Author Topic: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana {One}  (Read 23146 times)

Offline rexmundi

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The Rape and Brutalization of Diana {One}
« on: October 30, 2020, 05:02:16 PM »
Hi. This is not my story. It was written by rf riverrat and I consider it his magnum opus. It has disappeared from the internet after being hosted on two long defunct sites. I loved the story and just want it to be available for others to see, some of whom may remember it. There are 30 chapters. Sadly,the story was never completed. Another writer plagiarized the first half and posted it elsewhere. Make no mistake: this is the work of riverrat. It is MF Teen NC with the sole exception of a single chapter where it is two on one. I'll probably just post one or two chapters a day to ensure that it is readable. When I'm done, hopefully it can be listed under his author page here. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

The Rape and Brutalization of Diana


Robert W. Harrison III sat in the corner at the local Starbucks enjoying an afternoon latte. At 45, he was still athletic and well toned. In his expensive designer suit, he looked exactly like you'd expect a powerful attorney to look. He gave off an aura of confidence and power, which was exactly what you'd expect from a Georgetown educated lawyer. And it was just that kind of persona that brought clients through his door, in droves. It was that confident, powerful demeanor that made him one of the most feared attorney's in New England.

But that was before! Before he went from the penthouse to the gutter. Before he had been disbarred. Before he had been convicted of raping a young law school intern, who had been assigned to his firm. Before he had served five years in a sex offender treatment program in Upstate New York.

Once he had tasted the forbidden fruit that the law intern represented, he suddenly realized that there was nothing quite as satisfying as taking what he wanted from a woman. Particularly the young, confident little bitches, who tended to think that all men like him were old and unattractive, all the while flirting with them and acting like they were interested in them.

After having his way with the young intern, his appetite for younger women became insatiable. While she screamed and cried as he took her dignity from her, he suddenly became aware that taking what he wanted from those snotty young cunts, was a much more stimulating release of is sexual desire than anything he had ever experienced in his life. After committing the rape, Harrison knew that no other kind of sex would ever satisfy him again!

When he entered the treatment center, he knew they would try diligently to cure him of his impulses to rape young women. He did not intend to let them succeed. The thrill he got from it was far too exciting. During his time there, he had willingly complied with every demand they made of him. He attended his therapy sessions religiously and breezed through his evaluations like a man who was clearly focused on rehabilitation. He was by all accounts a model patient. In fact, so well had he progressed that the director had declared him to be "highly unlikely to re-offend".

After his release from the treatment facility, he was assigned to a very "butch looking" female probation officer. Her name was Debby and she was fat, all business and did absolutely nothing for him in terms of attraction. Therefore it was it easy to maintain his focus on his post-treatment rehab plan, when he met with her. Eventually, having done everything expected of him (and more) he was released from direct supervision and was finally free to re-locate to a different area of the country, if he chose to.

Once he was released from probation, he immediately took advantage of that opportunity. He wanted to go where nobody knew his name, or his face. In his new town, in spite of the distance from the Northeast, Harrison still looked every bit the part of a high class attorney, who would easily blend in at any respected firm on the East Coast. It was a natural role and the only one he was comfortable in. Besides, it worked well during his 'shopping trips'.

In spite of outward appearances, Harrison's image was just a facade. In truth, Harrison was now just like so many of the scumbags his firm had defended over the years. He was now, just one of thousands of sex offenders who roamed the streets of any major city you could name. However, in spite of how far he had fallen from his past life, Harrison considered himself nothing like other sex offenders. He was better than them. He was clearly far out of their league and he knew it. One would probably go so far as to say that he had "standards", if it’s possible to say that about a sex offender.

Unlike the local perverts who targeted anything with a vagina, Harrison chose his victims much like one chose a fine luxury automobile. And now, more than a thousand miles from the ever watchful eyes of psychiatrists and probation officers Harrison would be free to shop, which was why he was in this particular Starbucks, on this particular day.

Just after 3:00 PM, the nearby high school dismissed classes. Unlike in his high school days, modern teens tended to congregate at the coffee shop. Usually to take advantage of the free Wi-Fi and to chug down high octane energy drinks. The students from this particular high school seemed to have an unusually high number or attractive and mature looking young women. For that reason, this Starbucks had become his new favorite 'hang out'.

On this particular afternoon a group of ten senior girls, and a handful of young male jocks, made their grand entrance. The males seemed to look like every other high school jock that Harrison had ever seen. Nothing exceptional about any of them and most of them appeared to be drooling just from being in the presence of these young ladies. The girls (if you wanted to call them that) were much more like women than when Harrison was in school. Their young bodies were fully mature, which served to make one forget they were only 18 or 19 years old. As Harrison watched them, it was easy to understand how a fully grown man could be sexually attracted to a young woman who had only been driving a car for less than five years.

As he watched the group gather to place their orders, his attention was suddenly caught by one in particular. This one was clearly unlike the others. She wore a high school letter-jacket, with a graduation year patch of 2010, "a senior" he noted. On the other shoulder she wore a cheerleading patch. In addition to the patch, the jacket was adorned with ribbons and medals boasting of her exceptional prowess as a cheerleader.

While some would argue that cheerleading didn’t qualify as an athletic event, it was hard to argue that the young women who participated in cheerleading didn't treat it as seriously as would any top athlete. And it was also hard to argue that most cheerleaders had sweet young bodies with incredible stamina. It was clear from the accomplishments displayed on her letter-jacket that they were testament to the hard work she had put in to be, not just a cheerleader, but the best cheerleader! In consideration of those observations, he decided that this young woman was worth watching more closely.

As Harrison watched her, he noticed an air of confidence, almost bordering on superiority. She seemed more mature and dignified, in many ways, than the rest of the young women in her group. She seemed friendly and pleasant, but in spite of that he couldn’t help but get the impression that she was a bit of snob.

Physically she was extremely attractive. She had long, silky, brown hair and beautiful brown eyes that seemed to emit a look of intelligence and a firm grasp of things that many of her friends could only hope to ever understand.

In addition to her natural beauty, she seemed to know exactly where she was going in her life and would let nobody stand in her way. She was clearly light years ahead of most young women her age, which made her stand out even more.

She also possessed a body that made her look several years older than her chattering classmates. This combined with her obvious maturity and confident air, immediately got Harrison's attention. As he felt an unmistakable bulge growing under his pants, Harrison quickly decided that this one was worthy of the same treatment the young legal intern had received. The difference now was that he’d take his time with this one, and this time he wouldn’t get caught.

Harrison pretended to concentrate on his newspaper. As he did, he alternately glanced up to observe the sweet young object of his desires. As the group of students finished ordering they gathered around two tables, less than 15 feet from where Harrison was sitting and collected enough chairs for all of them to sit.

As they arranged the chairs, he got a closer look at her. As he watched her eyes, they seemed happy and full of spirit. He smiled as he envisioned how he would knock the spirit out of them. She appeared to be about 5’5” and her flowing brown hair went halfway down her back and shined like the sun under the bright florescent lights.

Her face seemed to have a permanent smile etched into it that showed off her perfectly straight, shiny white teeth. As he looked closer, he noticed how her blue jeans hugged her young, firm, tight ass like a snug fitting glove. Looking at the front of her letter-jacket, he noticed her name stitched across the upper left. Her name was Diana. Looking more closely, he noticed through the front of her open letter jacket, her orange pullover shirt. The shirt was simple cotton and nothing particularly flashy. However, it was form fitting and beautifully accentuated the outline of her bra and her firm and perky young tits that seemed to be almost calling to Harrison.

As she selected her chair and sat down, Harrison watched her as she sat down to the right of a fairly plain looking girl. As she lowered her sweet little ass into her chair, he watched as one of the jocks suddenly rushed around the table and shoved his way past another male and into the seat immediately to her right. Clearly he liked this girl and wanted to sit next to her. Harrison was curious to watch the interaction between the two.

As they spoke of graduation (only two weeks away) and what the future held for each of them, Harrison feigned disinterest and returned his attention to his Wall Street Journal. Pretending not to notice the group, nor to appear interested in their animated teen conversation, Harrison smiled as he said her name over and over in his brain. “Diana, Diana”, he whispered in his head with a sinister voice, “Come here, Diana! It’s time to play!” As her name repeated over and over, an image suddenly came into his mind. The image played out acts of sexual depravity that he doubted the young cheerleader could imagine in her wildest dreams. As the images continued to taunt him, the bulge in his pants grew larger. Adjusting himself, discreetly under the table, he suddenly imagined all the things he would do to her. Pausing, he considered how he could carry off his plan.

As the group of students shared their post-high school plans with each other, Diana told of her dream to study in China. She said that she had applied at Georgetown University, in hopes of getting into their Asian studies program. Georgetown had a well-respected study abroad program that partnered with Fudan University in Beijing. Diana told anybody who would listen that she was hoping to get into Georgetown and use a study abroad experience in China as a stepping stone to a career in politics.

Her discussion about Georgetown got Harrison’s attention and he couldn’t believe his luck! As a Georgetown graduate, Harrison was extremely familiar with the school's application process. Armed with that knowledge, he suddenly knew exactly what bait to use. Now, all he had to do was hope that Diana was as awestruck by Georgetown as she seemed, and just naive enough to let him reel her in.

Returning to his paper, he smiled as he realized how very fruitful his ‘shopping trip’ to Starbucks had been. He had selected his merchandise; now all he had to do was put his selection in his “cart” and take it home!

« Last Edit: Yesterday at 09:27:39 AM by The Claire »
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Offline LtBroccoli

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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2020, 06:17:44 PM »
Holy shit, I’ve been looking for the mostly complete version for years. Please tell me you have the full-ish version. This is my favorite story and I always wanted to see how it went after Chapter 16.

If you have and post the complete version (more or less), I will gladly write you a story.
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Offline rexmundi

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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2020, 06:42:36 PM »
I have the full 30 chapters, everything he ever wrote minus some author notes where he would let us know when to expect subsequent installments. I thought I had lost it but found a series of old emails where I had saved it for a friend about 10 years ago. Unfortunately riverrat never picked it up again. Last time he mentioned it, he was considering finishing it but then nothing ever came of it.

I also loved his Rush Hour Rapist series which is here but there was a sequel called Rush Hour Rapist II (or something to that effect) which perished when the old RD site went kablooey.  I really wish I had the foresight to save some amazing stories but I never even considered that the site might disappear. I am thankful for RavishU because it still remains and is the home of many truly great stories.
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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2020, 07:52:29 PM »
I remember reading the story way back on the rapedesires website but it is no more, so its good to see it here! Do you have any more stories saved from that site?

Offline rexmundi

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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2020, 08:17:09 PM »
Only half of an absolutely great story by Garver, who might be the single best author I have ever seen on any of these sites. It was called Twins for the Taking and, for some reason, I never saved the second part. I absolutely hate that Rape Desires was lost for all time. Anyways on to....


Having decided on the ploy he would use with Diana, he reached into his pocket and removed one of his old business cards from his firm. It was the same card he had used with thousands of clients over the years, but this one had been printed with a fake name.

        Holding it in his hand, cradling it gently, he watched Diana and the jock sitting next to her. Their interaction was interesting. As Diana flirted with him, Harrison could see that the young jock was desperate to get into her pants. He was loving the attention Diana was giving him. But as the exchange between them continued, it was obvious however (at least to Harrison) that she was simply being a tease and had no interest in anything he may have had in mind. However, the young jock was too horny to even notice that he was simply being set up for a fall.

        Watching intently, Harrison shook his head and thought to himself how much he was going to enjoy giving her everything she deserved. Finally, tiring of his ongoing attempts to get her to leave with him, Diana looked him in the eye and said, “Sorry Brian, I’m not interested.” “Ouch!” thought Harrison. “She built him up, then she shot him down and left him bleeding. I’m going to really enjoy raping that little bitch”, he thought to himself.

        Deciding that it was time to get down to business, Harrison got up from his spot and approached the table. Walking up to Diana, he interrupted her conversation and said “Excuse me young lady!” Looking up at him, Diana looked puzzled. Continuing, he said “I’m sorry to bother you but I happened to overhear you say that you had applied at Georgetown University.”
        Then, showing her his business card he said “I’m an attorney on the East Coast and I also happen to be a member of the Georgetown Alumni Association”. Instantly, Diana’s expression changed to one of genuine interest and she seemed to focus very intently on what he was saying.

        “I’m curious,” Harrison continued “if you aware how much a reference from an alum can give you a significant advantage in gaining admission.” Staring at him with extreme interest at what he was saying, Diana finally responded “Yes sir, I had heard that. But I don’t really know any alumni.” Smiling at her, Harrison held out his hand and said “Well young lady, you do now!” Reaching out to shake her hand, he introduced himself, “My name is Michael C. Johnson, and I’d be happy to try to help you gain admission to this fall’s freshmen class. If… you’re serious about going to Georgetown that is.”

        Suddenly, Diana’s face broke into a huge smile and she could barely contain her excitement. “Oh yes!” she answered, “Absolutely, sir! Getting into Georgetown would be like a dream come true!” Suddenly, Harrison responded. “Not so fast, um…Diana is it?” She quickly replied with an eager nod. “I didn’t tell you that you had been accepted. I’m just offering you a chance to improve your odds by, possibly, providing you with a letter of recommendation.”

        “I always am eager to do anything I can to help young people, such as yourself get into GU. It’s a wonderful university and I can see how much you seem to want to go there. It would be a privilege for me to help you realize your dream, and if I can do that for you I’d consider it an honor. But first,” he continued “I’d really need to know more about your plans for school (and beyond) and why you want to go to Georgetown.”

        Diana appeared to be almost dazed by what he had told her. She couldn’t believe her luck, running into this man. Smiling, Harrison thought to himself “I’ve got her interested in the ‘bait’, now lets see if I can get her to swallow it.”

        Continuing, he said “If you could come to my office after school on Friday, I’d be happy to interview you and see if you are really Georgetown material. If I like what I see from you, I’ll write you a letter of reference. I don’t mean to brag”, he continued “but a letter of reference from me would carry some weight with the admissions review panel. What do you think?”Diana practically leaped out of her chair as she answered “YES! OH YES! Thank you so much!” she squealed.

        Smiling, he held up his hand and said, “Not so fast, Diana. You don’t even know me. You’d better talk to your parents first. Then, after you’ve done that, have them call me and we can discuss things. Then, if they are comfortable with the situation, we can schedule a meeting on Friday.”

        Handing her his business card, he pointed out the number for his cell (a pre-paid phone with a bogus name associated with it; therefore untraceable) and told her to have her parents call him, that evening. Diana grabbed hold of the card like it was a winning powerball ticket and stuffed it securely in her purse.

        Turning towards the door now, Harrison smiled and said “I look forward to speaking to your parents.” “Thank you so much, Mr. Johnson” responded Diana with glee. “I can’t wait for Friday!” she said. Holding back a sinister laugh, Harrison looked away from her and said “Neither can I!” Then, he turned, walked to the door and exited.
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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2020, 08:51:10 PM »
This story is a real internet classic!  I remember reading this years ago. It inspired me for a lot of my stories. Thanks for re-posting it rexmundi, and keeping it alive.
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2020, 10:00:54 PM »
I loved this story and was hoping he would eventually finish it.  Thanks for saving it!

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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2020, 06:27:38 AM »

Harrison pulled his Mercedes into the underground garage at his leased condo. His opulent wealth was just one more thing (in his mind) that made him different than all the other slime ball sex offenders out there. In spite of his long fall from his ivory tower, Harrison had maintained ample financial resources.

As the founding partner of his former firm, with a majority stake in it's ownership, he received a seven-figure salary during most of his years as a practicing attorney. Thanks to a shrewd investment consultant, he had succeeded in sheltering a significant portion of his annual earnings into various, high return, investment portfolios that performed well, even during economic downturns.

Thanks also to a substantial corporate and personal liability insurance policy (also recommended to him by his investment advisor) he was able to shield the bulk of his personal fortune from seizure in the event of a civil suit filed against him, or his firm. In spite of the outrageous annual premiums, the policy turned out to be the best investment he had ever made. He appreciated just how valuable it was after it paid out a multi-million dollar (out of court) settlement on the civil suit filed against him by the law intern he had raped.

Thanks to the excellent financial planning advise he received, he had amassed a vast network of financial resources that would certainly outlive him. It was these resources that would enable him to continue his charade and allow him to get into a position where he could get his hands on Diana, or any other young bitch he lusted after.

After dinner, he sat down in his La-Z-Boy to read a book. Suddenly his cell phone rang. Picking it up from the table next to his chair, he glanced at the call screen and noticed it was a local number that he did not recognize. Placing the phone to his ear, he connected the call. "Hello?", he said.

The caller on the other end was a male. Judging from the sound of his voice, he guessed him to be about his age. "Hello", said the voice on the other end. "Is this Michael Johnson?" Harrison responded, without hesitation, "Yes! Can I help you?"

The caller identified himself as Diana's father and told him he had a few questions about the conversation he had with his daughter, earlier in the day. Harrison, immediately shifted gears and moved easily into the persona he had used on Diana, at Starbucks. "Certainly, sir!" he responded. "I understand that you'd have questions. That was why I encouraged Diana to have you call me. I'm so glad you did."

After confirming that what he and Diana had discussed was true, he asked Harrison several very direct and very pointed questions. It was clear that her father was, more than just a little suspicious of Harrison's intentions and did not trust him. "Why do you want to interview Diana? There is nothing in the Georgetown application packet that mentions anything about a pre-admission interview being required. And furthermore", he continued "you don't even know my daughter. Why would you offer to provide a letter of reference for a young woman you've never even met before?"

Harrison could see that he needed to formulate his response, very carefully. Barely hesitating, he said "I truly appreciate your concern, sir. And you are absolutely correct! There is no requirement for an interview or an alumni reference as a condition of admission. However," he continued, "due to Georgetown's highly competitive admission standards, and the limited number of spots available in each freshmen class, the admissions committee always looks for something that sets each applicant apart from the competition when they make an admission decision. In my experience, a reference from an alum (especially one who is heavily involved in the alumni association) he lied, "is given a great amount of weight by the admissions committee. A reference from me, would certainly help to set Diana's application apart from many of the others."

Pausing to consider his next comment, Harrison continued "I don't blame you for having concerns about me speaking to your daughter. And I admit that it seems highly suspicious that I would make an offer like this to a young woman I have never met before. However, as a member of the alumni association, I am committed to see that Georgetown continues to maintain the highest standards and admits students who are as committed to the principles of the university as I am".

"Frankly sir, when I overheard your daughter talking to her friends at Starbucks, I saw the gleam in her eye when she talked about Georgetown and could see how much it would mean to her to go there. That is precisely the kind of devotion that makes Georgetown the fine institution that it is. And that is just the type of attitude we look for in our incoming students.

Harrison almost laughed as he realized how thick he was spreading it, but he knew he had to keep it up if he was going to get past her father's defenses. So, he continued. "As I listened to your daughter this afternoon, I saw something in her that made me feel as though it would be a loss to Georgetown if she were not admitted. So, as unusual as my offer seems, I felt compelled to approach her and discuss it. I guess it was just my, sensitive side coming through" , he said with a chuckle.

He contemplated his next remark with great care. Because he knew it could backfire on him and destroy any chance he might have to get Diana alone. But he felt he needed to offer something to show a sign of trust. "Sir, if you're at all concerned about my intentions with your daughter, you're welcome to accompany her to the interview, In fact", he continued, "I'd encourage it. Or, if you prefer, I'd be happy to meet you, your wife and Diana at any restaurant you choose, if that would make you more comfortable."

Harrison paused to let her father consider what he had proposed. When he responded, her father appeared to have changed his tone and let his guard down, somewhat. Laughing sarcastically, he said "I appreciate your offer Mr Johnson. But somehow, I doubt an independent young woman like Diana really wants "mommy and daddy" tagging along on her college interview. We'd never hear the end of it."

It appeared to Harrison that he had won her father over, but he wasn't yet convinced. Suddenly, her father asked a question and Harrison knew he was being tested. "Where is your office located downtown, Mr. Johnson?" There it was! He was trying to trap him.

Since he had called him, he obviously had the business card that he had given Diana. The business card showed a New York City address, so he was betting that Harrison would slip up and give a local address. "Good try," thought Harrison, "but not good enough!"

Without missing a beat, Harrison responded, "Sir? My office is in New York. I'm only in town on business. I don't have a local office." His response clearly caught her father off guard and knocked down his last defense barrier.

Harrison then told him about his fictitious friend, who was an attorney at Klienendorst, Henderson and Mears, and had an office downtown. The firms website had provided him with just enough information to make his story believable. "My friend has already told me I can use a vacant office if I need a place to work, any time I'm in town. So I thought I could interview Diana there." Harrison added that there was ample parking across the street, in a patrolled parking ramp and that the firm would validate. "Or," he said "if you prefer, there is a short term parking area in front of the building, available after 5:00. You could drop Diana off there and wait for her, if you wish." He had cast out the bait. Now he just needed to wait and see if anything bit.

Suddenly her father said, "Sorry about the inquisition, Mr Johnson! I hope you understand." Harrison smiled, he had won him over. "No reason to apologize! A man with a beautiful young daughter needs to be careful. You're only doing what any responsible father would do." Apparently, that was the final blow against his protective wall. Because seconds later, Diana picked up the phone.

As she confirmed the location of the office and got directions, Harrison was mesmerized by her pleasant and melodic voice. As he listened to her questions, he momentarily drifted off, thinking about the sound of her angelic voice, screaming in agony as he fucked her brains out.

Quickly refocusing on the phone call, he reviewed the details of the Friday appointment with her. He scheduled it for 5:00. He then told her that her parents were welcome to accompany her, if they wanted to. He was fairly confident she would decline his offer, at least he hoped she would, but he felt he needed to make the offer to try to convince her father, one last time, that he had no ill intent.

Just as he'd hoped, her response gave credibility to her independent attitude, when she giggled and made it clear (in no uncertain terms) that she did not need, or want, her parents to come with her. Harrison smiled at her obvious attempt, to show she was a mature woman who didn't need her parents interference.

As he thought of her he felt a bulge in his pants as he envisioned how on Friday night, he intended to knock that independent spirit out of her. By the time the night was over, he'd have her pleading for mercy and begging for her "mommy and daddy to save her!
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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2020, 09:33:15 PM »

    At 4:30 on Friday afternoon, Harrison pulled his Mercedes into the parking ramp, across the street from the Horn Towers Corporate Center. Stepping from his car, he adjusted his tie and suit jacket. Then he reached inside and removed his leather briefcase. Pressing the button on his fob he locked the doors and activated the alarm system, He walked to the elevator and descended to the street level.

    Traffic was heavy, typical for a Friday evening rush hour. The traffic light was out of order, meaning he was at the mercy of the motorists. He waited several minutes before a group of drivers stooped to allow him to cross the street. Having made his way, safely to the front entrance, he pushed through the revolving door and walked into the elegant lobby.

    The lobby was richly appointed and clearly the tenants were willing to pay what Harrison imagined were "outrageous lease rates" to be in such a prestigious office building. He felt truly in his element here and started looking around the lobby, in case Diana had been early.

    Near the elevators, he saw a security post that was staffed by a very large and intimidating looking security officer. Harrison apparently spent too much time looking around the lobby, because he drew the attention of the security officer. Suddenly, the guard called out "Can I help you with something, sir?"

    Not wanting to draw anymore attention to himself, he walked immediately over to the guard's station and said "I'm Michael Johnson. I'm an attorney with Kleinendorst, Henderson and Mears, up on the 17th floor. I'm supposed to meet a client here in the lobby at 5:00 and I was just looking to see if she's here yet." Relaxing, the guard smiled and said "No problem, Mr. Johnson. Sorry about that. I'm fairly new here and I don't know most of the people who work in the building, yet." Holding his hand out towards him, Harrison shook his hand and said "Pleased to know you and thanks for being so conscientious in your duties. I appreciate it."

    Suddenly the phone rang on the guard's desk. No longer concerned about Harrison's presence in the lobby, he answered the call and turned his attention back to more pressing matters. Meanwhile, Harrison found a strategic location near the entrance, in a comfortable leather sofa, from which to watch for Diana and to prepare for their appointment. Opening his briefcase, he took a few seconds to examine the contents. After re-assuring himself that everything was there, he glanced down at his Rolex. It was 4:45.

    From his vantage point on the sofa, he scanned the street through the large lobby windows. At 4:50 a mini-van, with a dark haired female passenger pulled to the curb and stopped. "Damn!" thought Harrison "she ended up getting a ride after all!" As he watched the passenger exit from the vehicle, he relaxed when he realized it wasn't Diana.

    At 4:52, an SUV pulled into the spot vacated by the mini-van a few minutes before. Harrison watched as another female passenger exited. Again, it was not Diana. He was relieved because he had based his entire plan on his belief that she would come alone.

    At 4:55, Harrison's attention was suddenly drawn across the street to a lone female, exiting on foot from the parking ramp. As she stepped to the curb, he could see her long brown hair. It was Diana!

    As she waited for a break in traffic, he saw her place the orange parking ramp ticket into her purse. He smiled as he realized that possession of the parking ticket meant she had driven the car into the ramp, and since there was no one else within sight she had come alone! Smiling he thought, "She took the bait, now all I have to do is set the hook and reel her in!"

    As a break in traffic finally materialized, Diana stepped from the curb and quickly made her way across the street, to the sidewalk in front of the building. At precisely 5:00, she stepped through the revolving door and into the lobby. As she walked in she did not see Harrison, because she was too busy reveling in the ornate furnishings and splendid decor of the lobby. As she looked around, still oblivious to Harrison's presence, he was busy giving Diana the once over.

    Her clothing selection for the meeting with Harrison showed that she took it seriously and appreciated the important impact it could have on her future. She had chosen an outfit that was surprisingly conservative for an 18 (almost 19} year old high school cheerleader, yet completely appropriate for a meeting of this type.

    On top she wore an expensive, white silk blouse with pearl buttons down the front. It was contoured to hug her upper torso and it accentuated the shape of her bust line. Harrison noticed that feature immediately! At the top of the blouse, (between the top button and her neckline) there was a gap that allowed the swell of the tops of her breasts and her cleavage to be, ever so slightly, visible.

    Below she wore a pair of cuffed, navy blue dress slacks. They were neatly pressed with crisp pleats and were tailored to fit perfectly around her hips and tight little rump. On her feet, she wore a pair of shiny black, patent leather pumps with (what Harrison estimated to be about) 4-inch heels. The heels were much higher than would have been practical for business wear (or walking around a college campus) but they were very attractive and certainly not inappropriate and just about what you'd expect from a young woman who was more concerned about fashion than practicality. Harrison approved nonetheless.

    Physically, Diana could pass for a young woman, a few years older. But her reaction to the splendor and elegance of the lobby (surrounded by the bustling crowd of business professionals, rushing past to begin their weekends) made her look less like a woman and more like a soon to be high school graduate, who seemed out of her element. That was fine with Harrison. Keeping her out of her comfort zone, would take away some of her confidence and make her a bit more vulnerable. "That" he thought, "Is exactly how I want her."

    Getting up from the sofa, Harrison walked across the lobby and greeted her, with an outstretched hand. "Hello Diana! I'm very happy to see you!" Turning towards him, she accepted his handshake and returned a somewhat weak handshake and said "Hi, Mr. Johnson." Harrison observed that very few young women, especially of Diana's age, appreciated the positive first impression that a firm handshake could give. He smirked inwardly, as he thought how he planned to give her ample opportunities to strengthen her grip, later in the evening. Harrison was almost giddy, at the realization that he was so close to having his way with Diana's sweet young body.

    However, he needed one last measure of reassurance that his best laid plans would not suddenly go horribly wrong. Glancing out towards the street, as if he was expecting someone, he looked at Diana and asked, "Aren’t your parents joining us?" Without a moment’s hesitation, she responded in an almost snotty tone, "No! Were they supposed to?" Ignoring her somewhat biting tone, he said "Certainly not. In fact these interviews tend to go much better when the parents aren't present. Parents always seem to interfere and distract from the original focus of the interview. I imagine you know all about that", he said with a smile. Rolling her eyes in acknowledgement (showing she was still not as mature as she wanted everyone to think she was), she replied "Boy, do I ever!"

    Still smiling Harrison continued, "Frankly, I'm a little surprised that your father didn't come with you. It seemed like he wasn’t comfortable with you coming to meet with me, alone. I sort of expected", he said "that he'd insist on coming with you at the last minute. I didn't really get the feeling that he trusted me being alone with you."

    Sighing, dropping her head, and shaking it in embarrassment, Diana said "You noticed, huh? Oh," she continued, "that was soooooooo embarrassing! I wanted to punch him!” she continued. "I swear, it’s like he thought you were some kind of pervert who was going to rape me or something." Smiling discreetly, Harrison had to give her dad credit for being a keen judge of character. "Besides", Diana said "he couldn't have come anyway. He and my mom are out of town this weekend."

    Suddenly Harrison's ears perked up. Trying not to look too obvious, he asked "So you're alone this weekend, huh?" Failing to pick up on how interesting Harrison found that little tidbit, Diana rambled on "Yeah! Of course, I wasn't supposed to tell you that. God," she continued, "my dad doesn't trust anybody. I'm surprised he didn't hire a babysitter to stay with me, or something.

    Suddenly, Diana stopped in mid-sentence. As Harrison watched her, her face flushed slightly and she looked genuinely embarrassed, as if she realized she had done something wrong. Suddenly, she blurted out "Oh, I'm so sorry, Mr. Johnson. You must think I'm so immature, complaining and going on and on about my parents like that. I'm so embarrassed!"

    Smiling at her, he said "That's okay Diana. Sometimes parents can be very frustrating. Especially for a young woman like you who wants so badly to show that she is a woman, and not a child. I know exactly how you feel. It's no problem." Diana smiled softly and looked relieved that he was so understanding.

    Reaching out and gently touching her shoulder, he nodded towards the lobby sofa and said "shall we get down to business?" As they sat down on the sofa, Harrison ran through a set of preliminary questions that sounded as though they were part of a legitimate college-admissions survey. Then he opened his briefcase and removed a manila folder, took out a sheet of paper with several general information questions and handed her a pen.

    As she filed out the questionnaire, he removed a small notebook computer from his briefcase. It was already powered up and as she finished the form, he logged onto the internet. Then, surfing to the FaceBook log-in screen he looked at Diana. "That form you filled out is just some preliminary demographic and contact data that will enable me to track your progress in the admissions process. I like to do that for the students I give referrals to.

    After handing the sheet back to him, she said "I have a question. Why do you and the university want the address for my Face Book page? I thought that was a weird thing to ask for. "Harrison noted the suspicious nature of the question.

    Patiently he took the time to explain the realities (good and bad) of social networking sites and how he and the university use them to review candidates for admission. "We want to make sure that our candidates meet the high standards we expect. Sometimes Face Book pages reveal a lot of unflattering things about a candidate", he said.

    Diana nodded understanding, and said "Gee, I've never thought of that!" He then handed her the notebook computer and said, "I've sent a friendship request to your Face Book address. It will be the easiest way for me to communicate with you during the process. I'll also paste info about Georgetown to your wall, to keep you up to date with what’s happening on campus during the summer. It'll also help me to learn things about you that I can't find out during an interview. That will help me write a better letter of reference for you. Are you okay with me contacting you through Face Book?" "Sure" said Diana as she effortlessly logged into her Face Book account and accepted his friendship request. After logging off, Harrison took the computer back, powered it off and put it back into his briefcase.

    Closing the briefcase, Harrison looked at Diana and said “Okay, we’ve finished all the preliminary information for my applicant tracking file. Now its time for me to find out more about you, and why you want to go to Georgetown.” Looking at his watch, he said “I see its 5:45. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting kind of hungry. Would you be uncomfortable if we did the interview over dinner, like two mature adults? Or would you prefer that we stayed here in the lobby?”

    Pondering his offer of dinner, Diana said “My parents told me that if you asked me to go to dinner, I was supposed to say “No!”” In spite of her parent’s instructions, Harrison could tell that she secretly wanted to defy her parents and go to dinner. So he decided to help make her decision easier.

    “I understand you parent’s concerns.” Pausing briefly, he continued “Here’s an idea. How ‘bout if we each drive separately? You can follow me to the restaurant in your car. Then, you can leave anytime you want. How could your parents possibly object to that?” Smiling, Diana responded “You’re right, let’s eat!”

    As they stood up to leave, Diana suddenly remembered she needed to get her parking receipt validated. Harrison said, “Sorry. It’s after 5:30. There isn’t anybody upstairs to do that for you.” Quickly removing a twenty dollar bill from his wallet, he handed it to her and said “Here, this should cover it.” Smiling ear to ear, Diana took the $20.00 and said “Thank you, so much, Mr. Johnson!”

    As they crossed the street together, Harrison smiled at how perfectly his plan was coming together. In fact, it was going even better then he had hoped. The unexpected revelation that her parents were out of town meant that he had the whole weekend to do anything he wanted to do to her, and not just the few hours he had originally planned on.

    Also, the fact that she had so freely shared her irritation about how much her dad distrusted him, showed that she was completely naïve as to his real intentions for her. That meant she considered him harmless and had no reason to be on guard with him. As he looked ahead to what he had planned for her, he smirked as he thought, “A few hours from now, she’ll wish she had listened to her parents!”
« Last Edit: November 01, 2020, 12:27:55 AM by rexmundi »
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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2020, 12:24:33 PM »
    Harrison pulled out of the parking ramp and merged into the evening traffic. Two blocks away, he pulled to the curb and waited in the open parking lane for Diana. Approximately five minutes later, he saw her pull out of the ramp in her dad’s Lexus.

    As she pulled in behind him, he put his Mercedes into gear and merged back into traffic, with Diana following close behind him. As he drove the 10 blocks to Altobellis’ Italian Bistro (Diana said she “loved Italian food”) he realized how perfect a plan it had turned out to be, to have Diana follow in her car.

    With the parking ramp entrance and exit points monitored with 24 hour security cameras, any video that was reviewed (should that ever occur) would show them walking in together, but leaving in separate vehicles, from separate floors, over five minutes apart. It would be impossible to conclude that they were together again at any point after they walked into the ramp. “No wonder I was such damn good defense attorney” he said.

    15 minutes later, the valets had parked their cars and they were seated at their table, in an out of the way corner of the restaurant. As Diana looked at the menu, he suddenly noticed something he had not noticed before. Around her neck she wore a delicate, yet expensive, gold necklace with a gold crucifix hanging from it. The crucifix hung down to just above her cleavage, which made him want to look at it all the more. As he admired the crucifix, he suddenly realized “She’s Catholic!” As that thought settled in his mind he felt that oh so familiar bulge form under his pants. “Could I be so lucky” he thought “as to have her be a virgin? Oh God, I could only hope! But I guess I’ll know soon enough!”

    A moment later, the waiter arrived and brought Harrison’s thoughts back to the present. As he took their meal orders, Diana also ordered a “cherry” Coke. Harrison laughed to himself, at the irony of her ordering something cherry. He was looking forward to the “cherry” he hoped he would be getting later. “In fact” he thought, as his bulge continued to grow, “I bet I’ll get two cherries!”

    After the waiter left, Harrison asked her a series of questions about her future plans and why she wanted to attend Georgetown. She answered them with such enthusiasm and sincerity (making it obvious how badly she wanted to go to Georgetown) that Harrison almost felt sorry for perpetrating this cruel charade on her. But his sympathy for her quickly disappeared as he suddenly pictured her screaming in agony as he forced her to take his cock in all of her tight little holes.

    As she finished her cherry Coke, and the waiter quickly brought her another, Diana excused herself to go to the restroom. As she walked away, Harrison watched the swing of her tight ass and noticed the faint outline of panty lines under her tailored dress slacks. “HMMM!” he thought “No slutty thongs for her, I see!”

    As Diana disappeared into the restroom Harrison removed, from his pocket, a small medicine bottle that he had transferred from his briefcase in the parking ramp. Looking around to make sure he was not observed, he quickly poured a pre-measured amount of white powder into Diana’s beverage. He then stirred the powdered Rohypnol until it dissolved, leaving no trace that it was ever there. A few minutes later, Diana returned to her seat and took a sip of her cherry Coke.

    Over dinner, Harrison continued the charade with Diana. Suddenly taking a fairly serious tone, Harrison said “One of the major reasons that freshmen fail in their first year of college is because of difficulty in their personal relationships. Since I want you to succeed, I want to ask you: How does your boyfriend feels about you going to Georgetown? Will you have trouble focusing on school with him being so far away?”

    Diana, who was now starting to show some minor effects from the ‘Roofie’ said, “Oh, that’s no problem. I don’t have a boyfriend.” Surprised, Harrison said “What about that young man in the letter jacket, I saw you with at Starbucks? He certainly looked like he was attracted to you.”
    Thinking back to that afternoon, Diana suddenly laughed, and with a tone of annoyance in her voice said “Oh, him? He’s not my boyfriend, but he wishes he was. He’s more like a pet,” she said with a childish laugh. The Rohypnol was starting to kick in now and Diana was clearly losing some of her composure. “It won’t be long now” thought Harrison.

    Continuing, Diana said, “His name is Brian and he’s a football player who thinks he’s pretty special. He thinks I like him because I flirt with him so he follows me around like a puppy. Its fun for me to tease him, into thinking I’m interested, but I’m too focused on college to be bothered with him.”
    Diana had clearly lost her focus as to why she was there with Harrison. The roofies were kicking into high gear now and she had transformed from a seemingly mature young woman who was focused on her future, to a spiteful little tease who seemed to like tempting boys and then declaring herself off limits. Harrison smiled as he thought “This little bitch deserves everything she’s going to get!”

    As Diana finished her cherry Coke, leaving her food mostly untouched, she suddenly seemed to have trouble focusing her eyes. She appeared somewhat disoriented, and had now completely forgotten why she was there with Harrison. Harrison, however, still knew exactly why she was there. And he decided it was time for Diana to learn the real reason she was meeting with him.
    Harrison immediately called for the waiter and asked for the check. Leaving cash and a sizeable tip on the table, Harrison then assisted Diana to her feet and held her up as she stumbled through the restaurant.

    Once outside, Harrison called for a valet. He then handed him the key’s to Diana’s father’s Lexus and three crisp $100.00 bills. Along with those he handed him a note with Diana’s address on it and said “Please take this Lexus to this address. Then leave the keys under the floor mat and lock it” Then, handing him a fourth $100.00 bill he said, “Here’s cab fare for your trip home.” Grabbing the money and stuffing it in his pocket, the valet smiled and said “Right away, sir!”
    As he watched the valet disappear with Diana’s dad’s car, he held her up while he waited for his own car to be delivered. One it arrived, he gave another $100.00 bill to the second valet and quickly deposited Diana in the back seat of his Mercedes.

    As he pulled out of the lot, he looked at his watch. It was almost 9:00. Looking into the back seat, he watched Diana thrashing, trying to clear her head from the unexplained sensations she was feeling. Smiling with sinister delight, Harrison turned north and drove towards the place he had seleced for tonight's main event.

    A place that, after tonight, he would forever remember as the location where a sweet, Catholic cheerleader got to visit Hell!
Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!

Offline rexmundi

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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2020, 06:32:08 AM »
    When choosing where to bring Diana for his depraved intentions, the Vagabond Motel fit the bill perfectly. It was exactly the kind of place that came to mind when people thought of a trashy motel. In fact, the Vagabond may have been the original “No Tell” Motel.

    The Vagabond had a history of catering to prostitutes and their Johns and rooms were typically rented by the hour, rather than by the night. Nobody who stayed at the Vagabond cared about what was going on in the next room, no matter how much noise there was. That was why there had been at least three murders there in the last five years that went undiscovered, until the housekeepers went in to clean the next day. In spite of its reputation though, the rooms were clean and private and that was all Harrison cared about.

    Pulling his Mercedes up to the office, he rushed inside and spoke with the manager. He asked for, and received, the room that was furthest away from all the others. Not an unusual request for most Vagabond guests.

    Like most guests, Harrison paid with cash and told the manager “I may want the room for two nights and I won’t need housekeeping services.” The manager shrugged, “Whatever you want, sir. You’re the customer.”

    Harrison then handed the manager three $100.00 bills and said will this help to insure our privacy, for the duration of our stay?” The manager took the bills and stuffed them in his pocket. Smiling at Harrison, he handed him his room key and said “Sir, consider this Las Vegas. What happens at the Vagabond stays at the Vagabond.” Smiling, Harrison thanked the man and hurried back to his car.

    The Vagabond was set up like a typical commuter motel. It was a long, single-story building with doors from each room opening to the outside. This allowed guests to drive right up to their rooms. At 9:30 Harrison pulled his Mercedes up to the door, outside the room, at the end of the building, furthest from the office.

    As he put the car into ‘park’ Diana moaned in the back seat and said “Mr. Johnson, I don’t feel very good.” Ignoring her momentarily, Harrison stepped out of the Mercedes. As he exited the vehicle, he grabbed his briefcase off the front seat, as it contained a few items he intended to use later.

    Then closing the door, he removed the room key from his pocket, unlocked the door and went inside. The room was about like he expected and it was sparsely furnished. Against the wall was a queen-sized bed with a brass headboard. Next to the bed was a cheap looking night table with an ugly lamp standing on it and a phone, which Harrison would have bet $100 didn’t work. In the corner was a large, overstuffed, upholstered chair next to a TV, sitting on a rickety stand. There was also a bathroom with a shower, but not much else.

    Though light years away from being luxurious, the room was very clean, it even smelled clean. Which Harrison found surprising, considering the nature of the clientele. But most important to Harrison…it was private!

    Quickly Harrison placed his briefcase on the chair and opened it. He removed a few items from inside closed it again. Looking around the room, he smiled. He was ready! Back outside the room, Harrison returned to the Mercedes and opened the rear passenger door. Sitting down inside next to Diana, who was still lying on the seat, he watched her.

    As he did, he thought back to all the he had learned at the sex offender treatment center. In particular, he recalled how he learned about the proper way to use Rohypnol to achieve certain desired results. As he watched Diana, he realized that the dosage he had given was perfect.

    Her coordination was severely impaired and she was having trouble focusing her eyes on what she was looking at. She was disoriented and had no idea where she was or how she got there. The effects usually start within 30 minutes and peak at around two hours. They tend to last from 8-12 hours. Since it had been close to two hours since she had drunk the Roofie-laced Coke. That meant she was about as bad as she was going to get. That meant she’d be conscious and somewhat aware of what was happening to her, but very easy to control. That was important to Harrison because he definitely wanted her conscious. He wanted her to feel, see and hear everything he was going to do to her. And he wanted her to be able to plead, beg and cry. But mostly, he wanted her to scream!

    Helping Diana to sit up, Harrison sat next to her as she slumped against his shoulder for support. “Diana,” he said, acting concerned. “Are you okay?” She was silent for a moment. “I’m not sure. I feel dizzy and really tired. Continuing to act as though he was concerned about her, he said “It could be food poisoning. Do you think you are going to throw up?” pausing before she answered, Diana said “No! But I think I need to get up and get some fresh air.”

    Helping her out of the car, Harrison said “That’s a good idea. Some fresh air might help.” As Diana stood up, on wobbly legs, she was clearly unsteady on her feet. While he watched her, Harrison closed the door and locked the car. Looking around, clearly having no idea where she was, Diana took a few steps, then suddenly stumbled on her four-inch heels and landed in Harrison’s arms.

    Looking up at him with a somewhat dazed look, Diana said “I think I need to lie down.” Lifting her up like a limp ragdoll, Harrison said “I agree’, as he carried her towards the room. Once inside, he deposited her onto her back, on the bed. He was none to gentle about it either.

    Then as she lay there looking up at him, he quickly grabbed one of the items he had taken from his briefcase, a high resolution digital camera. Then, walking up to the bed, he stood over her and took several pictures of Diana. Then, he set the camera down on the night stand, next to another item he had taken from the briefcase.

    As he stood looking down at Diana, he saw her staring up at him with a quizzical look on her face. “Where are we?” she asked. “And why did you just take pictures of me?” Suddenly, without warning his demeanor transformed from the pleasant, caring and concerned Michael Johnson, to a cruel and harsh man with lust in his eyes. Answering her questions, he sneered at her and said, “Where we are doesn’t matter. As for why I took those pictures, I decided I wanted to have some photos of what you looked like when you were sweet and innocent and before you became… a fucking little slut!”

    In a flash, Harrison dropped onto the bed and was suddenly kneeling over Diana with his knees pressing into the mattress next to each shoulder. Then, dropping all his weight down onto her upper body, he pinned her to the bed. Suddenly, her eyes flew open and she tried to scream. But Harrison, who outweighed her by at least 125 pounds, had his weight against her diaphragm making screaming impossible.

    As the look of terror spread across Diana’s face, Harrison reached for camera on the night stand. As she struggled under him, gasping for breath, he took several facial shots that showed her terrified expressions. Then, setting the camera on the bed, he reached down and unzipped his pants. Extracting his penis, he waved it over Diana’s face. “Do you like to suck cock, you little slut?” he taunted. “You do, don’t you?” Shrieking to the extent she was able, Diana cried out “NO! NO! GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!

    Then, grabbing hold of her long, silky, brown hair Harrison twisted a handful of it in his fist until she shrieked in pain. Then, rubbing his cock against her face he demanded “Open your mouth and suck my cock, you sweet little bitch!” With tears forming in her eyes and her lower lip starting to tremble, Diana shook her head from side-to-side and gasped, “NO! NO! Please, no!

    Grabbing a second fistful of her hair, Harrison twisted violently until it felt like he was going to pull it out by the roots. The pain was excruciating to Diana, who had low threshold for pain anyway, and she sobbing and wailing with deep, guttural sobs that made it hard to catch her breath.

    Looking into her eyes with a cold stare, Harrison demanded “Open your mouth, bitch!” Diana continued to cry and sob through tightly clenched teeth, but would not open her mouth. Harrison suddenly began to scream at her “OPEN YOUR MOUTH, YOU FUCKING LITTLE BITCH! OPEN IT, OR I’LL RIP EVERY HAIR OUT OF YOUR HEAD!”

    Suddenly, desperate for air, Diana gasped in a small breath. It was enough! As Harrison shifted his hips forward, his cock slid into Diana’s virgin mouth. Once inside her mouth, he stopped and held it there, momentarily. Still holding onto her hair, he stared in to her eyes and said “That’s better! Now,” he continued. “Suck it nice and lick it! Treat it like it’s the best tasting thing that has every been inside your mouth.” Pausing, again, Harrison said, “Oh, one more thing. If you bite it or put so much as a tooth on it, I’m going knock every tooth out your beautiful mouth. NOW SUCK IT!” he screamed.

    Closing her eyes tightly, tears ran down her cheeks. Her head was foggy and she didn’t know what was wrong with her. She didn’t know where she was and she was terrified and didn’t know what to do. She wanted her mom and dad, so badly but they couldn’t help her even if they were home, because nobody knew where she was. So she did the only thing she could think of that would keep her from being beaten or killed. She opened her mouth wider and allowed Harrison to push his cock into her throat!

    Grabbing hold of both sides of her head, Harrison groaned and slammed his cock forward, until it was halfway down Diana’s throat. As it slid past her tonsils, she gagged violently and nearly vomited. Her airway was blocked and she could barely breathe, yet Harrison continued to push his cock further and further into her throat. Suddenly, he began to rock his hips back and forth, allowing his shaft to slide up and down in her throat, with each inward thrust making her gag again.
With his balls resting on her chin and saliva running out the corners of her mouth, Harrison said “Lick it, slut! Lick my cock until I cum!” Having no choice but to comply, Diana wrapped her tongue around his cock and licked it like she was slurping on a popsicle. She had never done this before and she didn’t know what she was doing so she prayed that she was doing what he wanted.

    While Diana’s tongue coated his cock with her saliva, Harrison picked up the camera again and clicked off several tight shots of Diana with Harrison’s cock in her mouth and her tongue working furiously along his spit soaked shaft.

    Finally, nearing orgasm, Harrison grabbed two handfuls of her hair said “Swallow it, you little cum guzzler! I’m gonna cum in your fuckin’ mouth! Swallow every, single drop! Do you hear me?” Diana didn’t answer. She just sobbed and gagged and drooled.

    Holding her head firmly, he forced his cock to the back of her throat, pressed his balls against her lips and shot his sperm all the way down her esophagus. As she felt his seed discharge into her throat, her beautiful brown eyes flew open in shock and she started to cough and wretch. She was desperate to spit it out and get it out of her. The idea of his sperm in her stomach made her want to cry. As she tried, futilely to spit out his cock and his disgusting sperm, he held her head harder and yelled at her “SWALLOW IT, YOU FUCKIN’ LITTLE WHORE! EAT IT ALL!”

    As the last glob of his cum slid down her throat, he withdrew from her mouth and suddenly, Diana felt her airway clear and felt air flow into her lungs. Gasping desperately for air, like she had just had the wind knocked out of her, she groaned and streams of tears poured down her cheeks. As she sobbed like a baby, Harrison pulled his cock away from her face.

    Suddenly a glob of semen dripped from it and landed on her blouse, just below her top button.
Looking at it, Harrison smirked and said “I’m sorry Diana. I spilled on your blouse. We certainly can’t have you wearing a dirty blouse for a college interview, can we?”
Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!

Offline rexmundi

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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2020, 08:58:16 PM »
As Harrison climbed off Diana and she felt his weight lifted off her torso, she took another deep breath and was suddenly able to breathe normally at last. As she lay on the bed whimpering, she curled up into a fetal position and closed her eyes. She was afraid to look at him and she needed to rest.

The brutal session of forced oral sex had left her physically and emotionally drained. Her head was still spinning (and would be for a few more hours) from the Rohypnol, her coordination seemed to be off and she was still having trouble focusing her eyes.
In addition, her throat was aching from the pounding it had taken from Harrison’s cock, her jaw hurt and the thought of his sperm sitting in her stomach made her feel physically ill. Her wrenching sobs and hysterical screaming had left her drained and she felt a desperate need to sleep. Suddenly, she dosed off.

As Harrison watched her sleep, he smiled as he wondered how much her sweet young body could take. He was far from done with her and she was already showing the effects. At this rate, she’d be a complete wreck by the time he decided to take her home. “So be it!” he thought.
Getting off the bed, Harrison stood up and looked down at Diana as she slept. He intended to let her sleep for a little while, but not very long. He wanted to keep her off balance and depriving her of sleep would help wit that. Stepping away from the bed, he went into the bathroom to empty his bladder. He should have done it earlier, he thought. Because he came damn close to pissing in Diana’s mouth while she was sucking his cock.

Finishing up in the bathroom, he picked up his camera and his computer. Then, he sat down on the bed and booted up the laptop. Once it was up, he connected the cable from the camera and uploaded his pictures to his document file. Once the upload was complete, he logged off and disconnected the camera and set it back on the night stand.
Then, reaching for the duct tape he had set next to the camera, he tore off several long strips and turned his attention back to Diana. As she continued to sleep, he rolled her onto her back and pulled her arms up over her head. He then took several strips of the tape and used them to secure her right wrist to one of the spindles on the brass headboard. Then, he moved to the other side of the bed and did the same thing with her left wrist. Checking his work, he was confident that Diana would not be able to break the tape restraints.

Putting the tape back on the night stand, he picked up the camera once again and clicked several more pictures of Diana while she was tied to the bed. Then, putting the camera back he kneeled astride her prone body once again. Having shifted himself further down this time, his weight was focused on her hips rather than her abdomen.
As his weight gradually pressed down on her, Diana continued to sleep. As he watched her chest rise and fall with each breath, Harrison reached out and gently rubbed her breasts through her blouse and bra. She didn’t respond and just continued to sleep.
Suddenly, Harrison reached out and slapped her across the face and yelled, “Nap times over, Diana! We haven’t finished the interview yet.” As his hand smacked across her cheek, Diana awoke with a shriek and a start to see Harrison kneeling over her again.
She suddenly (for the first time) found the will to fight, to the extent that the Rohypnol would permit that is, and tried to hit him. However, when she tried to swing her hand, she discovered she was unable to because it had been secured to the headboard. Then, trying the other hand she made the same horrible discovery.

Tilting her head back she tried to focus her eyes, to see why she couldn’t move her hands. As she did, Harrison suddenly reached out and slipped two fingers from each hand in the opening between the buttons of her blouse. Then, without warning, he pulled on the front of her blouse and, in one violent tug, tore it open from neck to waist, sending the pearl buttons scattering across the bed and onto the floor. With her blouse gaping open, Harrison smiled and look down at the slinky white, satin and lace bra that just barely covered her young breasts.

Looking down at them, he noticed the outline of her nipples, pushing upward against the fabric, almost begging him to set them free. “My, my!” he smirked. You have sweet little tits there Diana. As an incoming college freshman, I need to know: Do you want me to suck them?” Diana shook her head violently and screamed “No! No! Please leave me alone!”
Laughing, Harrison slipped a finger into her cleavage, between the two sexy bra cups, and pulled upward. As the straps dug into her shoulders, Diana cried out “No! No! Don’t do that!” but after one more tug, the clasp tor loose and the bra tore free and was hanging like a torn flag in Harrison’s hand.

Tossing her bra onto the floor, Harrison reached out and began massaging her breasts, pushing them flat against her chest and kneading them like small fist sized balls of dough. As he pawed at Diana’s young tits, the tears began to flow once again. “Please stop, Mr. Johnson. Pleeeeeesse!” she wailed.
Continuing her tit massage, Harrison smiled and continued enjoying the feel of the soft skin of Diana’s breasts against his rough hands. As he rubbed her sweet tits, he watched the expression of torment on her face and smiled sadistically as she continued to whimper and cry.

Then, taking a nipple in his fingers, he rolled it between his thumb and index finger. As he did, it grew hard and swollen like a ball bearing. Harrison knew the reaction was not because of sexual arousal but out of nervousness and fear. But he planned to use her response as just one more way to play with her already confused head.
“Diana, you like this don’t you?” Immediately, she shrieked back at him, “No! No! Stop it!” As Harrison continued to play with her chest, he said “I think your lying! Your sweet little nipples are hard, that means you love what I’m doing to you!”

Diana, apparently not believing what Harrison was saying shifted her eyes to her chest and watched Harrison rubbing her breasts. As she watched, she saw her engorged nipple in Harrison’s fingers and suddenly screamed in an attempt to convince herself that he was lying. “No!” she screamed “No! I hate it! I hate it!” Then, as she struggled under him, she closed her eyes and the tears flowed harder.

Smirking at her, Harrison taunted her and laughed “That’s too bad! Maybe you’ll like this better!” Then, leaning forward he took her breast in his mouth and began to chew on her nipple. As he grated his teeth on it and bit down on her sensitive bud, she screamed in pain “OW! OW! Oh stop! Please stop that!”

Moving his mouth between both breasts Harrison continued to alternately bite one nipple then the other, pulling and tugging with his teeth (stopping just before the point where he drew blood). As he continued his oral assault on her nipples, Diana was crying out in pain and thrashing under him. All the while, despite her disgust for what he was doing, her nipples grew harder under the constant oral stimulation. “OW! OW! OW!” cried Diana, between gasps. “You’re hurting me! You’re hurting me!”

With his face buried in her chest, he could smell her perfume and the scented body wash she had used earlier that evening. He smiled as he envisioned her dressing after her shower and applying the sweet smelling fragrances to her young body. He knew that she hadn’t put it on for him, but ironically he was getting far more enjoyment from the fragrances than she was.

As her voice grew hoarse from her constant shrieks, Diana whimpered quietly that her throat hurt. A few seconds later, her shrieks subsided in volume. Harrison cared little about her pain, only about her humiliation. But he decided that a short (very short) break might be in order for Diana. Lifting his mouth from her swollen, sore and saliva soaked nipple, Harrison asked “Do you want me to stop?” Immediately, Diana nodded her head rapidly and whispered “Yes! Oh yes! Please! Please stop!”

Suddenly, Harrison lifted his mouth from her breast and climbed off of her without saying a word. As he stood next to the bed, Diana let out a deep sigh of relief and whispered “Thank you!” Harrison then looked down at her and said,”You said you’re hurt. Do you want some water?” Diana suddenly opened her eyes and looked at him with a surprised look. Then, whispering she answered “Oh yes please!”

Harrison turned and went into the bathroom. He was in long enough for the tap water to get sufficiently cold. Then, filling a glass, he brought it out to her and held it for her so she could drink it without getting up. She drank all of it, and looked at him with a pathetic look of appreciation.

After she finished the water, he stepped away from the bed and said “You probably want to rest for awhile.” Before he’d finished the sentence, her eyes were closed and within another minute, she was asleep. As he watched her body relax, he hoped he hadn’t put too much Rohypnol in the glass of water.
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Offline rexmundi

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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2020, 10:58:41 AM »

Harrison let Diana sleep on the bed for about a half an hour while he took some more pictures and uploaded them to his computer. He figured another 30 minutes would be enough time to let the second dose of Rohypnol kick in.

After finishing with the photo files, he put the camera back on the night stand (within easy reach) and walked to the bed, standing next to it while he watched Diana continue to sleep. Her chest gently rose and fell with each breath and the saliva that had coated her tits, half an hour earlier had long since dried. Her gold crucifix lay against her chest just above her breasts and as he looked at it he smiled sadistically. As he listened to her breathing, she emitted an occasional whimper and appeared to be resting quite comfortably.

Looking at his watch, he saw it was after 11:00 PM. It had been six hours since they met at the Horn Towers lobby and an hour and a half since he had carried her into the room. She was physically and mentally exhausted from what she had been subjected to, so far. Yet she hadn’t been subjected to anywhere near everything he had planned for her. And while he had all night with Diana (and longer if he wanted) and didn’t need to be in a hurry, there was one thing he wanted to make sure he had accomplished before midnight.

Moving around to the end of the bed, Harrison reached out for the small cold clasp that secured the thin black patent leather belt around the waist of her dress slacks. Once the belt was opened he quickly moved his fingers to the button of her slacks and nimbly opened it. Then, working the zipper down, he grabbed her slacks by the waist band and quickly yanked them down her firm, athletic thighs.

As Diana continued to sleep in her drug induced slumber, completely oblivious to what Harrison had just done, Harrison quickly grabbed the camera again and clicked some more pictures of Diana lying on her back with her blouse torn open, her bra missing and her dress slacks down around her knees.

Putting the camera down, he took off her high heels and set them on the bed, to allow him to get her pants all the way off. Dropping her slacks onto the floor, next to her ripped bra, he then looked down at her wearing only her torn blouse and panties and felt a stirring in his groin beyond anything he had experience since he had first laid eyes on her.

Her panties were a pair of white, satin and lace, French cut, bikinis that matched her bra. Deciding this pose was also worth a picture or two, he picked up the camera and clicked off several more. Then, reaching out to touch her he rubbed her mound through the satiny material that covered her crotch. As he rubbed her, she momentarily stirred but didn’t open her eyes.

As he touched her, he felt his erection straining against the zipper of his pants, causing him some discomfort. Eager to explore the part of her young body which he most hungered for, Harrison began to undress. Taking off his jacket, tie and shirt he folded them neatly and set them on top of his briefcase, in the chair. Then he quickly removed the rest of his clothing and placed them neatly on top of the others items.

The way he removed his clothing was just one other thing that (in his mind) set Harrison apart from the rest of the sex offenders in the world. It showed was still closer to the world of the high powered East Coast attorney than to the sociopathic sex offender. Except, of course, for that one nasty little personality flaw that gave him the uncontrollable desire to stalk and rape young women.

Now, standing naked at the foot of the bed (his erection protruding outward like tree limb) he set the camera down and picked up Diana’s black high heels. Holding them in his hand he looked at her small feet and decided to put them back on. He felt that wearing the four-inch pumps, she was being violated would give her a slutty, porn star look that ran completely counter to her pure, virgin, innocence.

Replacing the heels back on her feet, Harrison pushed her legs apart and clicked off a few more pictures. Then, he slipped his fingers into the waistband of her panties and tore them off in one, vicious tug! Tossing them onto the bed, he stared at Diana’s sweet cunt and smiled a look of insatiable lust.

Her tight pink slit, was partially concealed by a ‘bikini trimmed’ muff of dark brown fur. “Obviously” Harrison thought “she spends a lot of time at the beach. Certainly don’t want those ‘nasty boys’ seeing more of her off-limits little body then necessary would we?” Quickly moving his face to her crotch, he opened his mouth and ran his tongue across her mound and licked her opening. He got no response from her.

Sitting up, he reached out and slapped her hard across the face, striking her right cheek with a forehand and catching her left cheek with a returning backhand. “Wake up, Diana!” he said. Slapping her again with the same sequence of blows, her eyes flew open with a start, revealing dilated pupils, showing that she was fully feeling the effects of the Rohypnol.
Staring at him, but not speaking, Harrison reached out and rubbed his fingers roughly against her mound. Suddenly she responded with a loud shriek of protest, “No! Noooooooo! Don’t touch me!” Harrison noticed her response to his touch was somewhat delayed, confirming that the ‘roofies’ were affecting her motor skills and her reflexes, just as he had intended.

Then, leaning forward, he put his mouth to her crotch and hungrily licked her. As his tongue slurped along the length of her slit, a place he was hoping no male’s tongue (or any other body part) had ever touched on her Diana screamed “NO! STOP! STOP!” Stopping momentarily and lifting his mouth, Harrison looked up from between her thighs and asked “What’s the matter? Don’t you like it?” Diana yelled “No! Nooooooooo!” Smiling, he lowered his face and resumed his oral exploration of her crotch.

As his tongue slapped against her cunt opening, soaking her muff fur with his saliva, Diana thrashed and lurched under him, banging her crotch against his face and screaming “Stop! Stop!” Continuing to eat her, Harrison held his elbows out to the side, using them to pin her thighs against the mattress. As her screams of protests continued, Harrison felt his erection begin to throb. His desire to take her innocence from her had become too powerful to ignore any longer.

Lifting his head, he got up onto his knees and stared into her eyes. Then, reaching towards her, he took hold of the crucifix hanging round her neck and held it between his fingers. Looking at it, he smiled at her and asked “You’re Catholic aren’t you, Diana” As she slowly shifted her eyes towards him, trying to focus on his face

After a long pause, Diana finally answered his question, but the look on her face showed that she clearly couldn’t understand why he felt compelled to ask it and responded, with hesitation, “Y-Yes!” Smiling, Harrison said “That’s good! “ Then, positioning the engorged, lubricated, head of his dick inches away from her slit, he looked at her with the same smile and asked “Are you a virgin, Diana?” The look on her face was blank, but somehow Harrison knew she had comprehended the question and simply chose not to answer. Staring at him in silence, Harrison continued to watch her and was waiting for an answer. He suspected he knew the truth, but he wanted to hear it from her lips to reassure him of what he had only previously dared to hope.

Silently, shifted her eyes away, as if she was afraid to look at him, Harrison asked her again “Are you a virgin?” Again, she lay there silently. The Rohypnol had certainly slowed her faculties, delaying her responses to his questions, but Harrison could tell that she just didn’t want to answer. Grabbing her hair, he stared into her dazed eyes and asked a third time “Are you a virgin?” Slowly, haltingly, she whispered her answer “Y-Y-Yes!
An evil grin suddenly spread across Harrison’s face as he heard her response. Then, without warning he grabbed her hips with his large hands, held her down against the mattress, pushed forward with his hips and said “Not anymore!”
Slowly, as his cock entered her, Diana screamed for him to stop. As the head of his cock pushed only a short way into her slit he suddenly did just that. Looking down at her crotch soaked with his saliva, he smiled as he evaluated the large circumference of his cock and the size of his meat compared to the tightness of her virgin tunnel.

He was fairly certain that his shaft was significantly larger than that of any of the high school or college males who might otherwise have ended up taking her virginity. He imagined that they would have been slow and gentle as they awkwardly slipped their shafts into her for the first time. Quickly, he that imaginary image vanished.

He laughed when he considered how it could have been for Diana’s first time, compared to how it would be. She would not lose her virginity to an awkward, clumsy teen, who would be as guilt ridden by it as she would have been. She would lose it to him, and she would lose it, now!
Placing his hands along the inside of Diana’s firm, athletic, cheerleader, thighs he pushed them forcefully apart. Then shifting forward he grunted and pushed until on the third thrust, her pelvis shifted and her tight slit spread open, allowing him to enter.

As her tight slit opened, and then closed around his cock Harrison rammed his hips forward and groaned as his cock tore through her hymen. As her membrane tore and blood flowed down his shaft, Harrison pushed deeper, until he had slammed into her cervix causing her sweet young body to convulse and shake.

It was just before midnight when she lost her virginity. She had not lost it in a memorable encounter between two lovesick, teens. She had lost it in one violent thrust of pulsing cock, from a sadistic rapist. As he pounded her violently, Harrison smiled as he thought of the young jock she had shot sown at Starbucks. Harrison knew that he was doing to her what every male who had been a victim of her “teasing” secretly wanted to do her. This was for every male she had ever met while she was in high school.

As Diana lurched under him she screamed in agony, and shrieked at the top of her lungs as her precious virginity became just a memory. Then, as blood dripped from between her legs, collecting on top of the bedspread, Diana’s screams turned to sobs. Then, as her eyes closed and she threw her head from side-to-side, she whimpered “Daddy! Daddy! Help me!”
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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2020, 11:36:09 PM »


As Harrison drilled Diana, his blood streaked cock slid in and out of her like a piston and her tight little twat, clutched his shaft like a death grip. In spite of the loss of her virginity, her tight cunt had a long ways to go before it was loosened enough to handle a man’s cock without bleeding or causing her discomfort. By the end of the weekend, he planned to have that problem solved for her.

As the bedsprings creaked under the violent bouncing of the two bodies, Diana emitted deep, guttural groans of pain each time his thrusting cock impacted her cervix. As Harrison rotated his hips on each downward stroke, auguring his cock deeper with each thrust, Diana’s back pressed into the soft mattress, as if he was trying to drive her body all the way through the bed.

As her tight fuck tunnel continued to grasp tightly onto his cock, Diana’s cunt opening made a sucking sound with each upstroke. So tightly was this small framed high school senior’s cunt holding him inside her that her hips literally lifted upward at the top of each stroke and the wind was nearly knocked out of her with each down stroke.

As the violent rape continued, Harrison watched her sweet young tits jiggle and shake in rhythm to the convulsions of her body. Her big brown eyes were open wide, her pupils were fully dilated and they were staring blankly (almost unseeing) at the ceiling. As her legs flailed in the air, her feet kicked wildly, causing her high heels (which now made her look slutty) to click against each other.
Suddenly, nearing orgasm, Harrison groaned and pulled Diana’s hair, lifting her head up off the bed and pulling her face towards him. Smiling into her eyes, he slowed his thrusts and said, “Get ready, you little whore! I’m gonna give you a gift.”

Suddenly, Harrison grunted and collapsed onto her with all his weight. As his balls slammed into her mound and his cock head nearly pierced her cervix, Harrison’s cock exploded its contents into the depths of Diana’s cunt. “Do you feel that, Diana? It’s my sperm! And it’s flowing into your womb!”

Harrison (who'd had a vasectomy years ago) couldn’t possibly get her pregnant, but Diana didn’t know that. Therefore, the fear that he could, combined with her guilt over the loss of her virginity and the Catholic Church’s prohibitions against abortion would add to the power and control he was exerting over her.

As she felt his semen pump inside her, Diana pleaded with him to pull out. As the quantity of semen increased, filling her tunnel, she threw her head back and shrieked a loud, agonizing scream that was even too loud for Vagabond Motel standards. Quickly grabbing her torn panties, he stuffed them into her mouth until she gagged, muffling her shrieks to a level that would call less attention to their room.

As he continued rocking up and down on top of her, his thrusts slowed but his cum continued to flow inside her. The thrill of taking the little tease's virginity, through such brute force, provided him with powerfully increased sexual stimulation and he felt like he was pumping a gallon of cum into her battered young pussy.

With tears, once again, flowing down her cheeks and saliva pouring out of the corners of her mouth (around her spit soaked panties), Diana lay under him gasping hard to catch her breath. The intensity of the rape had been hard on her. Her tight young body, in spite of her athleticism, had never gone through anything like this and she was bathed in sweat. Her face was wet and small streams of perspiration ran down her breasts and collected in her cleavage. As she squirmed beneath him, Harrison could feel her slippery, sweat drenched tits pressing against his chest.

As her crying subsided and her breathing grew quieter and less labored, Harrison could tell she was barely conscious. Then, raising himself up and reached for the camera. He then quickly clicked off several pictures of his cock fully inserted into her tight, battered cunt. Then setting the camera down, he withdrew from her.

As his cock slid out of Diana, her tight slit made a noticeable sucking sound as it released its tight hold on his dick. As he slid completely free of her, a river of semen and blood began to flow out of her. As the red streaked cream gushed out between her thighs, it collected on the mattress with the puddle of blood from when he initially slammed through her hymen.

As his cock continued to drip cum, he placed it above her and allowed the thick globs of cream to fall onto her stomach and dribbled them through her dark muff. Then, as he rubbed the sticky cream through her pubic hair, matting it together like glue, he picked up the camera again and took more pictures for his photo file collection.

Then, climbing off of her, Harrison watched as Diana's body suddenly began to lurch and thrash on the bed, in a series of violent, convulsing spasms. As her back arched, her eyes rolled back into her head and her shapely young legs began to flop as she slipped into a seizure. As Harrison watched, he was unconcerned.

He knew from listening to untold hours of court testimony from medical experts, that it is not unheard of for violent traumatic incidents (particularly in teens and young adults) to overload stress receptors and induce violent seizures. The seizures are usually short in duration and rarely cause any serious harm to the victim.

As Diana's seizure subsided, he smiled as he wondered how much stress she could handle. "She might have several more seizures before the weekend is over", he smirked. As her body stopped convulsing Diana, exhausted and impaired, fell asleep almost immediately. Putting his underwear on Harrison picked up the camera and sat on the bed to upload the newest photos on to his computer. It was 12:30. After finishing with the photo files, he decided that he could also use a short nap.
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Re: The Rape and Brutalization of Diana
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2020, 12:14:56 PM »

Harrison awoke and looked at his watch. It was 2:00 AM.

He arose from the bed feeling invigorated and re-charged, not form the mere 90 minutes rest he had, but from the emotional stimulation he had experienced during his romp with Diana. “It was amazing”, he thought “how thoroughly satisfying the rape of a young woman could be.”
Diana was still sleeping, though Harrison concluded (from her periodic twitches and moans) that it was not a restful sleep, like his was. As he watched her, he contemplated taking a shower. But the sudden re-awakening of his erection convinced him that a shower could wait. His ‘little friend’ between his legs (who was quickly turning into his ‘BIG’ friend) apparently had other plans.

Turning his attention back to Diana, he moved to the end of the bed and grabbed her by her ankles. Then, twisting her, he rolled her over onto her stomach. As she lay face down on the bed, Harrison got his first real opportunity to observe her tight, firm little ass. It was even sweeter than he had imagined it to be, when he first noticed it through her snug fitting dress slacks.

Watching her in silence, Harrison realized that for the first time that night, the hotel room was quiet. In fact, it was quiet enough to hear the proverbial pin drop. Suddenly, the silence was broken by the faint buzzing sound that usually accompanied a cell phone set to the vibrate mode. Looking to his right, he could tell the sound was coming from Diana’s purse. Picking it up from the floor, he removed the cell phone and glanced at the call screen. It showed 15 missed calls and an equal number of voicemails.

Looking at her missed call log, he saw that all the calls came from the same number. It was also the same number from which his cell phone was called earlier in the week. It was her parents calling! Based on the number of calls they had placed to her since 6:00, it was obvious that they had expected her to call them after she finished her meeting with him. When she didn’t call them, they obviously decided to call her. Then, when they couldn’t reach her they apparently got concerned and started calling repeatedly. He would have loved to see the look on her father’s face, if he knew how Diana was spending her time after the meeting. The thought brought a sadistic grin to his face.

Putting the phone back into her purse, he turned his attention back to Diana. Then, kneeling down on the bed, he pushed her legs apart, and raised his hand in the air. Striking a hard slap to her bare ass, he raised his hand and slapped her again. As her right ass cheek turned bright red from the blow he yelled “Wake up, Diana! Its time to play again!” Responding to the slap, Diana woke up with a shriek as the sound of his hand slapping against her bare skin, combined with the pain of the impact, brought her instantly out of her slumber.

As she opened her eyes, she found herself staring into the mattress, which confused her momentarily. The few seconds of confusion was all Harrison needed, as he quickly forced her up onto her knees. Then, with her face on the bed and her hips positioned approximately 18 inches above the mattress, Harrison shifted himself into position behind her until the head of his cock was at the perfect trajectory. Then, grabbing a firm hold of her hips he shifted his pelvis forward, until his cock slid into her tight twat!

As Harrison began to fuck Diana doggie-style, she screamed into the mattress and tried to kick back at him. But she was too precariously balanced and her thighs were spread to far apart to pick up her knee, without collapsing on the bed. As he pushed his cock further and further into her she struggled, unsuccessfully, to resist him and cried out with desperate pleas, begging him to stop. Harrison responded by pushing even further into her brutalized young cunt.
As he buried himself balls deep inside her he slammed into the back of her cunt, causing Diana to emit another agonizing scream. Then, having again achieved full penetration he began to pump his hips, sliding his shaft in and out of her still incredibly tight fuck tunnel. As he began to rhythmically bump and grind into her cunt, he verbally taunted her “Take it, you little bitch! Take it like a dog. Just the way a bitch should!”

As he increased the intensity of his inward strokes, the upward thrust of his hips forced his cock head against her cervix. The impact was sufficient to lift her hips upward, causing her knees to rise up off the mattress with each push. As his cock pushed her upward and gravity forced her downward, the resulting reaction forced his cock to such depths that it seemed as though he was going to pierce through her pelvic bone.

In between her gasps of pain, she shrieked “STOP! OH GOD, STOP! PLEASE! PLEEEEEEEASE STOP!” But Harrison had no intention of stopping; he was enjoying her agony too much. But even more, he was enjoying how incredibly tightly her twat clutched at his pumping cock shaft.
Suddenly, he slowed the speed and velocity of his thrusts. This reduced Diana’s pain, but certainly not her agony. As the rhythm of his thrusts grew slower, but more deliberate her screaming subsided, somewhat. Continuing to hold her hips firmly, Harrison rotated his hips and almost corkscrewed himself into her.

As he drilled her deeper, he reach forward and grabbed a handful of her hair. Pulling it violently towards him, he snapped her neck back until she was looking almost straight up at the ceiling. Then, twisting her hair until she shrieked again in pain, Harrison snarled at her and said “You know you deserve this, you little tease. Don’t you? “ Gritting her teeth, in response to the pain of him yanking on her hair, all she could do was shake her head side-to-side and send a cascade of tears down her cheeks. “You like being treated like a bitch, don’t you?” Her response was the same.

“LIAR!”, he yelled. “You’re a cheap little slut who wants to be my pet aren’t you? You like this, don’t you?” As her tears flowed faster, she continued to shake her had and whimpered “No! No-o-o-o-o-o!” Suddenly, getting rough with her again, Harrison slammed his shaft to the hilt and waited for her to scream.

Then, as her wailing shriek subsided he said “Tell me you want to be my pet! Just like you want the boys at your school to be your pet!” Diana thrashed under him, groaning in agony but refusing to answer. “Tell me!” he demanded. “Tell me or I’ll rip all your hair out. TELL ME!” he yelled. Hesitantly, Diana (between sobs) gasped, “I w-w-want to be your pet! I want to be your b-b-bitch!” she cried. Just as the words left her mouth Harrison groaned and rocked back and forth within her. As her body bounced under him, and her sweet tits shook and swayed like two dangling pears, Harrison suddenly groaned as a cascading stream of cum blasted into her. As he discharged into her, adding to her humiliation, he smiled and said “Good dog! Good dog!”

Then, as Diana collapse under him, he landed on top of her with his cock still pumping into her brutalized cunt.
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