Author Topic: Home Rules {BDSM}  (Read 5120 times)

Offline Tornado1935
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Home Rules {BDSM}
« on: July 12, 2021, 12:23:10 PM »
Plot. Ms. Saba moves into Holly Mesher’s house for the week and lays down the rules to the teen in a very strict fashion.
Story Sixteen of Ms. Saba Spanking Series.
POV work of fiction.

After passing a couple of houses, I arrived at the residence of Holly Mesher and made a right turn into the driveway. It’s not like her mother would be needing it since she was currently out of town and would remain so until the week after next. Besides, I am going to be the Alpha of this household so you could consider this the first phase of marking this place as mine.
After securing my vehicle by locking it and setting the alarm, I made my way to the door. The steps of the porch were on the same side as my driver's side door. A very convenient setup. I noticed the lawn looked very neat too. I’m not sure if Holly cuts it or one of those landscaping companies does but whatever the case it looked great. Prior to my arrival, Holly texted me to let me know she left a key under the welcome mat for me. I looked under the matt and sure enough, there was a key waiting for me.
I unlocked the door expecting to be greeted by total silence since this was a Friday and given it was two-thirty in the afternoon, Holly would still be in school until three. I opened the door and to my surprise, I spotted Holly Mesher running a vacuum cleaner across the living room. She was wearing a white scoop neck style low cut tank top and a pink pair of yoga pants with diamond shapes all over them. Her top had three of five buttons undone and was showing enough cleavage to earn her a spanking at school had I been there today. She stopped and turned off the vacuum upon seeing me.

“Ms. Saba,” she said cheerfully. “Welcome to my house. I was just about to finish tidying the place up. You’ve should’ve seen me earlier I wiped down every flat surface in the house, swept and mopped the kitchen and bathroom, and vacuumed both the upstairs and down here.”

“First off, thank you for the welcome, and secondly, why aren’t you in school right now?”

“Today was a half-day so we got out at twelve. How was your vacation in Tacoma?

"I had a very relaxing time away from here. Now I have a couple of things in the trunk of my van that need to be brought in here. Go get them.”

“Yes, Ms. Saba,” Holly replied. She walked past me to head for the door but I stopped her by planting my hands on her shoulders and turning her around to face me so I could look her right in the eyes

“Before you go outside, you’re gonna button-up that top and keep it buttoned up. This house is now a cleavage-free zone and you will dress modestly for as long as I am present here. Do you understand?

“Yes, Ms. Saba.”

“Now what are you waiting for?” I paused to slap her in the face. Not hard enough to leave a bruise but hard enough further assert that I was the alpha of this place as of now then I finished my statement. “Button up that top.” She quickly snapped the undone buttons back into place and ran out the door.

And for those you wondering, I am not going to force Holly to wear a burka or any other form of Muslim clothing. This may come as a shock to some of you but even though I am a Muslim, I don’t even like the Burka. My Hijab is more than enough for me. Another thing, I don’t believe in the concept of conversion. If you are born within a certain faith, you should stay there.

But enough about that. It’s time to immerse myself in this place.
As Holly returned with two suitcases, I sat on the couch and took in my new surroundings. The living room consisted of blue carpet, the red couch I was currently sitting on, two matching recliner chairs, an ottoman off to the left side of the living room, and an orange coffee table between me and the impressive-looking seventy-five-inch tv mounted on the wall and a tall floor lamp off to the left of the couch.
One minute later, Holly completed her task. She brought in three suitcases and four boxes.

“Put the second suitcase on the table and take the rest of upstairs to your mother’s room.”

“But I set up the spare bedroom for your stay.”

“Challenge my orders again and you find yourself over my knees with your pants and underwear down.”
Clearly not wanting that, she placed the second suitcase on the table and took everything else upstairs. The cases first, she would have to come back down and take the boxes one by one.
While I waited for her. I opened the suitcase which contained all of my spanking implements and pulled out the newest spanking one, a black carpet beater, and quickly hid behind the pillow I was leaning against. Holly’s bottom would be getting well acquainted with it soon enough when I laid out more of my rules.
After returning from taking the last box up to her Mother’s room. I ordered to have a seat on the couch. Despite her top being buttoned up, I could still see some cleavage.

“Now Holly, as the temporary head of this household, I am responsible for your safety and wellbeing. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Ms. Saba.

“In addition to dressing modestly, I have other rules that you follow to the letter. Deviate from them in any way no matter how big or small will result in very painful consequences. Is that understood?

“Yes, Ms. Saba.”

“Even though you’ve given me verbal assurance of your compliance, I still believe I need to drive these rules home further. Stand up.”

Holly quickly rose to her feet and awaited my next order. Instead of giving it right away. I stood up and grabbed the front of her tank top, ripping the buttons away then the rest of the garment itself revealing a green lace bra containing those oh so sweet melons I had the pleasure of sucking on my birthday along with eating that pie between her legs. If I’m lucky I’ll get to experience those same pleasures again. Nah, I know I will for I am the Alpha and when I’m in the mood to take something, I take it and use to my satisfaction.

“What the fuck,” Holly shouted.

“Since you can’t wear a top modestly, you shall wear none at all. Now march your ass over to that ottoman, bend over and stick it out.”
As she walked towards the ottoman, I laid my eyes on her soon-to-be spanked ass. She was swaying it that oh so provocative fashion of hers. Come and get it, Ms. Saba. Her body language was saying to me. Oh, I’m gonna get it alright, In the next few seconds and multiple times during my stay here too. There won’t be any of that rebellious teen spirit by the time her mother gets back. Speaking of which, Holly told me her mother was a cop for the city. During one of our idle conservations Maybe I would dominate her too when she returns.

I grab the carpet beater and make my over to Holly. Her hands were gripping the ottoman like her life depended on it and her ass was stuck out perfectly. I gave her a few light taps with the beater and then I yanked her yoga pants down to a pool around her feet. I shook my head in disapproval at her choice of underwear for the day. A black thong. I started off with a very hard test strike to see how loud a carpet beater would make Holly scream. Sure enough, she screamed like an American teenage slut at my mercy. Just the way I liked it. With the first rule already covered. I decided to start with rule number two.

“Rule number two.” SMACK, SMACK. “You will be responsible for all household chores. Cooking, cleaning, and taking out the garbage. Is that understood?

“Yes, Ms. Saba,” Holly replied through the pain she was feeling.

“Rule number three.” SMACK, SMACK. “Your travels will be limited to going to school and coming back home. You will not walk yourself. I will drop you off before the day begins and you will meet me in my office when the day ends and we will leave together once the building is cleared of the other students. Is that understood?

“Yes, Ms. Saba.”

“Rule number four, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. You will have a mandatory homework and study session lasting one or two hours when you come home from every school day and I will be overseeing these sessions to ensure you complete your assignments. Is that understood?

“Yes, Ms. Saba.”

“Rule number five.” SMACK, SMACK. You can only have one friend over on Fridays and Saturday’s but it can only be another girl and she must be gone by Six PM. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Ms. Saba.”

“Rule number six.” SMACK, SMACK, SAMCK, SAMCK. You will adhere to your mandatory bedtime of 8:00 PM every night.” Is that understood?”

“Yes, Ms. Saba. Yes, Ms. Saba.” I let Holly get through her sobs before laying down the next rule.

“Rule number seven.” SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. “When my door is closed I am not to be disturbed. Especially during my prayers. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Ms. Saba.”

“Rule number eight. SMACK, SMACK. If you ever wish to go for a walk, you will only be allowed to do your walks in the backyard so no one has a chance to snatch you in the neighborhood. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Ms. Saba.”

“Lastly.” SMACK, SMACK. “You will be subjected to random inspections of your underwear in this house so when I check them, they better be modest types. Is that understood?

“Yes, Ms. Saba.”

“Good, so that means…” I paused to rip her thong off and dangle it in front of her defeated face. I better not catch you wearing ones like these. Is that understood?

“Yes, Ms. Saba.”
The next smack which I delivered out of spite cause Holly to scream and rise up so could she could grab her sore ass with both hands. She ended up jogging right out of her pants in the process.

“Is there anything else, Ms. Saba?” Holly meekly asked. Given how hard I pounded her ass, I was surprised she still had the energy to speak.

“Yes, two more things. Put your hands behind your head.”
After she complied, I dropped the carpet beater to grab the center of her bra and ripped it off her body. I could’ve reached around her to unhook it, but this way more dominant.

“Only plain bras are permissible from now on and every time I have to give you a spanking for breaking the rules, You will also be branded with my stamper.” I open the suitcase again to grab the stamper Holly gave me for my birthday and stamped Property of Ms. Saba right on her ass.

“Ouch,” Holly said.

“Now go up to your room and stay there for the next thirty minutes. I wish to settle in quietly and when you come back down, I expect to see you in a more proper shirt and pants. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Ms. Saba.”

I leaned in to give Holly’s right boob a few quick sucks then did the same to the left before telling her to march.
After she disappeared up the stairs, I fell onto the couch and began to feel very much at home. This is a very nice place. Holly did really good sprucing it up. Her mother must’ve instilled a great sense of responsibility into her. During the same idle conservation I mentioned earlier, Holly told me her father walked out on them shortly after she was born. Very shameful in my opinion.


AN. I feel like I've reached a milestone getting this series up to sixteen stories. When I first started writing this series on another website, my original goal was to stop at three stories but the encouragement to keep writing kept coming and as a result, I kept getting new ideas and here we are now at sixteen stories.

Let's see if I can conjure up a few more.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2025, 09:41:40 AM by The Claire »

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Re: Home Rules
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2021, 12:50:07 PM »
Oh I'm sorry but there was a missed opportunity to discipline Holly, say for not returning the vacuum back into it's storage space. Can't wait to see how you continue the story from this point. merit awarded from me

I agree that getting this story up to sixteen stories without repeating a scenario just with new named and places is a master achievement to me.  Have to say one thing I would love to see would be Ms. Saba getting spanked by someone a bit more sadistic than her at the moment. Almost a circle story that changes Ms. Saba for future stories!

Congratulations from a constant reader and please keep the series running!