Author Topic: May 2022 Writing Contest Winner  (Read 1322 times)

Offline Army of One

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May 2022 Writing Contest Winner
« on: June 02, 2022, 09:24:00 PM »
Okay, since we only had one entry this month, LtBroccoli is automatically the winner with his story VETO.

Now, given that things have been slow on the contest front recently, and I've also been a little busy with stuff this past month, I'm going to give June's competition a miss, and get the prep post for July's posted in a couple of weeks (yes, it has a preparation period). I'll also put up a post for topic suggestions, as, while I have the next two contest topics set up and ready to go (with a possible third sitting in the wings just in case), I'm probably also running out of interesting ideas.
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.