This is my final reply on this matter.
You are an asshole. You cry victim every time someone disagrees with you. You bitch and complain when someone has a different point of view. When people point out one of your points being nowhere near the point, you call them names and attack them, insinuating everything from they want to "cancel you" to wanting to throw you into a camp to rot. Sounds like a hell of a lot of projection to me.
Once again, you blame others for your problems. 3 people voted in a tiny little contest that no one else takes seriously, and you go all Republican on us claiming voter fraud, it was rigged, blaming everyone who read but didn't vote, and then attacking the one person who did vote because they thought your story was a violation of the sites rules. Which, of course you blame them for not interpreting your meaning the right way instead of taking 10 FUCKING SECONDS TO DO SOME FUCKING SELF-REFLECTION and ask "did I set this up well enough to clear up any issues?"
And, once again, like some QAnon Republican crazy who thinks that jet fuel can't melt steel beams, you immediately rush to judgement about everyone else who isn't sucking Alex Jones's dick along side you. You broke the rules of the site with your story. It should've been disqualified right off the bat. Or, a better writer would've done a good enough job to explain that those events happening without opening the story up like they're trying to backdoor some kid shit onto this board.
But NOOOOOOO, it's not your fault that you wrote a shitty intro to your story. It's not YOUR FAULT that you couldn't tell your story without resorting to some young girl getting molested. It's not YOUR FAULT that the words you wrote weren't interpreted the way you wanted. It's NEVER YOUR FAULT. It's always someone else's fault.
And you want to make this political? Fine. You are the shining example of Republicans in this country today. Whiny, entitled, out of touch with reality, and convinced that the rules don't apply to them. You want to cry free speech all night long but never stop to realize there are consequences with free speech. You can cry all you want about being censored on a website, but the fact is no one is trying to censor you. You lost a friendly contest because your story wasn't good enough to get past the first two paragraphs. But no, that's censorship. And just like any other Republican, you cry like a little baby when you lose.
Let's go back to your little waitress analogy. Which, by the way, the term waitress hasn't been used since for a long ass time, Boomer. You are that "waitress," or server as everyone else in 2022 calls them, that bitches constantly about their tips, but is rude to the customers, coughing all over the place, too busy playing on your phone scrolling Parler or Truth or whatever Dollar Store Twitter conservatives had fled to because they got kicked off everywhere else for using the N-word too many times and brings it up with all of your patrons. Meanwhile, we can see our food in the window getting cold, but you need to have your third smoke break for the hour and when we do get our stuff, it's cold. Drinks haven't been topped off at all, you smell like cigarettes and cat litter. But since you weren't outright hostile, I'll leave a little bit behind because I used to serve and know how hard the job is. But when I'm heading out the door, you chase me down and bitch at me for the "joke of a tip" I left behind.
You don't need to be on here bitching on a Sunday morning about a porn story contest, you need therapy. You need to unplug from the rage-machine known as Right Wing Media, get off of the InfoWars site, and book some time with a therapist who specializes in deprogramming people from a cult. You remind me of my father in his final years. He died alone after pushing everyone away.
To Ao1, if you see this. Thank you for running the story contests for the last year or so. I've truly enjoyed partaking in them. I viewed them as a friendly competition and a chance to stretch my wings as a writer. When I see the prompts each month, I try to make room in my writing schedule to see if I can have fun and write a story that fits the prompt. It was always fun and relatively low stress. Until now. If her behavior is what is to be expected going forward, I am done with these contests. I will not write submissions for them, even if it is a story I've wanted to tell for a long time. I will not vote in any more contests, and I cannot be fair and impartial if she's involved. She's poisoned the well going forward so much that she could write the best story ever posted, but if she went up against someone who just smashed the keyboard for 500 words, I'd vote for that over her. She can call it "woke cancelling" or whatever term the Right-Wing paranoids have come up with as a cover for dealing with the consequences of their actions, but I didn't come to this site to get filled with anxiety and stress because some Q follower had their feelings hurt and decided to lash out at the world. It's not worth the stress.