yourself attacked me, first by accusing me of being a child pornographer, and then when I corrected you, calling me an asshole. And by calling my opinions "crazy" and "bullshit".

As far as complaining about how few people voted, I think I'm justified. Only one person voted (and I tried to give you credit for that, but you were too blind to see it). Is that normal for these contests? If so, maybe that's why so few people spend their time and effort writing stories. If not, then maybe that's why nobody else complains.

Finally, you can, of course, block me and my content. So can "a bunch of others". That would suit me fine, because then they couldn't read my stories for free, only to be armchair critics.

But of course, you don't mean just blocking yourself from seeing my content. You don't like it, so you want NOBODY to see it.
Wouldn't that have made for an interesting contest! The one-and-only entry wins by default, as the only other entry has to forfeit because YOU didn't like the author! Something tells me that the kids in your neighborhood growing up had to let you play on the sandlot, because it was your bat and your ball. You probably made them let you win, too. Didn't you?

And see, that's what people hate about democrats. They want to "cancel" everything they don't like. Republicans are no great prize, and they are guilty of this too sometimes. But it's more shameful for democrats, because their best claim to fame is that they once were the party of Free Speech, even to the point of challenging the "Fire in a Crowded Theater" supreme court ruling. (For those who have eroded the meaning of that ruling to call for limits on free speech, the "fire" was actually the burning of their Draft Cards, and the Theater was the Vietnam War.)

To go from those heroics, to book-burning every time something offends you, is downright shameful, and just goes to show how far your party has fallen.

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Re: September 2022 Contest Winner
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2022, 10:03:15 AM »
This is my final reply on this matter.

You are an asshole.  You cry victim every time someone disagrees with you.  You bitch and complain when someone has a different point of view.  When people point out one of your points being nowhere near the point, you call them names and attack them, insinuating everything from they want to "cancel you" to wanting to throw you into a camp to rot.  Sounds like a hell of a lot of projection to me.

Once again, you blame others for your problems.  3 people voted in a tiny little contest that no one else takes seriously, and you go all Republican on us claiming voter fraud, it was rigged, blaming everyone who read but didn't vote, and then attacking the one person who did vote because they thought your story was a violation of the sites rules.  Which, of course you blame them for not interpreting your meaning the right way instead of taking 10 FUCKING SECONDS TO DO SOME FUCKING SELF-REFLECTION and ask "did I set this up well enough to clear up any issues?"

And, once again, like some QAnon Republican crazy who thinks that jet fuel can't melt steel beams, you immediately rush to judgement about everyone else who isn't sucking Alex Jones's dick along side you.  You broke the rules of the site with your story.   It should've been disqualified right off the bat.  Or, a better writer would've done a good enough job to explain that those events happening without opening the story up like they're trying to backdoor some kid shit onto this board.

But NOOOOOOO, it's not your fault that you wrote a shitty intro to your story.  It's not YOUR FAULT that you couldn't tell your story without resorting to some young girl getting molested.  It's not YOUR FAULT that the words you wrote weren't interpreted the way you wanted.  It's NEVER YOUR FAULT.  It's always someone else's fault. 

And you want to make this political?  Fine.  You are the shining example of Republicans in this country today.  Whiny, entitled, out of touch with reality, and convinced that the rules don't apply to them.  You want to cry free speech all night long but never stop to realize there are consequences with free speech.  You can cry all you want about being censored on a website, but the fact is no one is trying to censor you.  You lost a friendly contest because your story wasn't good enough to get past the first two paragraphs.  But no, that's censorship.  And just like any other Republican, you cry like a little baby when you lose.

Let's go back to your little waitress analogy.  Which, by the way, the term waitress hasn't been used since for a long ass time, Boomer.  You are that "waitress," or server as everyone else in 2022 calls them, that bitches constantly about their tips, but is rude to the customers, coughing all over the place, too busy playing on your phone scrolling Parler or Truth or whatever Dollar Store Twitter conservatives had fled to because they got kicked off everywhere else for using the N-word too many times and brings it up with all of your patrons.  Meanwhile, we can see our food in the window getting cold, but you need to have your third smoke break for the hour and when we do get our stuff, it's cold.  Drinks haven't been topped off at all, you smell like cigarettes and cat litter.  But since you weren't outright hostile, I'll leave a little bit behind because I used to serve and know how hard the job is.  But when I'm heading out the door, you chase me down and bitch at me for the "joke of a tip" I left behind.

You don't need to be on here bitching on a Sunday morning about a porn story contest, you need therapy.  You need to unplug from the rage-machine known as Right Wing Media, get off of the InfoWars site, and book some time with a therapist who specializes in deprogramming people from a cult.  You remind me of my father in his final years.  He died alone after pushing everyone away.

To Ao1, if you see this.  Thank you for running the story contests for the last year or so.  I've truly enjoyed partaking in them.  I viewed them as a friendly competition and a chance to stretch my wings as a writer.  When I see the prompts each month, I try to make room in my writing schedule to see if I can have fun and write a story that fits the prompt.  It was always fun and relatively low stress.  Until now.  If her behavior is what is to be expected going forward, I am done with these contests.  I will not write submissions for them, even if it is a story I've wanted to tell for a long time.  I will not vote in any more contests, and I cannot be fair and impartial if she's involved.  She's poisoned the well going forward so much that she could write the best story ever posted, but if she went up against someone who just smashed the keyboard for 500 words, I'd vote for that over her.  She can call it "woke cancelling" or whatever term the Right-Wing paranoids have come up with as a cover for dealing with the consequences of their actions, but I didn't come to this site to get filled with anxiety and stress because some Q follower had their feelings hurt and decided to lash out at the world.  It's not worth the stress.
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Offline VictoriaTimmons

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Re: September 2022 Contest Winner
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2022, 11:59:54 PM »
YOU want to talk about projection?
You read my story and accused me of child pornography!
You're like the guy who thinks his psychiatrist is a pervert because the Rorschach test contains all "dirty pictures".

By the way, if someone disagrees with me, it means we disagree with EACH OTHER.
Which one you believe to be the "asshole" and the person claiming to be "the victim" is probably a direct result of which person your own views align with.

But in this case, it's clear who was the attacker and who was the victim.
You came from out of nowhere, and accused me of writing child pornography.
I'm supposed to say "Thank you, kind sir, for the constructive criticism?"

Any review of my posting history will show that I never resort to name-calling first. I rarely even use name calling as a defense tactic, because it doesn't advance the argument.

But back to the interpretation of the story. It should go without saying that an author is not responsible for the way their words are interpreted. A dedicated pedophile can find child pornography in the kid's section of the JC Penney catalogue.

And yet, you literally called for censorship, and are now trying to deny it.

Oh, and one more thing: I assure you that the term "Waitress" is in widespread use across America.
Not everyone has gone overboard with Wokeness. At least, not yet.

On a final note, people who aren't authors of erotica will never understand the utter evil that is censorship.
For every banned book on Amazon or Smashwords, for every website that rejects or removes our stories, for every comment that gets deleted, a Million words never get written. Not just by the censored authors, but by everyone who sees the censorship and decides to never take up writing in the first place.

YOU gave me so much crap about my story, that it'll probably be a long time before I decide to put in the time and effort to write another one. And it's easy to see now why nobody bothers to enter the story contest here. There is no reward, only risk. And plenty of armchair critics.