Author Topic: The Eye of the Storm {One}  (Read 1520 times)

Offline RapeU
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The Eye of the Storm {One}
« on: September 04, 2022, 10:17:28 PM »
Warning! You must be 18 or over to read these stories of rape and non consensual sex. If you do not like such stories, please turn back. I don't promote rape or non-consent sex. This is only a story, fiction, if you do not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read no more. Rape is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. Anyone who commits rape are despised everywhere. But fantasies are all right so long as no one is hurt.

Caution, non-con, rape, heterosexual, BD, humil, oral, anal. The story starts with a woman getting kidnapped by an ex. The ex has...friends...who take turns using her for their pleasure. Oh, and there's also a hurricane headed their way.

Written for the September 2022 story contest.

The Eye of the Storm

"Fuck" Amanda cursed.

"If you live in the path of Ida you must evacuate as soon as possible. The governor has opened up state parks free of charge up until a week after the hurricane hits. Here is a map of..."

Amanda turned off the tv. She wished she had paid more attention and had left earlier. A sigh escaped her rosy lips. She ran her fingers through her long blonde hair thinking of all the items she needed. Charger, cell phone, wallet, money... A sudden crash interrupted her thoughts. It sounded like a window had broken.

"What the hell?!?!" Amanda loudly exclaimed. Looters. It had to be looters grabbing what they could before the storm hit. They were lowlife cowards. She knew if they heard someone around it would scare them away. Amanda slowly, carefully walked to the kitchen where the window was in fact broken. Great. No time to board up her windows and one window broken before the storm even arrived. She sighed. There's no way anything would survive the hurricane.

The hairs on the back of Amanda's neck stood up. She felt like someone was watching her. Who could it be? Looters would run off for an unoccupied home. Amanda was about to shake the feeling away when muddy footprints caught her eye. A few would be expected if it were looters, but the pattern didn't look like someone came in then ran right back out. Someone was indeed here in the house with her. And she knew exactly who it was. There wasn't enough time to deal with this. Amanda simply walked to the backdoor to get her car keys thinking it was just another game her ex boyfriend was playing on her. She wasn't going to play but evacuate instead.

Suddenly a scratchy burlap sack flew over her head. Her hands instinctively reached for her head. She felt the opening of the bag tighten around her neck. Hands grabbed her arms. "NO! STOP IT!" Amanda yelled through the bag. She twisted in a sudden desperate move. The hands left her arms, but she couldn't see and knew it would be foolish to run. She felt metal close around her wrists and heard a snap. "Mark, please. Please, just let me go" Amanda sobbed. Suddenly she felt pain in her head. Did he hit her with something Amanda thought as she lost consciousness...


"Ugh, my head" Amanda said as she slowly regained consciousness. "Why can't I move..." Groggy, Amanda tried to think of the last thing she remembered. The hurricane was coming, but why wasn't she evacuating? Because..."Mark." Amanda groaned. She opened her eyes. Amanda lay on a mattress with restraints on her wrists and ankles. Probably one of the mattresses from the old abandoned psych hospital. Gross. She tested the restraints. They didn't budge. Great. Her ex boyfriend kidnapped her when a hurricane was about to pound the town. Amanda surveyed her surroundings. From the looks of things, she was in a large barn. She had a pretty good idea of which barn it was. If she was right, that was bad news for her as it meant Mark drove her a little closer to the ocean instead of away from it. The lighting was dim inside, shadows danced all around her.

"Mark. Mark are you there? This isn't funny we really need to go."

"Mark's not here" she heard a soft reply from somewhere in the shadows.

"Well then who is here" Amanda impatiently asked...

...Someone slowly peeked out of the shadows.

"Hello" the person timidly said "I'm Brandon, and I really like breasts. Can I play with yours?"

"No, look let me just talk to Mark."

"Oh dear, I'm afraid that's quite impossible" Brandon continued in a small timid voice "Mark doesn't want to talk to you, he's made that very clear."

"Ok fine, I'll talk to you then." Amanda impatiently quipped. "Brandon is it?" Brandon nodded sheepishly. "Look Brandon, what you're doing is wrong. It looks like you don't want to do this am I right?"

"Oh no," Brandon said. "I do want you. We all want a piece of you after you hurt Mark. And I want your breasts. I don't care that it's wrong, that's what makes it more fun!"

"Just let me go! Please! There's a hurricane coming! We need to leave!"

Brandon giggled "The hurricane is another one of your tricks. We aren't in any danger here. Now, about those lovely breasts..."

"No, Brandon get Mark please!" Amanda cried. Brandon ignored her and lay next to her on the mattress. One hand caressed her left breast as if she were his lover. Amanda twisted and tried to pull away.

"Now, now. At least try and enjoy yourself. All I want is your breast. That's not so much to ask for is it? The others are not as nice as I am." Brandon let the threat of that last statement hang in the air for a moment. Amanda sighed. "Look if I let you play with my breasts can I at least talk to Mark? All he has to do is listen. He doesn't have to talk to me."

Brandon's eyes lit up, though there was still darkness within them. "Ok" he said. Amanda breathed a sigh of relief. Getting her breast played with when she didn't want it was nothing. It happened all the time. She never understood why the breast was sexual to a guy. For her, all she wanted was her vagina played with to get things going. Someone playing with her bosom did nothing for her sexually. Yet to please different lovers she would allow them to play with her breast because she knew guys obsessed over them.

Brandon sensually rubbed her bosom as if she were his lover. Amanda faked a few moans of pleasure here and there just so that Brandon could be satisfied. If she did a good job pleasing Brandon, perhaps she could convince Mark to let her go. Brandon slowly used his tongue to lick all over Amanda's tits. He bit one of her nipples a little too hard. She tried to disguise the cry of pain with one of pleasure toward the end of the groan and hoped he bought it. Rub, rub, rub. Lick, lick, lick. Bite, bite bite. Brandon followed a pattern. A rub of the bosom here, a lick over there, a few bites of the nipple and a few bites of the breast over here, then back to rubbing again. And through it all, Amanda felt absolutely zero pleasure. Just the occasional pain when he bit her too hard. Finally, Brandon moved away from her.

"Ok, you got what you wanted. Now let me talk to Mark."

"So terribly sorry, but Mark doesn't want to listen to you talk."

"Shit," Amanda cursed.

"Again I'm terribly sorry. I do hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did. Now I must get going." Brandon tiptoed away into the shadows...

...Another strolled out of the shadows. "I'm Vincent. I like vaginas."

"Oh God" Amanda sobbed "Please. Please don't do this."

Vincent ignored her. He strolled to the mattress and sat beside her. His hand brushed against her pussy lips.

"Please, you don't want to do this please! Mark, please don't let him do this please!"

A finger invaded her womanhood. Her body clenched. She began to writhe in an effort to try and get away. Vincent simply slid another finger inside her. Amanda continued to beg for him to stop. Slowly her dry pussy became wet. Her body started to feel unwanted pleasure. Amanda felt dirty. She never had someone play with her vagina when she didn't want it before. The unwanted pleasure continued to build. Then, his fingers left her wet cunt. Amanda gasped as a tongue replaced the fingers. The unwanted pleasure grew. Amanda's moans of protest soon became full of lust. Primal. Beads of sweat formed all over her body. Then, the tongue left her pussy.

Amanda knew what was coming next. "No," she cried "NO PLEASE! PLEASE!" She felt his member touch her pussy lips. "NO! NO! NO! PLEASE NO!" A piercing shriek vibrated the barn walls as he shoved his full cock inside her without mercy. Cries of pain flooded the air as he roughly took her. She felt like he was too big for her. The pain grew more intense. "STAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAP! HURRRRRRRTS STAAAAAAHHAAAP!" Amanda could barely form words. He took her harder and faster. Soon she became numb to the pain and just grunted with every thrust. Eventually the numbness turned to pleasure. Now Amanda felt totally disgusting. Way beyond dirty. Her body wasn't cooperating with her. Fire burned inside. She knew an orgasm was close. Amanda tried to hold it in. She didn't want one from him. Couldn't get one from him. In the end, her body ultimately betrayed her as she convulsed into a massive orgasm. She screamed so loud heaven and hell could hear the pleasure sounds of her body. Vincent kept going through her orgasm. Amanda just lay there like an animal taking it with no energy to do anything beyond grunting from the pleasure. After what seemed like forever, she finally felt his cock throb and warm juices coat the inside of her.

Vincent pulled out after he was done and gave her vagina a few slaps. Amanda only grunted in reply. "Was a good fuck" he said as he strolled into the shadows...

...Another galloped out of the shadows.

"Hi, I'm Al. And I like ass. I really like the ass of stupid bitches like you!"

" more..."

"I'm sorry, Mark isn't here right now. Would you like to leave a message?" Al mocked.

"Please! Mark I know you can hear me I know you're there please! Don't let him do this to me please!"

Al ignored her sobbing protests. He freed her right hand then her right ankle. Amanda knew what was coming next. She tried to get a good punch or kick in but she was still too weak from Vincent's pounding. Al twisted Amanda onto her belly. "Uuugh! Ah! NO NO NO NO!" Amanda screamed in pain as Al roughly pressed his hand on her head and rammed his thick hard cock in her ass. "Grrrrraaaaagh" Amanda gritted her teeth from the pain of his cock pounding her. She painfully groaned the word "stop" through her teeth. Her mouth opened in a wide O as his cock went even deeper into her ass. She screamed and sobbed from the pain. His cock went even deeper and all she could do was release loud painful sobs from her mouth. It felt like hours of pain and suffering. Finally, she felt his cock throb and release the warm fluid inside her ass.

"Mmm, that was a fine ass bitch!" Al said as he turned Amanda back over and placed the restraints on her once more. Amanda didn't reply. She just lay there with tears in her eyes.

"Awww, poor little plaything looks all tuckered out. Hey guys, let's grab some food, nap, and come fuck this bitch up some more am I right?"


Al mocked her with laughter. "Mark won't talk to you. Stupid bitch!" He spat at her. "Now you just wait right there while we take care of some business ya hear? Not that you have a choice!" He cackled and stepped out of Amanda's line of vision. She heard the door to the barn open then close. Now Amanda was all alone. She grunted and strained against the straps but to no avail. The pitter patter of rainfall dotted the roof of the barn. A low whistle of wind reached her ears. Amanda gulped. The hurricane was here.

Her instincts told her to cry for help, but she knew it was foolish. Even if someone were nearby, they would not be able to hear her. The wind howled louder. She could hear the rain dance on the roof faster and faster. Then, the wind made a ghastly scream and the barn groaned from the strain. There was no way this barn could survive the hurricane. It would collapse soon and bury her underneath it. Desperately she yanked her right wrist back and forth as much as she could. Did it loosen after that last yank? Yes! Yes it did! She knew it had to have been because it was freed before when...when...she couldn't think about that right now. Hope filled her as the wind howled louder. A yank here and a yank there and finally her right hand was free. She quickly twisted to free her left hand from the restraints. The barn creaked and groaned once more. Amanda freed her feet and ran out of the barn.

As soon as she ran outside she became soaked to the bone with pouring rain. The wind pushed her sideways. Amanda couldn't hear her own voice as she screamed in fear and terror. She trudged through mud sideways as the angry storm pounded her. The barn made a final thunderous groan and collapsed behind her. The wind pushed Amanda again, and she fell face first into thick mud. She kept her head down and covered with her arms just like she was taught in girl scouts. Debris flew all around her. Some wood smacked her ass, causing her to cry out in pain. Amanda still couldn't hear her screams over the howls of the wind.

Suddenly a quiet calm fell around her. Amanda picked up her head and opened her eyes. Sunlight beamed at her. She looked around and saw clouds in all directions on the horizon. "I'm in the eye of the storm" she said. The sound of her voice shocked her as it pierced through the quiet air. Her ears were ringing. "I have to move." Amanda didn't know how she had survived, but she knew she had to get moving to find shelter.

"If I was taken to the barn I'm thinking of, then the road should be right! Ok, that means there is a fire station outside of town I can go to. I don't know if I can make it, but I have to try!"

Amanda had to talk out loud. The quiet all around her was deafening. Talking out loud was the only way of preventing herself from thinking about what had just happened. She couldn't dwell on it. Survival was more important. Amanda paced herself walking through the muck of mud and water left by half of the hurricane. She focused on remembering her time in the high school track team. "Don't use up all your energy at once. Pace yourself. Use 80% then go to 110% when your goal is close." Amanda repeated it over and over out loud to drown out the quiet and keep control of her thoughts.

The journey was long and hard. Yet Amanda was inching closer and closer to her goal. Finally the fire station was within eyesight. She gave 200% effort with a burst of all the energy she had left. Huffing and puffing she noticed one of the garage doors was damaged. It allowed just enough room for her to squeeze inside. The fire station wasn't a perfect shelter by any means, but it would do. Amanda spotted a flight of stairs and knew higher ground was her best option. She ignored the fire of exhaustion within her whole body. "One step. Two steps. Three steps. Just a little more to go," she panted. Mud flaked off of her body as she wheezed up those stairs. Footprints of mud and blood were behind her. Amanda had never pushed her body this hard during track. "Just a few more steps to go...Made it" Amanda gasped. Her body crumpled to the floor at the top of the stairs and she lost consciousness...


Amanda shook her head and moaned.

"Doctor come quickly!"

Why was there a doctor here? She opened her eyes to find herself in a hospital room. Her body was covered with a hospital gown and her right hand had an IV placed on it. A small mousey woman entered the room and introduced herself to Amanda as Dr. Nix.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Amanda Anderson"

"Do you know the current month and year?"

"September 2022, unless I've been out for more than a month?"

"No, only a few days. Today is Thursday September 8th. Who is the current U.S. president?"


The doctor shook her head in amazement. "You're very lucky to have come out of this with just scrapes and bruises. Someone up there must have had his eye on you."

"I guess." Amanda said without emotion.

"Get some rest. Once you're feeling better we'll talk more about where to go from here."


The doctor left her room. A nurse asked her if she needed anything. Amanda shook her head no. The nurse left. Amanda was now all alone with her thoughts. She couldn't tell anyone, who would believe her? Nothing would come from it. Bruises and scrapes could be explained by the hurricane. Her broken window could be explained by that too. The barn collapsed and there wouldn't be any evidence left in it. Her eyes welled with tears. No one would believe her if she said her ex boyfriend with multiple personality disorder r...r...she couldn't even think of the word. To think of the word would be admitting it happened to her.

"It didn't happen" she whispered. "I just got caught in the storm. The eye of the storm saved me." Amanda whispered that to herself over and over again as she fought to stay awake in fear of what she might find in her dreams.


Yeah so the ex boyfriend having MPD was a reason I put this one in one on one instead of the multi category. Cause it was truly one person violating her. Hopefully all the tags are correct for the rules of this story. Hope you enjoyed!
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 09:56:28 AM by The Claire »