Author Topic: Let's write porn for the bushfires!  (Read 4301 times)

Offline Army of One

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2020, 03:09:40 PM »
Thanks for taking over the cover, Kylie. I'll make sure it gets cocredit.

Two things I just thought of that we may need to add:
1. "A collection of short erotic fiction to support Australian bushfire services" (okay, that's kind of crap; if you can word it better, by all means please do, otherwise just jettison the subtitle)
2. "Collected by Army of One"

And I can't remember if the book title has an 's' or not, but if it does, I can easily drop it; looks better without it, plus works as a double entendre.
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

Offline TheYellowKnight

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #31 on: February 09, 2020, 09:43:36 AM »
hard to think of a better caption... maybe:

Here's the version without the caption.  No credit needed...
Let me know if there's a size or filetype you need instead:

Comments inspire more frequent story posts... just sayin'...

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #32 on: February 09, 2020, 12:07:20 PM »
Might just be me but collected should be changed to Edited by Army Of One

Offline Army of One

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2020, 03:51:53 AM »
Might just be me but collected should be changed to Edited by Army Of One
In terms of editing, there wasn't really much done. It was mostly just getting the quotation marks consistent. (If any of you have used TeX, you'll understand how pedantic it can be about inverted commas of all kinds.) Editing would imply changes to the story proper, which I avoided as much as possible (I pretty much stated every edit I made, all of which was done with permission).

YK, I'm actually pretty happy with that cover. That's perfect.

Now the scary part: publication. Wish me luck.

Update (11/02/2019 12:52am AEDT): I just sent it off to the publishers. Now to wait three days to see if they say yes. I'll keep everyone posted.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 07:53:28 AM by Army of One »
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

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Offline Rachel_Thornton

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2020, 08:07:24 AM »
This is amazing and I have purchased my copy of it!! Amazon say it will be delivered on Monday so I can't wait to see it. Its, been a long journey but I think we've all done well and I hope that we've had a positive impact on the lives of those effected by the devastation of the fire.

Offline Army of One

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2020, 04:17:35 PM »
This is amazing and I have purchased my copy of it!! Amazon say it will be delivered on Monday so I can't wait to see it. Its, been a long journey but I think we've all done well and I hope that we've had a positive impact on the lives of those effected by the devastation of the fire.
I just hope it lives to what I promised.
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2020, 04:26:40 PM »
Excellent news and will purchase my one today also.

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #38 on: February 15, 2020, 07:11:06 PM »
Mine is in my shopping cart and ready to go.  Great work all.

Offline Army of One

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #39 on: March 11, 2020, 10:52:27 PM »
I've been wanting to do an update post on this for a while, but haven't been able to find the time.


The book, so far, has been a disaster. So far, only three copies have sold, all internal to this forum.

I have been able to narrow down three reasons why:
  • I cannot advertise the book on Amazon. I have to rely on word of mouth (which I was going to anyway, since no book sells without good street-level publicity).
  • When the book was finally released, most of the bushfires, including all the ones in New South Wales, were under control. So it was no longer front and centre in the news, both nationally or internationally.
  • The big one, and the one I had the most control over, was the price. Now $20 isn't a bad price for a Australian dollars. However, this is in US dollars (which I didn't think of at the time), so US$20 = approximately A$37, which will be and automatic "Fuck no!" from most potentially buyers. I had chosen this so as to get $10/book in royalties for the RFS; hoever, in hindsight, I am considering dropping the price and getting less out of it in order to try and make it more accessible, although whether it's too little too late is another question.

I am considering going for publishing again, however I'll keep with non-erotic fare for the next one if I go for it. I'm more inclined to chalk this up to an experience.
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #40 on: November 14, 2020, 03:29:49 PM »
Hm. Don't be too hard on yourself Army of One! I think there were other issues like COVID lockdowns starting in early March that may have pushed potential buyers away from book buying, work for many definitely became crazy and others were worried about livelihood.

One small comment is maybe also considering ebooks? Before fantasy books were accepted like they are today, I literally wrapped my Harry Potters and Robin Hobbs, Perns, even ASOIAFs in gift wrapping paper so my classmates and people on buses didn't know what I was reading. (Yes...  I was and still am THAT insecure so buying physical copies of erotica is similarly....  difficult). Having said that, I'm happy to buy to support our community if your wonderful project is still on?

Offline Army of One

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #41 on: November 14, 2020, 07:31:58 PM »
Hm. Don't be too hard on yourself Army of One! I think there were other issues like COVID lockdowns starting in early March that may have pushed potential buyers away from book buying, work for many definitely became crazy and others were worried about livelihood.

One small comment is maybe also considering ebooks? Before fantasy books were accepted like they are today, I literally wrapped my Harry Potters and Robin Hobbs, Perns, even ASOIAFs in gift wrapping paper so my classmates and people on buses didn't know what I was reading. (Yes...  I was and still am THAT insecure so buying physical copies of erotica is similarly....  difficult). Having said that, I'm happy to buy to support our community if your wonderful project is still on?
That was suggested early on in the run, but I kind of kiboshed it eventually, due to formatting issues. I will revisit that and fix up the formatting so that a Kindle version can be made available.
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

Offline Nero

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #42 on: November 15, 2020, 09:20:04 AM »
I understand that many women prefer their erotica in e-book form, presumably because it is discreet.

Personally I prefer all my reading to be in e-book form these days.
Innocence passed me by

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #43 on: November 15, 2020, 10:09:07 PM »
Well, I am enjoying my copy. Shame no more sold, but you really have little control over that.  It is on there and as a contributor, That is an honour.

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Re: Let's write porn for the bushfires!
« Reply #44 on: November 19, 2020, 02:20:11 PM »
Hm. My copy should be here on Monday says Amazon. I hope we can try to bump your wonderful idea again for newly registered readers like me to see.

2020 has just been just so awful for so many and our world has turned so cold and fearful.... for genuine reasons sometimes I acknowledge...   Just kindness and thought for others is something I'm happy to support and get behind.

EDIT - And please don't mind my purchase being internal to our site AoO! I bought as a genuine reader of our authors... I'm more than willing to pay for the pleasure of reading versus other options. And I'm sure funds can also be used for reconstruction and wildlife conservation causes if bushfires aren't top of mind.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2020, 02:44:49 PM by Petite99S »