Author Topic: Candice: Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated) {Gang}  (Read 23773 times)

Offline TheYellowKnight

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Candice: Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated) {Gang}
« on: July 07, 2019, 01:33:13 AM »
Warning!    You must be 18 or over to read these stories of rape and non consensual sex. If you do not like such stories, please turn back. I don't promote rape or non-consensual sex. This is only a story, fiction, if you do not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read no more. All the characters in this story are or over the age of 18 and human.  Rape is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. Anyone who commits rape are despised everywhere. But fantasies are all right so long as no one is hurt.

Candice: Destroyed at the Carnival
(M+/F, nc, viol)

Final exams were over, and for Candice, graduation couldn't come soon enough.   Keeping her head in schoolbooks, test scores and GPA were her entire world.  While the rest of her classmates got pregnant and tattooed, she kept herself in pristine condition.  Being first in class, valedictorian, and rocking 99th percentile test scores, the colleges kept recruiting in droves.  Candice only picked the city colleges.  She was done with small town America, and yearned for the lights and prospects of the big city.  After this summer, she'd pack up and leave this place for good.

The carnival was the only event of the year in this lost steel mill town.  It rolled in mysteriously, seemingly propping up in the blink of an eye.  In two weeks, it would vanish just as quickly, headed to parts unknown to each citizenry it entertained.  The ragweed laden fairgrounds was now bustling with activity, sprawling with booths and trailers as far as the eye could see.

In the humid night air, the neon lights brought fleeting life and vitality to the country atmosphere.  Organ music and country songs filled the senses with majestic cacophony.  The smell of popcorn and cotton candy wafted throughout.  Everyone in town was here, including nearly the entirety of her high school.  Candice went with a dozen of her senior class "friends".  Soon, she'd bid them goodbye, not intending to see them again.

The group wanted to do something more mature, as they felt the cusp of adulthood.  Feeling that carnival games were beneath them now, they saw an odd building with unfamiliar looking men entering every few minutes.  Darb, the self-appointed leader of the group strode up to the door.  The meathead football jock knocked heartily on the door, resulting in an opened sliding panel found on those stereotypical speakeasys. 

The eyes looked Darb up and down.

"Fuck you want?  Get lost kid!"

"Hey!  We want to know what's going on in there, we're like adults now, 18...  all of us!"

"I don't give a shit how old you are, this is carny business, move the fuck along."

The panel shut emphatically, leaving the group hanging.

Darb pounded on the door once again, with no response.

"Let's just go, we're wasting our time," Candice remarked and began walking off.

He wanted to punch the door, to show everyone that he was the alpha in command like he fashioned himself out to be.  But Darb felt the better of it and stood down.  That's what impressed him so much about Candice, she was just... different.  She didn't seem to like aggressive muscular guys or the testosterone infused jock crowd.  She was just all class... so smart, so pure with a heart of gold.  If he wanted to stand a chance with her, he'd have to act differently, like a gentleman he surmised.  Ever since he laid eyes on her since the beginning of high school, Darb had an immense crush on her.  He asked Candice out repeatedly, and the subsequent denials just cranked up his raging hormones.

The group weaved their way through the substantial crowd.  Darb followed closely behind Candice.  There was enough distance between them when he could ogle her entire body from behind as she strode ahead.  His eyes kept glancing down at the plump ass.  It took all sorts of self control not to spring a stiffy right then and there.  There was a slight hint of beautiful asscheek under provocative jean shorts.  Her legs were so smooth, tanned and coltish.  Everyone, including the other jealous girls, knew everyone else was staring at the exact same thing.

The crazy thing was how she oozed sexuality without even trying.  Everyone knew she didn't put out, making Candice even more of the object of unattainable fantasy.

Candice stopped abruptly, startled by the sudden movement of what she thought was a life size prop.

"Come one!  Come all!  Enter the funhouse, the scariest place in the county!"

Holy shit clowns were scary.  Candice thought it was just a mannequin holding a sign, but the well timed animating upon their proximity definitely caught her attention.  She managed to laugh a bit.  The clown had such evil makeup on, with seemingly dark pools for eyes.  But the macabre nature only seemed comical.  What could possibly be scary about this... in this setting??

The funhouse was a large building.  She wondered how they were able to erect such a massive structure for a traveling show.  With a one dollar admission fee, she also wondered how this act could sustain itself.  The clown's mouth entrance was a nice touch, as the tunnel inside seemed to stretch forever into darkness personified.  The purple haze of lighting only added to the whole enigma of the presentation.

"We should go in!, " as Candice beamed, begging her friends with her baby blues.

Darb was admittedly creeped out by the clown, but didn't want to show it.  Maybe a funhouse wasn't such a bad idea.  In his neanderthal brain, he hatched a plan to stay close to Candice.  He could capitalize on his manliness, to safeguard and impress her from the scary stuff inside.  And then she'd capitulate, astonished by his grand display of bravery.  His mind wandered, imagining her naked body.

"Come my dear!  My, you're a pretty one!  You get in for free!," the carnival crown crooned.

Candice giggled.  Okay, now she has to go in.  The absurdity of a flirtatious evil clown pretty much sealed the deal.  Her hand rose, seemingly hiding her chest for illogical reasons.  She was blushing profusely from such a innocuous comment.

"Come on guys, let's go in!"

The group went in, laughing along the corridors as contrived machinery and props set out to scare them in the dark.  Candice had to admit, this was pretty good, despite the feel of Darb constantly invading her personal space.  The narrow tunnels soon opened up to an expansive hallway, as a singular light bulb seemed to cascade everywhere.  Reflections seemed to bounce ubiquitously, as they soon realized it was nothing but mirrored walls set in oblique angles.

"Oh, hello!" Candice laughed as she saw her reflection reaching out towards her hand.  There seemed to be hundreds of her and everyone else.  The images of themselves seemed to stretch like an accordion, to infinity.  The mirrored maze was huge, and the curiosity got the best of everyone.  Eventually, everyone in the group was physically separated, as images no longer made navigational sense.

Now it was getting weird.  Were the walls moving?? Candice kept reaching out, touching nothing but glass as she meandered through the labyrinthine passages.  She thought she caught a glimpse of Darb, and walked towards his form, only to see it vanish.  Eventually, everything got quiet... too quiet.  As the stillness only served to reveal a singular sound, the sound of sniffing behind her.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 02:14:38 PM by The Claire »
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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2019, 02:36:32 AM »
Oh this will be wonderful, what a premised with your sketches we can only imagine what visual  horrors you’ll be giving us. Loved the mirror scene and can’t wait for the continuation.

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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2019, 05:22:39 AM »
I love his drawings

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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2019, 06:47:35 AM »
What a premise, the funhouse of depravity! Using the clown as the instigator of events was genius since Coulrophobia is so prevalent! The mirror scene was by far the greatest illustration you have ever blessed our eyes with! Can't wait to read more and merit you for both the story and illustrations!

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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2019, 07:11:55 AM »
An excellent setting for a story.  As always, the accompanying art work is superb.  Great work YK

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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2019, 07:34:06 AM »
I think it goes without saying that this deserves +rep. Your storytelling is excellent as always, and I would almost say that the quality of the pictures is even better than your usual fantastic work.

Offline Tars Tarkas

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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2019, 08:38:07 AM »
Hell yes! This ticks almost ALL my boxes so far, with room to tick all others, in chapters to come.

YK gets my merit!!
“I believe in the brotherhood of all men, but I don't believe in wasting brotherhood on anyone who doesn't want to practice it with me. Brotherhood is a two-way street” - Malcolm X

Offline TheYellowKnight

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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2019, 12:03:23 AM »
"Hello?  Anyone there?"  She thought she heard something behind her, but it fell away like a wisp.

Candice was definitely lost.  It just seemed too small of a building to get completely disoriented.  But nothing made sense.  It seemed like the wall configurations were different every time she turned around.  The infinite loop of space in the reflections distorted every sense of her reality.

The funhouse definitely did it's job.  She was definitely freaked out now, as each turn unveiled unexpected passage to nowhere.  She wanted out of this isolation, hoping to find someone.  Anyone.  Even Darb.

Maybe he wasn't so bad despite his meatball tendencies.  There was far too much hulking machismo for her liking however.  Candice would rather hang with people far more intellectually stimulating.  Even Melvin, the quiet nerd, who had such interesting facts once you drew it out of him.  He was only the salutatorian because he nearly fails gym class. While Candice worked hard for her grades, Melvin seemed to naturally master subjects.  What would Melvin do, she asked herself?  What would anyone do in a maze?  She remembered something about constantly taking the path to the right...


"Found you! *sniff* Are you lost?  Just follow your nose I say!  The mirror doesn't smell as good as you!"

"Help!!  Let... me go!"

"Go!?!  Why you just got here!  Here, I will get you out!"

It dragged her, fighting and screaming towards the left of the mirrors.  The glass walls did indeed shift, as it waited for certain panels to slide by, before proceeding.  They shuffled their way deeper into the bowels of the building.  The sound of hydraulics grew louder, towards the utility room that supplied the mechanicals to the scary props of the funhouse.


"There there!  I'm only escorting you to the best that the funhouse has to offer!  Please stay, be our guest!"

Her screams only accentuated the recordings of other screams that reverberated throughout the exhibits.  There was no way to distinguish the two.  In fact, her voice only added to the immersion.

The dark room rumbled with the sound of pistons and gears.  Along the walls sat individual cages where it was too dark to ascertain it's inhabitants.

"Come my pretty!  My pets want to get to know you!  Who shall have the honor?  What do you think?  Maybe the Buxton Bruiser?  Ooh, or Polymeric Pasqual?  Or how about Melvin?"

Candice stared at him doe eyed, scared by the absurdity of the carnival barking.  What did all this mean?

It squeezed her neck hard, once, for effect.  It's cheery personality dissipated in a flash, replaced by malevolence within it's soulless eyes. 

"If you didn't understand, you need to choose..."

"Oh... god... "  She didn't like the sound of the first two.  "M-melvin," she barely uttered.

"An most excellent choice!," it cheerfully responded.  It dragged her towards a cell, unlocking the door before shoving her violently inside.  The door clanged emphatically shut.

"Wakey wakey Melvin!  I got fresh meat for you!"

Deep towards the far wall, something grunted and snorted, until beady eyes popped open.

Candice darted back to the cage door, pleading...

"Nooo!!!  Help me!!!"

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Offline Army of One

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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2019, 04:26:48 AM »
Melvin looks and sounds almost like something The Company would sell. Let's see what he does.
Extinguishing the Flame is available on Amazon and supports Australian Bush fire relief.

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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2019, 04:32:51 AM »
Amazing work, suspense and confusion and only guessing who/what Melvin is.
Congratulations on scaring me with that drawing too, I hate clowns!!
Stellar work!!!

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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2019, 06:59:35 AM »
Omg the drawings are amazing and the story.... oh god I love erotic horror stories. Here’s s merit!!!  ;D

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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2019, 03:01:23 PM »
Now you know with a name like "Melvin" it's probably a slobbering multi-tentacle Octo-man like being! Love the suspenseful buildup and of course the illustrations! Another merit from me!

Offline vile8r

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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2019, 11:27:27 PM »
Another classic on the way from Sir YellowKnight!   :emot_mrhappydick.gif: :emot_mrhappydick.gif: :emot_mrhappydick.gif: :emot_mrhappydick.gif:
I could rape your pussy, but I'd be in and out in a few minutes. So I choose to rape your mind, and I'll be inside you forever!

Offline TheYellowKnight

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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2019, 04:00:52 PM »
Melvin looks and sounds almost like something The Company would sell. Let's see what he does.

I'll have to check that out!
Comments inspire more frequent story posts... just sayin'...

Offline TheYellowKnight

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Re: Candice Destroyed at the Carnival (Illustrated)
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2019, 04:01:45 PM »
Now you know with a name like "Melvin" it's probably a slobbering multi-tentacle Octo-man like being! Love the suspenseful buildup and of course the illustrations! Another merit from me!

There's a "multi" trait to Melvin.. to be revealed later!  Again, you don't miss a thing
Comments inspire more frequent story posts... just sayin'...