Angela walked nervously down the hall of the school. Today was her initiation. Everything had been arranged. It was a Saturday and the senior girls had arranged for the gym and showers to be open so they could get an hour practice in. That was the story anyway. The truth was the hour was Angela's initiation.
As she strolled towards the shower areas she saw the two senior cheer girls waiting on her.
"Hurry it up girl," Crystal urged. "We only have an hour to get this done. "
Crystal and Erica led Angela into the male showers. She could hear the water running and already a lump formed in her throat.
"Alright, strip. Let's go. There is a guy waiting on you in the shower. It is a straight forward task. You get in the shower with him, jerk him off, and get out. We will be filming it all, so no short cuts. You also have to suck his dick when we tell you, but he can not fuck you. He knows this. In fact, he does not touch you at all. You do all the touching."
Angela slowly and sheepishly peeled off her clothes and pulled her hair up in bun, then followed the two girls through the steamy haze to the sound of the water running. Then he came into view. "Tommy Bredlow! She had to jerk off Tommy Bredlow.
Tommy was a computer geek and was not at all popular with the girls, yet as Angela climbed into the shower with him, she could not help but check out the impressive member dangling between his legs. With his glasses off he did not look so bad. His body was lean and firm, with very little hair.
She climbed under the cascading water and inched closer to the grinning male. As she faced him, she noticed he was taller then she was. With both their bodies glistening and damp, she reached over and slowly cupped his manhood into her hand. A low moan escaped his lip as he felt her touch and immediately he began to get hard.

Knowing she was being filmed made the task all the more humiliating and she just wanted to make him cum quickly and get out of there. She used the soap to aid her masturbation of him, and felt his cock growing harder.
She heard the two girls order her to suck his dick, so she sunk to her knees and guided his cock to her mouth. The strong taste of soap filled her mouth as the head of his cock slipped inside.

All the time she was sucking him, she silently prayed that no one would ever see this, but she also knew the two girls were bitches, and would probably blackmail her with it or something worse.
Another girl came running into the shower and told Crystal and Erica that a teacher had pulled into the parking lot.
"Fuck!" Crystal barked. "You got five minutes to make him cum!"
Angela heard all the girl talk about guy's balls being super sensitive so she cupped them in her hands and jerked him wildly. His cock was soon massively hard and throbbing. The head was a dark purple and she knew he was about there.

"Come on bitch, make him cum!" Erica fumed.
Angela hastened the pace and soon had his cock shooting jets of cum all over her stomach.

He groaned intensely as his balls drained. Crystal and Erica grabbed Angela's clothes and sprinted up the hall towards the girl's locker with the naked and embarrassed Angela running after them pleading for her clothes.
Inside the locker room, Angela eagerly began dressing, happy that her ordeal was over.
"Well, you did it. The only thing left is for the rest of the squad to approve it. We will send the video to all of them, and will let you know our answer tomorrow. Good luck," Crystal teased as the two girls waved by and left Angela in the locker room.
The next day at school, the horror of their treachery was revealed. It was not just the cheer squad that saw the video of her naked in the shower jerking off Tommy, it was everyone they could find. She was teased unmercifully all day, but at the end of the day she did make the squad.