Author Topic: Wrong place Wrong time {One}  (Read 6234 times)

Offline Silves
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Wrong place Wrong time {One}
« on: October 19, 2020, 08:07:58 PM »
Wrong place ,Wrong time.

I'd been driving around for weeks , looking for my next victim , to sell to a client who wanted a sex slave, but I couldn't understand why he didn't just go out and get one himself , he had money ,plenty of money .

But his instructions were clear and to the point .

Blonde or Brunette, long hair preferably.
No less than 5'8" in height., slim with a shapely body.
No tattoos.
 And most important a very sexy ass, and her cunt as smooth as a babies ass.

He wanted  her trained to do anything he asked without question .
He didn't want a virgin , but he didn't want a whore picked up off the streets .

He wanted photos of the girl sent first to confirm that she'd be ok ,

He wanted her not only for himself ,but to entertain his friends and business colleagues.

I was about to tell him he was asking for a lot, but then came his offer I couldn't refuse .

£450,000 ,and I could use her for 3 weeks to train her , he'd also pay me for travelling expenses and 1st class overnight accommodation .
If I needed help he'd pay his expenses only .

He'd transfer half the cash immediately , and the rest when I'd delivered the girl

He didn't want the girl to be local , when I was ready to hand her over she was to be naked ,bound , blindfolded and gagged , then he'd give me the drop off point .

I had adapted my van , soundproofed, dark  tinted windows, you could see outside but no-one could see in.
The front and back were closed off with a blackout roller blind .
A mattress, shackles attached to the floor and roof.
Cable ties, gags and blindfold's ,and a box  of sex toys, and lubricants , some for pain and some for pleasure.

At home my  training room all set up and ready for her arrival before I left .

I'd been driving four hours already , I was tired and hungry after a long night on the beers in a Romanian  strip club ,there was a girl who looked what I was looking for , but the manager wouldn't sell her to me.

I pulled off the road and onto a dirt track , I needed to piss and needs a drink , but only water .

And then I saw exactly what I was looking for about 500 yards up the track headed into a wooded area .
I couldn't believe my luck .

I got in the van and started up , she must have heard the van , she he on her bike and started pedalling away as fast as she could.

I picked up speed ,then hit her back wheel , she went flying over the handle bars and landed heavily on the ground,

I was out of the van in seconds , I ran up and grabbed her , she was about to scream as I clamped my hand over her mouth ,and wrapped my other arm around her slim waist .

 "You keep your mouth fucking shut ,unless you want to be found at the bottom of that lake."

I could see a lake through an opening in the trees, about 50 yards away.

 "Nod your head if you understand what I said"
She could have been foreign for all I knew.

She nodded which would make things easier.

 "Now you and me are going to my van, you'll get in and lay face down with you hands behind your back , try to run and I'll fucking rape you , then dump you tied up in the lake." .

I could feel her body shaking , my cock was pressed against her ass , it was getting hard as she struggled against me , and I know she could feel it.

She started to push back as I opened the back door of the van , she could see the mattress and the chains hanging from the roof .

 "Get fucking inside now , it's your last warning" .

She climbed in lay face down and put her hands behind her back .
I had her secured face down and ass up in a matter of minutes

 "Please mister ,please let me go"

I slapped her across the face .

 "Shut the fuck up, you don't say a word until I tell you ".

I got out the van ,got on her bike and dumped it in the lake .

She was still sobbing as I got in the front of the van .

 "I told you to shut your fucking mouth ".

I started back home, as we drove through towns I saw her trying to attract attention , she must have been confused as people just carried on as normal , especially when we had to stop at traffic lights .

Half way home I thought I'd  stop and have some fun with my new toy,
I parked on a supermarket parking space , people were rushing about    with their trolleys full of shopping ,I got out then made sure no one was looking and got in the back, closing the doors behind me and locking them in  position .

She was frantically looking about , still confused .

I put her out of her misery.

I untied her then lifted her to her feet and forced her to look out of the tinted windows.

" You can see those people  but they can't see you, you can hear them but they can't hear you ".

She shook her head as if she didn't believe me.

"Let me prove it to you"
I took a knife out of my toy box and stood in front of her .

, "Now let me have a nice good look at you"

I cut her top from top to bottom , then pulled the sides apart, she wore no bra, but she didn't need one ,her breasts were round and firm , her nipples were a bit small for my liking, but they'd do.

I can remember him saying he didn't like huge nipples so he'd be ok with hers.

I looked at her straight in her eye's.

 "See nobody can see you , now scream , please scream ,see if they can hear you."

 She shook her head ,

I slapped her across the face.

 "I told you to scream," .

I pinched one of her nipples as hard as I could between my thumb and index finger .

She screamed ,I did it again and she screamed.

"Do you believe me now ".

She nodded her head , tears rolled down her pretty face .

I cut the shorts off her and tossed them in the corner of the van, her skimpy panties followed them, her training shoes were next .

She was now as naked as the day she was born , I looked at her pussy, I'd never seen one so smooth and right before now , it was truly a magnificent sight .

I gave her pussy a good licking for a few minutes .
" Has anyone licked you here before"?.

I knew she'd never been touched anywhere, but I wanted to humiliate her.

She shook her head.

I gave her ass cheek a gentle slap, just enough for her to feel it .

 "Don't nod or shake your head,when I ask you a question understand, I slapped her ass cheek again .

" No mister nobody's licked me there before".
I slapped her ass cheek again,
 "Licked you where before ".

" My vagina mister "

Another slap.

 "Its your cunt, has anybody licked your cunt" .

She was now shaking uncontrollably .

 "Nobody has licked my cunt mister".

" Good girl, now answer all my questions like that and I won't have to slap you again. ".

I moved round behind her and spread her ass cheek wide apart and licked her tiny asshole.

" What about here bitch "

 "No,Oh God no , please ,please,don't ".

" Don't what bitch "

 "Lick my bumhole, it's not right, please please stop ,I want to go home ".

" Your never going home again, get that into your head right now"

I stuck my middle finger into her asshole.

She screamed ,and cried and begged me to stop.

I moved back in front of her ,spread her pussy lips, and started licking her  again , I pushed my little finger inside her and began finger fucking her, I lapped at her pussy ,then moved to her clit, I could feel her starting to get wet, and began working harder on her, she was going to cum, I stopped, then started on her again, I repeated doing it a few more time before I let her climax.

I moved  away and watched her shaking, her juices running down the insides of her legs .

Her eye's opened wide in fear as I stripped off my clothes , my cock was rock hard , she began shaking .

I moved towards her ,slapped her across the face ,

I lay on  my back and spread my legs apart.

 " Now  get between my legs, she got on her knees, she didn't hesitate for a second.

 "Good Girl now  open your mouth wide and  suck my cock , don't fucking mess me about , get it in your fucking mouth and start sucking it like a popsicle ."

 She looked up with pleading eye's., then took my cock in her tiny hand.

 "No hands just your mouth, now start again".

She took me in her mouth and began moving her head up and down .

" Tighten your lips around it, and you can play with my ball's as well, by the time I've finished training you, you'll be the best cock sucker around. ".

She licked and sucked, and played with my ball's, I needed to start off for home again before it dark.

 "Look at me bitch , do you want to stop"?

 She looks up at me and nodded , then remembered .

 "Yes Mister I want to stop "

I pulled out of her mouth and stood up.

 "Ok bitch let's finish this, open wide ".

" No mister pleasese, don?????

I didn't let her  finish the sentence, I thrust down and pulled her head up , I felt my shaft breach her throat , I had her face pressed tight against my pubes, she pushed my legs , tried to move backwards but I had her tight, then I started fucking her throat like a pussy

 "Oh yeah bitch not long now, my pre cum was already dripping out of her mouth.

 "Yes,yes yes, I gave one last thrust , plugged her throat  and filled her with cum"

 I held her making sure she had swallowed it all down , pulled out my cock and cleaned it off in her hair," drink this ". I put a bottle of water to her cum covered lips ,I smiled as she emptied the bottle ,I knew she'd be out cold in a couple of minutes

 "Get back on the fucking mattress and stay there , don't you dare move "

I got dressed them headed for home again  with my new toy coughing and gagging in the back , then everything went silent,as the drugged water took effect .

 "Do I carry  on with this story  or not ?

« Last Edit: February 06, 2025, 04:43:57 PM by The Claire »

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Re: Wrong place Wrong time
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2020, 08:35:40 PM »
Nice Story only one problem you have posted the same photo twice! Correct that and the story will be a current must read! Merit given by me!

Offline Silves
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Re: Wrong place Wrong time
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2020, 03:05:01 PM »
Sorted it mate .

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Re: Wrong place Wrong time
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2020, 07:48:27 AM »
Yes continue with this very hot and well paced romp!
Brutal and merit winning.

Offline Silves
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Wrong place Wrong time . Part Two
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2020, 03:02:31 PM »

Wrong place ,Wrong time .

I arrived home in the early hours of the morning, my new toy was still out cold , I got her out of the van ,picked her up and carried her down into my basement.

She just woke up as I had finished putting her in the training cage , if she behaved ,and started to obey me she would be taken up to a room especially adapted for further training .

 "She immediately began screaming to be taken out of the cage .


I turned around to look at her , she was scared , I knew it wouldn't be long before she was broken , but for now she'd be staying where she was .

I left her screaming at the top of her voice,  and went back to the van to get her backpack,and some of my other things I'd be needing very shortly.

I opened the contents on the table and checked them out out.
I found her student card ,it only gave me her name and age.

Sarah Jones .
18 years old .
I looked at the date on the card , it was fairly new, so now I knew her age .

I picked up her mobile ,
It gave her
Name and address .
I looked at her contacts ,and was surprised to see no numbers that had her surname .
It puzzled me but I'd soon find out why .
I checked out her gallery .

There was a photo of her in a bikini , and looking closely I was sure I could see the outline of her pussy .

I transferred the photo to my own mobile using Bluetooth , then deleted it from her gallery.

A couple of pictures of her friends .
She didn't have too many , but  one  photo really interested me .

I did the same and put it on my phone before deleting it off hers.

I looked at the photo and imagined them in cages with their friend Sarah.
The thought of fucking all three in front of each other , and maybe watch them on girl on girl action .

The rest of the photos were boring so I deleted them all as I did with all her contacts .

There were a few pairs of panties and bras, a couple of tips and another pair of shorts ..
I put all the contents in a black bags and took them back down in the the basement .

My new toy was still sobbing , not as much as before , but I could hear her halfway down the steps , as soon as I entered the basement she started begging and pleading with me to let her go .

I put the bags next to the cage then pulled her out and slapped her hard twice across the face .

 "You do not fucking speak unless I tell you to , you do exactly as I tell you without any hesitation or any questions do you understand what I'm telling you you .?

 " She nodded her head".

I slapped her again.

 "You fucking answer me, you don't fucking nod your head" .

 "Sorry ,sorry , please just let me go ".

She didn't see the slap coming, I slapped her with full force , her head spun and she dropped to her knees .

" Fucking  stand up and we'll start again "?

" You don't speak until I tell you to do you understand?

"Yes I understand ".

" Slap", Yes I understand Sir , from now on you call me Sir ".

" Pick up the bags and follow me ".

She picked up the bags ,I led her up the steps and outside the back of the house .

" Ok ,now out the bags down over there "
 I pointed to the remains of an old bonfire,then come back here .

She did as she was told ,and stood beside me .

 "Now look at those plastic bags closely ,do not take your eye's off them until I tell you to ".

I went over to the bags ,and set fire to one of them .

" Come over here".

The bag was blazing as she stood next to me .

" Now be a good girl, now take the other things out of the  bag one by one, and put them on the fire , you will tell me exactly what goes on the fire ok "

 "Yes Sir ".

" Good your learning quick , ok carry on ".


I laughed as she pulled her shorts out of the bag , she recognised them straight a way .

 "Do it out then on  the fire now".
She cried as she dropped them on the fire '. "My shorts, she carried on emptying the bag .

" My bras , my panties , my tops, my sport socks , my trainers, my purse ,my phone "

She looked at me with pleading eye's , "Please not these ".

" Put them on the fucking fire right now ".

I smiled as she dropped her birth control pills on the fire ".

It was too much for her ,and she fell to her knees on the ground .

" Why , why did you make me burn all my stuff ".

I pulled her off the ground by her hair ,the led her upstairs to my bedroom .

 "Go in there and get showered, your a fucking mess, you've got 10, then join me on the bed ,and don't fucking close the door ".

I placed a chair at the bottom of the bed, stripped of my clothes then waited .

I looked at my watch her 10 minutes were nearly up ,I was about to drag her out , when she came into the bedroom, one arm covering her breasts ,and the other her pussy , she had a blank look on her face ,probably wishing she was somewhere else.

" Be good girl and sit on the bed with your legs open wide "

She went and say on the bed and spread her legs

 "Yeah that's great, and I didn't have to hurt you'.

I picked picked up the  phone off the table next to me ,  and took a photo ".
I put the camera on zoom and took a close up then took a close up of her pussy.

 "Good Girl now turn around and show me your lovely asshole." .

 "Please please no more, ".

" Turn around now or you'll be going back in the cage ,and you'll stay there for 3 days ".

She got up and went on all fours .

I was tempted to ass fuck her , but changed my mind .

I took a close up of her ass, then put down the camera.

" That's enough for now , lay back and relax a bit for the time being " .

It was now time to mess with her mind .

I picked up the phone , pressed the speaker button and called my client.

The phone on the other end rang and then he spoke.

 "This had better be good , I'm entertaining at the moment "

 "Sir I've sent you some picture's of the girl ,I just want you to confirm that she's what your looking for"

I looked at Sarah,she was just looking up at the ceiling,as if she was in another world.

After a few seconds he confirmed she was perfect .

"Ok train her up but don't ruin the tightness of her pussy or ass., I'd like you to send me a picture of a deepthroat, and one of her pleasuring herself ,can you do that ".

" No problem Sir  ,I'll send them to you tomorrow "

The phone and dead ,the bastard had hung up on me .

Sarah, looks at me and lifted her hand as if she was back at school wanting to ask a question.

 "Do you need the bathroom".

" No Sir , why did you burn all my stuff Sir"

I looked at her , then told her to listen to me ,

" I'm going to tell you what I have abducted you for , but get one thing straight, you will never be going home again. "

She shook her head then cried .

"You burned your stuff because you won't be needing any of it , your going to be naked all the time from now on unless I give you permission.

I'm going to train you to be a sex slave ,for the next three weeks I'm going to be fucking you every day repeatedly , your mouth , cunt and your tiny bumhole as you like to call it. "

The look of shock and horror on her face were priceless.

 "Then I'm going to sell you to that man I just called , he's very ,very rich and is paying me a good price for you ".

She began shaking and crying.

" You will be well looked after , he'll be willing to give you anything you need except your freedom , you'll be travelling the world , staying in top class hotels, but the main reason is he wants a beautiful girl like you , you'll be his pretend girlfriend , you'll be helping him entertain his friends ,and you'll do everything without question ".

Sarah screamed somehow plucked up some courage .

 "No, no,I won't do it , I'm not a slave , I'll run away , he'll never find me "

She got up and ran for the door , I stuck out my leg and she went flying face forward into the wall , then collapsed into a heap unconscious.

I picked her up ,took her down into the basement and put her in the cage.

Tomorrow she was going to wish she'd never been born .


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Re: Wrong place Wrong time . Part Two
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2020, 03:49:36 PM »
perfect buildup but once more you have posted the same picture twice. Also found you used conversation marks when no one is talking. To combat both issues can I recommend using the preview button before posting. Will allow  what amounts to a full posting that can be edited before posting the final draft.  Overall a great continuance earning you a merit from me!

Offline Silves
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Wrong place Wrong time part Three
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2020, 01:31:21 PM »

I left the little slut in her cage for the whole night and the next day .
When I went back down to see her she had some how managed to kneel up , she had wet and messed herself ,and with the dampness of the basement she smelt like a dirty tramp .

 "So bitch ,how much longer do you want to stay there." .

 "Please ,Sir , I need the bathroom please , I don't to stay here anymore".

I unlocked the cage and told to get out, I took her up to the bathroom and told her to clean up .

Ten minutes later she entered the bedroom , I stood up, I was naked and had a hard on.

" Get over here slut , you know what to do , and you'd better make it good or you'll be going back in to the cage".

She walked across and knelt in front of me and took me in her sweet warm mouth .

I let her continue at a nice slow pace , I felt her tongue swirling around the shaft, the tip was touching the entrance to her throat , she gagged but didn't take me any deeper .

 "Mmmm that's it bitch , suck it a bit now and take it deeper".

I felt her hesitate for a few seconds and began pulling her mouth off my cock .

I put my hand on the back of her head .

" Oh , no you don't".
  I pulled her towards me , then thrust my hips forward , my cock breached her throat , her face was buried in my groin ,I held her tight .
I reached down and picked up the phone and took a close up shop.

I began pumping in and out of her throat, when I felt her fighting for air I pulled out , have her a few seconds before ramming back inside her .

It took about twenty minutes , for me to fill her with my cum .
I was telling her everything she would be doing that day .

 "Your going to pleasure yourself at least twice, I'm going to fuck your pussy and asshole when I feel like it .
You are nothing but a peice of fuck meat .

You'll cook dinner for us , clean up and then entertain me me with
 little show.
If your good you'll be staying with me if not ,it's back to the cage for a couple more days .

I finally  erupted in her tight throat , pulled out and covered her face with the rest of my cum .

I left her gagging , and wiping her face with her hands .

" On the bed slut time for you to put on a show , I do hope you try really hard , I'm sure you won't  want me to do it for you do you "

She frantically shook her head and got on the bed spread her legs wide apart waiting for new to give her instructions..

 "Good Girl now reach down and show me how you pleasure yourself and don't stop until you cum ,so you understand me".

" Please Sir , I can't do it if you watch me ".

" You fucking do it right now or I'll fucking force your whole hand inside you".

She reached down and touched herself, sobbing all the time at the humiliation of it all .

She soon began to relax knowing I wasn't going to let her stop until she climaxed .

I watched as I saw her start pumping her fingers and pushing down her hips , she began to moan in pleasure, her pussy were now slick with her wetness.
She was close to cumming .

 "Ok slut you can stop for now , get on your hands and knees a finger your right little asshole for me ".

" No oh God no , please not that please no don't make me do that , I'll suck you again , please let me suck you again "

 "Too late bitch time for you to understand, you do everything I ask without any hesitation.

I dragged her off the bed and  back down to the basement , she was soon standing legs spread apart and tied to my whipping post .

I whipped her across the legs a couple of times .
She let out a blood curdling scream.
" You will learn to obey me without any hesitation ".
I whipped her again

" Won't you?
She began shaking and trembling and through her sobs , I could just make our the words , "Without hesitation" .
 "Ok so what are you going to do when we get back to the bedroom?

" I'm going to put my finger in my asshole ".

" No, you had your chance, your going to get on the bed and show me your asshole and then beg me to fuck it ".

" I will beg you to fuck my asshole ,please ,please don't whip me again" .

When we got to the bedroom ,she scrambled on the bed , she went over and spread her ass cheek wide apart.

 "Please please fuck my ass hard ,"

Her asshole was so tempting to fuck , so tiny and tight ,but I resisted .

I got on the bed and lay next to her flat on my back , my cock was throbbing , and was ready for action .

 "No I'm not going to fuck your asshole ".

She turned her head to face , she had the biggest look of relief in them .

She looked down at my cock , then back at me .

" Do you want me to suck it instead now ".

I burst out laughing at her .

" I'm not going to fuck your asshole , your going to do it yourself , your going to get on top, spread your asshole wide open then lower yourself on it , all the way down ,then we can do some real hard fucking ".

" Oh God , please , it will split me apart , it's going to damage me. ".

I started to move ,

"Ok , let's go back to the basement for more punishment , I did warm you , I think I'll whip your nipples this time ".

She got up ,and straddled me the slowly began lowering her self down the shaft ,sobbing and crying as she slipped it in inch by inch .

It was hard going ,she was taking it all to slow , I decided to help her, I grabbed her hips and pulled her down hard ,at the same time I thrust up my hips .

She screamed and I didn't blame her , I was balls deep inside , the head of my cock tore into her colon, I knew I'd stretched her  wide open.

"Oh God ,oh God take it out ,please ,stop ,stop please stop".
" I'll stop when you fucking cum bitch".

I watched as she reached down , her fingers entered her pussy ,I could feel them pumping in and out, through her anal tract it made her feel even tighter .
I kept on fucking her harder and harder .

Suddenly , she moaned out loud ,her body went stiff ,and I could feel her juices drenching my cock .

I pushed her off me then moved her head towards my cock .

 "Open up bitch ,clean your filth off me ".

She shook her head , but opened her mouth , in seconds I was lodged in her throat filling her with cum .

She collapsed on the bed , her hands reached down and she covered her asshole .

" PLEASE PLEASE , I can't take anymore , please , you've hurt me enough , I'll be good , I'll do whatever the man wants me to do".

 "Oh I know you will, but you've still got a lot of training to do, but you can finish be fucked for today , well start your training again tomorrow .

" Now go and clean up , you can put some panties on and a top , come to the kitchen and you can cook us some food ,then  you can rest , your going to need plenty of energy tomorrow.

She came down and cooked dinner ,she cleaned the kitchen ,then I sent her to bed .

 "Sweet dreams , and think about your training in the morning .

It wasn't long after I retired myself , I could hear her sobbing in her room , but tomorrow she be sobbing even more when she went to bed .


Offline Silves
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Wrong place Wrong time part four
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2020, 07:22:08 AM »
I woke up early , I'd had a good night's sleep , I got showered ,had breakfast , made a few calls and sent the pictures my client had wanted .

I let her sleep until midday then looked in on her ,she was still asleep , she looked so at peace but not for much longer .

I moved to the bed and have her a gentle shake .

 "Wake up sweetie , it's time to have some fun".

She slowly opened her eye's and immediately began to beg me not to hurt her anymore .

I looked deep into her eye's, and smiled at her .

" I won't hurt you , but you've got to understand , if you don't do what I ask you have to be punished, you got whipped for disobeying me, if you had behaved it wouldn't have happened ,
now I want you to go down to the kitchen and get yourself some breakfast, then take a shower and then we will do some more training".

It took her about an hour before she came back to the bedroom, she had taken a shower, her hair was still wet , and she smelt lovely .

 "Ok now take off your panties , and get on the bed , I want you to give me a lovely long blow. job , while I have a taste of your sweet pussy ".

She took off her panties then got on the bed , I had to show her the position I wanted  her in them told her to start told her to start .

I licked and sucked  her clit and pussy , as she began sucking my cock .

After a minute or so, I have her asshole a little lick and pressed by index finger in her tight hole.

" Please Sir not my asshole ,it's so sore".

I pretended not to hear her and slipped my middle finger in her pussy, I could feel them rubbing against each other as I continued sucking her clit .

 "You can take me deeper now , take it all the way down ".

I felt her begin to respond to my licking and fingering, she was dripping wet , I pulled my fingers out of her , and told her to stop

sucking my cock .

I rolled over taking her with me , then removed my mouth .

" Ok ,I think your ready to become a woman , just do as I say and it won't hurt to much ,after a few good fucking' s  you'll get use to it ,in fact you might start to enjoy it .

I grabbed one of her legs and placed it over my shoulder , then told her to look up at me.
 "Don't take your eye's off me , I want to see the look on your face ".

I pushed the top of my now throbbing cock between her pussy lips ,it was just as well she was wet , she was so fucking tight .
I reached up and stroked her nipples , then without any warning I thrust forward , I felt her hymen give way ,
She screamed , but I thrust deeper ,until I was balls deep inside her .

I stopped pushing deeper ,giving her time to adjust ,then I looked down at her and smiled .

" Your a woman now , and you will always remember who took away your virginity, girls never forget their first time".

I started slowly fucking her , I didn't have to hurt her ,she'd been a good little slut,  I felt my balls tighten , I knew I was ready to cum, I pulled out and blew my load on her over her pussy , I didn't want to take the risk of her getting pregnant.

 "See how nice I've been ,I didn't cum inside you ".

I told her to look down at her cum  covered pussy.

" I think you should thank me don't you , so come down here and thank me like a good little slut "

She thanked me for not cumming inside her and began licking my cock clean .

 "I think I need a few beers ,why don't you go down and being  a few up we can celebrate you becoming a woman".

She didn't argue or hesitate ,a few minutes later she returned with two beers , I sent her back down to get some more .

I knew she didn't want to drink , but she was scared stuff of being whipped again .

I had about four or five , I made her drink three, she started to relax and giggle a bit .

" Is your pussy sore , does it hurt ?

 "She reached down without even thinking about it , " Yes it is a bit , but my tummy hurts more ".
I'd let her relax for just over an hour and I was raring to have another sample of her .

She saw my cock was getting hard , and started moving away from me a few inches at a time thinking I wouldn't notice .
" Ok sweetie ,time for more practice , get up on your hands and knees , it's called the doggy position , It will hurts a bit more at first ,but you'll get use to it I promise ".

She got up on her hands and knees , I put a finger in her tight hole, she was still wet enough, I pressed my cock inside her and pushed hard, she let out a moan , then I slowly began giving her long hard thrust .

I fucked her head for five minutes then stopped .

" Ok , now I want you to start moving back and forwards, slow at first ,then faster when your ready, I want you to squeeze your pussy , and reach down and play with your clit for me ".

She did as I asked , I could feel her clench her pussy , she started moving faster and faster, she reached down then moaned out loud , I was taken by surprise as she screamed out loud as she climaxed over and over again .

I pulled out a shot my load over her back then rolled over into my back .

She collapsed faced down on the bed moaning and breathing heavy ,  she rolled over and looked down at my cock , a minute later she was sucking my cock like a first class whore ,she didn't stop until she made me cum in her mouth.

After getting back our breath ,I grabbed her hand and we showered together .

" Good Girl , you did very , very ,well , now I want you to go to your room , you'll find lots of clothes in the wardrobe, get dressed nice and sexy for me , I'm taking you out for a meal as a reward ".

I watched as she left the room holding her stomach , she fucked so hard ,I guess she didn't feel the pain .