Author Topic: Penny spent {Hum}  (Read 2299 times)

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Penny spent {Hum}
« on: August 14, 2021, 08:02:33 PM »

Penny was an attractive upper class woman well into her thirties. A private education had gained her an elite career as a fundraiser targeting high net worth individuals, traveling the world for meetings with billionaires. But her private life felt unfulfilled. Against the expectations of her family and class, not to mention herself,  her personal relationships had always lacked the special quality that might have convinced her to marry and have children, though she'd had many offers.  She could give herself no explanation for this.

Penny only came to understand herself at last when she met her client David, the legendary controller and majority shareholder of a medical and pharmaceutical consortium.
David, a notoriously wiley negotiator, had turned the tables on Penny by using their meetings when she was trying to solicit investment from him to ask her and talk to her about herself. He never made it clear, let alone obvious, whether his agenda was sexual access to her, let alone try to persuade or cajole her. If he did it would not be the first time Penny had to talk her way out of committing the ultimate professional indiscretion, sleeping with a client. It would have been easy for her to decline in David's case, as he did not remotely stir any feelings in either her or perhaps anybody's heart or loins, being older than her father and having only accomplished and accumulated so much in life at the cost of visible wear and tear, evident in his jowly face, baldness, and, though a very tall man, his obesity. Clearly he had never been a beauty even in his prime. Penny shuddered at the hirsute hands and wrists that emerged from his handmade shirt cuffs.

Despite all that, the way he talked to Penny, everything he said, excited her like an inner voice she'd never listened to before. He gave her feedback, using articulate language and reasoning remarkably on her wavelength, in his deep, calm voice, about what he observed to be in her nature. With startling frankness he said it was clear to him she was denying herself not romance but sexual freedom; specifically, he intuited, she was in denial about her need to be sexually submissive. She had a tendency that had a name: asthenolagnia; she would become sexually aroused on finding herself in a position of weakness. This was like a great bell sounding in the lower depths of Penny's body and a pair of heavy gates swinging open in her mind. Though she found David personally charmless she was magnetized by him as a figure of convincing authority. The more he told her about herself the now she wanted him to go on assuring and encouraging her she really could give herself permission to be herself, a self she'd never yet lived.

David's suggested they further their fundraising negotiations by mixing business with pleasure. He invited Penny to join him for dinner at an exclusive three star restaurant not far from one of his many residences. He was welcomed there as a regular. Penny had bought herself a simple looking but expensive designer dress for the evening. The look was as though she'd come out in only a coat with, daringly, no dress underneath. The boldness was accentuated by a conspicuous asymmetrical  front zip.

At the end of an elaborate meal paired with fabulous wines Penny became so relaxed and disinhibited she  lost the script of her salesmanship and reverted to her personal turmoil. She blurted out, please would David disclose what was in his mind about her and tell her what he thought she could do? He smiled at receiving the question he'd been expecting for a long time, long enough for him to be able to make his answer very simple. Before he replied he carefully put his phone on the table, recording, explaining he thought it good business practice if their conversation was evidenced. He inquired why she didn't make her submissive sexuality her reality? How could she let herself turn away now from following what she admitted to be the truth about herself? Penny struggled to find a reason, and failed. Moreover, in submissive style she found an obscure thrill in wanting this physically repellent man to be the one to start her off, by openly directing her. She wanted to believe, if she acted on David's mesmerizing words, she would find that doing what she was told, sexually, would gratify her as never in her life before. Having to be told would be the beginning of the excitement. She felt that committing herself to following David's direction would already be a step across boundary lines that she couldn't even put a name to yet. And it excited her.
Penny did not recognize David's expertise in the way he spoke with her. He had become the most dominant negotiator in the industry by exploiting people's psychology, using techniques of linguistic programming and hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestion. That was how he was able to seem he was suggesting to Penny quite mildly, when he was actually implanting in her a strong, deep conditioning, that she should just say yes to sexual activity in any form, whoever it came from, whenever, and wherever. Only say Yes. Be unable to pronounce the word No. He said blandly, that was all that was required of her. (Required by him, she boggled, or by herself? Which was the more exciting to her? Could she even separate those two thrills?) Did she feel ready and able to do that, her asked, and crucially, would she actually do it? She felt he was as always, in his cleverness, uncannily asking her what she felt she was asking herself. And she whispered yes, aloud to David and silently to herself.

Little did she realize the nature of the programming he'd instilled in her. After the thrill of submission and the immersion in extreme sex were over, her ordinary inhibitions would kick in again, she would realize what she had done and be overwhelmed with feelings of revulsion, horror and shame. Those feelings however would be blown away by the next offer to be sexually used, which would again arouse her lust so much she'd be unable to refuse, and afterwards she would return again to the dreadful knowledge of what she'd done, and again she'd swear off such degradation forever, but only until the next opportunity for sexual degradation arose, again followed by the next awful remorse, and the next... and the next...

Their conversation was so absorbing Penny suddenly noticed they had become the last clientele of the night. The lights had gone out above all the tables except the single dim spotlight low over theirs. They had spent the evening seated side by side on a leather banquette partly enclosed by a booth. She found David, while conversing intimately, had smoothly sidled close enough to her for his silk-suited thigh, the size of a dolphin it seemed, to be pressing against the length of hers. Which he was stroking with his thick fingertips as if absent mindedly, sliding the fabric of her dress back and forth across the contrasting textures of her stocking top, thigh and suspender.

Without taking his hand off her, he called their server and asked pleasantly for the bill. When it arrived, David, distracting her with his famous smile, leant into her as if to plant a fish-lipped kiss, at which she recoiled with extended arms to fend him off.  Instead of pursuing a kiss he enveloped her two outstretched hands in one of his hairy paws, and palmed from an inside pocket a couple of feet of tough fishing line. There was a loop preformed at each end with a self-tightening knot. He slipped a loop onto her farther wrist, whipped the line around behind her, painfully twisting her elbow back, and bent back her other elbow so he could lasso the wrist nearer him. She stared at him and strained at her leash in bafflement, her heart racing in confusion. The short line keeping her elbows pulled to the rear meant she could not bring her hands forward of her torso. While her brain was in turmoil to grasp with what he was doing he took hold of the tab of the full length zip at her cleavage and slowly drew it down the whole length of her dress till the zip reached the bottom and her dress opened completely like a coat. He pulled it behind her shoulders and down her restrained upper arms, binding them together like a straitjacket. Under her coat she had dressed entirely to please herself, as she imagined.

What are you doing what are you doing, she whispered frantically. He didn't stop but looked her in the face. She knew she had to obey but didn't know why. He produced something she didn't recognize for a moment: a disposable scalpel. She stared down in frozen horror holding herself stock still as he efficiently eased the razor sliver up under the join of the lace bra cups between her breasts and with a precise gesture smoothly snicked it towards him. The weight of her heavy breasts swung her bra open, and it was useless for her to clamp her elbows. With two more delicate gestures horribly close to her rapidly moistening armpits he disposed of her shoulder straps. He smoothly pulled the strip of delicate lace, formerly a bra, from around her ribs, folded it up, and put it in his pocket. To her bewilderment her nipples were strongly erect.

He pushed her thigh as wide apart as her legs would stretch. She couldn't help slipping down in her seat till only her tailbone was on the bench and her toned quadriceps muscles ridged up as her legs took her weight. Penny heard herself as if from far away saying oh please n-, please don-, but she couldn't find the necessary words to stop what was happening. Please what? David asked, his fingers tracing a vertical furrow in the front bulge of her panties. His touch was so teasing light for a huge man she found herself jerking up her pelvis trying to obtain more pressure. Please what do you say? What's the word? Oh please y- yes. Call me darling. Please darling y- yes d- do. Do what? Anything darling anything yes please darling. He withdrew his hand which made her groan and pulled out the waistband of her panties. With his other hand he dipped four fingers in the jug of thick cream that had come with their coffee and eased his coated fingers into her panties down her baby smooth waxed mound. He used all his ape-like fingers to open up her wet slit and add cream to her already seeping cream.

He refreshed his fingers in the jug and slid them in again, applying more and more to the slipperiness of her firm and tender clit, making her tense up her legs and back into one straight slanting line against the edge of her seat. Then he dipped his other hand in the cream and swirled it around her nipples, drips trickling into the creases across her concave trembling tummy. Her body started to shake. Keeping his thumb swirling her clit, he said, Say I want your fingers up my cunt. Please darling finger up my- oh my, up my c- my cunt, oh please finger fuck my cunt, oh please darling I need it up me now.  Without checking her readiness he curled all his pudgy fingers together and hooked them up inside her, widening her to a letterbox slot with one squelch till his fingertips could reach and freely massage her g-spot.

That plus viciously pinching and twisting her slippery nipples sent her into wild cries and paroxysms that brought staff out from the depths of the kitchen to witness her public humiliation.

As she lay there with her breasts and stomach gleaming with perspiration under the hanging lamp, breathing heavily with her eyes closed, he gently eased his finger ends between her lips, parted as she panted, and dabbled her own flavor back to her off digits as rough as kiwi fruit. At last he wrote something on the bill and replaced it in the ornate folder. She came fully conscious again as he heaved his great bulk onto to his feet, gave her one of his radiant smiles, and simply walked off without a word. He didn't even give a backward glance as he stepped through the doorway to the street. She was too shocked and it was too late to call out as she noticed he was holding her clutch bag containing her credit cards, phone and house keys. He had abandoned her in the restaurant in her black shoes and matching black stockings, her suspenders and garter belt, and her inner and outer creamed panties, on public display. Tied up.

Out of the corner of her eye she could see the front of house staff, who had already relaid the rest of the room and were keen to finish up and go home, had gathered near the bar watching rather obviously this stunning nearly naked woman being forced to orgasm. They were murmuring and smirking to each other, she presumed, about what might have transpired between this couple. Some were openly rubbing their crotches. A date going wrong, as it might have seemed to them, was a scene they'd witnessed numerous times, loudly and dramatically but never quite like this. Eventually they nudged her server to come over, trying to look unhurried, making an obvious effort to keep his eyes down as he collected the folder. His eyebrows lifted when he found there was no card protruding. With a frozen expression he took the folder more swiftly into an office behind the bar.

Penny did not have to wait long before the manager appeared. To her puzzlement he was half smiling, his lips a thin line. He read to her what David had written on the bill: "My apologies. Will this do? Anything goes. Consent is on file." The manager looked up and down her luscious body and into her face expectantly. This means you, does it, he asked. Her heart was pounding so hard she could hear the pulse in her ears. She stared up at the manager and shook her head violently., but incredulously heard herself saying yes sir, please sir, three holes full sir.

The manager gave a nod to the expanded crowd at the bar, uniformed servers, bar tenders, baristas, cashiers. There were kitchen staff coming out and joining them now, cooks, washers, cleaners, most in stained singlets and whites and striped pants and aprons from their shift. There seemed to be dozens of them. All of them looked so young, lean, sweaty and grey faced, she supposed it was a hard, hot profession only the young could stand. What could she stand, what could she stand?

Two of them swooped in to sit on either side of her. One drew a carving knife from his belt which shocked her. With a slash he freed her hands. The two combined to rip her coat down her back and off her arms, making her screech as they twisted her arms painfully behind her, bending her forward with her bare breasts swinging. Then they threw her back in her seat and each pulled one of her legs over their lap, spreading her wide and half laying her down, her panty crotch shrinking and clinging round her sweating vulva. Quickly they had their cocks out and wrapped her hands round them, jerking her into masturbating them just the way they liked. They each craned over and sucked in a nipple to nash and gnaw. Another boy, who looked hardly old enough to have a job at all, crept under the table, borrowed the carving knife, hooked her stained panties out from her baby smooth mons and slit the lace gusset across.

 Then with two cuts at the sides of her straining legs he was able to drag her panties out through her sticky bottom cleft, a shred of a souvenir. She shrieked as he plunged his face into her sopping labia and chewed her ravenously. The manager also put his erection on show and stepped in between her thighs astride the one who was frantically licking her. He gathered up the overflowing handfuls of her breasts that she had earlier scented with Chanel and ploughed himself in and out between them. The one licking her had two blurring fingers inside her under his dripping chin, raking her g-spot, about to force her to cum, as he realized when her vagina smoothly expanded and the anus he was also teasing started to twitch, and to give her the coup de grace he ruthlessly rammed one mucus coated digit fully up in her virgin rectum. She gasped and cried out so loudly that the manager took the opportunity to penetrate her throat and jet his flood of cum the way of her three star dinner. It overflowed down her chin onto her bosom. Her pulled up the lapel of her dress and wiped her off and himself, then held the coat out to the boys beside her whose cum was dripping through her fingers. The one who'd been licking her took his chance to leap up and make her suck him off in return, shooting powerful teenage wads for her to swallow as fast as she could keep up, while another took his place licking and fingering her again without giving her any time to come down from her orgasm. The two who'd used her hands gave way to two more who slotted into her sticky fists and also in ecstasy enjoyed smacking her hanging breasts while she orgasmed. Then they gradually rotated through another set, and another, and another... Dozens of staff had their way with her. Half she masturbated. She swallowed the cum of half. And more than a dozen had made her orgasm at least once, though she started screaming she couldn't do it any more before half the number were through with her. At the end four fingers could slide without resistance up her caved-out vagina or easily distend her sphincter ring to dabble in the soft lining of her bowel. All of them had wiped themselves up with her once elegant dress that became a reeking sperm sodden rag turning crusty white all over. Her stockings still held up, shredded though they were from all the abrasion between her legs.

They watched her expression of revulsion as she got dressed in her white streaked rag that felt like damp, hardening cardboard and smelled of garbage.

Before they turned her loose a junior kitchen boy had an inspiration and dashed off to retrieve a pair of poultry shears. He lowered the zip of her dress just below her cleavage and then scissored out the upper portion of the zip so it could not be raised again. Then he cut out the zip from the bottom hem,  the line of the zip running right up thigh, to the height of her nude mons, leaving her in a slit dress held together along barely a foot of zip, that a draught of air could blow open and reveal her slit undressed. She tottered to the door which she could hardly see, her eyes burning with tears from the knowledge of her disgrace, her overstretched thigh muscles aching, waddling slightly trying to maintain more of a thigh gap so as to accommodate what felt like the elephantine distension of her throbbing sore vagina, hanging curtains of labia, and a leaking rectal bucket. Her tonsils felt bruised when she swallowed, her nipples screamed at the brush of fabric. She was in a post orgasmic mental fog, wondering if her twin receptacles, having been used with equal enthusiasm as sexual organs, would ever shrink down again from their gross disproportions, or if she'd have to wear an adult diaper and menstrual pads the rest of her life. The manager bowed her out of the door onto the street as if she'd only just finished dining as an honored guest of the establishment; which in a way she had, having washed down her dinner with bottomless refills of a protein shake.

Penny was distraught. What had she done? What had possessed her? David could ruin her career with his recording. The staff had all trained their phone cameras on her. She was harrowed, revolted, at what she'd done, with such an unattractive man and a huge crowd of strangers, sick to the point of throwing up. This wasn't her, surely it wasn't her. She had never done anything remotely similar before and she definitely would never permit anything the least bit like it to ever happen again. In the present though, she was left with no transport and no money. Her only option was to make her way on foot to David's town house, though she never wanted to see him again, demand her belongings and have him pay for a cab. But to reach him she would have to walk the distance, which in the city she'd never normally attempt in heels, let alone in such a sordid condition. She would have to keep to the shadows, a longer route via the backstreets, the rat runs....
« Last Edit: February 02, 2025, 01:20:00 PM by The Claire »
Kinks, I've had a few
But then again
Too many to mention

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Re: Penny spent
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2021, 01:46:07 PM »
This was really good, thank you for posting!