This 'Covid thing' is getting to be a little hard to stomach. For the province of Alberta, we have been setting records for daily cases. Yesterday we were up to over 1500 cases diagnosed in a single day. HOWEVER......the government is telling us, there have been NO cases of the common flu! AMAZING! Alberta has eradicated the common flu! Has anyone notified WHO about this historic event? Someone deserves a medal or something, don't they? A virus that has plagued the human race for eons.....ALL GONE! Yet.....our Covid numbers are going through the roof, compared to what they were BEFORE flu season. Something stinks here, and I am insulted that the government thinks we are THAT stupid! Perhaps take the 500 or 600 cases of flu people have off that 1500 and give us the REAL number, not just the one you want to fear monger us with!